1 Setup
Michal edited this page 2022-09-29 11:49:49 +01:00

Once installed, you should follow this guide to know what you're doing and how to operate the website


This is the main configuration file, and probably the only file you'll need to edit as the host of the gallery, as everything else will be accessible on the website. To locate the manifest.json, go to app/settings/manifest.json. In there you will have a list of information about your website, so lets go through each one of them!


This is the name that your website will have, it'll appear in links, on the navigation bar and in the header of the website. By default its Only Legs, but feel free to change it to what you want, such as your company/group name or even Your name's gallery!


Similarly to website_name, this will appear in link previews, but not anywhere else. Again, feel free to change it to what you need.


You discovered the special list of text! When a user lands on the home page of your website they are greeted with a Good morning/afternoon/evening, plus some splash text. This is the list that holds all the different splash text/welcome messages the user has a chance to get. You may add or remove any as you please, but be careful to format it correctly as it may cause problems displaying the text.

license & version

Its best you leave this alone, though it shouldn't cause major issues, removing or changing the license will violate it, as any project stemming from this has to stay under the same license.


What could this be? You guessed it, the place to enter your name and/or username! By default it's set to '[your name]', but you will get warnings in the Sanity Check as that is required to be changed. It'll only appear in the footer of the website, but it's important for people to know who the images are copy-written to.


This is turned on by default, but I highly recommend it to be turned off when in production/public use, as this will display errors to the end user/anyone viewing the website. This can reveal private information, so I again recommend setting the value to 'false' once finished with the setup of the website.


This is the max filesize of a single upload the website will take. If this doesnt change anything, I recommend checking back on the Manual Install section and heading over to Upload limit.


By default its set to 'true', but it may be turned off if you wish. What this will do is rename any uploaded file on upload. This goes hand-in-hand with the option after if, so head over to that section next.


When 'rename_on_upload' is set to 'true', files will be renamed using this template, by default its set to IMG_{{username}}_{{time}}. This is a simple string that defines how a file will be renamed, but it has some quirks. Anything between {{}} is a special tag that will put in custom generated information, here are all of them and what they do:

  • {{username}} This will be replaced with the Uploaders username that they have set on the website
  • {{userid}} This will be replaced with the Uploaders id
  • {{time}} This will be replaced with the current macro-time of the upload, recommended to keep it in somewhere
  • {{date}} This will be replaced with the current date of the upload
  • {{filename}} This will be replaced with the original file name of the uploaded file
  • {{autoinc}} A special one! This will be replaced with an increased number dependent on how many files there already are under that filename. Such as when you copy/paste a file and it gets a (1), (2), (3)... added on the end of it

These can be used in combination with each-other, such as {{filename}}({{autoinc}}) could make sussy_image(69).png for example. You may also have noticed that normal text is accepted, that will stay the same all-throughout the naming process, useful if you have a strict naming scheme.


There are a few sections to cover in this, so be patient.


Here you can upload a profile picture for your account, this is only aesthetic, but recommended to setup if you have multiple users on your gallery. This follows the same upload limitations and normal images, so skip to that if you want to learn more.


You have 3 options in this world, Forget me, Password reset and Forget me forever - said someone

With Forget me, you can logout of your account and destroy your session.

Password reset, give a wild guess what this does... Done? Well this sends you to a prompt to reset your password!

Forget me forever will delete your account, only problem? More choices! You can delete just your account, or your account and all your posts! *gasp* Do take note that you cannot delete the first/original user on the gallery, as they're required to do anything on the website.


The funny string of text at the top is an invite code! You use that to create more accounts on the gallery, as of writing this there is no way to regenerate the code... sorry


This section shows the logs of the recent activity and login-attempts on the gallery, useful to track what sussy behavior has been going on while you where away.


Scawwy, this shows who has been temporarily banned/timed out from logging in, permanently banned users will have a red highlight next-to their ban.


Here you can moderate your users, such as resetting their password, setting them to an admin or even yeeting them out your gallery! But with great power comes great responsibility, so DO NOT abuse your powers.

Sanity check

You will get warnings here when the gallery detects issues, such as a problem with your manifest.json config and outdated PHP. When there are no issues, there will be a nice green box letting you know!


Uploading images is as simple as choosing the image you want to upload, then clicking upload! Keep in mind that not all formats play well as this gallery uses Imagik to generate thumbnails and preview images, so formats such as GIFs do not work as of now. Supported file formats include JPG, JPEG, PNG and WEBP.


With this, you can make image groups! They do not hold any of the images themselves, do deleting them is safe if you want to keep all your images. Keep in mind that they need at least 1 image in them to function as intended. Not really much else can be said here apart from keeping in mind that, though users may be featured in the image group, they will not have access to editing it!