These are const with no dependency on any other data members, so we can make these static constexpr to reduce the overall object size.
347 lines
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347 lines
11 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Citra Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include "common/math_util.h"
#include "common/settings.h"
#include "input_common/helpers/stick_from_buttons.h"
namespace InputCommon {
class Stick final : public Common::Input::InputDevice {
using Button = std::unique_ptr<Common::Input::InputDevice>;
Stick(Button up_, Button down_, Button left_, Button right_, Button modifier_,
float modifier_scale_, float modifier_angle_)
: up(std::move(up_)), down(std::move(down_)), left(std::move(left_)),
right(std::move(right_)), modifier(std::move(modifier_)), modifier_scale(modifier_scale_),
modifier_angle(modifier_angle_) {
.on_change =
[this](const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& callback_) {
.on_change =
[this](const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& callback_) {
.on_change =
[this](const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& callback_) {
.on_change =
[this](const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& callback_) {
.on_change =
[this](const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& callback_) {
last_x_axis_value = 0.0f;
last_y_axis_value = 0.0f;
bool IsAngleGreater(float old_angle, float new_angle) const {
constexpr float TAU = Common::PI * 2.0f;
// Use wider angle to ease the transition.
constexpr float aperture = TAU * 0.15f;
const float top_limit = new_angle + aperture;
return (old_angle > new_angle && old_angle <= top_limit) ||
(old_angle + TAU > new_angle && old_angle + TAU <= top_limit);
bool IsAngleSmaller(float old_angle, float new_angle) const {
constexpr float TAU = Common::PI * 2.0f;
// Use wider angle to ease the transition.
constexpr float aperture = TAU * 0.15f;
const float bottom_limit = new_angle - aperture;
return (old_angle >= bottom_limit && old_angle < new_angle) ||
(old_angle - TAU >= bottom_limit && old_angle - TAU < new_angle);
float GetAngle(std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> now) const {
constexpr float TAU = Common::PI * 2.0f;
float new_angle = angle;
auto time_difference = static_cast<float>(
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(now - last_update).count());
time_difference /= 1000.0f * 1000.0f;
if (time_difference > 0.5f) {
time_difference = 0.5f;
if (IsAngleGreater(new_angle, goal_angle)) {
new_angle -= modifier_angle * time_difference;
if (new_angle < 0) {
new_angle += TAU;
if (!IsAngleGreater(new_angle, goal_angle)) {
return goal_angle;
} else if (IsAngleSmaller(new_angle, goal_angle)) {
new_angle += modifier_angle * time_difference;
if (new_angle >= TAU) {
new_angle -= TAU;
if (!IsAngleSmaller(new_angle, goal_angle)) {
return goal_angle;
} else {
return goal_angle;
return new_angle;
void SetGoalAngle(bool r, bool l, bool u, bool d) {
// Move to the right
if (r && !u && !d) {
goal_angle = 0.0f;
// Move to the upper right
if (r && u && !d) {
goal_angle = Common::PI * 0.25f;
// Move up
if (u && !l && !r) {
goal_angle = Common::PI * 0.5f;
// Move to the upper left
if (l && u && !d) {
goal_angle = Common::PI * 0.75f;
// Move to the left
if (l && !u && !d) {
goal_angle = Common::PI;
// Move to the bottom left
if (l && !u && d) {
goal_angle = Common::PI * 1.25f;
// Move down
if (d && !l && !r) {
goal_angle = Common::PI * 1.5f;
// Move to the bottom right
if (r && !u && d) {
goal_angle = Common::PI * 1.75f;
void UpdateUpButtonStatus(const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& button_callback) {
up_status = button_callback.button_status.value;
void UpdateDownButtonStatus(const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& button_callback) {
down_status = button_callback.button_status.value;
void UpdateLeftButtonStatus(const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& button_callback) {
left_status = button_callback.button_status.value;
void UpdateRightButtonStatus(const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& button_callback) {
right_status = button_callback.button_status.value;
void UpdateModButtonStatus(const Common::Input::CallbackStatus& button_callback) {
const auto& new_status = button_callback.button_status;
