d/ht: split ht_algorithm into source and header

This commit is contained in:
Simon Zeni 2021-11-04 21:23:52 -04:00 committed by Moses Turner
parent 39bc129564
commit 49d2d81940
5 changed files with 774 additions and 768 deletions

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@ -212,14 +212,14 @@ endif()
add_library(drv_ht STATIC add_library(drv_ht STATIC
ht/ht_driver.cpp ht/ht_driver.cpp
ht/ht_driver.hpp ht/ht_driver.hpp
ht/ht_interface.h ht/ht_interface.h
ht/ht_models.cpp ht/ht_models.cpp
ht/ht_hand_math.cpp ht/ht_hand_math.cpp
ht/ht_image_math.cpp ht/ht_image_math.cpp
ht/ht_nms.cpp ht/ht_nms.cpp)
target_link_libraries(drv_ht PRIVATE xrt-interfaces aux_os aux_util aux_math aux_gstreamer ONNXRuntime::ONNXRuntime ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES}) target_link_libraries(drv_ht PRIVATE xrt-interfaces aux_os aux_util aux_math aux_gstreamer ONNXRuntime::ONNXRuntime ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(drv_ht PRIVATE ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR}) target_include_directories(drv_ht PRIVATE ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})

View file

@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
// Copyright 2021, Collabora, Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
* @file
* @brief Camera based hand tracking mainloop algorithm.
* @author Moses Turner <moses@collabora.com>
* @ingroup drv_ht
#include "xrt/xrt_defines.h"
#include "math/m_vec2.h"
#include "util/u_frame.h"
#include "util/u_trace_marker.h"
#include "ht_algorithm.hpp"
#include "ht_driver.hpp"
#include "ht_hand_math.hpp"
#include "ht_image_math.hpp"
#include "templates/NaivePermutationSort.hpp"
// Flags to tell state tracker that these are indeed valid joints
static const enum xrt_space_relation_flags valid_flags_ht = (enum xrt_space_relation_flags)(
static void
htProcessJoint(struct ht_device *htd,
struct xrt_vec3 model_out,
struct xrt_hand_joint_set *hand,
enum xrt_hand_joint idx)
hand->values.hand_joint_set_default[idx].relation.relation_flags = valid_flags_ht;
hand->values.hand_joint_set_default[idx].relation.pose.position.x = model_out.x;
hand->values.hand_joint_set_default[idx].relation.pose.position.y = model_out.y;
hand->values.hand_joint_set_default[idx].relation.pose.position.z = model_out.z;
static float
errHistory2D(HandHistory2DBBox *past, Palm7KP *present)
if (!past->htAlgorithm_approves) {
// U_LOG_E("Returning big number because htAlgorithm told me to!");
return 100000000000000000000000000000.0f;
float sum_of_lengths = m_vec2_len(*past->wrist_unfiltered[0] - *past->middle_unfiltered[0]) +
m_vec2_len(present->kps[WRIST_7KP] - present->kps[MIDDLE_7KP]);
float sum_of_distances = (m_vec2_len(*past->wrist_unfiltered[0] - present->kps[WRIST_7KP]) +
m_vec2_len(*past->middle_unfiltered[0] - present->kps[MIDDLE_7KP]));
float final = sum_of_distances / sum_of_lengths;
return final;
static std::vector<Hand2D>
htImageToKeypoints(struct ht_view *htv)
int view = htv->view;
struct ht_device *htd = htv->htd;
cv::Mat raw_input = htv->run_model_on_this;
// Get a list of palms - drop confidences and ssd bounding boxes, just keypoints.
std::vector<Palm7KP> hand_detections = htv->run_detection_model(htv, raw_input);
std::vector<bool> used_histories;
std::vector<bool> used_detections;
std::vector<size_t> history_indices;
std::vector<size_t> detection_indices;
std::vector<float> dontuse;
// Strategy here is: We have a big list of palms. Match 'em up to previous palms.
naive_sort_permutation_by_error<HandHistory2DBBox, Palm7KP>(htv->bbox_histories, hand_detections,
// bools
used_histories, used_detections,
history_indices, detection_indices, dontuse,
errHistory2D, 1.0f);
// Here's the trick - we use the associated bbox_filter to get an output but *never commit* the noisy 128x128
// detection; instead later on we commit the (hopefully) nicer palm and wrist from the 224x224 keypoint
// estimation.
// Add extra detections!
for (size_t i = 0; i < used_detections.size(); i++) {
if ((used_detections[i] == false) && hand_detections[i].confidence > 0.65) {
// Confidence to get in the door is 0.65, confidence to stay in is 0.3
HandHistory2DBBox hist_new = {};
m_filter_euro_vec2_init(&hist_new.m_filter_center, FCMIN_BBOX_POSITION, FCMIN_D_BB0X_POSITION,
m_filter_euro_vec2_init(&hist_new.m_filter_direction, FCMIN_BBOX_ORIENTATION,
history_indices.push_back(htv->bbox_histories.size() - 1);
// Do the things for each active bbox history!
for (size_t i = 0; i < history_indices.size(); i++) {
HandHistory2DBBox *hist_of_interest = &htv->bbox_histories[history_indices[i]];
// Eh do the rest later
// Prune stale detections! (After we don't need {history,detection}_indices to be correct)
int bob = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < used_histories.size(); i++) {
if (used_histories[i] == false) {
// history never got assigned a present hand to it. treat it as stale delete it.
