mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 13:16:38 +00:00
d/ht: split ht_models into source and header
This commit is contained in:
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ if(XRT_BUILD_DRIVER_HANDTRACKING)
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "cjson/cJSON.h"
#include "math/m_filter_one_euro.h"
#include "math/m_vec2.h"
#include "os/os_time.h"
#include "util/u_frame.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
// Copyright 2021, Collabora, Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
* @file
* @brief Code to run machine learning models for camera-based hand tracker.
* @author Moses Turner <moses@collabora.com>
* @author Marcus Edel <marcus.edel@collabora.com>
* @ingroup drv_ht
// Many C api things were stolen from here (MIT license):
// https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-inference-examples/blob/main/c_cxx/fns_candy_style_transfer/fns_candy_style_transfer.c
#include "ht_driver.hpp"
#include "ht_image_math.hpp"
#include "ht_models.hpp"
#include "ht_nms.hpp"
#include <core/session/onnxruntime_c_api.h>
#include <opencv2/core/mat.hpp>
#define ORT_CHECK(g_ort, expr) \
do { \
OrtStatus *onnx_status = (expr); \
if (onnx_status != nullptr) { \
const char *msg = g_ort->GetErrorMessage(onnx_status); \
U_LOG_E("at %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg); \
g_ort->ReleaseStatus(onnx_status); \
assert(false); \
} \
} while (0);
static Hand2D
runKeypointEstimator(struct ht_view *htv, cv::Mat img)
constexpr size_t lix = 224;
constexpr size_t liy = 224;
constexpr size_t nb_planes = 3;
cv::Mat planes[nb_planes];
constexpr size_t size = lix * liy * nb_planes;
std::vector<uint8_t> combined_planes(size);
planarize(img, combined_planes.data());
// Normalize - supposedly, the keypoint estimator wants keypoints in [0,1]
std::vector<float> real_thing(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
real_thing[i] = (float)combined_planes[i] / 255.0;
const OrtApi *g_ort = htv->htd->ort_api;
struct ModelInfo *model = &htv->keypoint_model;
OrtValue *input_tensor = nullptr;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue(
model->memoryInfo, real_thing.data(), model->input_size_bytes, model->input_shape.data(),
model->input_shape.size(), ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, &input_tensor));
// Cargo-culted
assert(input_tensor != nullptr);
int is_tensor;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->IsTensor(input_tensor, &is_tensor));
const char *output_names[] = {"Identity", "Identity_2", "Identity_2"};
// If any of these are non-NULL, ONNX will explode and won't tell you why! Be extremely paranoid!
OrtValue *output_tensor[3] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->Run(model->session, nullptr, model->input_names.data(), &input_tensor, 1, output_names,
3, output_tensor));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->IsTensor(output_tensor[0], &is_tensor));
float *landmarks = nullptr;
// Should give a pointer to data that is freed on g_ort->ReleaseValue(output_tensor[0]);.
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorMutableData(output_tensor[0], (void **)&landmarks));
int stride = 3;
Hand2D dumb;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
int rt = i * stride;
float x = landmarks[rt];
float y = landmarks[rt + 1];
float z = landmarks[rt + 2];
dumb.kps[i].x = x;
dumb.kps[i].y = y;
dumb.kps[i].z = z;
// We have to get to here, or else we leak a whole lot! If you need to return early, make this into a goto!
return dumb;
* Anchors data taken from mediapipe's hands detection, used for single-shot
* detector model.
* See:
* https://google.github.io/mediapipe/solutions/hands.html#palm-detection-model
* https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/v0.8.8/mediapipe/calculators/tflite/ssd_anchors_calculator.cc#L101
* https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/v0.8.8/mediapipe/modules/palm_detection/palm_detection_cpu.pbtxt#L60
struct anchor
float x, y;
static const struct anchor anchors[896]{
{0.031250, 0.031250}, {0.031250, 0.031250}, {0.093750, 0.031250}, {0.093750, 0.031250}, //
{0.156250, 0.031250}, {0.156250, 0.031250}, {0.218750, 0.031250}, {0.218750, 0.031250}, //
{0.281250, 0.031250}, {0.281250, 0.031250}, {0.343750, 0.031250}, {0.343750, 0.031250}, //
{0.406250, 0.031250}, {0.406250, 0.031250}, {0.468750, 0.031250}, {0.468750, 0.031250}, //
{0.531250, 0.031250}, {0.531250, 0.031250}, {0.593750, 0.031250}, {0.593750, 0.031250}, //
{0.656250, 0.031250}, {0.656250, 0.031250}, {0.718750, 0.031250}, {0.718750, 0.031250}, //
{0.781250, 0.031250}, {0.781250, 0.031250}, {0.843750, 0.031250}, {0.843750, 0.031250}, //
{0.906250, 0.031250}, {0.906250, 0.031250}, {0.968750, 0.031250}, {0.968750, 0.031250}, //
{0.031250, 0.093750}, {0.031250, 0.093750}, {0.093750, 0.093750}, {0.093750, 0.093750}, //
{0.156250, 0.093750}, {0.156250, 0.093750}, {0.218750, 0.093750}, {0.218750, 0.093750}, //
{0.281250, 0.093750}, {0.281250, 0.093750}, {0.343750, 0.093750}, {0.343750, 0.093750}, //
{0.406250, 0.093750}, {0.406250, 0.093750}, {0.468750, 0.093750}, {0.468750, 0.093750}, //
{0.531250, 0.093750}, {0.531250, 0.093750}, {0.593750, 0.093750}, {0.593750, 0.093750}, //
{0.656250, 0.093750}, {0.656250, 0.093750}, {0.718750, 0.093750}, {0.718750, 0.093750}, //
{0.781250, 0.093750}, {0.781250, 0.093750}, {0.843750, 0.093750}, {0.843750, 0.093750}, //
{0.906250, 0.093750}, {0.906250, 0.093750}, {0.968750, 0.093750}, {0.968750, 0.093750}, //
{0.031250, 0.156250}, {0.031250, 0.156250}, {0.093750, 0.156250}, {0.093750, 0.156250}, //
{0.156250, 0.156250}, {0.156250, 0.156250}, {0.218750, 0.156250}, {0.218750, 0.156250}, //
{0.281250, 0.156250}, {0.281250, 0.156250}, {0.343750, 0.156250}, {0.343750, 0.156250}, //
{0.406250, 0.156250}, {0.406250, 0.156250}, {0.468750, 0.156250}, {0.468750, 0.156250}, //
{0.531250, 0.156250}, {0.531250, 0.156250}, {0.593750, 0.156250}, {0.593750, 0.156250}, //
{0.656250, 0.156250}, {0.656250, 0.156250}, {0.718750, 0.156250}, {0.718750, 0.156250}, //
{0.781250, 0.156250}, {0.781250, 0.156250}, {0.843750, 0.156250}, {0.843750, 0.156250}, //
{0.906250, 0.156250}, {0.906250, 0.156250}, {0.968750, 0.156250}, {0.968750, 0.156250}, //
{0.031250, 0.218750}, {0.031250, 0.218750}, {0.093750, 0.218750}, {0.093750, 0.218750}, //
{0.156250, 0.218750}, {0.156250, 0.218750}, {0.218750, 0.218750}, {0.218750, 0.218750}, //
{0.281250, 0.218750}, {0.281250, 0.218750}, {0.343750, 0.218750}, {0.343750, 0.218750}, //
{0.406250, 0.218750}, {0.406250, 0.218750}, {0.468750, 0.218750}, {0.468750, 0.218750}, //
{0.531250, 0.218750}, {0.531250, 0.218750}, {0.593750, 0.218750}, {0.593750, 0.218750}, //
{0.656250, 0.218750}, {0.656250, 0.218750}, {0.718750, 0.218750}, {0.718750, 0.218750}, //
{0.781250, 0.218750}, {0.781250, 0.218750}, {0.843750, 0.218750}, {0.843750, 0.218750}, //
{0.906250, 0.218750}, {0.906250, 0.218750}, {0.968750, 0.218750}, {0.968750, 0.218750}, //
{0.031250, 0.281250}, {0.031250, 0.281250}, {0.093750, 0.281250}, {0.093750, 0.281250}, //
{0.156250, 0.281250}, {0.156250, 0.281250}, {0.218750, 0.281250}, {0.218750, 0.281250}, //
{0.281250, 0.281250}, {0.281250, 0.281250}, {0.343750, 0.281250}, {0.343750, 0.281250}, //
{0.406250, 0.281250}, {0.406250, 0.281250}, {0.468750, 0.281250}, {0.468750, 0.281250}, //
{0.531250, 0.281250}, {0.531250, 0.281250}, {0.593750, 0.281250}, {0.593750, 0.281250}, //
{0.656250, 0.281250}, {0.656250, 0.281250}, {0.718750, 0.281250}, {0.718750, 0.281250}, //
{0.781250, 0.281250}, {0.781250, 0.281250}, {0.843750, 0.281250}, {0.843750, 0.281250}, //
{0.906250, 0.281250}, {0.906250, 0.281250}, {0.968750, 0.281250}, {0.968750, 0.281250}, //
{0.031250, 0.343750}, {0.031250, 0.343750}, {0.093750, 0.343750}, {0.093750, 0.343750}, //
{0.156250, 0.343750}, {0.156250, 0.343750}, {0.218750, 0.343750}, {0.218750, 0.343750}, //
{0.281250, 0.343750}, {0.281250, 0.343750}, {0.343750, 0.343750}, {0.343750, 0.343750}, //
{0.406250, 0.343750}, {0.406250, 0.343750}, {0.468750, 0.343750}, {0.468750, 0.343750}, //
{0.531250, 0.343750}, {0.531250, 0.343750}, {0.593750, 0.343750}, {0.593750, 0.343750}, //
{0.656250, 0.343750}, {0.656250, 0.343750}, {0.718750, 0.343750}, {0.718750, 0.343750}, //
{0.781250, 0.343750}, {0.781250, 0.343750}, {0.843750, 0.343750}, {0.843750, 0.343750}, //
