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// MiniVersion.cpp Version 1.1
// Author: Hans Dietrich
// hdietrich2@hotmail.com
// This software is released into the public domain.
// You are free to use it in any way you like, except
// that you may not sell this source code.
// This software is provided "as is" with no expressed
// or implied warranty. I accept no liability for any
// damage or loss of business that this software may cause.
#include "MiniVersion.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
// ctor
CMiniVersion::CMiniVersion(LPCTSTR lpszPath)
ZeroMemory(m_szPath, sizeof(m_szPath));
if (lpszPath && lpszPath[0] != 0)
lstrcpyn(m_szPath, lpszPath, sizeof(m_szPath)-1);
m_pData = NULL;
m_dwHandle = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m_wFileVersion[i] = 0;
m_wProductVersion[i] = 0;
m_dwFileFlags = 0;
m_dwFileOS = 0;
m_dwFileType = 0;
m_dwFileSubtype = 0;
ZeroMemory(m_szCompanyName, sizeof(m_szCompanyName));
ZeroMemory(m_szProductName, sizeof(m_szProductName));
ZeroMemory(m_szFileDescription, sizeof(m_szFileDescription));
// Init
BOOL CMiniVersion::Init()
DWORD dwHandle;
DWORD dwSize;
BOOL rc;
dwSize = ::GetFileVersionInfoSize((LPCTSTR)m_szPath, &dwHandle);
if (dwSize == 0)
return FALSE;
m_pData = new BYTE [dwSize + 1];
ZeroMemory(m_pData, dwSize+1);
rc = ::GetFileVersionInfo((LPCTSTR)m_szPath, dwHandle, dwSize, m_pData);
if (!rc)
return FALSE;
// get fixed info
if (GetFixedInfo(FixedInfo))
m_wFileVersion[0] = HIWORD(FixedInfo.dwFileVersionMS);
m_wFileVersion[1] = LOWORD(FixedInfo.dwFileVersionMS);
m_wFileVersion[2] = HIWORD(FixedInfo.dwFileVersionLS);
m_wFileVersion[3] = LOWORD(FixedInfo.dwFileVersionLS);
m_wProductVersion[0] = HIWORD(FixedInfo.dwProductVersionMS);
m_wProductVersion[1] = LOWORD(FixedInfo.dwProductVersionMS);
m_wProductVersion[2] = HIWORD(FixedInfo.dwProductVersionLS);
m_wProductVersion[3] = LOWORD(FixedInfo.dwProductVersionLS);
m_dwFileFlags = FixedInfo.dwFileFlags;
m_dwFileOS = FixedInfo.dwFileOS;
m_dwFileType = FixedInfo.dwFileType;
m_dwFileSubtype = FixedInfo.dwFileSubtype;
return FALSE;
// get string info
GetStringInfo(_T("CompanyName"), m_szCompanyName, MAX_PATH*2);
GetStringInfo(_T("FileDescription"), m_szFileDescription, MAX_PATH*2);
GetStringInfo(_T("ProductName"), m_szProductName, MAX_PATH*2);
return TRUE;
// Release
void CMiniVersion::Release()
// do this manually, because we can't use objects requiring
// a dtor within an exception handler
if (m_pData)
delete [] m_pData;
m_pData = NULL;
// GetFileVersion
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetFileVersion(WORD * pwVersion)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
*pwVersion++ = m_wFileVersion[i];
return TRUE;
// GetProductVersion
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetProductVersion(WORD * pwVersion)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
*pwVersion++ = m_wProductVersion[i];
return TRUE;
// GetFileFlags
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetFileFlags(DWORD& rdwFlags)
rdwFlags = m_dwFileFlags;
return TRUE;
// GetFileOS
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetFileOS(DWORD& rdwOS)
rdwOS = m_dwFileOS;
return TRUE;
// GetFileType
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetFileType(DWORD& rdwType)
rdwType = m_dwFileType;
return TRUE;
// GetFileSubtype
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetFileSubtype(DWORD& rdwType)
rdwType = m_dwFileSubtype;
return TRUE;
// GetCompanyName
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetCompanyName(LPTSTR lpszCompanyName, int nSize)
if (!lpszCompanyName)
return FALSE;
ZeroMemory(lpszCompanyName, nSize);
lstrcpyn(lpszCompanyName, m_szCompanyName, nSize-1);
return TRUE;
// GetFileDescription
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetFileDescription(LPTSTR lpszFileDescription, int nSize)
if (!lpszFileDescription)
return FALSE;
ZeroMemory(lpszFileDescription, nSize);
lstrcpyn(lpszFileDescription, m_szFileDescription, nSize-1);
return TRUE;
// GetProductName
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetProductName(LPTSTR lpszProductName, int nSize)
if (!lpszProductName)
return FALSE;
ZeroMemory(lpszProductName, nSize);
lstrcpyn(lpszProductName, m_szProductName, nSize-1);
return TRUE;
// protected methods
// GetFixedInfo
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetFixedInfo(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO& rFixedInfo)
BOOL rc;
UINT nLength;
if (!m_pData)
return FALSE;
if (m_pData)
rc = ::VerQueryValue(m_pData, _T("\\"), (void **) &pFixedInfo, &nLength);
rc = FALSE;
if (rc)
memcpy (&rFixedInfo, pFixedInfo, sizeof (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO));
return rc;
// GetStringInfo
BOOL CMiniVersion::GetStringInfo(LPCTSTR lpszKey, LPTSTR lpszReturnValue, unsigned int cchBuffer)
BOOL rc;
DWORD *pdwTranslation;
UINT nLength;
LPTSTR lpszValue;
if (m_pData == NULL)
return FALSE;
if (!lpszReturnValue)
return FALSE;
if (!lpszKey)
return FALSE;
*lpszReturnValue = 0;
rc = ::VerQueryValue(m_pData, _T("\\VarFileInfo\\Translation"),
(void**) &pdwTranslation, &nLength);
if (!rc)
return FALSE;
TCHAR szKey[2000] = {0};
StringCchPrintf(szKey, 2000, _T("\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\%s"), LOWORD (*pdwTranslation), HIWORD (*pdwTranslation), lpszKey);
rc = ::VerQueryValue(m_pData, szKey, (void**) &lpszValue, &nLength);
if (!rc)
return FALSE;
StringCchCopy(lpszReturnValue,cchBuffer, lpszValue);
return TRUE;
} |