HT_TRACE(htv->htd, "Removing bbox from history!\n");
htv->bbox_histories.erase(htv->bbox_histories.begin() + i + bob);
if (htv->bbox_histories.size() == 0) {
return {}; // bail early
std::vector<Hand2D> list_of_hands_in_bbox(
htv->bbox_histories.size()); // all of these are same size as htv->bbox_histories
std::vector<std::future<Hand2D>> await_list_of_hand_in_bbox; //(htv->bbox_histories.size());
std::vector<DetectionModelOutput> blah(htv->bbox_histories.size());
std::vector<Hand2D> output;
if (htv->bbox_histories.size() > 2) {
HT_DEBUG(htd, "More than two hands (%zu) in 2D view %i", htv->bbox_histories.size(), htv->view);
for (size_t i = 0; i < htv->bbox_histories.size(); i++) { //(BBoxHistory * entry : htv->bbox_histories) {
HandHistory2DBBox *entry = &htv->bbox_histories[i];
cv::Mat hand_rect = cv::Mat(224, 224, CV_8UC3);
xrt_vec2 unfiltered_middle;
xrt_vec2 unfiltered_direction;
centerAndRotationFromJoints(htv, entry->wrist_unfiltered[0], entry->index_unfiltered[0],
entry->middle_unfiltered[0], entry->pinky_unfiltered[0], &unfiltered_middle,
xrt_vec2 filtered_middle;
xrt_vec2 filtered_direction;
m_filter_euro_vec2_run_no_commit(&entry->m_filter_center, htv->htd->current_frame_timestamp,
&unfiltered_middle, &filtered_middle);
m_filter_euro_vec2_run_no_commit(&entry->m_filter_direction, htv->htd->current_frame_timestamp,
&unfiltered_direction, &filtered_direction);
rotatedRectFromJoints(htv, filtered_middle, filtered_direction, &blah[i]);
warpAffine(raw_input, hand_rect, blah[i].warp_there, hand_rect.size());
std::async(std::launch::async, htd->views[view].run_keypoint_model, &htd->views[view], hand_rect));
// cut here
for (size_t i = 0; i < htv->bbox_histories.size(); i++) {
Hand2D in_bbox = await_list_of_hand_in_bbox[i].get();
cv::Matx23f warp_back = blah[i].warp_back;
Hand2D in_image_ray_coords;
Hand2D in_image_px_coords;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
struct xrt_vec3 vec = in_bbox.kps[i];
#if 1
xrt_vec3 rr = transformVecBy2x3(vec, warp_back);
rr.z = vec.z;
xrt_vec3 rr;
rr.x = (vec.x * warp_back(0, 0)) + (vec.y * warp_back(0, 1)) + warp_back(0, 2);
rr.y = (vec.x * warp_back(1, 0)) + (vec.y * warp_back(1, 1)) + warp_back(1, 2);
rr.z = vec.z;
in_image_px_coords.kps[i] = rr;
in_image_ray_coords.kps[i] = raycoord(htv, rr);
if (htd->debug_scribble && htd->dynamic_config.scribble_2d_keypoints) {
handDot(htv->debug_out_to_this, {rr.x, rr.y}, fmax((-vec.z + 100 - 20) * .08, 2),
((float)i) / 21.0f, 0.95f, cv::FILLED);
xrt_vec2 wrist_in_px_coords = {in_image_px_coords.kps[WRIST].x, in_image_px_coords.kps[WRIST].y};
xrt_vec2 index_in_px_coords = {in_image_px_coords.kps[INDX_PXM].x, in_image_px_coords.kps[INDX_PXM].y};
xrt_vec2 middle_in_px_coords = {in_image_px_coords.kps[MIDL_PXM].x, in_image_px_coords.kps[MIDL_PXM].y};
xrt_vec2 little_in_px_coords = {in_image_px_coords.kps[LITL_PXM].x, in_image_px_coords.kps[LITL_PXM].y};
xrt_vec2 dontuse;
xrt_vec2 unfiltered_middle, unfiltered_direction;
centerAndRotationFromJoints(htv, &wrist_in_px_coords, &index_in_px_coords, &middle_in_px_coords,
&little_in_px_coords, &unfiltered_middle, &unfiltered_direction);
m_filter_euro_vec2_run(&htv->bbox_histories[i].m_filter_center, htv->htd->current_frame_timestamp,
&unfiltered_middle, &dontuse);
m_filter_euro_vec2_run(&htv->bbox_histories[i].m_filter_direction, htv->htd->current_frame_timestamp,
&unfiltered_direction, &dontuse);
return output;
static void
jsonAddJoint(cJSON *into_this, xrt_pose loc, const char *name)
cJSON *container = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON *joint_loc = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_loc, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.position.x));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_loc, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.position.y));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_loc, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.position.z));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(container, "position", joint_loc);
cJSON *joint_rot = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_rot, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.orientation.x));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_rot, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.orientation.y));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_rot, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.orientation.z));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_rot, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.orientation.w));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(container, "rotation_quat_xyzw", joint_rot);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(into_this, name, container);
jsonMaybeAddSomeHands(struct ht_device *htd, bool err)
if (!htd->tracking_should_record_dataset) {
cJSON *j_this_frame = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_this_frame, "seq_since_start", cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->gst.current_index));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_this_frame, "seq_src", cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->frame_for_process->source_sequence));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_this_frame, "ts", cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->gst.last_frame_ns));
cJSON *j_hands_in_frame = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(j_this_frame, "detected_hands");
if (!err) {
for (size_t idx_hand = 0; idx_hand < htd->histories_3d.size(); idx_hand++) {
cJSON *j_hand_in_frame = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON *j_uuid = cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->histories_3d[idx_hand].uuid);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_hand_in_frame, "uuid", j_uuid);
cJSON *j_handedness = cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->histories_3d[idx_hand].handedness);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_hand_in_frame, "handedness", j_handedness);
static const char *keys[21] = {
for (int idx_joint = 0; idx_joint < 21; idx_joint++) {
// const char* key = keys[idx_joint];
cJSON *j_vec3 = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(j_hand_in_frame, keys[idx_joint]);
cJSON_AddItemToArray(j_hands_in_frame, j_hand_in_frame);
cJSON_AddItemToArray(htd->gst.output_array, j_this_frame);
static void
htExitFrame(struct ht_device *htd,
bool err,
struct xrt_hand_joint_set final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[2],
uint64_t timestamp)
if (err) {
htd->hands_for_openxr[0].is_active = false;
htd->hands_for_openxr[1].is_active = false;
} else {
memcpy(&htd->hands_for_openxr[0], &final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[0],
sizeof(struct xrt_hand_joint_set));
memcpy(&htd->hands_for_openxr[1], &final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[1],
sizeof(struct xrt_hand_joint_set));
htd->hands_for_openxr_timestamp = timestamp;
HT_DEBUG(htd, "Adding ts %zu", htd->hands_for_openxr_timestamp);
if (htd->tracking_should_record_dataset) {
// Add nothing-entry to json file.
jsonMaybeAddSomeHands(htd, err);
static void
htJointDisparityMath(struct ht_device *htd, Hand2D *hand_in_left, Hand2D *hand_in_right, Hand3D *out_hand)
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
// Believe it or not, this is where the 3D stuff happens!
float t = htd->baseline / (hand_in_left->kps[i].x - hand_in_right->kps[i].x);
out_hand->kps[i].z = -t;
out_hand->kps[i].x = (hand_in_left->kps[i].x * t);
out_hand->kps[i].y = -hand_in_left->kps[i].y * t;
out_hand->kps[i].x += htd->baseline + (hand_in_right->kps[i].x * t);
out_hand->kps[i].y += -hand_in_right->kps[i].y * t;
out_hand->kps[i].x *= .5;
out_hand->kps[i].y *= .5;
int64_t last_frame, this_frame;
htRunAlgorithm(struct ht_device *htd)
if (htd->tracking_should_record_dataset) {
uint64_t start = os_monotonic_get_ns();
xrt_sink_push_frame(htd->gst.sink, htd->frame_for_process);
uint64_t end = os_monotonic_get_ns();
if ((end - start) > 0.1 * U_TIME_1MS_IN_NS) {
U_LOG_E("Encoder overloaded!");
htd->gst.offset_ns = gstreamer_sink_get_timestamp_offset(htd->gst.gs);
htd->gst.last_frame_ns = htd->frame_for_process->timestamp - htd->gst.offset_ns;
htd->current_frame_timestamp = htd->frame_for_process->timestamp;
int64_t start, end;
start = os_monotonic_get_ns();
* Setup views.