{0.906250, 0.343750}, {0.906250, 0.343750}, {0.968750, 0.343750}, {0.968750, 0.343750}, //
{0.031250, 0.406250}, {0.031250, 0.406250}, {0.093750, 0.406250}, {0.093750, 0.406250}, //
{0.156250, 0.406250}, {0.156250, 0.406250}, {0.218750, 0.406250}, {0.218750, 0.406250}, //
{0.281250, 0.406250}, {0.281250, 0.406250}, {0.343750, 0.406250}, {0.343750, 0.406250}, //
{0.406250, 0.406250}, {0.406250, 0.406250}, {0.468750, 0.406250}, {0.468750, 0.406250}, //
{0.531250, 0.406250}, {0.531250, 0.406250}, {0.593750, 0.406250}, {0.593750, 0.406250}, //
{0.656250, 0.406250}, {0.656250, 0.406250}, {0.718750, 0.406250}, {0.718750, 0.406250}, //
{0.781250, 0.406250}, {0.781250, 0.406250}, {0.843750, 0.406250}, {0.843750, 0.406250}, //
{0.906250, 0.406250}, {0.906250, 0.406250}, {0.968750, 0.406250}, {0.968750, 0.406250}, //
{0.031250, 0.468750}, {0.031250, 0.468750}, {0.093750, 0.468750}, {0.093750, 0.468750}, //
{0.156250, 0.468750}, {0.156250, 0.468750}, {0.218750, 0.468750}, {0.218750, 0.468750}, //
{0.281250, 0.468750}, {0.281250, 0.468750}, {0.343750, 0.468750}, {0.343750, 0.468750}, //
{0.406250, 0.468750}, {0.406250, 0.468750}, {0.468750, 0.468750}, {0.468750, 0.468750}, //
{0.531250, 0.468750}, {0.531250, 0.468750}, {0.593750, 0.468750}, {0.593750, 0.468750}, //
{0.656250, 0.468750}, {0.656250, 0.468750}, {0.718750, 0.468750}, {0.718750, 0.468750}, //
{0.781250, 0.468750}, {0.781250, 0.468750}, {0.843750, 0.468750}, {0.843750, 0.468750}, //
{0.906250, 0.468750}, {0.906250, 0.468750}, {0.968750, 0.468750}, {0.968750, 0.468750}, //
{0.031250, 0.531250}, {0.031250, 0.531250}, {0.093750, 0.531250}, {0.093750, 0.531250}, //
{0.156250, 0.531250}, {0.156250, 0.531250}, {0.218750, 0.531250}, {0.218750, 0.531250}, //
{0.281250, 0.531250}, {0.281250, 0.531250}, {0.343750, 0.531250}, {0.343750, 0.531250}, //
{0.406250, 0.531250}, {0.406250, 0.531250}, {0.468750, 0.531250}, {0.468750, 0.531250}, //
{0.531250, 0.531250}, {0.531250, 0.531250}, {0.593750, 0.531250}, {0.593750, 0.531250}, //
{0.656250, 0.531250}, {0.656250, 0.531250}, {0.718750, 0.531250}, {0.718750, 0.531250}, //
{0.781250, 0.531250}, {0.781250, 0.531250}, {0.843750, 0.531250}, {0.843750, 0.531250}, //
{0.906250, 0.531250}, {0.906250, 0.531250}, {0.968750, 0.531250}, {0.968750, 0.531250}, //
{0.031250, 0.593750}, {0.031250, 0.593750}, {0.093750, 0.593750}, {0.093750, 0.593750}, //
{0.156250, 0.593750}, {0.156250, 0.593750}, {0.218750, 0.593750}, {0.218750, 0.593750}, //
{0.281250, 0.593750}, {0.281250, 0.593750}, {0.343750, 0.593750}, {0.343750, 0.593750}, //
{0.406250, 0.593750}, {0.406250, 0.593750}, {0.468750, 0.593750}, {0.468750, 0.593750}, //
{0.531250, 0.593750}, {0.531250, 0.593750}, {0.593750, 0.593750}, {0.593750, 0.593750}, //
{0.656250, 0.593750}, {0.656250, 0.593750}, {0.718750, 0.593750}, {0.718750, 0.593750}, //
{0.781250, 0.593750}, {0.781250, 0.593750}, {0.843750, 0.593750}, {0.843750, 0.593750}, //
{0.906250, 0.593750}, {0.906250, 0.593750}, {0.968750, 0.593750}, {0.968750, 0.593750}, //
{0.031250, 0.656250}, {0.031250, 0.656250}, {0.093750, 0.656250}, {0.093750, 0.656250}, //
{0.156250, 0.656250}, {0.156250, 0.656250}, {0.218750, 0.656250}, {0.218750, 0.656250}, //
{0.281250, 0.656250}, {0.281250, 0.656250}, {0.343750, 0.656250}, {0.343750, 0.656250}, //
{0.406250, 0.656250}, {0.406250, 0.656250}, {0.468750, 0.656250}, {0.468750, 0.656250}, //
{0.531250, 0.656250}, {0.531250, 0.656250}, {0.593750, 0.656250}, {0.593750, 0.656250}, //
{0.656250, 0.656250}, {0.656250, 0.656250}, {0.718750, 0.656250}, {0.718750, 0.656250}, //
{0.781250, 0.656250}, {0.781250, 0.656250}, {0.843750, 0.656250}, {0.843750, 0.656250}, //
{0.906250, 0.656250}, {0.906250, 0.656250}, {0.968750, 0.656250}, {0.968750, 0.656250}, //
{0.031250, 0.718750}, {0.031250, 0.718750}, {0.093750, 0.718750}, {0.093750, 0.718750}, //
{0.156250, 0.718750}, {0.156250, 0.718750}, {0.218750, 0.718750}, {0.218750, 0.718750}, //
{0.281250, 0.718750}, {0.281250, 0.718750}, {0.343750, 0.718750}, {0.343750, 0.718750}, //
{0.406250, 0.718750}, {0.406250, 0.718750}, {0.468750, 0.718750}, {0.468750, 0.718750}, //
{0.531250, 0.718750}, {0.531250, 0.718750}, {0.593750, 0.718750}, {0.593750, 0.718750}, //
{0.656250, 0.718750}, {0.656250, 0.718750}, {0.718750, 0.718750}, {0.718750, 0.718750}, //
{0.781250, 0.718750}, {0.781250, 0.718750}, {0.843750, 0.718750}, {0.843750, 0.718750}, //
{0.906250, 0.718750}, {0.906250, 0.718750}, {0.968750, 0.718750}, {0.968750, 0.718750}, //
{0.031250, 0.781250}, {0.031250, 0.781250}, {0.093750, 0.781250}, {0.093750, 0.781250}, //
{0.156250, 0.781250}, {0.156250, 0.781250}, {0.218750, 0.781250}, {0.218750, 0.781250}, //
{0.281250, 0.781250}, {0.281250, 0.781250}, {0.343750, 0.781250}, {0.343750, 0.781250}, //
{0.406250, 0.781250}, {0.406250, 0.781250}, {0.468750, 0.781250}, {0.468750, 0.781250}, //
{0.531250, 0.781250}, {0.531250, 0.781250}, {0.593750, 0.781250}, {0.593750, 0.781250}, //
{0.656250, 0.781250}, {0.656250, 0.781250}, {0.718750, 0.781250}, {0.718750, 0.781250}, //
{0.781250, 0.781250}, {0.781250, 0.781250}, {0.843750, 0.781250}, {0.843750, 0.781250}, //
{0.906250, 0.781250}, {0.906250, 0.781250}, {0.968750, 0.781250}, {0.968750, 0.781250}, //
{0.031250, 0.843750}, {0.031250, 0.843750}, {0.093750, 0.843750}, {0.093750, 0.843750}, //
{0.156250, 0.843750}, {0.156250, 0.843750}, {0.218750, 0.843750}, {0.218750, 0.843750}, //
{0.281250, 0.843750}, {0.281250, 0.843750}, {0.343750, 0.843750}, {0.343750, 0.843750}, //
{0.406250, 0.843750}, {0.406250, 0.843750}, {0.468750, 0.843750}, {0.468750, 0.843750}, //
{0.531250, 0.843750}, {0.531250, 0.843750}, {0.593750, 0.843750}, {0.593750, 0.843750}, //
{0.656250, 0.843750}, {0.656250, 0.843750}, {0.718750, 0.843750}, {0.718750, 0.843750}, //
{0.781250, 0.843750}, {0.781250, 0.843750}, {0.843750, 0.843750}, {0.843750, 0.843750}, //
{0.906250, 0.843750}, {0.906250, 0.843750}, {0.968750, 0.843750}, {0.968750, 0.843750}, //
{0.031250, 0.906250}, {0.031250, 0.906250}, {0.093750, 0.906250}, {0.093750, 0.906250}, //
{0.156250, 0.906250}, {0.156250, 0.906250}, {0.218750, 0.906250}, {0.218750, 0.906250}, //
{0.281250, 0.906250}, {0.281250, 0.906250}, {0.343750, 0.906250}, {0.343750, 0.906250}, //
{0.406250, 0.906250}, {0.406250, 0.906250}, {0.468750, 0.906250}, {0.468750, 0.906250}, //
{0.531250, 0.906250}, {0.531250, 0.906250}, {0.593750, 0.906250}, {0.593750, 0.906250}, //
{0.656250, 0.906250}, {0.656250, 0.906250}, {0.718750, 0.906250}, {0.718750, 0.906250}, //
{0.781250, 0.906250}, {0.781250, 0.906250}, {0.843750, 0.906250}, {0.843750, 0.906250}, //
{0.906250, 0.906250}, {0.906250, 0.906250}, {0.968750, 0.906250}, {0.968750, 0.906250}, //
{0.031250, 0.968750}, {0.031250, 0.968750}, {0.093750, 0.968750}, {0.093750, 0.968750}, //
{0.156250, 0.968750}, {0.156250, 0.968750}, {0.218750, 0.968750}, {0.218750, 0.968750}, //
{0.281250, 0.968750}, {0.281250, 0.968750}, {0.343750, 0.968750}, {0.343750, 0.968750}, //
{0.406250, 0.968750}, {0.406250, 0.968750}, {0.468750, 0.968750}, {0.468750, 0.968750}, //
{0.531250, 0.968750}, {0.531250, 0.968750}, {0.593750, 0.968750}, {0.593750, 0.968750}, //
{0.656250, 0.968750}, {0.656250, 0.968750}, {0.718750, 0.968750}, {0.718750, 0.968750}, //
{0.781250, 0.968750}, {0.781250, 0.968750}, {0.843750, 0.968750}, {0.843750, 0.968750}, //
{0.906250, 0.968750}, {0.906250, 0.968750}, {0.968750, 0.968750}, {0.968750, 0.968750}, //
{0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.062500, 0.062500}, //
{0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, //
{0.187500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, //
{0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.312500, 0.062500}, //
{0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, //
{0.437500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, //
{0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.562500, 0.062500}, //
{0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, //
{0.687500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, //
{0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.812500, 0.062500}, //
{0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.937500, 0.062500}, {0.937500, 0.062500}, //
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{0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.062500, 0.187500}, //
{0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.187500, 0.187500}, {0.187500, 0.187500}, //
