/* * Ctrl_smp.cpp * ------------ * Purpose: Sample tab, upper panel. * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: Olivier Lapicque * OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Mptrack.h" #include "Mainfrm.h" #include "InputHandler.h" #include "Childfrm.h" #include "ImageLists.h" #include "Moddoc.h" #include "../soundlib/mod_specifications.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "Ctrl_smp.h" #include "View_smp.h" #include "SampleEditorDialogs.h" #include "dlg_misc.h" #include "PSRatioCalc.h" #include <soundtouch/include/SoundTouch.h> #include <soundtouch/source/SoundTouchDLL/SoundTouchDLL.h> #include <smbPitchShift/smbPitchShift.h> #include "../tracklib/SampleEdit.h" #include "Autotune.h" #include "../common/mptStringBuffer.h" #include "../common/mptFileIO.h" #include "../common/FileReader.h" #include "openmpt/soundbase/Copy.hpp" #include "openmpt/soundbase/SampleConvert.hpp" #include "openmpt/soundbase/SampleDecode.hpp" #include "../soundlib/SampleCopy.h" #include "FileDialog.h" #include "ProgressDialog.h" #include "../include/r8brain/CDSPResampler.h" #include "../soundlib/MixFuncTable.h" #include "mpt/audio/span.hpp" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #define BASENOTE_MIN (1*12) // C-1 #define BASENOTE_MAX (10*12+11) // B-10 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CCtrlSamples, CModControlDlg) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CCtrlSamples) ON_WM_VSCROLL() ON_WM_XBUTTONUP() ON_NOTIFY(TBN_DROPDOWN, IDC_TOOLBAR1, &CCtrlSamples::OnTbnDropDownToolBar) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_NEW, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleNew) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_DUPLICATE, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleDuplicate) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_OPEN, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleOpen) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_OPENKNOWN, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleOpenKnown) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_OPENRAW, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleOpenRaw) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_SAVEAS, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleSave) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAVE_ONE, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleSaveOne) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAVE_ALL, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleSaveAll) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_PLAY, &CCtrlSamples::OnSamplePlay) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_NORMALIZE, &CCtrlSamples::OnNormalize) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_AMPLIFY, &CCtrlSamples::OnAmplify) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_RESAMPLE, &CCtrlSamples::OnResample) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_REVERSE, &CCtrlSamples::OnReverse) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_SILENCE, &CCtrlSamples::OnSilence) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_INVERT, &CCtrlSamples::OnInvert) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_SIGN_UNSIGN, &CCtrlSamples::OnSignUnSign) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_DCOFFSET, &CCtrlSamples::OnRemoveDCOffset) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_XFADE, &CCtrlSamples::OnXFade) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_STEREOSEPARATION, &CCtrlSamples::OnStereoSeparation) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_AUTOTUNE, &CCtrlSamples::OnAutotune) ON_COMMAND(IDC_CHECK1, &CCtrlSamples::OnSetPanningChanged) ON_COMMAND(IDC_CHECK2, &CCtrlSamples::OnKeepSampleOnDisk) ON_COMMAND(ID_PREVINSTRUMENT, &CCtrlSamples::OnPrevInstrument) ON_COMMAND(ID_NEXTINSTRUMENT, &CCtrlSamples::OnNextInstrument) ON_COMMAND(IDC_BUTTON1, &CCtrlSamples::OnPitchShiftTimeStretch) ON_COMMAND(IDC_BUTTON2, &CCtrlSamples::OnEstimateSampleSize) ON_COMMAND(IDC_CHECK3, &CCtrlSamples::OnEnableStretchToSize) ON_COMMAND(IDC_SAMPLE_INITOPL, &CCtrlSamples::OnInitOPLInstrument) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_SAMPLE_NAME, &CCtrlSamples::OnNameChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_SAMPLE_FILENAME, &CCtrlSamples::OnFileNameChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_SAMPLE, &CCtrlSamples::OnSampleChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT1, &CCtrlSamples::OnLoopPointsChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT2, &CCtrlSamples::OnLoopPointsChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT3, &CCtrlSamples::OnSustainPointsChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT4, &CCtrlSamples::OnSustainPointsChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT5, &CCtrlSamples::OnFineTuneChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT7, &CCtrlSamples::OnVolumeChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT8, &CCtrlSamples::OnGlobalVolChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT9, &CCtrlSamples::OnPanningChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT14, &CCtrlSamples::OnVibSweepChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT15, &CCtrlSamples::OnVibDepthChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT16, &CCtrlSamples::OnVibRateChanged) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_SAMPLE_NAME, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_SAMPLE_FILENAME, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT1, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT2, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT3, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT4, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT5, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT7, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT8, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT9, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT14, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT15, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_EDIT16, &CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT5, &CCtrlSamples::OnFineTuneChangedDone) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO_BASENOTE,&CCtrlSamples::OnBaseNoteChanged) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO_ZOOM, &CCtrlSamples::OnZoomChanged) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO1, &CCtrlSamples::OnLoopTypeChanged) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO2, &CCtrlSamples::OnSustainTypeChanged) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO3, &CCtrlSamples::OnVibTypeChanged) ON_MESSAGE(WM_MOD_KEYCOMMAND, &CCtrlSamples::OnCustomKeyMsg) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CCtrlSamples::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CModControlDlg::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CCtrlSamples) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TOOLBAR1, m_ToolBar1); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TOOLBAR2, m_ToolBar2); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SAMPLE_NAME, m_EditName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SAMPLE_FILENAME, m_EditFileName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SAMPLE_NAME, m_EditName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SAMPLE_FILENAME, m_EditFileName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_ZOOM, m_ComboZoom); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_BASENOTE, m_CbnBaseNote); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN_SAMPLE, m_SpinSample); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SAMPLE, m_EditSample); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK1, m_CheckPanning); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN1, m_SpinLoopStart); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN2, m_SpinLoopEnd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN3, m_SpinSustainStart); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN4, m_SpinSustainEnd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN5, m_SpinFineTune); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN7, m_SpinVolume); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN8, m_SpinGlobalVol); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN9, m_SpinPanning); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN11, m_SpinVibSweep); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN12, m_SpinVibDepth); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN13, m_SpinVibRate); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO1, m_ComboLoopType); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO2, m_ComboSustainType); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO3, m_ComboAutoVib); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_EditLoopStart); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT2, m_EditLoopEnd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT3, m_EditSustainStart); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT4, m_EditSustainEnd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT5, m_EditFineTune); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT7, m_EditVolume); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT8, m_EditGlobalVol); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT9, m_EditPanning); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT14, m_EditVibSweep); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT15, m_EditVibDepth); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT16, m_EditVibRate); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO4, m_ComboPitch); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO5, m_ComboQuality); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO6, m_ComboFFT); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN10, m_SpinSequenceMs); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN14, m_SpinSeekWindowMs); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN15, m_SpinOverlap); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN16, m_SpinStretchAmount); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT6, m_dTimeStretchRatio); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } CCtrlSamples::CCtrlSamples(CModControlView &parent, CModDoc &document) : CModControlDlg(parent, document) { m_nLockCount = 1; } CCtrlSamples::~CCtrlSamples() { } CRuntimeClass *CCtrlSamples::GetAssociatedViewClass() { return RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewSample); } void CCtrlSamples::OnEditFocus() { m_startedEdit = false; } BOOL CCtrlSamples::OnInitDialog() { CModControlDlg::OnInitDialog(); m_bInitialized = FALSE; SetRedraw(FALSE); // Zoom Selection static constexpr std::pair<const TCHAR *, int> ZoomLevels[] = { {_T("Auto"), 0}, {_T("1:1"), 1}, {_T("2:1"), -2}, {_T("4:1"), -3}, {_T("8:1"), -4}, {_T("16:1"), -5}, {_T("32:1"), -6}, {_T("1:2"), 2}, {_T("1:4"), 3}, {_T("1:8"), 4}, {_T("1:16"), 5}, {_T("1:32"), 6}, {_T("1:64"), 7}, {_T("1:128"), 8}, {_T("1:256"), 9}, {_T("1:512"), 10}, }; m_ComboZoom.SetRedraw(FALSE); m_ComboZoom.InitStorage(static_cast<int>(std::size(ZoomLevels)), 4); for(const auto &[str, data] : ZoomLevels) { m_ComboZoom.SetItemData(m_ComboZoom.AddString(str), static_cast<DWORD_PTR>(data)); } m_ComboZoom.SetRedraw(TRUE); m_ComboZoom.SetCurSel(0); // File ToolBar m_ToolBar1.SetExtendedStyle(m_ToolBar1.GetExtendedStyle() | TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS); m_ToolBar1.Init(CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->m_PatternIcons,CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->m_PatternIconsDisabled); m_ToolBar1.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_NEW, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_NEW, TBSTYLE_BUTTON | TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN); m_ToolBar1.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_OPEN, TIMAGE_OPEN, TBSTYLE_BUTTON | TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN); m_ToolBar1.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_SAVEAS, TIMAGE_SAVE, TBSTYLE_BUTTON | TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN); // Edit ToolBar m_ToolBar2.Init(CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->m_PatternIcons,CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->m_PatternIconsDisabled); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_PLAY, TIMAGE_PREVIEW); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_NORMALIZE, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_NORMALIZE); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_AMPLIFY, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_AMPLIFY); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_DCOFFSET, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_DCOFFSET); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_STEREOSEPARATION, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_STEREOSEP); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_RESAMPLE, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_RESAMPLE); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_REVERSE, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_REVERSE); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_SILENCE, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_SILENCE); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_INVERT, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_INVERT); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_SIGN_UNSIGN, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_UNSIGN); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_XFADE, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_FIXLOOP); m_ToolBar2.AddButton(IDC_SAMPLE_AUTOTUNE, TIMAGE_SAMPLE_AUTOTUNE); // Setup Controls m_SpinVolume.SetRange(0, 64); m_SpinGlobalVol.SetRange(0, 64); m_CbnBaseNote.InitStorage(BASENOTE_MAX - BASENOTE_MIN, 4); m_CbnBaseNote.SetRedraw(FALSE); for(ModCommand::NOTE i = BASENOTE_MIN; i <= BASENOTE_MAX; i++) { CString noteName = mpt::ToCString(CSoundFile::GetDefaultNoteName(i % 12)) + mpt::cfmt::val(i / 12); m_CbnBaseNote.SetItemData(m_CbnBaseNote.AddString(noteName), i - (NOTE_MIDDLEC - NOTE_MIN)); } m_CbnBaseNote.SetRedraw(TRUE); m_ComboFFT.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_ComboPitch.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_ComboQuality.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_ComboFFT.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); // Pitch selection // Allow pitch from -12 (1 octave down) to +12 (1 octave up) m_ComboPitch.InitStorage(25, 4); m_ComboPitch.SetRedraw(FALSE); for(int i = -12 ; i <= 12 ; i++) { mpt::tstring str; if(i == 0) str = _T("none"); else if(i < 0) str = mpt::tfmt::dec(i); else str = _T("+") + mpt::tfmt::dec(i); m_ComboPitch.SetItemData(m_ComboPitch.AddString(str.c_str()), i + 12); } m_ComboPitch.SetRedraw(TRUE); // Set "none" as default pitch m_ComboPitch.SetCurSel(12); // Quality selection // Allow quality from 4 to 128 m_ComboQuality.InitStorage(128 - 4, 4); m_ComboQuality.SetRedraw(FALSE); for(int i = 4; i <= 128; i++) { m_ComboQuality.SetItemData(m_ComboQuality.AddString(mpt::tfmt::dec(i).c_str()), i - 4); } m_ComboQuality.SetRedraw(TRUE); // Set 32 as default quality m_ComboQuality.SetCurSel(32 - 4); // FFT size selection // Deduce exponent from equation : MAX_FRAME_LENGTH = 2^exponent constexpr int exponent = mpt::bit_width(uint32(MAX_FRAME_LENGTH)) - 1; // Allow FFT size from 2^8 (256) to 2^exponent (MAX_FRAME_LENGTH) m_ComboFFT.InitStorage(exponent - 8, 4); m_ComboFFT.SetRedraw(FALSE); for(int i = 8 ; i <= exponent ; i++) { m_ComboFFT.SetItemData(m_ComboFFT.AddString(mpt::tfmt::dec(1 << i).c_str()), i - 8); } m_ComboFFT.SetRedraw(TRUE); // Set 4096 as default FFT size m_ComboFFT.SetCurSel(4); // Stretch to size check box OnEnableStretchToSize(); m_SpinSequenceMs.SetRange32(0, 9999); m_SpinSeekWindowMs.SetRange32(0, 9999); m_SpinOverlap.SetRange32(0, 9999); m_SpinStretchAmount.SetRange32(50, 200); SetRedraw(TRUE); return TRUE; } void CCtrlSamples::RecalcLayout() { } bool CCtrlSamples::SetCurrentSample(SAMPLEINDEX nSmp, LONG lZoom, bool bUpdNum) { if(m_sndFile.GetNumSamples() < 1) m_sndFile.m_nSamples = 1; if((nSmp < 1) || (nSmp > m_sndFile.GetNumSamples())) return FALSE; LockControls(); if(m_nSample != nSmp) { m_nSample = nSmp; UpdateView(SampleHint(m_nSample).Info()); m_parent.SampleChanged(m_nSample); } if(bUpdNum) { SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_SAMPLE, m_nSample); m_SpinSample.SetRange(1, m_sndFile.GetNumSamples()); } if(lZoom == -1) { lZoom = static_cast<int>(m_ComboZoom.GetItemData(m_ComboZoom.GetCurSel())); } else { for(int i = 0; i< m_ComboZoom.GetCount(); i++) { if(static_cast<int>(m_ComboZoom.GetItemData(i)) == lZoom) { m_ComboZoom.SetCurSel(i); break; } } } static_assert(MAX_SAMPLES < uint16_max); SendViewMessage(VIEWMSG_SETCURRENTSAMPLE, (lZoom << 16) | m_nSample); UnlockControls(); return true; } void CCtrlSamples::OnActivatePage(LPARAM lParam) { if (lParam < 0) { int nIns = m_parent.GetInstrumentChange(); if (m_sndFile.GetNumInstruments()) { if ((nIns > 0) && (!m_modDoc.IsChildSample((INSTRUMENTINDEX)nIns, m_nSample))) { SAMPLEINDEX k = m_modDoc.FindInstrumentChild((INSTRUMENTINDEX)nIns); if (k > 0) lParam = k; } } else { if (nIns > 0) lParam = nIns; } } else if (lParam > 0) { if (m_sndFile.GetNumInstruments()) { INSTRUMENTINDEX k = (INSTRUMENTINDEX)m_parent.GetInstrumentChange(); if (!m_modDoc.IsChildSample(k, (SAMPLEINDEX)lParam)) { INSTRUMENTINDEX nins = m_modDoc.FindSampleParent((SAMPLEINDEX)lParam); if(nins != INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID) { m_parent.InstrumentChanged(nins); } } } else { m_parent.InstrumentChanged(static_cast<int>(lParam)); } } CChildFrame *pFrame = (CChildFrame *)GetParentFrame(); SAMPLEVIEWSTATE &sampleState = pFrame->GetSampleViewState(); if(sampleState.initialSample != 0) { m_nSample = sampleState.initialSample; sampleState.initialSample = 0; } SetCurrentSample((lParam > 0) ? ((SAMPLEINDEX)lParam) : m_nSample); // Initial Update if (!m_bInitialized) UpdateView(SampleHint(m_nSample).Info().ModType(), NULL); if (m_hWndView) PostViewMessage(VIEWMSG_LOADSTATE, (LPARAM)&sampleState); SwitchToView(); // Combo boxes randomly disappear without this... why? Invalidate(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnDeactivatePage() { CChildFrame *pFrame = (CChildFrame *)GetParentFrame(); if ((pFrame) && (m_hWndView)) SendViewMessage(VIEWMSG_SAVESTATE, (LPARAM)&pFrame->GetSampleViewState()); m_modDoc.NoteOff(0, true); } LRESULT CCtrlSamples::OnModCtrlMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(wParam) { case CTRLMSG_GETCURRENTINSTRUMENT: return m_nSample; break; case CTRLMSG_SMP_PREVINSTRUMENT: OnPrevInstrument(); break; case CTRLMSG_SMP_NEXTINSTRUMENT: OnNextInstrument(); break; case CTRLMSG_SMP_OPENFILE: if(lParam) return OpenSample(*reinterpret_cast<const mpt::PathString *>(lParam)); break; case CTRLMSG_SMP_SONGDROP: if(lParam) { const auto &dropInfo = *reinterpret_cast<const DRAGONDROP *>(lParam); if(dropInfo.sndFile) return OpenSample(*dropInfo.sndFile, static_cast<SAMPLEINDEX>(dropInfo.dropItem)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } break; case CTRLMSG_SMP_SETZOOM: SetCurrentSample(m_nSample, static_cast<int>(lParam), FALSE); break; case CTRLMSG_SETCURRENTINSTRUMENT: SetCurrentSample((SAMPLEINDEX)lParam, -1, TRUE); break; case CTRLMSG_SMP_INITOPL: OnInitOPLInstrument(); break; case CTRLMSG_SMP_NEWSAMPLE: return InsertSample(false) ? 1 : 0; case IDC_SAMPLE_REVERSE: OnReverse(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_SILENCE: OnSilence(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_INVERT: OnInvert(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_XFADE: OnXFade(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_STEREOSEPARATION: OnStereoSeparation(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_AUTOTUNE: OnAutotune(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_SIGN_UNSIGN: OnSignUnSign(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_DCOFFSET: RemoveDCOffset(false); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_NORMALIZE: Normalize(false); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_AMPLIFY: OnAmplify(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_QUICKFADE: OnQuickFade(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_OPEN: OnSampleOpen(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_SAVEAS: OnSampleSave(); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_NEW: InsertSample(false); break; default: return CModControlDlg::OnModCtrlMsg(wParam, lParam); } return 0; } BOOL CCtrlSamples::GetToolTipText(UINT uId, LPTSTR pszText) { if ((pszText) && (uId)) { UINT val = GetDlgItemInt(uId); const TCHAR *s = nullptr; CommandID cmd = kcNull; switch(uId) { case IDC_SAMPLE_NEW: s = _T("Insert Sample"); cmd = kcSampleNew; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_OPEN: s = _T("Import Sample"); cmd = kcSampleLoad; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_SAVEAS: s = _T("Save Sample"); cmd = kcSampleSave; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_PLAY: s = _T("Play Sample"); break; case IDC_SAMPLE_NORMALIZE: s = _T("Normalize (hold shift to normalize all samples)"); cmd = kcSampleNormalize; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_AMPLIFY: s = _T("Amplify"); cmd = kcSampleAmplify; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_DCOFFSET: s = _T("Remove DC Offset and Normalize (hold shift to process all samples)"); cmd = kcSampleRemoveDCOffset; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_STEREOSEPARATION: s = _T("Change Stereo Separation / Stereo Width of the sample"); cmd = kcSampleStereoSep; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_RESAMPLE: s = _T("Resample"); cmd = kcSampleResample; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_REVERSE: s = _T("Reverse"); cmd = kcSampleReverse; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_SILENCE: s = _T("Silence"); cmd = kcSampleSilence; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_INVERT: s = _T("Invert Phase"); cmd = kcSampleInvert; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_SIGN_UNSIGN: s = _T("Signed/Unsigned Conversion"); cmd = kcSampleSignUnsign; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_XFADE: s = _T("Crossfade Sample Loops"); cmd = kcSampleXFade; break; case IDC_SAMPLE_AUTOTUNE: s = _T("Tune the sample to a given note"); cmd = kcSampleAutotune; break; case IDC_EDIT7: case IDC_EDIT8: // Volume to dB if(IsOPLInstrument()) _tcscpy(pszText, (mpt::tfmt::fix((static_cast<int32>(val) - 64) * 0.75, 2) + _T(" dB")).c_str()); else _tcscpy(pszText, CModDoc::LinearToDecibels(val, 64.0)); return TRUE; case IDC_EDIT9: // Panning if(m_nSample) { const ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); _tcscpy(pszText, CModDoc::PanningToString(sample.nPan, 128)); } return TRUE; case IDC_EDIT5: case IDC_SPIN5: case IDC_COMBO_BASENOTE: if(m_nSample) { const ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); const auto freqHz = sample.GetSampleRate(m_sndFile.GetType()); if(sample.uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]) { // Translate to actual note frequency _tcscpy(pszText, MPT_TFORMAT("{}Hz")(mpt::tfmt::flt(freqHz * (261.625 / 8363.0), 6)).c_str()); return TRUE; } if(m_sndFile.UseFinetuneAndTranspose()) { // Transpose + Finetune to Frequency _tcscpy(pszText, MPT_TFORMAT("{}Hz")(freqHz).c_str()); return TRUE; } } break; case IDC_EDIT14: // Vibrato Sweep if(!(m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT | MOD_TYPE_XM))) { s = _T("Only available in IT / MPTM / XM format"); break; } else if(m_nSample) { const ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); int ticks = -1; if(m_sndFile.m_playBehaviour[kITVibratoTremoloPanbrello]) { if(val > 0) ticks = Util::muldivr_unsigned(sample.nVibDepth, 256, val); } else if(m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT)) { if(val > 0) ticks = Util::muldivr_unsigned(sample.nVibDepth, 128, val); } else { ticks = val; } if(ticks >= 0) _stprintf(pszText, _T("%d ticks"), ticks); else _tcscpy(pszText, _T("No Vibrato")); } return TRUE; case IDC_EDIT15: // Vibrato Depth if(!(m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT | MOD_TYPE_XM))) _tcscpy(pszText, _T("Only available in IT / MPTM / XM format")); else _stprintf(pszText, _T("%u cents"), Util::muldivr_unsigned(val, 100, 64)); return TRUE; case IDC_EDIT16: // Vibrato Rate if(!(m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT | MOD_TYPE_XM))) { s = _T("Only available in IT / MPTM / XM format"); break; } else if(val == 0) { s = _T("Stopped"); break; } else { const double ticksPerCycle = 256.0 / val; const uint32 ticksPerBeat = std::max(1u, m_sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nCurrentRowsPerBeat * m_sndFile.m_PlayState.m_nMusicSpeed); _stprintf(pszText, _T("%.2f beats per cycle (%.2f ticks)"), ticksPerCycle / ticksPerBeat, ticksPerCycle); } return TRUE; case IDC_CHECK1: case IDC_EDIT3: case IDC_EDIT4: case IDC_COMBO2: if(!(m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT))) s = _T("Only available in IT / MPTM format"); break; case IDC_COMBO3: if(!