const int full_width = htd->frame_for_process->width;
const int full_height = htd->frame_for_process->height;
const int view_width = htd->camera.one_view_size_px.w;
const int view_height = htd->camera.one_view_size_px.h;
// assert(full_width == view_width * 2);
assert(full_height == view_height);
const cv::Size full_size = cv::Size(full_width, full_height);
const cv::Size view_size = cv::Size(view_width, view_height);
const cv::Point view_offsets[2] = {cv::Point(0, 0), cv::Point(view_width, 0)};
cv::Mat full_frame(full_size, CV_8UC3, htd->frame_for_process->data, htd->frame_for_process->stride);
htd->views[0].run_model_on_this = full_frame(cv::Rect(view_offsets[0], view_size));
htd->views[1].run_model_on_this = full_frame(cv::Rect(view_offsets[1], view_size));
htd->mat_for_process = &full_frame;
// Check this every frame. We really, really, really don't want it to ever suddenly be null.
htd->debug_scribble = htd->debug_sink.sink != nullptr;
cv::Mat debug_output = {};
xrt_frame *debug_frame = nullptr; // only use if htd->debug_scribble
if (htd->debug_scribble) {
u_frame_clone(htd->frame_for_process, &debug_frame);
debug_output = cv::Mat(full_size, CV_8UC3, debug_frame->data, debug_frame->stride);
htd->views[0].debug_out_to_this = debug_output(cv::Rect(view_offsets[0], view_size));
htd->views[1].debug_out_to_this = debug_output(cv::Rect(view_offsets[1], view_size));
* Do the hand tracking!
std::future<std::vector<Hand2D>> future_left =
std::async(std::launch::async, htImageToKeypoints, &htd->views[0]);
std::future<std::vector<Hand2D>> future_right =
std::async(std::launch::async, htImageToKeypoints, &htd->views[1]);
std::vector<Hand2D> hands_in_left_view = future_left.get();
std::vector<Hand2D> hands_in_right_view = future_right.get();
end = os_monotonic_get_ns();
this_frame = os_monotonic_get_ns();
double time_ms = (double)(end - start) / (double)U_TIME_1MS_IN_NS;
double _1_time = 1 / (time_ms * 0.001);
char t[64];
char t2[64];
sprintf(t, "% 8.2f ms", time_ms);
sprintf(t2, "% 8.2f fps", _1_time);
last_frame = this_frame;
if (htd->debug_scribble) {
cv::putText(debug_output, t, cv::Point(30, 60), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0f, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0),
cv::putText(debug_output, t2, cv::Point(30, 100), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0f, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0),
} else {
HT_DEBUG(htd, "%s", t);
HT_DEBUG(htd, "%s", t2);
// Convenience
uint64_t timestamp = htd->frame_for_process->timestamp;
if (htd->debug_scribble) {
u_sink_debug_push_frame(&htd->debug_sink, debug_frame);
xrt_frame_reference(&debug_frame, NULL);
// Bail early this frame if no hands were detected.
// In the long run, this'll be a silly thing - we shouldn't always take the detection model's word for it
// especially when part of the pipeline is an arbitrary confidence threshold.
if (hands_in_left_view.size() == 0 || hands_in_right_view.size() == 0) {
htExitFrame(htd, true, NULL, 0);
std::vector<Hand3D> possible_3d_hands;
// for every possible combination of hands in left view and hands in right view,
for (size_t idx_l = 0; idx_l < hands_in_left_view.size(); idx_l++) {
for (size_t idx_r = 0; idx_r < hands_in_right_view.size(); idx_r++) {
Hand3D cur_hand = {};
Hand2D &left_2d = hands_in_left_view[idx_l];
Hand2D &right_2d = hands_in_right_view[idx_r];
// Calculate a 3D hand for this combination
htJointDisparityMath(htd, &hands_in_left_view[idx_l], &hands_in_right_view[idx_r], &cur_hand);
cur_hand.timestamp = timestamp;
cur_hand.rejected_by_smush = false;
cur_hand.idx_l = idx_l;
cur_hand.idx_r = idx_r;
// Calculate a y-disparity for this combination
cur_hand.y_disparity_error = errHandDisparity(&left_2d, &right_2d);
HT_DEBUG(htd, "Starting with %zu hands!", possible_3d_hands.size());
// For each pair of 3D hands we just made
for (size_t idx_one = 0; idx_one < possible_3d_hands.size(); idx_one++) {
for (size_t idx_two = 0; idx_two < possible_3d_hands.size(); idx_two++) {
if ((idx_one <= idx_two)) {
// See if this pair is suspiciously close together.
// If it is, then this pairing is wrong - this is what was causing the "hands smushing together"
// issue - we weren't catching these reliably.
float errr = sumOfHandJointDistances(&possible_3d_hands[idx_one], &possible_3d_hands[idx_two]);
HT_TRACE(htd, "%zu %zu is smush %f", idx_one, idx_two, errr);
if (errr < 0.03f * 21.0f) {
possible_3d_hands[idx_one].rejected_by_smush = true;
possible_3d_hands[idx_two].rejected_by_smush = true;
std::vector<Hand3D> hands_unfiltered;
for (Hand3D hand : possible_3d_hands) {
// If none of these are false, then all our heuristics indicate this is a real hand, so we add it to our
// list of real hands.
bool selected = !hand.rejected_by_smush && //
hand.y_disparity_error < 1.0f && //
rejectTooClose(htd, &hand) && //
rejectTooFar(htd, &hand) && //
rejectTinyPalm(htd, &hand);
if (selected) {
HT_TRACE(htd, "Pushing back with y-error %f", hand.y_disparity_error);
std::vector<bool> past_hands_taken;
std::vector<bool> present_hands_taken;
std::vector<size_t> past_indices;
std::vector<size_t> present_indices;
std::vector<float> flow_errors;
float max_dist_between_frames = 1.0f;
naive_sort_permutation_by_error<HandHistory3D, Hand3D>(htd->histories_3d, // past
hands_unfiltered, // present
// outputs
past_hands_taken, present_hands_taken, past_indices,
present_indices, flow_errors, errHandHistory,
(max_dist_between_frames * 21.0f)
for (size_t i = 0; i < past_indices.size(); i++) {
// The above may not do anything, because we'll start out with no hand histories! All the numbers of elements
// should be zero.
