mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 18:08:29 +00:00
d/ns: update Moses's distortion method
This commit is contained in:
@ -324,54 +324,54 @@ u_compute_distortion_ns_p2d(struct u_ns_p2d_values *values, int view, float u, f
* Moses's "variable-IPD 2D" distortion
* If Moses goes away or stops using North Star for some reason, please remove this - as of june 2021 nobody else is
* using it.
* Moses Turner's mesh-grid-based North Star distortion correction.
* This is a relatively ad-hoc thing I wrote; if this ends up going unused feel free to remove it.
u_compute_distortion_ns_vipd(struct u_ns_vipd_values *values, int view, float u, float v, struct xrt_uv_triplet *result)
struct u_ns_meshgrid_values *values, int view, float u, float v, struct xrt_uv_triplet *result)
int u_index_int = (int)floorf(u * 64);
int v_index_int = (int)floorf(v * 64);
float u_index_frac = (u * 64) - u_index_int;
float v_index_frac = (v * 64) - v_index_int;
int u_edge_num = (values->num_grid_points_u - 1);
int v_edge_num = (values->num_grid_points_v - 1);
float x_ray;
float y_ray;
int u_index_int = floorf(u * u_edge_num);
int v_index_int = floorf(v * v_edge_num);
float u_index_frac = (u * u_edge_num) - u_index_int;
float v_index_frac = (v * v_edge_num) - v_index_int;
if (u_index_frac > 0.0001) {
// Probably this codepath if grid size is not 65x65
// Imagine this like a ray coming out of your eye with x, y coordinate bearing and z coordinate -1.0f
struct xrt_vec2 bearing;
int stride = values->num_grid_points_u;
if (u_index_frac > 0.000001 || v_index_frac > 0.000001) {
// {top,bottom}-{left,right} notation might be inaccurate. The code *works* right now but don't take its
// word when reading
struct xrt_vec2 topleft = values->grid_for_use.grid[view][v_index_int][u_index_int];
struct xrt_vec2 topright = values->grid_for_use.grid[view][v_index_int][u_index_int + 1];
struct xrt_vec2 bottomleft = values->grid_for_use.grid[view][v_index_int + 1][u_index_int];
struct xrt_vec2 bottomright = values->grid_for_use.grid[view][v_index_int + 1][u_index_int + 1];
struct xrt_vec2 leftcorrect = {(float)math_map_ranges(v_index_frac, 0, 1, topleft.x, bottomleft.x),
(float)math_map_ranges(v_index_frac, 0, 1, topleft.y, bottomleft.y)};
struct xrt_vec2 rightcorrect = {(float)math_map_ranges(v_index_frac, 0, 1, topright.x, bottomright.x),
(float)math_map_ranges(v_index_frac, 0, 1, topright.y, bottomright.y)};
y_ray = (float)math_map_ranges(u_index_frac, 0, 1, leftcorrect.x, rightcorrect.x);
x_ray = (float)math_map_ranges(u_index_frac, 0, 1, leftcorrect.y, rightcorrect.y);
struct xrt_vec2 topleft = values->grid[view][(v_index_int * stride) + u_index_int];
struct xrt_vec2 topright = values->grid[view][(v_index_int * stride) + u_index_int + 1];
struct xrt_vec2 bottomleft = values->grid[view][((v_index_int + 1) * stride) + u_index_int];
struct xrt_vec2 bottomright = values->grid[view][((v_index_int + 1) * stride) + u_index_int + 1];
struct xrt_vec2 left_point_on_line_segment = m_vec2_lerp(topleft, bottomleft, v_index_frac);
struct xrt_vec2 right_point_on_line_segment = m_vec2_lerp(topright, bottomright, v_index_frac);
bearing = m_vec2_lerp(left_point_on_line_segment, right_point_on_line_segment, u_index_frac);
} else {
// probably this path if grid size is 65x65 like normal
x_ray = values->grid_for_use.grid[view][v_index_int][u_index_int].y;
y_ray = values->grid_for_use.grid[view][v_index_int][u_index_int].x;
int acc_idx = (v_index_int * stride) + u_index_int;
bearing = values->grid[view][acc_idx];
struct xrt_fov fov = values->fov[view];
float left_ray_bound = tanf(fov.angle_left);
float right_ray_bound = tanf(fov.angle_right);
float up_ray_bound = tanf(fov.angle_up);
float down_ray_bound = tanf(fov.angle_down);
// printf("%f %f", fov.angle_down, fov.angle_up);
float left_ray_bound = tan(fov.angle_left);
float right_ray_bound = tan(fov.angle_right);
float up_ray_bound = tan(fov.angle_up);