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{0.437500, 0.187500}, {0.437500, 0.187500}, {0.437500, 0.187500}, {0.437500, 0.187500}, //
{0.562500, 0.187500}, {0.562500, 0.187500}, {0.562500, 0.187500}, {0.562500, 0.187500}, //
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{0.687500, 0.187500}, {0.687500, 0.187500}, {0.687500, 0.187500}, {0.687500, 0.187500}, //
{0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.812500, 0.187500}, //
{0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, //
{0.937500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, //
{0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.062500, 0.312500}, //
{0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.187500, 0.312500}, {0.187500, 0.312500}, //
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{0.812500, 0.312500}, {0.812500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, //
{0.937500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, //
{0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.062500, 0.437500}, //
{0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, //
{0.187500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, //
{0.312500, 0.437500}, {0.312500, 0.437500}, {0.312500, 0.437500}, {0.312500, 0.437500}, //
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{0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.562500, 0.437500}, //
{0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, //
{0.687500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, //
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{0.937500, 0.437500}, {0.937500, 0.437500}, {0.937500, 0.437500}, {0.937500, 0.437500}, //
{0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.062500, 0.562500}, //
{0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, //
{0.187500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, //
{0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.312500, 0.562500}, //
{0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.437500, 0.562500}, {0.437500, 0.562500}, //
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{0.562500, 0.562500}, {0.562500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, //
{0.687500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, //
{0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.812500, 0.562500}, //
{0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, //
{0.937500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, //
{0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.062500, 0.687500}, //
{0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, //
{0.187500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, //
{0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.312500, 0.687500}, //
{0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, //
{0.437500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, //
{0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.562500, 0.687500}, //
{0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, //
{0.687500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, //
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{0.812500, 0.687500}, {0.812500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, //
{0.937500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, //
{0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.062500, 0.812500}, //
{0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, //
{0.187500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, //
{0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.312500, 0.812500}, //
{0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.437500, 0.812500}, {0.437500, 0.812500}, //
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{0.687500, 0.812500}, {0.687500, 0.812500}, {0.687500, 0.812500}, {0.687500, 0.812500}, //
{0.812500, 0.812500}, {0.812500, 0.812500}, {0.812500, 0.812500}, {0.812500, 0.812500}, //
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{0.937500, 0.812500}, {0.937500, 0.812500}, {0.937500, 0.812500}, {0.937500, 0.812500}, //
{0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.062500, 0.937500}, //
{0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, //
{0.187500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, //
{0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.312500, 0.937500}, //
{0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, //
{0.437500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, //
{0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.562500, 0.937500}, //
{0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, //
{0.687500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, //
{0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.812500, 0.937500}, //
{0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, //
{0.937500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, //
static std::vector<Palm7KP>
runHandDetector(struct ht_view *htv, cv::Mat &raw_input)
const OrtApi *g_ort = htv->htd->ort_api;
cv::Mat img;
constexpr int hd_size = 128;
constexpr size_t nb_planes = 3;
constexpr size_t size = hd_size * hd_size * nb_planes;
constexpr int inputTensorSize = size * sizeof(float);
cv::Matx23f back_from_blackbar = blackbar(raw_input, img, {hd_size, hd_size});
float scale_factor = back_from_blackbar(0, 0); // 960/128
constexpr float mean = 128.0f;
constexpr float std = 128.0f;
std::vector<float> real_thing(size);
if (htv->htd->startup_config.palm_detection_use_mediapipe) {
std::vector<uint8_t> combined_planes(size);
planarize(img, combined_planes.data());
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
float val = (float)combined_planes[i];
real_thing[i] = (val - mean) / std;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int val = img.data[i];
real_thing[i] = (val - mean) / std;
// Convenience
struct ModelInfo *model_hd = &htv->detection_model;
// If this is non-NULL, ONNX will explode and won't tell you why!
OrtValue *input_tensor = nullptr;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue(
model_hd->memoryInfo, real_thing.data(), inputTensorSize, model_hd->input_shape.data(),
model_hd->input_shape.size(), ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, &input_tensor));
// Cargo-culted
assert(input_tensor != nullptr);
int is_tensor;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->IsTensor(input_tensor, &is_tensor));
// If any of these are non-NULL, ONNX will explode and won't tell you why! Be extremely paranoid!
OrtValue *output_tensor[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->Run(model_hd->session, nullptr, model_hd->input_names.data(),
(const OrtValue *const *)&input_tensor, model_hd->input_names.size(),
model_hd->output_names.data(), model_hd->output_names.size(), output_tensor));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->IsTensor(output_tensor[0], &is_tensor));
float *classificators = nullptr;
float *regressors = nullptr;
g_ort->GetTensorMutableData(output_tensor[0], (void **)&classificators)); // Totally won't segfault!
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorMutableData(output_tensor[1], (void **)®ressors));
// We need to free these!
float *rg = regressors; // shorter name
std::vector<NMSPalm> detections;
int count = 0;
std::vector<Palm7KP> output;
std::vector<NMSPalm> nms_palms;
OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo *classificators_info;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorTypeAndShape(output_tensor[0], &classificators_info));
size_t classificators_size;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorShapeElementCount(classificators_info, &classificators_size));
assert(classificators_size == 896);
OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo *regressors_info;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorTypeAndShape(output_tensor[1], ®ressors_info));
size_t regressors_size;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorShapeElementCount(regressors_info, ®ressors_size));
assert(regressors_size == 896 * 18);
for (size_t i = 0; i < classificators_size; ++i) {
const float score = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-classificators[i]));
// Let a lot of detections in - they'll be slowly rejected later
if (score <= htv->htd->dynamic_config.nms_threshold.val) {
const struct anchor *anchor = &anchors[i];
// Boundary box.