for (size_t i = 0; i < present_hands_taken.size(); i++) {
if (present_hands_taken[i] == false) {
// if this hand never got assigned to a history
HandHistory3D history_new;
history_new.uuid = rand(); // Not a great uuid, huh? Good enough for us, this only has to be
// unique across say an hour period max.
handEuroFiltersInit(&history_new, FCMIN_HAND, FCMIN_D_HAND, BETA_HAND);
// history_new.
history_new); // Add something to the end - don't initialize any of it.
int bob = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < past_hands_taken.size(); i++) {
if (past_hands_taken[i] == false) {
htd->histories_3d.erase(htd->histories_3d.begin() + i + bob);
if (htd->histories_3d.size() == 0) {
HT_DEBUG(htd, "Bailing");
htExitFrame(htd, true, NULL, 0);
size_t num_hands = htd->histories_3d.size();
// if (num_hands > 2) {
HT_DEBUG(htd, "Ending with %zu hands!",
num_hands); // this is quite bad, but rarely happens.
// }
// Here, we go back to our bbox_histories and remove the histories for any bounding boxes that never turned into
// good hands.
// Iterate over all hands we're keeping track of, compute their current handedness.
std::vector<size_t> valid_2d_idxs[2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < htd->histories_3d.size(); i++) {
// U_LOG_E("Valid hand %zu l_idx %i r_idx %i", i, htd->histories_3d[i].last_hands[0]->idx_l,
// htd->histories_3d[i].last_hands[0]->idx_r);
// Almost certainly not the cleanest way of doing this but leave me alone
// Per camera view
for (int view = 0; view < 2; view++) {
// Per entry in bbox_histories
for (size_t hist_idx = 0; hist_idx < htd->views[view].bbox_histories.size(); hist_idx++) {
// See if this entry in bbox_histories ever turned into a 3D hand. If not, we notify (in a very
// silly way) htImageToKeypoints that it should go away because it was an erroneous detection.
for (size_t valid_idx : valid_2d_idxs[view]) {
if (valid_idx == hist_idx) {
htd->views[view].bbox_histories[hist_idx].htAlgorithm_approves = true;
} else {
htd->views[view].bbox_histories[hist_idx].htAlgorithm_approves = false;
// Whoo! Okay, now we have some unfiltered hands in htd->histories_3d[i].last_hands[0]! Euro filter them!
std::vector<Hand3D> filtered_hands(num_hands);
for (size_t hand_index = 0; hand_index < num_hands; hand_index++) {
handEuroFiltersRun(htd, &htd->histories_3d[hand_index], &filtered_hands[hand_index]);
filtered_hands[hand_index].handedness = htd->histories_3d[hand_index].handedness;
std::vector<size_t> xr_indices;
std::vector<Hand3D *> hands_to_use;
if (filtered_hands.size() == 1) {
if (filtered_hands[0].handedness < 0) {
// Left
xr_indices = {0};
hands_to_use = {&filtered_hands[0]};
} else {
xr_indices = {1};
hands_to_use = {&filtered_hands[0]};
} else {
// filtered_hands better be two for now.
if (filtered_hands[0].handedness < filtered_hands[1].handedness) {
xr_indices = {0, 1};
hands_to_use = {&filtered_hands[0], &filtered_hands[1]};
} else {
xr_indices = {1, 0};
hands_to_use = {&filtered_hands[0], &filtered_hands[1]};
struct xrt_hand_joint_set final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[2];
memset(&final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[0], 0, sizeof(xrt_hand_joint_set));
memset(&final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[1], 0, sizeof(xrt_hand_joint_set));
final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[0].is_active = false;
final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[1].is_active = false;
for (size_t i = 0; (i < xr_indices.size()); i++) {
Hand3D *hand = hands_to_use[i];
struct xrt_hand_joint_set *put_in_set = &final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[xr_indices[i]];
xrt_vec3 wrist = hand->kps[0];
xrt_vec3 index_prox = hand->kps[5];
xrt_vec3 middle_prox = hand->kps[9];
xrt_vec3 ring_prox = hand->kps[13];
xrt_vec3 pinky_prox = hand->kps[17];
xrt_vec3 middle_to_index = m_vec3_sub(index_prox, middle_prox);
xrt_vec3 middle_to_ring = m_vec3_sub(ring_prox, middle_prox);
xrt_vec3 middle_to_pinky = m_vec3_sub(pinky_prox, middle_prox);
xrt_vec3 three_fourths_down_middle_mcp =
m_vec3_add(m_vec3_mul_scalar(wrist, 3.0f / 4.0f), m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_prox, 1.0f / 4.0f));
xrt_vec3 middle_metacarpal = three_fourths_down_middle_mcp;
float s = 0.6f;
xrt_vec3 index_metacarpal = middle_metacarpal + m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_to_index, s);
xrt_vec3 ring_metacarpal = middle_metacarpal + m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_to_ring, s);
xrt_vec3 pinky_metacarpal = middle_metacarpal + m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_to_pinky, s);
float palm_ness = 0.33;
xrt_vec3 palm =
m_vec3_add(m_vec3_mul_scalar(wrist, palm_ness), m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_prox, (1.0f - palm_ness)));
htProcessJoint(htd, palm, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_PALM);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[0], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_WRIST);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[1], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_THUMB_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[2], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_THUMB_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[3], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_THUMB_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[4], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_THUMB_TIP);
htProcessJoint(htd, index_metacarpal, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[5], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[6], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_INTERMEDIATE);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[7], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[8], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_TIP);
htProcessJoint(htd, middle_metacarpal, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[9], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[10], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_INTERMEDIATE);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[11], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[12], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_TIP);
htProcessJoint(htd, ring_metacarpal, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[13], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[14], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_INTERMEDIATE);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[15], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[16], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_TIP);
htProcessJoint(htd, pinky_metacarpal, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[17], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[18], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_INTERMEDIATE);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[19], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[20], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_TIP);
put_in_set->is_active = true;
put_in_set->hand_pose.pose.orientation = htd->stereo_camera_to_left_camera;
put_in_set->hand_pose.relation_flags = valid_flags_ht;
applyJointOrientations(put_in_set, xr_indices[i]);
htExitFrame(htd, false, final_hands_ordered_by_handedness, filtered_hands[0].timestamp);

View file

@ -9,768 +9,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "cjson/cJSON.h" struct ht_device;
#include "math/m_filter_one_euro.h"
#include "math/m_vec2.h"
#include "os/os_time.h"
#include "util/u_frame.h"
#include "templates/NaivePermutationSort.hpp"
#include "ht_driver.hpp"
#include "ht_models.hpp"
#include "ht_hand_math.hpp"
#include "ht_image_math.hpp"
#include "util/u_time.h"
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
// Flags to tell state tracker that these are indeed valid joints
static enum xrt_space_relation_flags valid_flags_ht = (enum xrt_space_relation_flags)(
static void
htProcessJoint(struct ht_device *htd,
struct xrt_vec3 model_out,
struct xrt_hand_joint_set *hand,
enum xrt_hand_joint idx)
hand->values.hand_joint_set_default[idx].relation.relation_flags = valid_flags_ht;
hand->values.hand_joint_set_default[idx].relation.pose.position.x = model_out.x;
hand->values.hand_joint_set_default[idx].relation.pose.position.y = model_out.y;
hand->values.hand_joint_set_default[idx].relation.pose.position.z = model_out.z;
static float
errHistory2D(HandHistory2DBBox *past, Palm7KP *present)
if (!past->htAlgorithm_approves) {
// U_LOG_E("Returning big number because htAlgorithm told me to!");
return 100000000000000000000000000000.0f;
float sum_of_lengths = m_vec2_len(*past->wrist_unfiltered[0] - *past->middle_unfiltered[0]) +
m_vec2_len(present->kps[WRIST_7KP] - present->kps[MIDDLE_7KP]);
float sum_of_distances = (m_vec2_len(*past->wrist_unfiltered[0] - present->kps[WRIST_7KP]) +
m_vec2_len(*past->middle_unfiltered[0] - present->kps[MIDDLE_7KP]));
float final = sum_of_distances / sum_of_lengths;
return final;
static std::vector<Hand2D>
htImageToKeypoints(struct ht_view *htv)
int view = htv->view;
struct ht_device *htd = htv->htd;
cv::Mat raw_input = htv->run_model_on_this;
// Get a list of palms - drop confidences and ssd bounding boxes, just keypoints.