float down_ray_bound = tan(fov.angle_down);
float u_eye = (float)math_map_ranges(x_ray, left_ray_bound, right_ray_bound, 0, 1);
float v_eye = (float)math_map_ranges(y_ray, down_ray_bound, up_ray_bound, 0, 1);
float u_eye = math_map_ranges(bearing.x, left_ray_bound, right_ray_bound, 0, 1);
float v_eye = math_map_ranges(bearing.y, down_ray_bound, up_ray_bound, 0, 1);
// boilerplate, put the UV coordinates in all the RGB slots
result->r.x = u_eye;
@ -380,8 +380,6 @@ u_compute_distortion_ns_vipd(struct u_ns_vipd_values *values, int view, float u,
result->g.y = v_eye;
result->b.x = u_eye;
result->b.y = v_eye;
// printf("%f %f\n", values->grid_for_use.grid[view][v_index_int][u_index_int].y,
// values->grid_for_use.grid[view][v_index_int][u_index_int].x);
return true;
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ u_compute_distortion_cardboard(struct u_cardboard_distortion_values *values,
* North Star 2D/Polynomial distortion.
* Values for North Star 2D/Polynomial distortion correction.
@ -134,32 +134,28 @@ u_compute_distortion_ns_p2d(struct u_ns_p2d_values *values, int view, float u, f
* North Star 2D/"VIPD" distortion.
* Values for Moses Turner's North Star distortion correction.
struct u_ns_vipd_grid
struct xrt_vec2 grid[2][65][65];
struct u_ns_vipd_values
struct u_ns_meshgrid_values
int number_of_ipds;
float *ipds;
struct u_ns_vipd_grid *grids;
struct u_ns_vipd_grid grid_for_use;
int num_grid_points_u;
int num_grid_points_v;
struct xrt_vec2 *grid[2];
struct xrt_fov fov[2]; // left, right
float ipd;
* Distortion correction implementation for North Star 2D/"VIPD".
* Moses Turner's North Star distortion correction implementation
* @ingroup aux_distortion
struct u_ns_vipd_values *values, int view, float u, float v, struct xrt_uv_triplet *result);
struct u_ns_meshgrid_values *values, int view, float u, float v, struct xrt_uv_triplet *result);
@ -109,132 +109,6 @@ good:
memcpy(right_fov, &out_fov, sizeof(struct xrt_fov));
ns_vipd_mesh_calc(struct xrt_device *xdev, int view, float u, float v, struct xrt_uv_triplet *result)
struct ns_hmd *ns = ns_hmd(xdev);
return u_compute_distortion_ns_vipd(&ns->dist_vipd, view, u, v, result);
ns_vipd_parse(struct ns_hmd *ns)
struct u_ns_vipd_values *temp_data = &ns->dist_vipd;
const struct cJSON *config_json = ns->config_json;
const cJSON *grids_json = u_json_get(config_json, "grids");
if (grids_json == NULL)
goto cleanup_vipd;
const cJSON *current_element = NULL;
char *current_key = NULL;
cJSON_ArrayForEach(current_element, grids_json)
{ // Note to people reviewing this: this is definitely not super safe. Tried to add as many null-checks as
// possible etc. but is probably a waste of time, it takes a while to do this right and the only person using
// this code is me -Moses
current_key = current_element->string;
float ipd = strtof(current_key, NULL) / 1000;
if (!((ipd < .100) && (ipd > .030))) {
U_LOG_E("Nonsense IPD in grid %d, skipping", temp_data->number_of_ipds + 1);
temp_data->number_of_ipds += 1;
temp_data->ipds = realloc(temp_data->ipds, temp_data->number_of_ipds * sizeof(float));
temp_data->ipds[temp_data->number_of_ipds - 1] = ipd;
temp_data->grids = realloc(temp_data->grids, temp_data->number_of_ipds * sizeof(struct u_ns_vipd_grid));
for (int view = 0; view <= 1; view++) {
const struct cJSON *grid_root = u_json_get(current_element, view ? "right" : "left");
// if view is 0, then left. if view is 1, then right
for (int lv = 0; lv < 65; lv++) {
struct cJSON *v_axis = cJSON_GetArrayItem(grid_root, lv);
for (int lu = 0; lu < 65; lu++) {
struct cJSON *cell = cJSON_GetArrayItem(v_axis, lu + 1);
struct cJSON *cellX = cJSON_GetArrayItem(cell, 0);
struct cJSON *cellY = cJSON_GetArrayItem(cell, 1);
if (grid_root == NULL || cell == NULL || v_axis == NULL || cellX == NULL ||
cellY == NULL) {
"VIPD distortion config is malformed in some way, bailing.");
goto cleanup_vipd;
temp_data->grids[temp_data->number_of_ipds - 1].grid[view][lv][lu].x =