NMSPalm det;
float anchx = anchor->x * 128;
float anchy = anchor->y * 128;
float shiftx = regressors[i * 18];
float shifty = regressors[i * 18 + 1];
float w = regressors[i * 18 + 2];
float h = regressors[i * 18 + 3];
float cx = shiftx + anchx;
float cy = shifty + anchy;
struct xrt_vec2 *kps = det.keypoints;
kps[0] = {rg[i * 18 + 4], rg[i * 18 + 5]};
kps[1] = {rg[i * 18 + 6], rg[i * 18 + 7]};
kps[2] = {rg[i * 18 + 8], rg[i * 18 + 9]};
kps[3] = {rg[i * 18 + 10], rg[i * 18 + 11]};
kps[4] = {rg[i * 18 + 12], rg[i * 18 + 13]};
kps[5] = {rg[i * 18 + 14], rg[i * 18 + 15]};
kps[6] = {rg[i * 18 + 16], rg[i * 18 + 17]};
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
struct xrt_vec2 *b = &kps[i];
b->x += anchx;
b->y += anchy;
det.bbox.w = w;
det.bbox.h = h;
det.bbox.cx = cx;
det.bbox.cy = cy;
det.confidence = score;
if (htv->htd->debug_scribble && (htv->htd->dynamic_config.scribble_raw_detections)) {
xrt_vec2 center = transformVecBy2x3(xrt_vec2{cx, cy}, back_from_blackbar);
float sz = det.bbox.w * scale_factor;
{(int)(center.x - (sz / 2)), (int)(center.y - (sz / 2)), (int)sz, (int)sz},
hsv2rgb(0.0f, math_map_ranges(det.confidence, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.5f, -0.1f),
math_map_ranges(det.confidence, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.4f)),
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
handDot(htv->debug_out_to_this, transformVecBy2x3(kps[i], back_from_blackbar),
det.confidence * 7, ((float)i) * (360.0f / 7.0f), det.confidence, 1);
int square = fmax(w, h);
square = square / scale_factor;
if (count == 0) {
goto cleanup;
nms_palms = filterBoxesWeightedAvg(detections, htv->htd->dynamic_config.nms_iou.val);
for (NMSPalm cooler : nms_palms) {
// Display box
struct xrt_vec2 tl = {cooler.bbox.cx - cooler.bbox.w / 2, cooler.bbox.cy - cooler.bbox.h / 2};
struct xrt_vec2 bob = transformVecBy2x3(tl, back_from_blackbar);
float sz = cooler.bbox.w * scale_factor;
if (htv->htd->debug_scribble && htv->htd->dynamic_config.scribble_nms_detections) {
cv::rectangle(htv->debug_out_to_this, {(int)bob.x, (int)bob.y, (int)sz, (int)sz},
hsv2rgb(180.0f, math_map_ranges(cooler.confidence, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, -0.1f),
math_map_ranges(cooler.confidence, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.4f)),
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
transformVecBy2x3(cooler.keypoints[i], back_from_blackbar),
cooler.confidence * 14, ((float)i) * (360.0f / 7.0f), cooler.confidence, 3);
Palm7KP this_element;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
struct xrt_vec2 b = cooler.keypoints[i];
this_element.kps[i] = transformVecBy2x3(b, back_from_blackbar);
this_element.confidence = cooler.confidence;
return output;
static void
addSlug(struct ht_device *htd, const char *suffix, char *out)
strcpy(out, htd->startup_config.model_slug);
strcat(out, suffix);
static void
initKeypointEstimator(struct ht_device *htd, ht_view *htv)
struct ModelInfo *model_ke = &htv->keypoint_model;
const OrtApi *g_ort = htd->ort_api;
OrtSessionOptions *opts = nullptr;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateSessionOptions(&opts));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel(opts, ORT_ENABLE_ALL));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->SetIntraOpNumThreads(opts, 1));
char modelLocation[1024];
if (htd->startup_config.keypoint_estimation_use_mediapipe) {
addSlug(htd, "hand_landmark_MEDIAPIPE.onnx", modelLocation);
} else {
addSlug(htd, "hand_landmark_COLLABORA.onnx", modelLocation);
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateSession(htd->ort_env, modelLocation, opts, &model_ke->session));
model_ke->input_size_bytes = 224 * 224 * 3 * sizeof(float);
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateCpuMemoryInfo(OrtArenaAllocator, OrtMemTypeDefault, &model_ke->memoryInfo));
htv->run_keypoint_model = runKeypointEstimator;
static void
initHandDetector(struct ht_device *htd, ht_view *htv)
struct ModelInfo *model_hd = &htv->detection_model;
memset(model_hd, 0, sizeof(struct ModelInfo));
const OrtApi *g_ort = htd->ort_api;
OrtSessionOptions *opts = nullptr;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateSessionOptions(&opts));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel(opts, ORT_ENABLE_ALL));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->SetIntraOpNumThreads(opts, 1));
char modelLocation[1024];
// Hard-coded. Even though you can use the ONNX runtime's API to dynamically figure these out, that doesn't make
// any sense because these don't change between runs, and if you are swapping models you have to do much more
// than just change the input/output names.
if (htd->startup_config.palm_detection_use_mediapipe) {
addSlug(htd, "palm_detection_MEDIAPIPE.onnx", modelLocation);
} else {
addSlug(htd, "palm_detection_COLLABORA.onnx", modelLocation);
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateSession(htd->ort_env, modelLocation, opts, &model_hd->session));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateCpuMemoryInfo(OrtArenaAllocator, OrtMemTypeDefault, &model_hd->memoryInfo));
htv->run_detection_model = runHandDetector;
initOnnx(struct ht_device *htd)
htd->ort_api = OrtGetApiBase()->GetApi(ORT_API_VERSION);
ORT_CHECK(htd->ort_api, htd->ort_api->CreateEnv(ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, "moses", &htd->ort_env));
initHandDetector(htd, &htd->views[0]);
initHandDetector(htd, &htd->views[1]);
initKeypointEstimator(htd, &htd->views[0]);
initKeypointEstimator(htd, &htd->views[1]);
static void
destroyModelInfo(struct ht_device *htd, ModelInfo *info)
const OrtApi *g_ort = htd->ort_api;
// Same deal as in ht_device - I'm mixing C and C++ idioms, so sometimes it's easier to just manually call their
// destructors instead of figuring out some way to convince C++ to call them implicitly.
destroyOnnx(struct ht_device *htd)
destroyModelInfo(htd, &htd->views[0].keypoint_model);
destroyModelInfo(htd, &htd->views[1].keypoint_model);
destroyModelInfo(htd, &htd->views[0].detection_model);
destroyModelInfo(htd, &htd->views[1].detection_model);
@ -8,719 +8,12 @@
* @ingroup drv_ht
// Many C api things were stolen from here (MIT license):
// https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-inference-examples/blob/main/c_cxx/fns_candy_style_transfer/fns_candy_style_transfer.c
#pragma once
#include "os/os_time.h"
#include "os/os_threading.h"
#include "math/m_api.h"
#include "math/m_vec2.h"
#include "math/m_vec3.h"
#include "util/u_json.h"
#include "util/u_time.h"
#include "util/u_logging.h"
#include "util/u_trace_marker.h"
#include "ht_nms.hpp"
#include "ht_driver.hpp"
#include "ht_image_math.hpp"
#include <core/session/onnxruntime_c_api.h>
#include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#define ORT_CHECK(g_ort, expr) \
do { \
OrtStatus *onnx_status = (expr); \
if (onnx_status != nullptr) { \
const char *msg = g_ort->GetErrorMessage(onnx_status); \
U_LOG_E("at %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg); \
g_ort->ReleaseStatus(onnx_status); \
assert(false); \
} \
} while (0);
static Hand2D
runKeypointEstimator(struct ht_view *htv, cv::Mat img)
constexpr size_t lix = 224;
constexpr size_t liy = 224;
constexpr size_t nb_planes = 3;
cv::Mat planes[nb_planes];
constexpr size_t size = lix * liy * nb_planes;
std::vector<uint8_t> combined_planes(size);
planarize(img, combined_planes.data());
// Normalize - supposedly, the keypoint estimator wants keypoints in [0,1]
std::vector<float> real_thing(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
real_thing[i] = (float)combined_planes[i] / 255.0;
const OrtApi *g_ort = htv->htd->ort_api;
struct ModelInfo *model = &htv->keypoint_model;
OrtValue *input_tensor = nullptr;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue(
model->memoryInfo, real_thing.data(), model->input_size_bytes, model->input_shape.data(),
model->input_shape.size(), ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, &input_tensor));
// Cargo-culted
assert(input_tensor != nullptr);
int is_tensor;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->IsTensor(input_tensor, &is_tensor));
const char *output_names[] = {"Identity", "Identity_2", "Identity_2"};
// If any of these are non-NULL, ONNX will explode and won't tell you why! Be extremely paranoid!