std::vector<Palm7KP> hand_detections = htv->run_detection_model(htv, raw_input);
std::vector<bool> used_histories;
std::vector<bool> used_detections;
std::vector<size_t> history_indices;
std::vector<size_t> detection_indices;
std::vector<float> dontuse;
// Strategy here is: We have a big list of palms. Match 'em up to previous palms.
naive_sort_permutation_by_error<HandHistory2DBBox, Palm7KP>(htv->bbox_histories, hand_detections,
// bools
used_histories, used_detections,
history_indices, detection_indices, dontuse,
errHistory2D, 1.0f);
// Here's the trick - we use the associated bbox_filter to get an output but *never commit* the noisy 128x128
// detection; instead later on we commit the (hopefully) nicer palm and wrist from the 224x224 keypoint
// estimation.
// Add extra detections!
for (size_t i = 0; i < used_detections.size(); i++) {
if ((used_detections[i] == false) && hand_detections[i].confidence > 0.65) {
// Confidence to get in the door is 0.65, confidence to stay in is 0.3
HandHistory2DBBox hist_new = {};
m_filter_euro_vec2_init(&hist_new.m_filter_center, FCMIN_BBOX_POSITION, FCMIN_D_BB0X_POSITION,
m_filter_euro_vec2_init(&hist_new.m_filter_direction, FCMIN_BBOX_ORIENTATION,
history_indices.push_back(htv->bbox_histories.size() - 1);
// Do the things for each active bbox history!
for (size_t i = 0; i < history_indices.size(); i++) {
HandHistory2DBBox *hist_of_interest = &htv->bbox_histories[history_indices[i]];
// Eh do the rest later
// Prune stale detections! (After we don't need {history,detection}_indices to be correct)
int bob = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < used_histories.size(); i++) {
if (used_histories[i] == false) {
// history never got assigned a present hand to it. treat it as stale delete it.
HT_TRACE(htv->htd, "Removing bbox from history!\n");
htv->bbox_histories.erase(htv->bbox_histories.begin() + i + bob);
if (htv->bbox_histories.size() == 0) {
return {}; // bail early
std::vector<Hand2D> list_of_hands_in_bbox(
htv->bbox_histories.size()); // all of these are same size as htv->bbox_histories
std::vector<std::future<Hand2D>> await_list_of_hand_in_bbox; //(htv->bbox_histories.size());
std::vector<DetectionModelOutput> blah(htv->bbox_histories.size());
std::vector<Hand2D> output;
if (htv->bbox_histories.size() > 2) {
HT_DEBUG(htd, "More than two hands (%zu) in 2D view %i", htv->bbox_histories.size(), htv->view);
for (size_t i = 0; i < htv->bbox_histories.size(); i++) { //(BBoxHistory * entry : htv->bbox_histories) {
HandHistory2DBBox *entry = &htv->bbox_histories[i];
cv::Mat hand_rect = cv::Mat(224, 224, CV_8UC3);
xrt_vec2 unfiltered_middle;
xrt_vec2 unfiltered_direction;
centerAndRotationFromJoints(htv, entry->wrist_unfiltered[0], entry->index_unfiltered[0],
entry->middle_unfiltered[0], entry->pinky_unfiltered[0], &unfiltered_middle,
xrt_vec2 filtered_middle;
xrt_vec2 filtered_direction;
m_filter_euro_vec2_run_no_commit(&entry->m_filter_center, htv->htd->current_frame_timestamp,
&unfiltered_middle, &filtered_middle);
m_filter_euro_vec2_run_no_commit(&entry->m_filter_direction, htv->htd->current_frame_timestamp,
&unfiltered_direction, &filtered_direction);
rotatedRectFromJoints(htv, filtered_middle, filtered_direction, &blah[i]);
warpAffine(raw_input, hand_rect, blah[i].warp_there, hand_rect.size());
std::async(std::launch::async, htd->views[view].run_keypoint_model, &htd->views[view], hand_rect));
// cut here
for (size_t i = 0; i < htv->bbox_histories.size(); i++) {
Hand2D in_bbox = await_list_of_hand_in_bbox[i].get();
cv::Matx23f warp_back = blah[i].warp_back;
Hand2D in_image_ray_coords;
Hand2D in_image_px_coords;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
struct xrt_vec3 vec = in_bbox.kps[i];
#if 1
xrt_vec3 rr = transformVecBy2x3(vec, warp_back);
rr.z = vec.z;
xrt_vec3 rr;
rr.x = (vec.x * warp_back(0, 0)) + (vec.y * warp_back(0, 1)) + warp_back(0, 2);
rr.y = (vec.x * warp_back(1, 0)) + (vec.y * warp_back(1, 1)) + warp_back(1, 2);
rr.z = vec.z;
in_image_px_coords.kps[i] = rr;
in_image_ray_coords.kps[i] = raycoord(htv, rr);
if (htd->debug_scribble && htd->dynamic_config.scribble_2d_keypoints) {
handDot(htv->debug_out_to_this, {rr.x, rr.y}, fmax((-vec.z + 100 - 20) * .08, 2),
((float)i) / 21.0f, 0.95f, cv::FILLED);
xrt_vec2 wrist_in_px_coords = {in_image_px_coords.kps[WRIST].x, in_image_px_coords.kps[WRIST].y};
xrt_vec2 index_in_px_coords = {in_image_px_coords.kps[INDX_PXM].x, in_image_px_coords.kps[INDX_PXM].y};
xrt_vec2 middle_in_px_coords = {in_image_px_coords.kps[MIDL_PXM].x, in_image_px_coords.kps[MIDL_PXM].y};
xrt_vec2 little_in_px_coords = {in_image_px_coords.kps[LITL_PXM].x, in_image_px_coords.kps[LITL_PXM].y};
xrt_vec2 dontuse;
xrt_vec2 unfiltered_middle, unfiltered_direction;
centerAndRotationFromJoints(htv, &wrist_in_px_coords, &index_in_px_coords, &middle_in_px_coords,
&little_in_px_coords, &unfiltered_middle, &unfiltered_direction);
m_filter_euro_vec2_run(&htv->bbox_histories[i].m_filter_center, htv->htd->current_frame_timestamp,
&unfiltered_middle, &dontuse);
m_filter_euro_vec2_run(&htv->bbox_histories[i].m_filter_direction, htv->htd->current_frame_timestamp,
&unfiltered_direction, &dontuse);
return output;
static void
jsonAddJoint(cJSON *into_this, xrt_pose loc, const char *name)