temp_data->grids[temp_data->number_of_ipds - 1].grid[view][lv][lu].y =
float baseline = try_get_ipd(ns, config_json);
struct u_ns_vipd_grid *high_grid = {0};
struct u_ns_vipd_grid *low_grid = {0};
float interp = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < temp_data->number_of_ipds; i++) {
NS_DEBUG(ns, "looking at %f lower and %f upper\n", temp_data->ipds[i - 1], temp_data->ipds[i]);
if ((baseline >= temp_data->ipds[i - 1]) && (baseline <= temp_data->ipds[i])) {
NS_DEBUG(ns, "okay, IPD is between %f and %f\n", temp_data->ipds[i - 1], temp_data->ipds[i]);
high_grid = &temp_data->grids[i - 1];
low_grid = &temp_data->grids[i];
interp = math_map_ranges(baseline, temp_data->ipds[i - 1], temp_data->ipds[i], 0, 1);
NS_DEBUG(ns, "interp is %f\n", interp);
for (int view = 0; view <= 1; view++) {
for (int lv = 0; lv < 65; lv++) {
for (int lu = 0; lu < 65; lu++) {
temp_data->grid_for_use.grid[view][lv][lu].x = math_map_ranges(
interp, 0, 1, low_grid->grid[view][lv][lu].x, high_grid->grid[view][lv][lu].x);
temp_data->grid_for_use.grid[view][lv][lu].y = math_map_ranges(
interp, 0, 1, low_grid->grid[view][lv][lu].y, high_grid->grid[view][lv][lu].y);
try_get_fov(ns, config_json, &temp_data->fov[0], &temp_data->fov[1]);
memcpy(&ns->base.hmd->distortion.fov[0], &temp_data->fov[0], sizeof(struct xrt_fov));
memcpy(&ns->base.hmd->distortion.fov[1], &temp_data->fov[1], sizeof(struct xrt_fov));
printf("%f %f %f %f\n", ns->base.hmd->distortion.fov[1].angle_down, ns->base.hmd->distortion.fov[1].angle_left,
ns->base.hmd->distortion.fov[1].angle_right, ns->base.hmd->distortion.fov[1].angle_up);
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].orientation.x = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].orientation.y = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].orientation.z = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].orientation.w = 1.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].position.x = -baseline / 2;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].position.y = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].position.z = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].orientation.x = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].orientation.y = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].orientation.z = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].orientation.w = 1.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].position.x = baseline / 2;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].position.y = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].position.z = 0.0f;
ns->base.compute_distortion = &ns_vipd_mesh_calc;
return true;
memset(&ns->dist_vipd, 0, sizeof(struct u_ns_vipd_values));
return false;
* "2D Polynomial" distortion; original implementation by Johnathon Zelstadt
@ -415,6 +289,120 @@ cleanup_l3d:
return false;
* Moses Turner's distortion correction
ns_meshgrid_mesh_calc(struct xrt_device *xdev, int view, float u, float v, struct xrt_uv_triplet *result)
struct ns_hmd *ns = ns_hmd(xdev);
return u_compute_distortion_ns_meshgrid(&ns->dist_meshgrid, view, u, v, result);
ns_meshgrid_free_values(struct ns_hmd *ns)
ns_meshgrid_parse(struct ns_hmd *ns)
struct u_ns_meshgrid_values *values = &ns->dist_meshgrid;
const struct cJSON *config_json = ns->config_json;
if (strcmp(cJSON_GetStringValue(u_json_get(config_json, "type")), "Moses Turner's distortion correction") !=
0) {
goto cleanup_mt;
int version = 0;
u_json_get_int(u_json_get(config_json, "version"), &version);
if (version != 2) {
goto cleanup_mt;
u_json_get_int(u_json_get(config_json, "num_grid_points_x"), &values->num_grid_points_u);
u_json_get_int(u_json_get(config_json, "num_grid_points_y"), &values->num_grid_points_v);
values->grid[0] =
realloc(values->grid[0], sizeof(struct xrt_vec2) * values->num_grid_points_u * values->num_grid_points_v);
values->grid[1] =