OrtValue *output_tensor[3] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->Run(model->session, nullptr, model->input_names.data(), &input_tensor, 1, output_names,
3, output_tensor));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->IsTensor(output_tensor[0], &is_tensor));
float *landmarks = nullptr;
// Should give a pointer to data that is freed on g_ort->ReleaseValue(output_tensor[0]);.
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorMutableData(output_tensor[0], (void **)&landmarks));
int stride = 3;
Hand2D dumb;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
int rt = i * stride;
float x = landmarks[rt];
float y = landmarks[rt + 1];
float z = landmarks[rt + 2];
dumb.kps[i].x = x;
dumb.kps[i].y = y;
dumb.kps[i].z = z;
// We have to get to here, or else we leak a whole lot! If you need to return early, make this into a goto!
return dumb;
* Anchors data taken from mediapipe's hands detection, used for single-shot
* detector model.
* See:
* https://google.github.io/mediapipe/solutions/hands.html#palm-detection-model
* https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/v0.8.8/mediapipe/calculators/tflite/ssd_anchors_calculator.cc#L101
* https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/v0.8.8/mediapipe/modules/palm_detection/palm_detection_cpu.pbtxt#L60
struct anchor
float x, y;
static const struct anchor anchors[896]{
{0.031250, 0.031250}, {0.031250, 0.031250}, {0.093750, 0.031250}, {0.093750, 0.031250}, //
{0.156250, 0.031250}, {0.156250, 0.031250}, {0.218750, 0.031250}, {0.218750, 0.031250}, //
{0.281250, 0.031250}, {0.281250, 0.031250}, {0.343750, 0.031250}, {0.343750, 0.031250}, //
{0.406250, 0.031250}, {0.406250, 0.031250}, {0.468750, 0.031250}, {0.468750, 0.031250}, //
{0.531250, 0.031250}, {0.531250, 0.031250}, {0.593750, 0.031250}, {0.593750, 0.031250}, //
{0.656250, 0.031250}, {0.656250, 0.031250}, {0.718750, 0.031250}, {0.718750, 0.031250}, //
{0.781250, 0.031250}, {0.781250, 0.031250}, {0.843750, 0.031250}, {0.843750, 0.031250}, //
{0.906250, 0.031250}, {0.906250, 0.031250}, {0.968750, 0.031250}, {0.968750, 0.031250}, //
{0.031250, 0.093750}, {0.031250, 0.093750}, {0.093750, 0.093750}, {0.093750, 0.093750}, //
{0.156250, 0.093750}, {0.156250, 0.093750}, {0.218750, 0.093750}, {0.218750, 0.093750}, //
{0.281250, 0.093750}, {0.281250, 0.093750}, {0.343750, 0.093750}, {0.343750, 0.093750}, //
{0.406250, 0.093750}, {0.406250, 0.093750}, {0.468750, 0.093750}, {0.468750, 0.093750}, //
{0.531250, 0.093750}, {0.531250, 0.093750}, {0.593750, 0.093750}, {0.593750, 0.093750}, //
{0.656250, 0.093750}, {0.656250, 0.093750}, {0.718750, 0.093750}, {0.718750, 0.093750}, //
{0.781250, 0.093750}, {0.781250, 0.093750}, {0.843750, 0.093750}, {0.843750, 0.093750}, //
{0.906250, 0.093750}, {0.906250, 0.093750}, {0.968750, 0.093750}, {0.968750, 0.093750}, //
{0.031250, 0.156250}, {0.031250, 0.156250}, {0.093750, 0.156250}, {0.093750, 0.156250}, //
{0.156250, 0.156250}, {0.156250, 0.156250}, {0.218750, 0.156250}, {0.218750, 0.156250}, //
{0.281250, 0.156250}, {0.281250, 0.156250}, {0.343750, 0.156250}, {0.343750, 0.156250}, //
{0.406250, 0.156250}, {0.406250, 0.156250}, {0.468750, 0.156250}, {0.468750, 0.156250}, //
{0.531250, 0.156250}, {0.531250, 0.156250}, {0.593750, 0.156250}, {0.593750, 0.156250}, //
{0.656250, 0.156250}, {0.656250, 0.156250}, {0.718750, 0.156250}, {0.718750, 0.156250}, //
{0.781250, 0.156250}, {0.781250, 0.156250}, {0.843750, 0.156250}, {0.843750, 0.156250}, //
{0.906250, 0.156250}, {0.906250, 0.156250}, {0.968750, 0.156250}, {0.968750, 0.156250}, //
{0.031250, 0.218750}, {0.031250, 0.218750}, {0.093750, 0.218750}, {0.093750, 0.218750}, //
{0.156250, 0.218750}, {0.156250, 0.218750}, {0.218750, 0.218750}, {0.218750, 0.218750}, //
{0.281250, 0.218750}, {0.281250, 0.218750}, {0.343750, 0.218750}, {0.343750, 0.218750}, //
{0.406250, 0.218750}, {0.406250, 0.218750}, {0.468750, 0.218750}, {0.468750, 0.218750}, //
{0.531250, 0.218750}, {0.531250, 0.218750}, {0.593750, 0.218750}, {0.593750, 0.218750}, //
{0.656250, 0.218750}, {0.656250, 0.218750}, {0.718750, 0.218750}, {0.718750, 0.218750}, //
{0.781250, 0.218750}, {0.781250, 0.218750}, {0.843750, 0.218750}, {0.843750, 0.218750}, //
{0.906250, 0.218750}, {0.906250, 0.218750}, {0.968750, 0.218750}, {0.968750, 0.218750}, //
{0.031250, 0.281250}, {0.031250, 0.281250}, {0.093750, 0.281250}, {0.093750, 0.281250}, //
{0.156250, 0.281250}, {0.156250, 0.281250}, {0.218750, 0.281250}, {0.218750, 0.281250}, //
{0.281250, 0.281250}, {0.281250, 0.281250}, {0.343750, 0.281250}, {0.343750, 0.281250}, //
{0.406250, 0.281250}, {0.406250, 0.281250}, {0.468750, 0.281250}, {0.468750, 0.281250}, //
{0.531250, 0.281250}, {0.531250, 0.281250}, {0.593750, 0.281250}, {0.593750, 0.281250}, //
{0.656250, 0.281250}, {0.656250, 0.281250}, {0.718750, 0.281250}, {0.718750, 0.281250}, //
{0.781250, 0.281250}, {0.781250, 0.281250}, {0.843750, 0.281250}, {0.843750, 0.281250}, //
{0.906250, 0.281250}, {0.906250, 0.281250}, {0.968750, 0.281250}, {0.968750, 0.281250}, //
{0.031250, 0.343750}, {0.031250, 0.343750}, {0.093750, 0.343750}, {0.093750, 0.343750}, //
{0.156250, 0.343750}, {0.156250, 0.343750}, {0.218750, 0.343750}, {0.218750, 0.343750}, //
{0.281250, 0.343750}, {0.281250, 0.343750}, {0.343750, 0.343750}, {0.343750, 0.343750}, //
{0.406250, 0.343750}, {0.406250, 0.343750}, {0.468750, 0.343750}, {0.468750, 0.343750}, //
{0.531250, 0.343750}, {0.531250, 0.343750}, {0.593750, 0.343750}, {0.593750, 0.343750}, //
{0.656250, 0.343750}, {0.656250, 0.343750}, {0.718750, 0.343750}, {0.718750, 0.343750}, //
{0.781250, 0.343750}, {0.781250, 0.343750}, {0.843750, 0.343750}, {0.843750, 0.343750}, //
{0.906250, 0.343750}, {0.906250, 0.343750}, {0.968750, 0.343750}, {0.968750, 0.343750}, //
{0.031250, 0.406250}, {0.031250, 0.406250}, {0.093750, 0.406250}, {0.093750, 0.406250}, //
{0.156250, 0.406250}, {0.156250, 0.406250}, {0.218750, 0.406250}, {0.218750, 0.406250}, //
{0.281250, 0.406250}, {0.281250, 0.406250}, {0.343750, 0.406250}, {0.343750, 0.406250}, //
{0.406250, 0.406250}, {0.406250, 0.406250}, {0.468750, 0.406250}, {0.468750, 0.406250}, //
{0.531250, 0.406250}, {0.531250, 0.406250}, {0.593750, 0.406250}, {0.593750, 0.406250}, //
{0.656250, 0.406250}, {0.656250, 0.406250}, {0.718750, 0.406250}, {0.718750, 0.406250}, //
{0.781250, 0.406250}, {0.781250, 0.406250}, {0.843750, 0.406250}, {0.843750, 0.406250}, //
{0.906250, 0.406250}, {0.906250, 0.406250}, {0.968750, 0.406250}, {0.968750, 0.406250}, //
{0.031250, 0.468750}, {0.031250, 0.468750}, {0.093750, 0.468750}, {0.093750, 0.468750}, //
{0.156250, 0.468750}, {0.156250, 0.468750}, {0.218750, 0.468750}, {0.218750, 0.468750}, //
{0.281250, 0.468750}, {0.281250, 0.468750}, {0.343750, 0.468750}, {0.343750, 0.468750}, //
{0.406250, 0.468750}, {0.406250, 0.468750}, {0.468750, 0.468750}, {0.468750, 0.468750}, //
{0.531250, 0.468750}, {0.531250, 0.468750}, {0.593750, 0.468750}, {0.593750, 0.468750}, //
{0.656250, 0.468750}, {0.656250, 0.468750}, {0.718750, 0.468750}, {0.718750, 0.468750}, //
{0.781250, 0.468750}, {0.781250, 0.468750}, {0.843750, 0.468750}, {0.843750, 0.468750}, //
{0.906250, 0.468750}, {0.906250, 0.468750}, {0.968750, 0.468750}, {0.968750, 0.468750}, //
{0.031250, 0.531250}, {0.031250, 0.531250}, {0.093750, 0.531250}, {0.093750, 0.531250}, //
{0.156250, 0.531250}, {0.156250, 0.531250}, {0.218750, 0.531250}, {0.218750, 0.531250}, //
{0.281250, 0.531250}, {0.281250, 0.531250}, {0.343750, 0.531250}, {0.343750, 0.531250}, //
{0.406250, 0.531250}, {0.406250, 0.531250}, {0.468750, 0.531250}, {0.468750, 0.531250}, //
{0.531250, 0.531250}, {0.531250, 0.531250}, {0.593750, 0.531250}, {0.593750, 0.531250}, //