cJSON *container = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON *joint_loc = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_loc, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.position.x));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_loc, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.position.y));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_loc, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.position.z));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(container, "position", joint_loc);
cJSON *joint_rot = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_rot, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.orientation.x));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_rot, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.orientation.y));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_rot, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.orientation.z));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(joint_rot, cJSON_CreateNumber(loc.orientation.w));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(container, "rotation_quat_xyzw", joint_rot);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(into_this, name, container);
void void
jsonMaybeAddSomeHands(struct ht_device *htd, bool err) htRunAlgorithm(struct ht_device *htd);
if (!htd->tracking_should_record_dataset) {
cJSON *j_this_frame = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_this_frame, "seq_since_start", cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->gst.current_index));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_this_frame, "seq_src", cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->frame_for_process->source_sequence));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_this_frame, "ts", cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->gst.last_frame_ns));
cJSON *j_hands_in_frame = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(j_this_frame, "detected_hands");
if (!err) {
for (size_t idx_hand = 0; idx_hand < htd->histories_3d.size(); idx_hand++) {
cJSON *j_hand_in_frame = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON *j_uuid = cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->histories_3d[idx_hand].uuid);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_hand_in_frame, "uuid", j_uuid);
cJSON *j_handedness = cJSON_CreateNumber(htd->histories_3d[idx_hand].handedness);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(j_hand_in_frame, "handedness", j_handedness);
static const char *keys[21] = {
for (int idx_joint = 0; idx_joint < 21; idx_joint++) {
// const char* key = keys[idx_joint];
cJSON *j_vec3 = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(j_hand_in_frame, keys[idx_joint]);
cJSON_AddItemToArray(j_hands_in_frame, j_hand_in_frame);
cJSON_AddItemToArray(htd->output_array, j_this_frame);
static void
htExitFrame(struct ht_device *htd,
bool err,
struct xrt_hand_joint_set final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[2],
uint64_t timestamp)
if (err) {
htd->hands_for_openxr[0].is_active = false;
htd->hands_for_openxr[1].is_active = false;
} else {
memcpy(&htd->hands_for_openxr[0], &final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[0],
sizeof(struct xrt_hand_joint_set));
memcpy(&htd->hands_for_openxr[1], &final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[1],
sizeof(struct xrt_hand_joint_set));
htd->hands_for_openxr_timestamp = timestamp;
HT_DEBUG(htd, "Adding ts %zu", htd->hands_for_openxr_timestamp);
if (htd->tracking_should_record_dataset) {
// Add nothing-entry to json file.
jsonMaybeAddSomeHands(htd, err);
static void
htJointDisparityMath(struct ht_device *htd, Hand2D *hand_in_left, Hand2D *hand_in_right, Hand3D *out_hand)
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
// Believe it or not, this is where the 3D stuff happens!
float t = htd->baseline / (hand_in_left->kps[i].x - hand_in_right->kps[i].x);
out_hand->kps[i].z = -t;
out_hand->kps[i].x = (hand_in_left->kps[i].x * t);
out_hand->kps[i].y = -hand_in_left->kps[i].y * t;
out_hand->kps[i].x += htd->baseline + (hand_in_right->kps[i].x * t);
out_hand->kps[i].y += -hand_in_right->kps[i].y * t;
out_hand->kps[i].x *= .5;
out_hand->kps[i].y *= .5;
int64_t last_frame, this_frame;
static void
htRunAlgorithm(struct ht_device *htd)
if (htd->tracking_should_record_dataset) {
uint64_t start = os_monotonic_get_ns();
xrt_sink_push_frame(htd->gst.sink, htd->frame_for_process);
uint64_t end = os_monotonic_get_ns();
if ((end - start) > 0.1 * U_TIME_1MS_IN_NS) {
U_LOG_E("Encoder overloaded!");
htd->gst.offset_ns = gstreamer_sink_get_timestamp_offset(htd->gst.gs);
htd->gst.last_frame_ns = htd->frame_for_process->timestamp - htd->gst.offset_ns;
htd->current_frame_timestamp = htd->frame_for_process->timestamp;
int64_t start, end;
start = os_monotonic_get_ns();
* Setup views.
const int full_width = htd->frame_for_process->width;
const int full_height = htd->frame_for_process->height;
const int view_width = htd->camera.one_view_size_px.w;
const int view_height = htd->camera.one_view_size_px.h;
// assert(full_width == view_width * 2);
assert(full_height == view_height);
const cv::Size full_size = cv::Size(full_width, full_height);
const cv::Size view_size = cv::Size(view_width, view_height);
const cv::Point view_offsets[2] = {cv::Point(0, 0), cv::Point(view_width, 0)};
cv::Mat full_frame(full_size, CV_8UC3, htd->frame_for_process->data, htd->frame_for_process->stride);
htd->views[0].run_model_on_this = full_frame(cv::Rect(view_offsets[0], view_size));
htd->views[1].run_model_on_this = full_frame(cv::Rect(view_offsets[1], view_size));
htd->mat_for_process = &full_frame;
// Check this every frame. We really, really, really don't want it to ever suddenly be null.