realloc(values->grid[1], sizeof(struct xrt_vec2) * values->num_grid_points_u * values->num_grid_points_v);
values->ipd = try_get_ipd(ns, ns->config_json);
const cJSON *current_element = config_json;
for (int view = 0; view <= 1; view++) {
const struct cJSON *grid_root = u_json_get(current_element, view ? "right" : "left");
grid_root = u_json_get(grid_root, "grid");
// if view is 0, then left. if view is 1, then right
for (int lv = 0; lv < values->num_grid_points_v; lv++) {
struct cJSON *v_axis = cJSON_GetArrayItem(grid_root, lv);
for (int lu = 0; lu < values->num_grid_points_u; lu++) {
struct cJSON *cell = cJSON_GetArrayItem(v_axis, lu);
struct cJSON *cellX = cJSON_GetArrayItem(cell, 0);
struct cJSON *cellY = cJSON_GetArrayItem(cell, 1);
if (grid_root == NULL || cell == NULL || v_axis == NULL || cellX == NULL ||
cellY == NULL) {
NS_ERROR(ns, "Distortion config file is malformed in some way, bailing");
goto cleanup_mt;
float *x_ptr = &values->grid[view][(lv * values->num_grid_points_u) + lu].x;
float *y_ptr = &values->grid[view][(lv * values->num_grid_points_u) + lu].y;
u_json_get_float(cellX, x_ptr);
u_json_get_float(cellY, y_ptr);
float baseline = values->ipd;
try_get_fov(ns, config_json, &values->fov[0], &values->fov[1]);
ns->base.hmd->distortion.fov[0] = values->fov[0];
ns->base.hmd->distortion.fov[1] = values->fov[1];
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].orientation.x = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].orientation.y = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].orientation.z = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].orientation.w = 1.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].position.x = -baseline / 2;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].position.y = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[0].position.z = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].orientation.x = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].orientation.y = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].orientation.z = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].orientation.w = 1.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].position.x = baseline / 2;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].position.y = 0.0f;
ns->head_pose_to_eye[1].position.z = 0.0f;
ns->base.compute_distortion = &ns_meshgrid_mesh_calc;
ns->free_distortion_values = ns_meshgrid_free_values;
return true;
memset(&ns->dist_meshgrid, 0, sizeof(struct u_ns_meshgrid_values));
return false;
* Common functions
@ -429,6 +417,10 @@ ns_hmd_destroy(struct xrt_device *xdev)
// Remove the variable tracking.
if (ns->free_distortion_values != NULL) {
@ -563,10 +555,10 @@ ns_hmd_create(const char *config_path)
goto cleanup; // don't need to print any error, ns_config_load did that for us
int number_wrap = 3; // number of elements in below array of function pointers. Const to stop compiler warnings.
bool (*wrap_func_ptr[3])(struct ns_hmd *) = {ns_3d_parse, ns_p2d_parse, ns_vipd_parse};
bool (*wrap_func_ptr[3])(struct ns_hmd *) = {ns_3d_parse, ns_p2d_parse, ns_meshgrid_parse};
// C syntax is weird here. This is an array of pointers to functions with arguments (struct ns_system * system)
// that all return a boolean value. The array should be roughly in descending order of how likely we think the
// user means to use each method For now VIPD is last because Moses is the only one that uses it
// user means to use each method For now `meshgrid` is last because Moses is the only one that uses it
bool found_config_wrap = false;
for (int i = 0; i < number_wrap; i++) {
@ -110,10 +110,11 @@ struct ns_hmd
struct cJSON *config_json;
struct xrt_pose head_pose_to_eye[2]; // left, right
void (*free_distortion_values)(struct ns_hmd *hmd);
union {
struct ns_3d_data dist_3d;
struct u_ns_p2d_values dist_p2d;
struct u_ns_vipd_values dist_vipd;
struct u_ns_meshgrid_values dist_meshgrid;
enum u_logging_level log_level;
Reference in a new issue