(m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT | MOD_TYPE_XM))) s = _T("Only available in IT / MPTM / XM format"); break; case IDC_CHECK2: s = _T("Keep a reference to the original waveform instead of saving it in the module."); break; } if(s != nullptr) { _tcscpy(pszText, s); if(cmd != kcNull) { auto keyText = CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->m_activeCommandSet->GetKeyTextFromCommand(cmd, 0); if (!keyText.IsEmpty()) _tcscat(pszText, MPT_TFORMAT(" ({})")(keyText).c_str()); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void CCtrlSamples::UpdateView(UpdateHint hint, CObject *pObj) { if(pObj == this) return; if (hint.GetType()[HINT_MPTOPTIONS]) { m_ToolBar1.UpdateStyle(); m_ToolBar2.UpdateStyle(); } const SampleHint sampleHint = hint.ToType<SampleHint>(); FlagSet<HintType> hintType = sampleHint.GetType(); if (!m_bInitialized) hintType.set(HINT_MODTYPE); if(!hintType[HINT_SMPNAMES | HINT_SAMPLEINFO | HINT_MODTYPE]) return; const SAMPLEINDEX updateSmp = sampleHint.GetSample(); if(updateSmp != m_nSample && updateSmp != 0 && !hintType[HINT_MODTYPE]) return; const CModSpecifications &specs = m_sndFile.GetModSpecifications(); const bool isOPL = IsOPLInstrument(); LockControls(); // Updating Ranges if(hintType[HINT_MODTYPE]) { // Limit text fields m_EditName.SetLimitText(specs.sampleNameLengthMax); m_EditFileName.SetLimitText(specs.sampleFilenameLengthMax); // Loop Type m_ComboLoopType.ResetContent(); m_ComboLoopType.AddString(_T("Off")); m_ComboLoopType.AddString(_T("On")); // Sustain Loop Type m_ComboSustainType.ResetContent(); m_ComboSustainType.AddString(_T("Off")); m_ComboSustainType.AddString(_T("On")); // Bidirectional Loops if (m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_XM|MOD_TYPE_IT|MOD_TYPE_MPT)) { m_ComboLoopType.AddString(_T("Bidi")); m_ComboSustainType.AddString(_T("Bidi")); } // Loop Start m_SpinLoopStart.SetRange(-1, 1); m_SpinLoopStart.SetPos(0); // Loop End m_SpinLoopEnd.SetRange(-1, 1); m_SpinLoopEnd.SetPos(0); // Sustain Loop Start m_SpinSustainStart.SetRange(-1, 1); m_SpinSustainStart.SetPos(0); // Sustain Loop End m_SpinSustainEnd.SetRange(-1, 1); m_SpinSustainEnd.SetPos(0); // Finetune / C-5 Speed / BaseNote BOOL b = m_sndFile.UseFinetuneAndTranspose() ? FALSE : TRUE; SetDlgItemText(IDC_TEXT7, (b) ? _T("Freq. (Hz)") : _T("Finetune")); m_SpinFineTune.SetRange(-1, 1); m_EditFileName.EnableWindow(b); // AutoVibrato b = (m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_XM|MOD_TYPE_IT|MOD_TYPE_MPT)) ? TRUE : FALSE; m_ComboAutoVib.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinVibSweep.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinVibDepth.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinVibRate.EnableWindow(b); m_EditVibSweep.EnableWindow(b); m_EditVibDepth.EnableWindow(b); m_EditVibRate.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinVibSweep.SetRange(0, 255); if(m_sndFile.GetType() & MOD_TYPE_XM) { m_SpinVibDepth.SetRange(0, 15); m_SpinVibRate.SetRange(0, 63); } else { m_SpinVibDepth.SetRange(0, 32); m_SpinVibRate.SetRange(0, 64); } // Global Volume b = (m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT|MOD_TYPE_MPT)) ? TRUE : FALSE; m_EditGlobalVol.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinGlobalVol.EnableWindow(b); // Panning b = (m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_XM|MOD_TYPE_IT|MOD_TYPE_MPT)) ? TRUE : FALSE; m_CheckPanning.EnableWindow(b && !(m_sndFile.GetType() & MOD_TYPE_XM)); m_EditPanning.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinPanning.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinPanning.SetRange(0, (m_sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_XM) ? 255 : 64); b = (m_sndFile.GetType() & MOD_TYPE_MOD) ? FALSE : TRUE; m_CbnBaseNote.EnableWindow(b); } // Updating Values if (hintType[HINT_MODTYPE | HINT_SAMPLEINFO]) { if(m_nSample > m_sndFile.GetNumSamples()) { SetCurrentSample(m_sndFile.GetNumSamples()); } const ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); CString s; DWORD d; m_SpinSample.SetRange(1, m_sndFile.GetNumSamples()); m_SpinSample.Invalidate(FALSE); // In case the spin button was previously disabled // Length / Type if(isOPL) s = _T("OPL instrument"); else s = MPT_CFORMAT("{}-bit {}, len: {}")(sample.GetElementarySampleSize() * 8, CString(sample.uFlags[CHN_STEREO] ? _T("stereo") : _T("mono")), mpt::cfmt::dec(3, ',', sample.nLength)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_TEXT5, s); // File Name s = mpt::ToCString(m_sndFile.GetCharsetInternal(), sample.filename); if (specs.sampleFilenameLengthMax == 0) s.Empty(); SetDlgItemText(IDC_SAMPLE_FILENAME, s); // Volume if(sample.uFlags[SMP_NODEFAULTVOLUME]) SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT7, _T("none")); else SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT7, sample.nVolume / 4u); // Global Volume SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT8, sample.nGlobalVol); // Panning CheckDlgButton(IDC_CHECK1, (sample.uFlags[CHN_PANNING]) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); if (m_sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_XM) SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT9, sample.nPan); //displayed panning with XM is 0-256, just like MPT's internal engine else SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT9, sample.nPan / 4u); //displayed panning with anything but XM is 0-64 so we divide by 4 // FineTune / C-4 Speed / BaseNote int transp = 0; if (!m_sndFile.UseFinetuneAndTranspose()) { s = mpt::cfmt::val(sample.nC5Speed); m_EditFineTune.SetWindowText(s); if(sample.nC5Speed != 0) transp = ModSample::FrequencyToTranspose(sample.nC5Speed).first; } else { int ftune = ((int)sample.nFineTune); // MOD finetune range -8 to 7 translates to -128 to 112 if(m_sndFile.GetType() & MOD_TYPE_MOD) ftune >>= 4; SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT5, ftune); transp = (int)sample.RelativeTone; } int basenote = (NOTE_MIDDLEC - NOTE_MIN) + transp; Limit(basenote, BASENOTE_MIN, BASENOTE_MAX); basenote -= BASENOTE_MIN; if (basenote != m_CbnBaseNote.GetCurSel()) m_CbnBaseNote.SetCurSel(basenote); // Auto vibrato // Ramp up and ramp down are swapped in XM - probably because they ramp up the *period* instead of *frequency*. const VibratoType rampUp = m_sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_XM ? VIB_RAMP_DOWN : VIB_RAMP_UP; const VibratoType rampDown = m_sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_XM ? VIB_RAMP_UP : VIB_RAMP_DOWN; m_ComboAutoVib.ResetContent(); m_ComboAutoVib.SetItemData(m_ComboAutoVib.AddString(_T("Sine")), VIB_SINE); m_ComboAutoVib.SetItemData(m_ComboAutoVib.AddString(_T("Square")), VIB_SQUARE); if(m_sndFile.GetType() != MOD_TYPE_IT || sample.nVibType == VIB_RAMP_UP) m_ComboAutoVib.SetItemData(m_ComboAutoVib.AddString(_T("Ramp Up")), rampUp); m_ComboAutoVib.SetItemData(m_ComboAutoVib.AddString(_T("Ramp Down")), rampDown); if(m_sndFile.GetType() != MOD_TYPE_XM || sample.nVibType == VIB_RANDOM) m_ComboAutoVib.SetItemData(m_ComboAutoVib.AddString(_T("Random")), VIB_RANDOM); for(int i = 0; i < m_ComboAutoVib.GetCount(); i++) { if(m_ComboAutoVib.GetItemData(i) == sample.nVibType) { m_ComboAutoVib.SetCurSel(i); break; } } SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT14, sample.nVibSweep); SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT15, sample.nVibDepth); SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT16, sample.nVibRate); // Loop d = 0; if (sample.uFlags[CHN_LOOP]) d = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGLOOP] ? 2 : 1; if (sample.uFlags[CHN_REVERSE]) d |= 4; m_ComboLoopType.SetCurSel(d); s = mpt::cfmt::val(sample.nLoopStart); m_EditLoopStart.SetWindowText(s); s = mpt::cfmt::val(sample.nLoopEnd); m_EditLoopEnd.SetWindowText(s); // Sustain Loop d = 0; if (sample.uFlags[CHN_SUSTAINLOOP]) d = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGSUSTAIN] ? 2 : 1; m_ComboSustainType.SetCurSel(d); s = mpt::cfmt::val(sample.nSustainStart); m_EditSustainStart.SetWindowText(s); s = mpt::cfmt::val(sample.nSustainEnd); m_EditSustainEnd.SetWindowText(s); // Disable certain buttons for OPL instruments BOOL b = isOPL ? FALSE : TRUE; static constexpr int sampleButtons[] = { IDC_SAMPLE_NORMALIZE, IDC_SAMPLE_AMPLIFY, IDC_SAMPLE_DCOFFSET, IDC_SAMPLE_STEREOSEPARATION, IDC_SAMPLE_RESAMPLE, IDC_SAMPLE_REVERSE, IDC_SAMPLE_SILENCE, IDC_SAMPLE_INVERT, IDC_SAMPLE_SIGN_UNSIGN, IDC_SAMPLE_XFADE, }; for(auto btn : sampleButtons) { m_ToolBar2.EnableButton(btn, b); } m_ComboLoopType.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinLoopStart.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinLoopEnd.EnableWindow(b); m_EditLoopStart.EnableWindow(b); m_EditLoopEnd.EnableWindow(b); const bool hasSustainLoop = !isOPL && ((m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT)) || (m_nSample <= m_sndFile.GetNumSamples() && m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).uFlags[CHN_SUSTAINLOOP])); b = hasSustainLoop ? TRUE : FALSE; m_ComboSustainType.