htd->debug_scribble = htd->debug_sink.sink != nullptr;
cv::Mat debug_output = {};
xrt_frame *debug_frame = nullptr; // only use if htd->debug_scribble
if (htd->debug_scribble) {
u_frame_clone(htd->frame_for_process, &debug_frame);
debug_output = cv::Mat(full_size, CV_8UC3, debug_frame->data, debug_frame->stride);
htd->views[0].debug_out_to_this = debug_output(cv::Rect(view_offsets[0], view_size));
htd->views[1].debug_out_to_this = debug_output(cv::Rect(view_offsets[1], view_size));
* Do the hand tracking!
std::future<std::vector<Hand2D>> future_left =
std::async(std::launch::async, htImageToKeypoints, &htd->views[0]);
std::future<std::vector<Hand2D>> future_right =
std::async(std::launch::async, htImageToKeypoints, &htd->views[1]);
std::vector<Hand2D> hands_in_left_view = future_left.get();
std::vector<Hand2D> hands_in_right_view = future_right.get();
end = os_monotonic_get_ns();
this_frame = os_monotonic_get_ns();
double time_ms = (double)(end - start) / (double)U_TIME_1MS_IN_NS;
double _1_time = 1 / (time_ms * 0.001);
char t[64];
char t2[64];
sprintf(t, "% 8.2f ms", time_ms);
sprintf(t2, "% 8.2f fps", _1_time);
last_frame = this_frame;
if (htd->debug_scribble) {
cv::putText(debug_output, t, cv::Point(30, 60), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0f, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0),
cv::putText(debug_output, t2, cv::Point(30, 100), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0f, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0),
} else {
HT_DEBUG(htd, "%s", t);
HT_DEBUG(htd, "%s", t2);
// Convenience
uint64_t timestamp = htd->frame_for_process->timestamp;
if (htd->debug_scribble) {
u_sink_debug_push_frame(&htd->debug_sink, debug_frame);
xrt_frame_reference(&debug_frame, NULL);
// Bail early this frame if no hands were detected.
// In the long run, this'll be a silly thing - we shouldn't always take the detection model's word for it
// especially when part of the pipeline is an arbitrary confidence threshold.
if (hands_in_left_view.size() == 0 || hands_in_right_view.size() == 0) {
htExitFrame(htd, true, NULL, 0);
std::vector<Hand3D> possible_3d_hands;
// for every possible combination of hands in left view and hands in right view,
for (size_t idx_l = 0; idx_l < hands_in_left_view.size(); idx_l++) {
for (size_t idx_r = 0; idx_r < hands_in_right_view.size(); idx_r++) {
Hand3D cur_hand = {};
Hand2D &left_2d = hands_in_left_view[idx_l];
Hand2D &right_2d = hands_in_right_view[idx_r];
// Calculate a 3D hand for this combination
htJointDisparityMath(htd, &hands_in_left_view[idx_l], &hands_in_right_view[idx_r], &cur_hand);
cur_hand.timestamp = timestamp;
cur_hand.rejected_by_smush = false;
cur_hand.idx_l = idx_l;
cur_hand.idx_r = idx_r;
// Calculate a y-disparity for this combination
cur_hand.y_disparity_error = errHandDisparity(&left_2d, &right_2d);
HT_DEBUG(htd, "Starting with %zu hands!", possible_3d_hands.size());
// For each pair of 3D hands we just made
for (size_t idx_one = 0; idx_one < possible_3d_hands.size(); idx_one++) {
for (size_t idx_two = 0; idx_two < possible_3d_hands.size(); idx_two++) {
if ((idx_one <= idx_two)) {
// See if this pair is suspiciously close together.
// If it is, then this pairing is wrong - this is what was causing the "hands smushing together"
// issue - we weren't catching these reliably.
float errr = sumOfHandJointDistances(&possible_3d_hands[idx_one], &possible_3d_hands[idx_two]);
HT_TRACE(htd, "%zu %zu is smush %f", idx_one, idx_two, errr);
if (errr < 0.03f * 21.0f) {
possible_3d_hands[idx_one].rejected_by_smush = true;
possible_3d_hands[idx_two].rejected_by_smush = true;
std::vector<Hand3D> hands_unfiltered;
for (Hand3D hand : possible_3d_hands) {
// If none of these are false, then all our heuristics indicate this is a real hand, so we add it to our
// list of real hands.
bool selected = !hand.rejected_by_smush && //
hand.y_disparity_error < 1.0f && //
rejectTooClose(htd, &hand) && //
rejectTooFar(htd, &hand) && //
rejectTinyPalm(htd, &hand);
if (selected) {
HT_TRACE(htd, "Pushing back with y-error %f", hand.y_disparity_error);
std::vector<bool> past_hands_taken;
std::vector<bool> present_hands_taken;
std::vector<size_t> past_indices;
std::vector<size_t> present_indices;
std::vector<float> flow_errors;
float max_dist_between_frames = 1.0f;
naive_sort_permutation_by_error<HandHistory3D, Hand3D>(htd->histories_3d, // past
hands_unfiltered, // present
// outputs
past_hands_taken, present_hands_taken, past_indices,
present_indices, flow_errors, errHandHistory,
(max_dist_between_frames * 21.0f)
for (size_t i = 0; i < past_indices.size(); i++) {
// The above may not do anything, because we'll start out with no hand histories! All the numbers of elements
// should be zero.
for (size_t i = 0; i < present_hands_taken.size(); i++) {
if (present_hands_taken[i] == false) {
// if this hand never got assigned to a history
HandHistory3D history_new;
history_new.uuid = rand(); // Not a great uuid, huh? Good enough for us, this only has to be
// unique across say an hour period max.
handEuroFiltersInit(&history_new, FCMIN_HAND, FCMIN_D_HAND, BETA_HAND);
// history_new.
history_new); // Add something to the end - don't initialize any of it.
int bob = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < past_hands_taken.size(); i++) {
if (past_hands_taken[i] == false) {
htd->histories_3d.erase(htd->histories_3d.begin() + i + bob);
if (htd->histories_3d.size() == 0) {
HT_DEBUG(htd, "Bailing");
htExitFrame(htd, true, NULL, 0);
size_t num_hands = htd->histories_3d.size();
// if (num_hands > 2) {
HT_DEBUG(htd, "Ending with %zu hands!",
num_hands); // this is quite bad, but rarely happens.
// }
// Here, we go back to our bbox_histories and remove the histories for any bounding boxes that never turned into
// good hands.