{0.656250, 0.531250}, {0.656250, 0.531250}, {0.718750, 0.531250}, {0.718750, 0.531250}, //
{0.781250, 0.531250}, {0.781250, 0.531250}, {0.843750, 0.531250}, {0.843750, 0.531250}, //
{0.906250, 0.531250}, {0.906250, 0.531250}, {0.968750, 0.531250}, {0.968750, 0.531250}, //
{0.031250, 0.593750}, {0.031250, 0.593750}, {0.093750, 0.593750}, {0.093750, 0.593750}, //
{0.156250, 0.593750}, {0.156250, 0.593750}, {0.218750, 0.593750}, {0.218750, 0.593750}, //
{0.281250, 0.593750}, {0.281250, 0.593750}, {0.343750, 0.593750}, {0.343750, 0.593750}, //
{0.406250, 0.593750}, {0.406250, 0.593750}, {0.468750, 0.593750}, {0.468750, 0.593750}, //
{0.531250, 0.593750}, {0.531250, 0.593750}, {0.593750, 0.593750}, {0.593750, 0.593750}, //
{0.656250, 0.593750}, {0.656250, 0.593750}, {0.718750, 0.593750}, {0.718750, 0.593750}, //
{0.781250, 0.593750}, {0.781250, 0.593750}, {0.843750, 0.593750}, {0.843750, 0.593750}, //
{0.906250, 0.593750}, {0.906250, 0.593750}, {0.968750, 0.593750}, {0.968750, 0.593750}, //
{0.031250, 0.656250}, {0.031250, 0.656250}, {0.093750, 0.656250}, {0.093750, 0.656250}, //
{0.156250, 0.656250}, {0.156250, 0.656250}, {0.218750, 0.656250}, {0.218750, 0.656250}, //
{0.281250, 0.656250}, {0.281250, 0.656250}, {0.343750, 0.656250}, {0.343750, 0.656250}, //
{0.406250, 0.656250}, {0.406250, 0.656250}, {0.468750, 0.656250}, {0.468750, 0.656250}, //
{0.531250, 0.656250}, {0.531250, 0.656250}, {0.593750, 0.656250}, {0.593750, 0.656250}, //
{0.656250, 0.656250}, {0.656250, 0.656250}, {0.718750, 0.656250}, {0.718750, 0.656250}, //
{0.781250, 0.656250}, {0.781250, 0.656250}, {0.843750, 0.656250}, {0.843750, 0.656250}, //
{0.906250, 0.656250}, {0.906250, 0.656250}, {0.968750, 0.656250}, {0.968750, 0.656250}, //
{0.031250, 0.718750}, {0.031250, 0.718750}, {0.093750, 0.718750}, {0.093750, 0.718750}, //
{0.156250, 0.718750}, {0.156250, 0.718750}, {0.218750, 0.718750}, {0.218750, 0.718750}, //
{0.281250, 0.718750}, {0.281250, 0.718750}, {0.343750, 0.718750}, {0.343750, 0.718750}, //
{0.406250, 0.718750}, {0.406250, 0.718750}, {0.468750, 0.718750}, {0.468750, 0.718750}, //
{0.531250, 0.718750}, {0.531250, 0.718750}, {0.593750, 0.718750}, {0.593750, 0.718750}, //
{0.656250, 0.718750}, {0.656250, 0.718750}, {0.718750, 0.718750}, {0.718750, 0.718750}, //
{0.781250, 0.718750}, {0.781250, 0.718750}, {0.843750, 0.718750}, {0.843750, 0.718750}, //
{0.906250, 0.718750}, {0.906250, 0.718750}, {0.968750, 0.718750}, {0.968750, 0.718750}, //
{0.031250, 0.781250}, {0.031250, 0.781250}, {0.093750, 0.781250}, {0.093750, 0.781250}, //
{0.156250, 0.781250}, {0.156250, 0.781250}, {0.218750, 0.781250}, {0.218750, 0.781250}, //
{0.281250, 0.781250}, {0.281250, 0.781250}, {0.343750, 0.781250}, {0.343750, 0.781250}, //
{0.406250, 0.781250}, {0.406250, 0.781250}, {0.468750, 0.781250}, {0.468750, 0.781250}, //
{0.531250, 0.781250}, {0.531250, 0.781250}, {0.593750, 0.781250}, {0.593750, 0.781250}, //
{0.656250, 0.781250}, {0.656250, 0.781250}, {0.718750, 0.781250}, {0.718750, 0.781250}, //
{0.781250, 0.781250}, {0.781250, 0.781250}, {0.843750, 0.781250}, {0.843750, 0.781250}, //
{0.906250, 0.781250}, {0.906250, 0.781250}, {0.968750, 0.781250}, {0.968750, 0.781250}, //
{0.031250, 0.843750}, {0.031250, 0.843750}, {0.093750, 0.843750}, {0.093750, 0.843750}, //
{0.156250, 0.843750}, {0.156250, 0.843750}, {0.218750, 0.843750}, {0.218750, 0.843750}, //
{0.281250, 0.843750}, {0.281250, 0.843750}, {0.343750, 0.843750}, {0.343750, 0.843750}, //
{0.406250, 0.843750}, {0.406250, 0.843750}, {0.468750, 0.843750}, {0.468750, 0.843750}, //
{0.531250, 0.843750}, {0.531250, 0.843750}, {0.593750, 0.843750}, {0.593750, 0.843750}, //
{0.656250, 0.843750}, {0.656250, 0.843750}, {0.718750, 0.843750}, {0.718750, 0.843750}, //
{0.781250, 0.843750}, {0.781250, 0.843750}, {0.843750, 0.843750}, {0.843750, 0.843750}, //
{0.906250, 0.843750}, {0.906250, 0.843750}, {0.968750, 0.843750}, {0.968750, 0.843750}, //
{0.031250, 0.906250}, {0.031250, 0.906250}, {0.093750, 0.906250}, {0.093750, 0.906250}, //
{0.156250, 0.906250}, {0.156250, 0.906250}, {0.218750, 0.906250}, {0.218750, 0.906250}, //
{0.281250, 0.906250}, {0.281250, 0.906250}, {0.343750, 0.906250}, {0.343750, 0.906250}, //
{0.406250, 0.906250}, {0.406250, 0.906250}, {0.468750, 0.906250}, {0.468750, 0.906250}, //
{0.531250, 0.906250}, {0.531250, 0.906250}, {0.593750, 0.906250}, {0.593750, 0.906250}, //
{0.656250, 0.906250}, {0.656250, 0.906250}, {0.718750, 0.906250}, {0.718750, 0.906250}, //
{0.781250, 0.906250}, {0.781250, 0.906250}, {0.843750, 0.906250}, {0.843750, 0.906250}, //
{0.906250, 0.906250}, {0.906250, 0.906250}, {0.968750, 0.906250}, {0.968750, 0.906250}, //
{0.031250, 0.968750}, {0.031250, 0.968750}, {0.093750, 0.968750}, {0.093750, 0.968750}, //
{0.156250, 0.968750}, {0.156250, 0.968750}, {0.218750, 0.968750}, {0.218750, 0.968750}, //
{0.281250, 0.968750}, {0.281250, 0.968750}, {0.343750, 0.968750}, {0.343750, 0.968750}, //
{0.406250, 0.968750}, {0.406250, 0.968750}, {0.468750, 0.968750}, {0.468750, 0.968750}, //
{0.531250, 0.968750}, {0.531250, 0.968750}, {0.593750, 0.968750}, {0.593750, 0.968750}, //
{0.656250, 0.968750}, {0.656250, 0.968750}, {0.718750, 0.968750}, {0.718750, 0.968750}, //
{0.781250, 0.968750}, {0.781250, 0.968750}, {0.843750, 0.968750}, {0.843750, 0.968750}, //
{0.906250, 0.968750}, {0.906250, 0.968750}, {0.968750, 0.968750}, {0.968750, 0.968750}, //
{0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.062500, 0.062500}, //
{0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.062500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, //
{0.187500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, {0.187500, 0.062500}, //
{0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.312500, 0.062500}, //
{0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.312500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, //
{0.437500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, {0.437500, 0.062500}, //
{0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.562500, 0.062500}, //
{0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.562500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, //
{0.687500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, {0.687500, 0.062500}, //
{0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.812500, 0.062500}, //
{0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.812500, 0.062500}, {0.937500, 0.062500}, {0.937500, 0.062500}, //
{0.937500, 0.062500}, {0.937500, 0.062500}, {0.937500, 0.062500}, {0.937500, 0.062500}, //
{0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.062500, 0.187500}, //
{0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.062500, 0.187500}, {0.187500, 0.187500}, {0.187500, 0.187500}, //
{0.187500, 0.187500}, {0.187500, 0.187500}, {0.187500, 0.187500}, {0.187500, 0.187500}, //
{0.312500, 0.187500}, {0.312500, 0.187500}, {0.312500, 0.187500}, {0.312500, 0.187500}, //
{0.312500, 0.187500}, {0.312500, 0.187500}, {0.437500, 0.187500}, {0.437500, 0.187500}, //
{0.437500, 0.187500}, {0.437500, 0.187500}, {0.437500, 0.187500}, {0.437500, 0.187500}, //
{0.562500, 0.187500}, {0.562500, 0.187500}, {0.562500, 0.187500}, {0.562500, 0.187500}, //
{0.562500, 0.187500}, {0.562500, 0.187500}, {0.687500, 0.187500}, {0.687500, 0.187500}, //
{0.687500, 0.187500}, {0.687500, 0.187500}, {0.687500, 0.187500}, {0.687500, 0.187500}, //
{0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.812500, 0.187500}, //
{0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.812500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, //
{0.937500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, {0.937500, 0.187500}, //