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinSustainStart.EnableWindow(b); m_SpinSustainEnd.EnableWindow(b); m_EditSustainStart.EnableWindow(b); m_EditSustainEnd.EnableWindow(b); } if(hintType[HINT_MODTYPE | HINT_SAMPLEINFO | HINT_SMPNAMES]) { // Name SetDlgItemText(IDC_SAMPLE_NAME, mpt::ToWin(m_sndFile.GetCharsetInternal(), m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample]).c_str()); CheckDlgButton(IDC_CHECK2, m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).uFlags[SMP_KEEPONDISK] ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK2)->EnableWindow((m_sndFile.SampleHasPath(m_nSample) && m_sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_MPT) ? TRUE : FALSE); } if (!m_bInitialized) { // First update m_bInitialized = TRUE; UnlockControls(); } m_ComboLoopType.Invalidate(FALSE); m_ComboSustainType.Invalidate(FALSE); m_ComboAutoVib.Invalidate(FALSE); UnlockControls(); } // updateAll: Update all views including this one. Otherwise, only update update other views. void CCtrlSamples::SetModified(SampleHint hint, bool updateAll, bool waveformModified) { m_modDoc.SetModified(); if(waveformModified) { // Update on-disk sample status in tree ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(sample.uFlags[SMP_KEEPONDISK] && !sample.uFlags[SMP_MODIFIED]) hint.Names(); sample.uFlags.set(SMP_MODIFIED); } m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, hint.SetData(m_nSample), updateAll ? nullptr : this); } void CCtrlSamples::PrepareUndo(const char *description, sampleUndoTypes type, SmpLength start, SmpLength end) { m_startedEdit = true; m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().PrepareUndo(m_nSample, type, description, start, end); } bool CCtrlSamples::OpenSample(const mpt::PathString &fileName, FlagSet<OpenSampleTypes> types) { BeginWaitCursor(); InputFile f(fileName, TrackerSettings::Instance().MiscCacheCompleteFileBeforeLoading); if(!f.IsValid()) { EndWaitCursor(); return false; } FileReader file = GetFileReader(f); if(!file.IsValid()) { EndWaitCursor(); return false; } PrepareUndo("Replace", sundo_replace); const auto parentIns = GetParentInstrumentWithSameName(); bool bOk = false; if(types[OpenSampleKnown]) { bOk = m_sndFile.ReadSampleFromFile(m_nSample, file, TrackerSettings::Instance().m_MayNormalizeSamplesOnLoad); if(!bOk) { // Try loading as module bOk = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame()->SetTreeSoundfile(file); if(bOk) { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(m_nSample); return true; } } } ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(!bOk && types[OpenSampleRaw]) { CRawSampleDlg dlg(file, this); EndWaitCursor(); if(m_rememberRawFormat || dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { SampleIO sampleIO = dlg.GetSampleFormat(); m_rememberRawFormat = m_rememberRawFormat || dlg.GetRemeberFormat(); BeginWaitCursor(); file.Seek(dlg.GetOffset()); m_sndFile.DestroySampleThreadsafe(m_nSample); const auto bytesPerSample = sampleIO.GetNumChannels() * sampleIO.GetBitDepth() / 8u; sample.nLength = mpt::saturate_cast<SmpLength>(file.BytesLeft() / bytesPerSample); if(TrackerSettings::Instance().m_MayNormalizeSamplesOnLoad) { sampleIO.MayNormalize(); } if(sampleIO.ReadSample(sample, file)) { bOk = true; sample.nGlobalVol = 64; sample.nVolume = 256; sample.nPan = 128; sample.uFlags.reset(CHN_LOOP | CHN_SUSTAINLOOP | SMP_MODIFIED); sample.filename = ""; m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample] = ""; if(!sample.nC5Speed) sample.nC5Speed = 22050; sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile, false); } else { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().Undo(m_nSample); } } else { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(m_nSample); } } else { m_sndFile.SetSamplePath(m_nSample, fileName); } EndWaitCursor(); if (bOk) { TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.SetWorkingDir(fileName, true); if(sample.filename.empty()) { mpt::PathString name, ext; fileName.SplitPath(nullptr, nullptr, &name, &ext); if(m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample].empty()) m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample] = name.ToLocale(); if(name.AsNative().length() < 9) name += ext; sample.filename = name.ToLocale(); } if ((m_sndFile.GetType() & MOD_TYPE_XM) && !sample.uFlags[CHN_PANNING]) { sample.nPan = 128; sample.uFlags.set(CHN_PANNING); } SetModified(SampleHint().Info().Data().Names(), true, false); sample.uFlags.reset(SMP_KEEPONDISK); if(parentIns <= m_sndFile.GetNumInstruments()) { if(auto instr = m_sndFile.Instruments[parentIns]; instr != nullptr) { m_modDoc.GetInstrumentUndo().PrepareUndo(parentIns, "Set Name"); instr->name = m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample]; m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, InstrumentHint(parentIns).Names(), this); } } } return true; } bool CCtrlSamples::OpenSample(const CSoundFile &sndFile, SAMPLEINDEX nSample) { if(!nSample || nSample > sndFile.GetNumSamples()) return false; BeginWaitCursor(); PrepareUndo("Replace", sundo_replace); const auto parentIns = GetParentInstrumentWithSameName(); if(m_sndFile.ReadSampleFromSong(m_nSample, sndFile, nSample)) { SetModified(SampleHint().Info().Data().Names(), true, false); if(parentIns <= m_sndFile.GetNumInstruments()) { if(auto instr = m_sndFile.Instruments[parentIns]; instr != nullptr) { m_modDoc.GetInstrumentUndo().PrepareUndo(parentIns, "Set Name"); instr->name = m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample]; m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, InstrumentHint(parentIns).Names(), this); } } } else { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(m_nSample); } EndWaitCursor(); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlSamples messages void CCtrlSamples::OnSampleChanged() { if(!IsLocked()) { SAMPLEINDEX n = (SAMPLEINDEX)GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_SAMPLE); if ((n > 0) && (n <= m_sndFile.GetNumSamples()) && (n != m_nSample)) { SetCurrentSample(n, -1, FALSE); m_parent.SampleChanged(m_nSample); } } } void CCtrlSamples::OnZoomChanged() { if (!IsLocked()) SetCurrentSample(m_nSample); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnTbnDropDownToolBar(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { CInputHandler *ih = CMainFrame::GetInputHandler(); NMTOOLBAR *pToolBar = reinterpret_cast<NMTOOLBAR *>(pNMHDR); ClientToScreen(&(pToolBar->rcButton)); // TrackPopupMenu uses screen coords const int offset = Util::ScalePixels(4, m_hWnd); // Compared to the main toolbar, the offset seems to be a bit wrong here...? int x = pToolBar->rcButton.left + offset, y = pToolBar->rcButton.bottom + offset; CMenu menu; switch(pToolBar->iItem) { case IDC_SAMPLE_NEW: { menu.CreatePopupMenu(); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDC_SAMPLE_DUPLICATE, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcSampleDuplicate, m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).uFlags[CHN_ADLIB] ? _T("&Duplicate Instrument") : _T("&Duplicate Sample"))); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (m_sndFile.SupportsOPL() ? 0 : MF_DISABLED), IDC_SAMPLE_INITOPL, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcSampleInitializeOPL, _T("Initialize &OPL Instrument"))); menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, x, y, this); menu.DestroyMenu(); } break; case IDC_SAMPLE_OPEN: { menu.CreatePopupMenu(); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDC_SAMPLE_OPENKNOWN, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcSampleLoad, _T("Import &Sample..."))); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDC_SAMPLE_OPENRAW, ih->GetKeyTextFromCommand(kcSampleLoadRaw, _T("Import &Raw Sample..."))); menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, x, y, this); menu.DestroyMenu(); } break; case IDC_SAMPLE_SAVEAS: { menu.CreatePopupMenu(); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDC_SAVE_ALL, _T("Save &All...")); menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, x, y, this); menu.DestroyMenu(); } break; } *pResult = 0; } void CCtrlSamples::OnSampleNew() { InsertSample(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->ShiftPressed()); SwitchToView(); } bool CCtrlSamples::InsertSample(bool duplicate, int8 *confirm) { const SAMPLEINDEX smp = m_modDoc.InsertSample(); if(smp != SAMPLEINDEX_INVALID) { const SAMPLEINDEX oldSmp = m_nSample; CSoundFile &sndFile = m_modDoc.GetSoundFile(); SetCurrentSample(smp); if(duplicate && oldSmp >= 1 && oldSmp <= sndFile.GetNumSamples()) { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().PrepareUndo(smp, sundo_replace, "Duplicate"); sndFile.ReadSampleFromSong(smp, sndFile, oldSmp); } m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SampleHint(smp).Info().Data().Names()); if(m_modDoc.GetNumInstruments() > 0 && m_modDoc.FindSampleParent(smp) == INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID) { bool insertInstrument; if(confirm == nullptr || *confirm == -1) { insertInstrument = Reporting::Confirm("This sample is not used by any instrument. Do you want to create a new instrument using this sample?") == cnfYes; if(confirm != nullptr) *confirm = insertInstrument; } else { insertInstrument = (*confirm) != 0; } if(insertInstrument) { INSTRUMENTINDEX nins = m_modDoc.InsertInstrument(smp); m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, InstrumentHint(nins).Info().Envelope().Names()); m_parent.InstrumentChanged(nins); } } } return (smp != SAMPLEINDEX_INVALID); } static constexpr std::pair<const mpt::uchar *, const mpt::uchar *> SampleFormats[] { { UL_("Wave Files (*.wav)"), UL_("*.wav") }, #ifdef MPT_WITH_FLAC { UL_("FLAC Files (*.flac,*.oga)"), UL_("*.flac;*.oga") }, #endif // MPT_WITH_FLAC #if defined(MPT_WITH_OPUSFILE) { UL_("Opus Files (*.opus,*.oga)"), UL_("*.opus;*.oga") }, #endif // MPT_WITH_OPUSFILE #if defined(MPT_WITH_VORBISFILE) || defined(MPT_WITH_STBVORBIS) { UL_("Ogg Vorbis Files (*.ogg,*.oga)"), UL_("*.ogg;*.oga") }, #endif // VORBIS #if defined(MPT_ENABLE_MP3_SAMPLES) { UL_("MPEG Files (*.mp1,*.mp2,*.mp3)"), UL_("*.mp1;*.mp2;*.mp3") }, #endif // MPT_ENABLE_MP3_SAMPLES { UL_("XI Samples (*.xi)"), UL_("*.xi") }, { UL_("Impulse Tracker Samples (*.its)"), UL_("*.its") }, { UL_("Scream Tracker Samples (*.s3i,*.smp)"), UL_("*.s3i;*.smp") }, { UL_("OPL Instruments (*.sb0,*.sb2,*.sbi)"), UL_("*.sb0;*.sb2;*.sbi") }, { UL_("GF1 Patches (*.pat)"), UL_("*.pat") }, { UL_("Wave64 Files (*.w64)"), UL_("*.w64") }, { UL_("CAF Files (*.wav)"), UL_("*.caf") }, { UL_("AIFF Files (*.aiff,*.8svx)"), UL_("*.aif;*.aiff;*.iff;*.8sv;*.8svx;*.svx") }, { UL_("Sun Audio (*.au,*.snd)"), UL_("*.au;*.snd") }, { UL_("SNES BRR Files (*.brr)"), UL_("*.brr") }, }; static mpt::ustring ConstructFileFilter(bool includeRaw) { mpt::ustring s = U_("All Samples (*.wav,*.flac,*.xi,*.its,*.s3i,*.sbi,...)|"); bool first = true; for(const auto &[name, exts] : SampleFormats) { if(!first) s += U_(";"); else first = false; s += exts; } #if defined(MPT_WITH_MEDIAFOUNDATION) std::vector<FileType> mediaFoundationTypes = CSoundFile::GetMediaFoundationFileTypes(); s += ToFilterOnlyString(mediaFoundationTypes, true).ToUnicode(); #endif if(includeRaw) { s += U_(";*.raw;*.snd;*.pcm;*.sam"); } s += U_("|"); for(const auto &[name, exts] : SampleFormats) { s += name + U_("|"); s += exts + U_("|"); } #if defined(MPT_WITH_MEDIAFOUNDATION) s += ToFilterString(mediaFoundationTypes, FileTypeFormatShowExtensions).ToUnicode(); #endif if(includeRaw) { s += U_("Raw Samples (*.raw,*.snd,*.pcm,*.sam)|*.raw;*.snd;*.pcm;*.sam|"); } s += U_("All Files (*.*)|*.*||"); return s; } void CCtrlSamples::OnSampleOpen() { static int nLastIndex = 0; std::vector<FileType> mediaFoundationTypes = CSoundFile::GetMediaFoundationFileTypes(); FileDialog dlg = OpenFileDialog() .AllowMultiSelect() .EnableAudioPreview() .ExtensionFilter(ConstructFileFilter(true)) .WorkingDirectory(TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.GetWorkingDir()) .FilterIndex(&nLastIndex); if(!dlg.Show(this)) return; TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.SetWorkingDir(dlg.GetWorkingDirectory()); OpenSamples(dlg.GetFilenames(), OpenSampleKnown | OpenSampleRaw); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnSampleOpenKnown() { static int nLastIndex = 0; std::vector<FileType> mediaFoundationTypes = CSoundFile::GetMediaFoundationFileTypes(); FileDialog dlg = OpenFileDialog() .AllowMultiSelect() .EnableAudioPreview() .ExtensionFilter(ConstructFileFilter(false)) .WorkingDirectory(TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.GetWorkingDir()) .FilterIndex(&nLastIndex); if(!dlg.Show(this)) return; TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.SetWorkingDir(dlg.GetWorkingDirectory()); OpenSamples(dlg.GetFilenames(), OpenSampleKnown); } void CCtrlSamples::OnSampleOpenRaw() { static int nLastIndex = 0; FileDialog dlg = OpenFileDialog() .AllowMultiSelect() .EnableAudioPreview() .ExtensionFilter("Raw Samples (*.raw,*.snd,*.pcm,*.sam)|*.raw;*.snd;*.pcm;*.sam|" "All Files (*.*)|*.*||") .WorkingDirectory(TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.GetWorkingDir()) .FilterIndex(&nLastIndex); if(!dlg.Show(this)) return; TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.SetWorkingDir(dlg.GetWorkingDirectory()); OpenSamples(dlg.GetFilenames(), OpenSampleRaw); } void CCtrlSamples::OpenSamples(const std::vector<mpt::PathString> &files, FlagSet<OpenSampleTypes> types) { int8 confirm = -1; bool first = true; for(const auto &file : files) { // If loading multiple samples, create new slots for them if(!first) { if(!InsertSample(false, &confirm)) break; } if(OpenSample(file, types)) first = false; else ErrorBox(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, this); } SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnSampleSave() { SaveSample(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->ShiftPressed()); } void CCtrlSamples::SaveSample(bool doBatchSave) { mpt::PathString fileName, defaultPath = TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.GetWorkingDir(); SampleEditorDefaultFormat defaultFormat = TrackerSettings::Instance().m_defaultSampleFormat; bool hasAdlib = false; if(!doBatchSave) { // Save this sample const ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if((!m_nSample) || (!sample.HasSampleData())) { SwitchToView(); return; } if(m_sndFile.SampleHasPath(m_nSample)) { // For on-disk samples, propose their original filename and location auto path = m_sndFile.GetSamplePath(m_nSample); fileName = path.GetFullFileName(); defaultPath = path.GetPath(); } if(fileName.empty()) fileName = mpt::PathString::FromLocale(sample.filename); if(fileName.empty()) fileName = mpt::PathString::FromLocale(m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample]); if(fileName.empty()) fileName = P_("untitled"); const mpt::PathString ext = fileName.GetFileExt(); if(!mpt::PathString::CompareNoCase(ext, P_(".flac"))) defaultFormat = dfFLAC; else if(!mpt::PathString::CompareNoCase(ext, P_(".wav"))) defaultFormat = dfWAV; else if(!mpt::PathString::CompareNoCase(ext, P_(".s3i"))) defaultFormat = dfS3I; hasAdlib = sample.uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]; } else { // Save all samples fileName = m_sndFile.GetpModDoc()->GetPathNameMpt().GetFileName(); if(fileName.empty()) fileName = P_("untitled"); fileName += P_(" - %sample_number% - "); if(m_sndFile.GetModSpecifications().sampleFilenameLengthMax == 0) fileName += P_("%sample_name%"); else fileName += P_("%sample_filename%"); } SanitizeFilename(fileName); int filter; switch(defaultFormat) { case dfWAV: filter = 1; break; case dfFLAC: default: filter = 2; break; case dfS3I: filter = 3; break; case dfRAW: filter = 4; break; } // Do we have to use a format that can save OPL instruments? if(hasAdlib) filter = 3; FileDialog dlg = SaveFileDialog() .DefaultExtension(ToSettingValue(defaultFormat).as<mpt::ustring>()) .DefaultFilename(fileName) .ExtensionFilter("Wave File (*.wav)|*.wav|" "FLAC File (*.flac)|*.flac|" "S3I Scream Tracker 3 Instrument (*.s3i)|*.s3i|" "RAW Audio (*.raw)|*.raw||") .WorkingDirectory(defaultPath) .FilterIndex(&filter); if(!dlg.Show(this)) return; BeginWaitCursor(); const auto saveFormat = FromSettingValue<SampleEditorDefaultFormat>(dlg.GetExtension().ToUnicode()); SAMPLEINDEX minSmp = m_nSample, maxSmp = m_nSample; if(doBatchSave) { minSmp = 1; maxSmp = m_sndFile.GetNumSamples(); } const auto numberFmt = mpt::FormatSpec().Dec().FillNul().Width(1 + static_cast<int>(std::log10(maxSmp))); bool ok = false; CString sampleName, sampleFilename; for(SAMPLEINDEX smp = minSmp; smp <= maxSmp; smp++) { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(smp); if(sample.HasSampleData()) { const bool isAdlib = sample.uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]; fileName = dlg.GetFirstFile(); if(doBatchSave) { sampleName = mpt::ToCString(m_sndFile.GetCharsetInternal(), (!m_sndFile.m_szNames[smp].empty()) ? std::string(m_sndFile.m_szNames[smp]) : "untitled"); sampleFilename = mpt::ToCString(m_sndFile.GetCharsetInternal(), (!sample.filename.empty()) ? sample.GetFilename() : m_sndFile.m_szNames[smp]); SanitizeFilename(sampleName); SanitizeFilename(sampleFilename); mpt::ustring fileNameU = fileName.ToUnicode(); fileNameU = mpt::String::Replace(fileNameU, U_("%sample_number%"), mpt::ufmt::fmt(smp, numberFmt)); fileNameU = mpt::String::Replace(fileNameU, U_("%sample_filename%"), mpt::ToUnicode(sampleFilename)); fileNameU = mpt::String::Replace(fileNameU, U_("%sample_name%"), mpt::ToUnicode(sampleName)); fileName = mpt::PathString::FromUnicode(fileNameU); // Need to enforce S3I for Adlib samples if(isAdlib && saveFormat != dfS3I) fileName = fileName.ReplaceExt(P_(".s3i")); } try { mpt::SafeOutputFile sf(fileName, std::ios::binary, mpt::FlushModeFromBool(TrackerSettings::Instance().MiscFlushFileBuffersOnSave)); mpt::ofstream &f = sf; if(!f) { ok = false; continue; } f.exceptions(f.exceptions() | std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit); // Need to enforce S3I for Adlib samples const auto thisFormat = isAdlib ? dfS3I : saveFormat; if(thisFormat == dfRAW) ok = m_sndFile.SaveRAWSample(smp, f); else if(thisFormat == dfFLAC) ok = m_sndFile.SaveFLACSample(smp, f); else if(thisFormat == dfS3I) ok = m_sndFile.SaveS3ISample(smp, f); else ok = m_sndFile.SaveWAVSample(smp, f); } catch(const std::exception &) { ok = false; } if(ok) { m_sndFile.SetSamplePath(smp, fileName); sample.uFlags.reset(SMP_MODIFIED); UpdateView(SampleHint().Info()); // Check if any other samples refer to the same file - that would be dangerous. if(sample.uFlags[SMP_KEEPONDISK]) { for(SAMPLEINDEX i = 1; i <= m_sndFile.GetNumSamples(); i++) { if(i != smp && m_sndFile.GetSample(i).uFlags[SMP_KEEPONDISK] && m_sndFile.GetSamplePath(i) == m_sndFile.GetSamplePath(smp)) { m_sndFile.GetSample(i).uFlags.reset(SMP_KEEPONDISK); m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SampleHint(i).Names().Info(), this); } } } } } } EndWaitCursor(); if (!ok) { ErrorBox(IDS_ERR_SAVESMP, this); } else { TrackerSettings::Instance().PathSamples.SetWorkingDir(dlg.GetWorkingDirectory()); } SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnSamplePlay() { if (m_modDoc.IsNotePlaying(NOTE_NONE, m_nSample, 0)) { m_modDoc.NoteOff(0, true); } else { m_modDoc.PlayNote(PlayNoteParam(NOTE_MIDDLEC).Sample(m_nSample)); } SwitchToView(); } template<typename T> static bool DoNormalize(T *p, SmpLength selStart, SmpLength selEnd) { auto [min, max] = CViewSample::FindMinMax(p + selStart, selEnd - selStart, 1); max = std::max(-min, max); if(max < std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) { max++; for(SmpLength i = selStart; i < selEnd; i++) { p[i] = static_cast<T>((static_cast<int>(p[i]) << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1)) / max); } return true; } return false; } void CCtrlSamples::Normalize(bool allSamples) { //Default case: Normalize current sample SAMPLEINDEX minSample = m_nSample, maxSample = m_nSample; //If only one sample is selected, parts of it may be amplified SmpLength selStart = 0, selEnd = 0; if(allSamples) { if(Reporting::Confirm(_T("This will normalize all samples independently. Continue?"), _T("Normalize")) == cnfNo) return; minSample = 1; maxSample = m_sndFile.GetNumSamples(); } else { SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); selStart = selection.nStart; selEnd = selection.nEnd; } BeginWaitCursor(); bool modified = false; for(SAMPLEINDEX smp = minSample; smp <= maxSample; smp++) { if(m_sndFile.GetSample(smp).HasSampleData()) { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(smp); if(minSample != maxSample) { // If more than one sample is selected, always amplify the whole sample. selStart = 0; selEnd = sample.nLength; } else { // One sample: correct the boundaries, if needed LimitMax(selEnd, sample.nLength); LimitMax(selStart, selEnd); if(selStart == selEnd) { selStart = 0; selEnd = sample.nLength; } } m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().PrepareUndo(smp, sundo_update, "Normalize", selStart, selEnd); selStart *= sample.GetNumChannels(); selEnd *= sample.GetNumChannels(); if(sample.uFlags[CHN_16BIT]) { modified |= DoNormalize(sample.sample16(), selStart, selEnd); } else { modified |= DoNormalize(sample.sample8(), selStart, selEnd); } if(modified) { sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile, false); m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SampleHint(smp).Data()); } } } if(modified) { SetModified(SampleHint().Data(), false, true); } EndWaitCursor(); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnNormalize() { Normalize(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->ShiftPressed()); } void CCtrlSamples::RemoveDCOffset(bool allSamples) { SAMPLEINDEX minSample = m_nSample, maxSample = m_nSample; //Shift -> Process all samples if(allSamples) { if(Reporting::Confirm(_T("This will process all samples independently. Continue?"), _T("DC Offset Removal")) == cnfNo) return; minSample = 1; maxSample = m_sndFile.GetNumSamples(); } BeginWaitCursor(); // for report / SetModified SAMPLEINDEX numModified = 0; double reportOffset = 0; for(SAMPLEINDEX smp = minSample; smp <= maxSample; smp++) { SmpLength selStart, selEnd; if(!m_sndFile.GetSample(smp).HasSampleData()) continue; if (minSample != maxSample) { selStart = 0; selEnd = m_sndFile.GetSample(smp).nLength; } else { SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); selStart = selection.nStart; selEnd = selection.nEnd; } m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().PrepareUndo(smp, sundo_update, "Remove DC Offset", selStart, selEnd); const double offset = SampleEdit::RemoveDCOffset(m_sndFile.GetSample(smp), selStart, selEnd, m_sndFile); if(offset == 0.0f) // No offset removed. continue; reportOffset += offset; numModified++; m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SampleHint(smp).Info().Data()); } EndWaitCursor(); SwitchToView(); // fill the statusbar with some nice information CString dcInfo; if(numModified) { SetModified(SampleHint().Info().Data(), true, true); if(numModified == 1) { dcInfo.Format(_T("Removed DC offset (%.1f%%)"), reportOffset * 100); } else { dcInfo.Format(_T("Removed DC offset from %u samples (avg %0.1f%%)"), numModified, reportOffset / numModified * 100); } } else { dcInfo.SetString(_T("No DC offset found")); } CMainFrame *pMainFrm = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame(); pMainFrm->SetXInfoText(dcInfo); } void CCtrlSamples::OnRemoveDCOffset() { RemoveDCOffset(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->ShiftPressed()); } void CCtrlSamples::ApplyAmplify(const double amp, const double fadeInStart, const double fadeOutEnd, const bool fadeIn, const bool fadeOut, const Fade::Law fadeLaw) { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(!sample.HasSampleData() || sample.uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]) return; BeginWaitCursor(); SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); const auto start = selection.nStart, end = selection.nEnd, mid = (start + end) / 2; PrepareUndo("Amplify", sundo_update, start, end); if(fadeIn && fadeOut) { SampleEdit::AmplifySample(sample, start, mid, fadeInStart, amp, true, fadeLaw, m_sndFile); SampleEdit::AmplifySample(sample, mid, end, amp, fadeOutEnd, false, fadeLaw, m_sndFile); } else if(fadeIn) { SampleEdit::AmplifySample(sample, start, end, fadeInStart, amp, true, fadeLaw, m_sndFile); } else if(fadeOut) { SampleEdit::AmplifySample(sample, start, end, amp, fadeOutEnd, false, fadeLaw, m_sndFile); } else { SampleEdit::AmplifySample(sample, start, end, amp, amp, true, Fade::kLinear, m_sndFile); } sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile, false); SetModified(SampleHint().Data(), false, true); EndWaitCursor(); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnAmplify() { static CAmpDlg::AmpSettings settings { Fade::kLinear, 0, 0, 100, false, false }; CAmpDlg dlg(this, settings); if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; ApplyAmplify(settings.factor / 100.0, settings.fadeInStart / 100.0, settings.fadeOutEnd / 100.0, settings.fadeIn, settings.fadeOut, settings.fadeLaw); } // Quickly fade the selection in/out without asking the user. // Fade-In is applied if the selection starts at the beginning of the sample. // Fade-Out is applied if the selection ends and the end of the sample. void CCtrlSamples::OnQuickFade() { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(!sample.HasSampleData() || sample.uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]) return; SampleSelectionPoints sel = GetSelectionPoints(); if(sel.selectionActive && (sel.nStart == 0 || sel.nEnd == sample.nLength)) { ApplyAmplify(1.0, (sel.nStart == 0) ? 0.0 : 1.0, (sel.nEnd == sample.nLength) ? 