const bool new_button_value = new_status.inverted ? !new_status.value : new_status.value;
modifier_status.toggle = new_status.toggle;
// Update button status with current
if (!modifier_status.toggle) {
modifier_status.locked = false;
if (modifier_status.value != new_button_value) {
modifier_status.value = new_button_value;
} else {
// Toggle button and lock status
if (new_button_value && !modifier_status.locked) {
modifier_status.locked = true;
modifier_status.value = !modifier_status.value;
// Unlock button ready for next press
if (!new_button_value && modifier_status.locked) {
modifier_status.locked = false;
void UpdateStatus() {
const float coef = modifier_status.value ? modifier_scale : 1.0f;
bool r = right_status;
bool l = left_status;
bool u = up_status;
bool d = down_status;
// Eliminate contradictory movements
if (r && l) {
r = false;
l = false;
if (u && d) {
u = false;
d = false;
// Move if a key is pressed
if (r || l || u || d) {
amplitude = coef;
} else {
amplitude = 0;
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
const auto time_difference = static_cast<u64>(
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - last_update).count());
if (time_difference < 10) {
// Disable analog mode if inputs are too fast
SetGoalAngle(r, l, u, d);
angle = goal_angle;
} else {
angle = GetAngle(now);
SetGoalAngle(r, l, u, d);
last_update = now;
Common::Input::CallbackStatus status{
.type = Common::Input::InputType::Stick,
.stick_status = GetStatus(),
last_x_axis_value = status.stick_status.x.raw_value;
last_y_axis_value = status.stick_status.y.raw_value;
void ForceUpdate() override {
void SoftUpdate() override {
Common::Input::CallbackStatus status{
.type = Common::Input::InputType::Stick,
.stick_status = GetStatus(),
if (last_x_axis_value == status.stick_status.x.raw_value &&
last_y_axis_value == status.stick_status.y.raw_value) {
last_x_axis_value = status.stick_status.x.raw_value;
last_y_axis_value = status.stick_status.y.raw_value;
Common::Input::StickStatus GetStatus() const {
Common::Input::StickStatus status{};
status.x.properties = properties;
status.y.properties = properties;
if (Settings::values.emulate_analog_keyboard) {
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
float angle_ = GetAngle(now);
status.x.raw_value = std::cos(angle_) * amplitude;
status.y.raw_value = std::sin(angle_) * amplitude;
return status;
constexpr float SQRT_HALF = 0.707106781f;
int x = 0, y = 0;
if (right_status) {
if (left_status) {
if (up_status) {
if (down_status) {
const float coef = modifier_status.value ? modifier_scale : 1.0f;
status.x.raw_value = static_cast<float>(x) * coef * (y == 0 ? 1.0f : SQRT_HALF);
status.y.raw_value = static_cast<float>(y) * coef * (x == 0 ? 1.0f : SQRT_HALF);
return status;
static constexpr Common::Input::AnalogProperties properties{
.deadzone = 0.0f,
.range = 1.0f,
.threshold = 0.5f,
.offset = 0.0f,
.inverted = false,
.toggle = false,
Button up;
Button down;
Button left;
Button right;
Button modifier;
float modifier_scale{};
float modifier_angle{};
float angle{};
float goal_angle{};
float amplitude{};
bool up_status{};
bool down_status{};
bool left_status{};
bool right_status{};
float last_x_axis_value{};
float last_y_axis_value{};
Common::Input::ButtonStatus modifier_status{};
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> last_update;
std::unique_ptr<Common::Input::InputDevice> StickFromButton::Create(
const Common::ParamPackage& params) {
const std::string null_engine = Common::ParamPackage{{"engine", "null"}}.Serialize();
auto up = Common::Input::CreateDeviceFromString<Common::Input::InputDevice>(
params.Get("up", null_engine));
auto down = Common::Input::CreateDeviceFromString<Common::Input::InputDevice>(
params.Get("down", null_engine));
auto left = Common::Input::CreateDeviceFromString<Common::Input::InputDevice>(
params.Get("left", null_engine));
auto right = Common::Input::CreateDeviceFromString<Common::Input::InputDevice>(
params.Get("right", null_engine));
auto modifier = Common::Input::CreateDeviceFromString<Common::Input::InputDevice>(
params.Get("modifier", null_engine));
auto modifier_scale = params.Get("modifier_scale", 0.5f);
auto modifier_angle = params.Get("modifier_angle", 5.5f);
return std::make_unique<Stick>(std::move(up), std::move(down), std::move(left),
std::move(right), std::move(modifier), modifier_scale,
} // namespace InputCommon