{0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.062500, 0.312500}, //
{0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.062500, 0.312500}, {0.187500, 0.312500}, {0.187500, 0.312500}, //
{0.187500, 0.312500}, {0.187500, 0.312500}, {0.187500, 0.312500}, {0.187500, 0.312500}, //
{0.312500, 0.312500}, {0.312500, 0.312500}, {0.312500, 0.312500}, {0.312500, 0.312500}, //
{0.312500, 0.312500}, {0.312500, 0.312500}, {0.437500, 0.312500}, {0.437500, 0.312500}, //
{0.437500, 0.312500}, {0.437500, 0.312500}, {0.437500, 0.312500}, {0.437500, 0.312500}, //
{0.562500, 0.312500}, {0.562500, 0.312500}, {0.562500, 0.312500}, {0.562500, 0.312500}, //
{0.562500, 0.312500}, {0.562500, 0.312500}, {0.687500, 0.312500}, {0.687500, 0.312500}, //
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{0.812500, 0.312500}, {0.812500, 0.312500}, {0.812500, 0.312500}, {0.812500, 0.312500}, //
{0.812500, 0.312500}, {0.812500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, //
{0.937500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, {0.937500, 0.312500}, //
{0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.062500, 0.437500}, //
{0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.062500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, //
{0.187500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, {0.187500, 0.437500}, //
{0.312500, 0.437500}, {0.312500, 0.437500}, {0.312500, 0.437500}, {0.312500, 0.437500}, //
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{0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.562500, 0.437500}, //
{0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.562500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, //
{0.687500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, {0.687500, 0.437500}, //
{0.812500, 0.437500}, {0.812500, 0.437500}, {0.812500, 0.437500}, {0.812500, 0.437500}, //
{0.812500, 0.437500}, {0.812500, 0.437500}, {0.937500, 0.437500}, {0.937500, 0.437500}, //
{0.937500, 0.437500}, {0.937500, 0.437500}, {0.937500, 0.437500}, {0.937500, 0.437500}, //
{0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.062500, 0.562500}, //
{0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.062500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, //
{0.187500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, {0.187500, 0.562500}, //
{0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.312500, 0.562500}, //
{0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.312500, 0.562500}, {0.437500, 0.562500}, {0.437500, 0.562500}, //
{0.437500, 0.562500}, {0.437500, 0.562500}, {0.437500, 0.562500}, {0.437500, 0.562500}, //
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{0.562500, 0.562500}, {0.562500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, //
{0.687500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, {0.687500, 0.562500}, //
{0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.812500, 0.562500}, //
{0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.812500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, //
{0.937500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, {0.937500, 0.562500}, //
{0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.062500, 0.687500}, //
{0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.062500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, //
{0.187500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, {0.187500, 0.687500}, //
{0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.312500, 0.687500}, //
{0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.312500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, //
{0.437500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, {0.437500, 0.687500}, //
{0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.562500, 0.687500}, //
{0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.562500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, //
{0.687500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, {0.687500, 0.687500}, //
{0.812500, 0.687500}, {0.812500, 0.687500}, {0.812500, 0.687500}, {0.812500, 0.687500}, //
{0.812500, 0.687500}, {0.812500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, //
{0.937500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, {0.937500, 0.687500}, //
{0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.062500, 0.812500}, //
{0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.062500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, //
{0.187500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, {0.187500, 0.812500}, //
{0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.312500, 0.812500}, //
{0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.312500, 0.812500}, {0.437500, 0.812500}, {0.437500, 0.812500}, //
{0.437500, 0.812500}, {0.437500, 0.812500}, {0.437500, 0.812500}, {0.437500, 0.812500}, //
{0.562500, 0.812500}, {0.562500, 0.812500}, {0.562500, 0.812500}, {0.562500, 0.812500}, //
{0.562500, 0.812500}, {0.562500, 0.812500}, {0.687500, 0.812500}, {0.687500, 0.812500}, //
{0.687500, 0.812500}, {0.687500, 0.812500}, {0.687500, 0.812500}, {0.687500, 0.812500}, //
{0.812500, 0.812500}, {0.812500, 0.812500}, {0.812500, 0.812500}, {0.812500, 0.812500}, //
{0.812500, 0.812500}, {0.812500, 0.812500}, {0.937500, 0.812500}, {0.937500, 0.812500}, //
{0.937500, 0.812500}, {0.937500, 0.812500}, {0.937500, 0.812500}, {0.937500, 0.812500}, //
{0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.062500, 0.937500}, //
{0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.062500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, //
{0.187500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, {0.187500, 0.937500}, //
{0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.312500, 0.937500}, //
{0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.312500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, //
{0.437500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, {0.437500, 0.937500}, //
{0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.562500, 0.937500}, //
{0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.562500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, //
{0.687500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, {0.687500, 0.937500}, //
{0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.812500, 0.937500}, //
{0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.812500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, //
{0.937500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, {0.937500, 0.937500}, //
static std::vector<Palm7KP>
runHandDetector(struct ht_view *htv, cv::Mat &raw_input)
const OrtApi *g_ort = htv->htd->ort_api;
cv::Mat img;
constexpr int hd_size = 128;
constexpr size_t nb_planes = 3;
constexpr size_t size = hd_size * hd_size * nb_planes;
constexpr int inputTensorSize = size * sizeof(float);
cv::Matx23f back_from_blackbar = blackbar(raw_input, img, {hd_size, hd_size});
float scale_factor = back_from_blackbar(0, 0); // 960/128
constexpr float mean = 128.0f;
constexpr float std = 128.0f;
std::vector<float> real_thing(size);
if (htv->htd->startup_config.palm_detection_use_mediapipe) {
std::vector<uint8_t> combined_planes(size);
planarize(img, combined_planes.data());
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
float val = (float)combined_planes[i];
real_thing[i] = (val - mean) / std;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int val = img.data[i];
real_thing[i] = (val - mean) / std;
// Convenience
struct ModelInfo *model_hd = &htv->detection_model;
// If this is non-NULL, ONNX will explode and won't tell you why!