// Iterate over all hands we're keeping track of, compute their current handedness.
std::vector<size_t> valid_2d_idxs[2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < htd->histories_3d.size(); i++) {
// U_LOG_E("Valid hand %zu l_idx %i r_idx %i", i, htd->histories_3d[i].last_hands[0]->idx_l,
// htd->histories_3d[i].last_hands[0]->idx_r);
// Almost certainly not the cleanest way of doing this but leave me alone
// Per camera view
for (int view = 0; view < 2; view++) {
// Per entry in bbox_histories
for (size_t hist_idx = 0; hist_idx < htd->views[view].bbox_histories.size(); hist_idx++) {
// See if this entry in bbox_histories ever turned into a 3D hand. If not, we notify (in a very
// silly way) htImageToKeypoints that it should go away because it was an erroneous detection.
for (size_t valid_idx : valid_2d_idxs[view]) {
if (valid_idx == hist_idx) {
htd->views[view].bbox_histories[hist_idx].htAlgorithm_approves = true;
} else {
htd->views[view].bbox_histories[hist_idx].htAlgorithm_approves = false;
// Whoo! Okay, now we have some unfiltered hands in htd->histories_3d[i].last_hands[0]! Euro filter them!
std::vector<Hand3D> filtered_hands(num_hands);
for (size_t hand_index = 0; hand_index < num_hands; hand_index++) {
handEuroFiltersRun(htd, &htd->histories_3d[hand_index], &filtered_hands[hand_index]);
filtered_hands[hand_index].handedness = htd->histories_3d[hand_index].handedness;
std::vector<size_t> xr_indices;
std::vector<Hand3D *> hands_to_use;
if (filtered_hands.size() == 1) {
if (filtered_hands[0].handedness < 0) {
// Left
xr_indices = {0};
hands_to_use = {&filtered_hands[0]};
} else {
xr_indices = {1};
hands_to_use = {&filtered_hands[0]};
} else {
// filtered_hands better be two for now.
if (filtered_hands[0].handedness < filtered_hands[1].handedness) {
xr_indices = {0, 1};
hands_to_use = {&filtered_hands[0], &filtered_hands[1]};
} else {
xr_indices = {1, 0};
hands_to_use = {&filtered_hands[0], &filtered_hands[1]};
struct xrt_hand_joint_set final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[2];
memset(&final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[0], 0, sizeof(xrt_hand_joint_set));
memset(&final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[1], 0, sizeof(xrt_hand_joint_set));
final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[0].is_active = false;
final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[1].is_active = false;
for (size_t i = 0; (i < xr_indices.size()); i++) {
Hand3D *hand = hands_to_use[i];
struct xrt_hand_joint_set *put_in_set = &final_hands_ordered_by_handedness[xr_indices[i]];
xrt_vec3 wrist = hand->kps[0];
xrt_vec3 index_prox = hand->kps[5];
xrt_vec3 middle_prox = hand->kps[9];
xrt_vec3 ring_prox = hand->kps[13];
xrt_vec3 pinky_prox = hand->kps[17];
xrt_vec3 middle_to_index = m_vec3_sub(index_prox, middle_prox);
xrt_vec3 middle_to_ring = m_vec3_sub(ring_prox, middle_prox);
xrt_vec3 middle_to_pinky = m_vec3_sub(pinky_prox, middle_prox);
xrt_vec3 three_fourths_down_middle_mcp =
m_vec3_add(m_vec3_mul_scalar(wrist, 3.0f / 4.0f), m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_prox, 1.0f / 4.0f));
xrt_vec3 middle_metacarpal = three_fourths_down_middle_mcp;
float s = 0.6f;
xrt_vec3 index_metacarpal = middle_metacarpal + m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_to_index, s);
xrt_vec3 ring_metacarpal = middle_metacarpal + m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_to_ring, s);
xrt_vec3 pinky_metacarpal = middle_metacarpal + m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_to_pinky, s);
float palm_ness = 0.33;
xrt_vec3 palm =
m_vec3_add(m_vec3_mul_scalar(wrist, palm_ness), m_vec3_mul_scalar(middle_prox, (1.0f - palm_ness)));
htProcessJoint(htd, palm, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_PALM);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[0], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_WRIST);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[1], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_THUMB_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[2], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_THUMB_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[3], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_THUMB_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[4], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_THUMB_TIP);
htProcessJoint(htd, index_metacarpal, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[5], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[6], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_INTERMEDIATE);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[7], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[8], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_INDEX_TIP);
htProcessJoint(htd, middle_metacarpal, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[9], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[10], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_INTERMEDIATE);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[11], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[12], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_TIP);
htProcessJoint(htd, ring_metacarpal, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[13], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[14], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_INTERMEDIATE);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[15], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[16], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_RING_TIP);
htProcessJoint(htd, pinky_metacarpal, put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_METACARPAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[17], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_PROXIMAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[18], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_INTERMEDIATE);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[19], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_DISTAL);
htProcessJoint(htd, hand->kps[20], put_in_set, XRT_HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_TIP);
put_in_set->is_active = true;
put_in_set->hand_pose.pose.orientation = htd->stereo_camera_to_left_camera;
put_in_set->hand_pose.relation_flags = valid_flags_ht;
applyJointOrientations(put_in_set, xr_indices[i]);
htExitFrame(htd, false, final_hands_ordered_by_handedness, filtered_hands[0].timestamp);

View file

@ -39,9 +39,8 @@
#include "tracking/t_frame_cv_mat_wrapper.hpp" #include "tracking/t_frame_cv_mat_wrapper.hpp"
#include "tracking/t_calibration_opencv.hpp" #include "tracking/t_calibration_opencv.hpp"
#include "templates/NaivePermutationSort.hpp"
#include "ht_algorithm.hpp" #include "ht_algorithm.hpp"
#include "ht_models.hpp"
#include <cjson/cJSON.h> #include <cjson/cJSON.h>
#include <opencv2/core/mat.hpp> #include <opencv2/core/mat.hpp>

View file

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ lib_drv_ulv2 = static_library(
lib_drv_ht = static_library( lib_drv_ht = static_library(
'drv_ht', 'drv_ht',
files( files(
'ht/ht_driver.cpp', 'ht/ht_driver.cpp',
'ht/ht_driver.hpp', 'ht/ht_driver.hpp',
'ht/ht_interface.h', 'ht/ht_interface.h',
@ -94,7 +95,6 @@ lib_drv_ht = static_library(
'ht/ht_hand_math.cpp', 'ht/ht_hand_math.cpp',
'ht/ht_image_math.cpp', 'ht/ht_image_math.cpp',
'ht/ht_nms.cpp', 'ht/ht_nms.cpp',
), ),
include_directories: [xrt_include, cjson_include], include_directories: [xrt_include, cjson_include],
dependencies: [aux, opencv, onnxruntime, eigen3], dependencies: [aux, opencv, onnxruntime, eigen3],