OrtValue *input_tensor = nullptr;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue(
model_hd->memoryInfo, real_thing.data(), inputTensorSize, model_hd->input_shape.data(),
model_hd->input_shape.size(), ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, &input_tensor));
// Cargo-culted
assert(input_tensor != nullptr);
int is_tensor;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->IsTensor(input_tensor, &is_tensor));
// If any of these are non-NULL, ONNX will explode and won't tell you why! Be extremely paranoid!
OrtValue *output_tensor[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->Run(model_hd->session, nullptr, model_hd->input_names.data(),
(const OrtValue *const *)&input_tensor, model_hd->input_names.size(),
model_hd->output_names.data(), model_hd->output_names.size(), output_tensor));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->IsTensor(output_tensor[0], &is_tensor));
float *classificators = nullptr;
float *regressors = nullptr;
g_ort->GetTensorMutableData(output_tensor[0], (void **)&classificators)); // Totally won't segfault!
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorMutableData(output_tensor[1], (void **)®ressors));
// We need to free these!
float *rg = regressors; // shorter name
std::vector<NMSPalm> detections;
int count = 0;
std::vector<Palm7KP> output;
std::vector<NMSPalm> nms_palms;
OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo *classificators_info;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorTypeAndShape(output_tensor[0], &classificators_info));
size_t classificators_size;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorShapeElementCount(classificators_info, &classificators_size));
assert(classificators_size == 896);
OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo *regressors_info;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorTypeAndShape(output_tensor[1], ®ressors_info));
size_t regressors_size;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->GetTensorShapeElementCount(regressors_info, ®ressors_size));
assert(regressors_size == 896 * 18);
for (size_t i = 0; i < classificators_size; ++i) {
const float score = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-classificators[i]));
// Let a lot of detections in - they'll be slowly rejected later
if (score <= htv->htd->dynamic_config.nms_threshold.val) {
const struct anchor *anchor = &anchors[i];
// Boundary box.
NMSPalm det;
float anchx = anchor->x * 128;
float anchy = anchor->y * 128;
float shiftx = regressors[i * 18];
float shifty = regressors[i * 18 + 1];
float w = regressors[i * 18 + 2];
float h = regressors[i * 18 + 3];
float cx = shiftx + anchx;
float cy = shifty + anchy;
struct xrt_vec2 *kps = det.keypoints;
kps[0] = {rg[i * 18 + 4], rg[i * 18 + 5]};
kps[1] = {rg[i * 18 + 6], rg[i * 18 + 7]};
kps[2] = {rg[i * 18 + 8], rg[i * 18 + 9]};
kps[3] = {rg[i * 18 + 10], rg[i * 18 + 11]};
kps[4] = {rg[i * 18 + 12], rg[i * 18 + 13]};
kps[5] = {rg[i * 18 + 14], rg[i * 18 + 15]};
kps[6] = {rg[i * 18 + 16], rg[i * 18 + 17]};
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
struct xrt_vec2 *b = &kps[i];
b->x += anchx;
b->y += anchy;
det.bbox.w = w;
det.bbox.h = h;
det.bbox.cx = cx;
det.bbox.cy = cy;
det.confidence = score;
if (htv->htd->debug_scribble && (htv->htd->dynamic_config.scribble_raw_detections)) {
xrt_vec2 center = transformVecBy2x3(xrt_vec2{cx, cy}, back_from_blackbar);
float sz = det.bbox.w * scale_factor;
{(int)(center.x - (sz / 2)), (int)(center.y - (sz / 2)), (int)sz, (int)sz},
hsv2rgb(0.0f, math_map_ranges(det.confidence, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.5f, -0.1f),
math_map_ranges(det.confidence, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.4f)),
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
handDot(htv->debug_out_to_this, transformVecBy2x3(kps[i], back_from_blackbar),
det.confidence * 7, ((float)i) * (360.0f / 7.0f), det.confidence, 1);
int square = fmax(w, h);
square = square / scale_factor;
if (count == 0) {
goto cleanup;
nms_palms = filterBoxesWeightedAvg(detections, htv->htd->dynamic_config.nms_iou.val);
for (NMSPalm cooler : nms_palms) {
// Display box
struct xrt_vec2 tl = {cooler.bbox.cx - cooler.bbox.w / 2, cooler.bbox.cy - cooler.bbox.h / 2};
struct xrt_vec2 bob = transformVecBy2x3(tl, back_from_blackbar);
float sz = cooler.bbox.w * scale_factor;
if (htv->htd->debug_scribble && htv->htd->dynamic_config.scribble_nms_detections) {
cv::rectangle(htv->debug_out_to_this, {(int)bob.x, (int)bob.y, (int)sz, (int)sz},
hsv2rgb(180.0f, math_map_ranges(cooler.confidence, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, -0.1f),
math_map_ranges(cooler.confidence, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.4f)),
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
transformVecBy2x3(cooler.keypoints[i], back_from_blackbar),
cooler.confidence * 14, ((float)i) * (360.0f / 7.0f), cooler.confidence, 3);
Palm7KP this_element;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
struct xrt_vec2 b = cooler.keypoints[i];
this_element.kps[i] = transformVecBy2x3(b, back_from_blackbar);
this_element.confidence = cooler.confidence;
return output;
static void
addSlug(struct ht_device *htd, const char *suffix, char *out)
strcpy(out, htd->startup_config.model_slug);
strcat(out, suffix);
static void
initKeypointEstimator(struct ht_device *htd, ht_view *htv)
struct ModelInfo *model_ke = &htv->keypoint_model;
const OrtApi *g_ort = htd->ort_api;
OrtSessionOptions *opts = nullptr;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateSessionOptions(&opts));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel(opts, ORT_ENABLE_ALL));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->SetIntraOpNumThreads(opts, 1));
char modelLocation[1024];
if (htd->startup_config.keypoint_estimation_use_mediapipe) {
addSlug(htd, "hand_landmark_MEDIAPIPE.onnx", modelLocation);
} else {
addSlug(htd, "hand_landmark_COLLABORA.onnx", modelLocation);
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateSession(htd->ort_env, modelLocation, opts, &model_ke->session));
model_ke->input_size_bytes = 224 * 224 * 3 * sizeof(float);
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateCpuMemoryInfo(OrtArenaAllocator, OrtMemTypeDefault, &model_ke->memoryInfo));
htv->run_keypoint_model = runKeypointEstimator;
static void
initHandDetector(struct ht_device *htd, ht_view *htv)
struct ModelInfo *model_hd = &htv->detection_model;
memset(model_hd, 0, sizeof(struct ModelInfo));
const OrtApi *g_ort = htd->ort_api;
OrtSessionOptions *opts = nullptr;
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateSessionOptions(&opts));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel(opts, ORT_ENABLE_ALL));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->SetIntraOpNumThreads(opts, 1));
char modelLocation[1024];
// Hard-coded. Even though you can use the ONNX runtime's API to dynamically figure these out, that doesn't make
// any sense because these don't change between runs, and if you are swapping models you have to do much more
// than just change the input/output names.
if (htd->startup_config.palm_detection_use_mediapipe) {
addSlug(htd, "palm_detection_MEDIAPIPE.onnx", modelLocation);
} else {
addSlug(htd, "palm_detection_COLLABORA.onnx", modelLocation);
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateSession(htd->ort_env, modelLocation, opts, &model_hd->session));
ORT_CHECK(g_ort, g_ort->CreateCpuMemoryInfo(OrtArenaAllocator, OrtMemTypeDefault, &model_hd->memoryInfo));
htv->run_detection_model = runHandDetector;
static void
initOnnx(struct ht_device *htd)
htd->ort_api = OrtGetApiBase()->GetApi(ORT_API_VERSION);
ORT_CHECK(htd->ort_api, htd->ort_api->CreateEnv(ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, "moses", &htd->ort_env));
initHandDetector(htd, &htd->views[0]);
initHandDetector(htd, &htd->views[1]);
initKeypointEstimator(htd, &htd->views[0]);
initKeypointEstimator(htd, &htd->views[1]);
static void
destroyModelInfo(struct ht_device *htd, ModelInfo *info)
const OrtApi *g_ort = htd->ort_api;
// Same deal as in ht_device - I'm mixing C and C++ idioms, so sometimes it's easier to just manually call their
// destructors instead of figuring out some way to convince C++ to call them implicitly.
struct ht_device;
destroyOnnx(struct ht_device *htd)
destroyModelInfo(htd, &htd->views[0].keypoint_model);
destroyModelInfo(htd, &htd->views[1].keypoint_model);
destroyModelInfo(htd, &htd->views[0].detection_model);
destroyModelInfo(htd, &htd->views[1].detection_model);
initOnnx(struct ht_device *htd);
destroyOnnx(struct ht_device *htd);
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ lib_drv_ht = static_library(
Reference in a new issue