0.0 : 1.0, sel.nStart == 0, sel.nEnd == sample.nLength, Fade::kLinear); } else { // Can't apply quick fade as no appropriate selection has been made, so ask the user to amplify the whole sample instead. OnAmplify(); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnResample() { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(!sample.HasSampleData() || sample.uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]) return; SAMPLEINDEX first = m_nSample, last = m_nSample; if(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->ShiftPressed()) { first = 1; last = m_sndFile.GetNumSamples(); } const uint32 oldRate = sample.GetSampleRate(m_sndFile.GetType()); CResamplingDlg dlg(this, oldRate, TrackerSettings::Instance().sampleEditorDefaultResampler, first != last); if(dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; TrackerSettings::Instance().sampleEditorDefaultResampler = dlg.GetFilter(); for(SAMPLEINDEX smp = first; smp <= last; smp++) { const uint32 sampleFreq = m_sndFile.GetSample(smp).GetSampleRate(m_sndFile.GetType()); uint32 newFreq = dlg.GetFrequency(); if(dlg.GetResamplingOption() == CResamplingDlg::Upsample) newFreq = sampleFreq * 2; else if(dlg.GetResamplingOption() == CResamplingDlg::Downsample) newFreq = sampleFreq / 2; else if(newFreq == sampleFreq) continue; ApplyResample(smp, newFreq, dlg.GetFilter(), first != last, dlg.UpdatePatternCommands()); } } void CCtrlSamples::ApplyResample(SAMPLEINDEX smp, uint32 newRate, ResamplingMode mode, bool ignoreSelection, bool updatePatternCommands) { BeginWaitCursor(); ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(smp); if(!sample.HasSampleData() || sample.uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]) { EndWaitCursor(); return; } SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); LimitMax(selection.nEnd, sample.nLength); if(selection.nStart >= selection.nEnd || ignoreSelection) { selection.nStart = 0; selection.nEnd = sample.nLength; } const uint32 oldRate = sample.GetSampleRate(m_sndFile.GetType()); if(newRate < 1 || oldRate < 1) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONWARNING); EndWaitCursor(); return; } const SmpLength oldLength = sample.nLength; const SmpLength selLength = (selection.nEnd - selection.nStart); const SmpLength newSelLength = Util::muldivr_unsigned(selLength, newRate, oldRate); const SmpLength newSelEnd = selection.nStart + newSelLength; const SmpLength newTotalLength = sample.nLength - selLength + newSelLength; const uint8 numChannels = sample.GetNumChannels(); if(newTotalLength <= 1) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONWARNING); EndWaitCursor(); return; } void *newSample = ModSample::AllocateSample(newTotalLength, sample.GetBytesPerSample()); if(newSample != nullptr) { // First, copy parts of the sample that are not affected by partial upsampling const SmpLength bps = sample.GetBytesPerSample(); std::memcpy(newSample, sample.sampleb(), selection.nStart * bps); std::memcpy(static_cast<char *>(newSample) + newSelEnd * bps, sample.sampleb() + selection.nEnd * bps, (sample.nLength - selection.nEnd) * bps); if(mode == SRCMODE_DEFAULT) { // Resample using r8brain const SmpLength bufferSize = std::min(std::max(selLength, SmpLength(oldRate)), SmpLength(1024 * 1024)); std::vector<double> convBuffer(bufferSize); r8b::CDSPResampler16 resampler(oldRate, newRate, bufferSize); for(uint8 chn = 0; chn < numChannels; chn++) { if(chn != 0) resampler.clear(); SmpLength readCount = selLength, writeCount = newSelLength; SmpLength readOffset = selection.nStart * numChannels + chn, writeOffset = readOffset; SmpLength outLatency = newRate; double *outBuffer, lastVal = 0.0; { // Pre-fill the resampler with the first sampling point. // Otherwise, it will assume that all samples before the first sampling point are 0, // which can lead to unwanted artefacts (ripples) if the sample doesn't start with a zero crossing. double firstVal = 0.0; switch(sample.GetElementarySampleSize()) { case 1: firstVal = SC::Convert<double, int8>()(sample.sample8()[readOffset]); lastVal = SC::Convert<double, int8>()(sample.sample8()[readOffset + selLength - numChannels]); break; case 2: firstVal = SC::Convert<double, int16>()(sample.sample16()[readOffset]); lastVal = SC::Convert<double, int16>()(sample.sample16()[readOffset + selLength - numChannels]); break; default: // When higher bit depth is added, feel free to also replace CDSPResampler16 by CDSPResampler24 above. MPT_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Bit depth not implemented"); } // 10ms or less would probably be enough, but we will pre-fill the buffer with exactly "oldRate" samples // to prevent any further rounding errors when using smaller buffers or when dividing oldRate or newRate. uint32 remain = oldRate; for(SmpLength i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) convBuffer[i] = firstVal; while(remain > 0) { uint32 procIn = std::min(remain, mpt::saturate_cast<uint32>(bufferSize)); SmpLength procCount = resampler.process(convBuffer.data(), procIn, outBuffer); MPT_ASSERT(procCount <= outLatency); LimitMax(procCount, outLatency); outLatency -= procCount; remain -= procIn; } } // Now we can start with the actual resampling work... while(writeCount > 0) { SmpLength smpCount = (SmpLength)convBuffer.size(); if(readCount != 0) { LimitMax(smpCount, readCount); switch(sample.GetElementarySampleSize()) { case 1: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::Convert<double, int8>, SC::DecodeIdentity<int8> > >(convBuffer.data(), smpCount, 1, sample.sample8() + readOffset, sample.GetSampleSizeInBytes(), sample.GetNumChannels()); break; case 2: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::Convert<double, int16>, SC::DecodeIdentity<int16> > >(convBuffer.data(), smpCount, 1, sample.sample16() + readOffset, sample.GetSampleSizeInBytes(), sample.GetNumChannels()); break; } readOffset += smpCount * numChannels; readCount -= smpCount; } else { // Nothing to read, but still to write (compensate for r8brain's output latency) for(SmpLength i = 0; i < smpCount; i++) convBuffer[i] = lastVal; } SmpLength procCount = resampler.process(convBuffer.data(), smpCount, outBuffer); const SmpLength procLatency = std::min(outLatency, procCount); procCount = std::min(procCount- procLatency, writeCount); switch(sample.GetElementarySampleSize()) { case 1: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::Convert<int8, double>, SC::DecodeIdentity<double> > >(static_cast<int8 *>(newSample) + writeOffset, procCount, sample.GetNumChannels(), outBuffer + procLatency, procCount * sizeof(double), 1); break; case 2: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::Convert<int16, double>, SC::DecodeIdentity<double> > >(static_cast<int16 *>(newSample) + writeOffset, procCount, sample.GetNumChannels(), outBuffer + procLatency, procCount * sizeof(double), 1); break; } writeOffset += procCount * numChannels; writeCount -= procCount; outLatency -= procLatency; } } } else { // Resample using built-in filters uint32 functionNdx = MixFuncTable::ResamplingModeToMixFlags(mode); if(sample.uFlags[CHN_16BIT]) functionNdx |= MixFuncTable::ndx16Bit; if(sample.uFlags[CHN_STEREO]) functionNdx |= MixFuncTable::ndxStereo; ModChannel chn{}; chn.pCurrentSample = sample.samplev(); chn.increment = SamplePosition::Ratio(oldRate, newRate); chn.position.Set(selection.nStart); chn.leftVol = chn.rightVol = (1 << 8); chn.nLength = sample.nLength; SmpLength writeCount = newSelLength; SmpLength writeOffset = selection.nStart * sample.GetNumChannels(); while(writeCount > 0) { SmpLength procCount = std::min(static_cast<SmpLength>(MIXBUFFERSIZE), writeCount); mixsample_t buffer[MIXBUFFERSIZE * 2]; MemsetZero(buffer); MixFuncTable::Functions[functionNdx](chn, m_sndFile.m_Resampler, buffer, procCount); for(uint8 c = 0; c < numChannels; c++) { switch(sample.GetElementarySampleSize()) { case 1: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::ConvertFixedPoint<int8, mixsample_t, 23>, SC::DecodeIdentity<mixsample_t> > >(static_cast<int8 *>(newSample) + writeOffset + c, procCount, sample.GetNumChannels(), buffer + c, sizeof(buffer), 2); break; case 2: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::ConvertFixedPoint<int16, mixsample_t, 23>, SC::DecodeIdentity<mixsample_t> > >(static_cast<int16 *>(newSample) + writeOffset + c, procCount, sample.GetNumChannels(), buffer + c, sizeof(buffer), 2); break; } } writeCount -= procCount; writeOffset += procCount * sample.GetNumChannels(); } } m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().PrepareUndo(smp, sundo_replace, (newRate > oldRate) ? "Upsample" : "Downsample"); // Adjust loops and cues const auto oldCues = sample.cues; for(SmpLength &point : SampleEdit::GetCuesAndLoops(sample)) { if(point >= oldLength) point = newTotalLength; else if(point >= selection.nEnd) point += newSelLength - selLength; else if(point > selection.nStart) point = selection.nStart + Util::muldivr_unsigned(point - selection.nStart, newRate, oldRate); LimitMax(point, newTotalLength); } if(updatePatternCommands) { bool patternUndoCreated = false; m_sndFile.Patterns.ForEachModCommand([&](ModCommand &m) { if(m.command != CMD_OFFSET && m.command != CMD_REVERSEOFFSET && m.command != CMD_OFFSETPERCENTAGE) return; if(m_sndFile.GetSampleIndex(m.note, m.instr) != smp) return; SmpLength point = m.param * 256u; if(m.command == CMD_OFFSETPERCENTAGE || (m.volcmd == VOLCMD_OFFSET && m.vol == 0)) point = Util::muldivr_unsigned(point, oldLength, 65536); else if(m.volcmd == VOLCMD_OFFSET && m.vol <= std::size(oldCues)) point += oldCues[m.vol - 1]; if(point >= oldLength) point = newTotalLength; else if (point >= selection.nEnd) point += newSelLength - selLength; else if (point > selection.nStart) point = selection.nStart + Util::muldivr_unsigned(point - selection.nStart, newRate, oldRate); LimitMax(point, newTotalLength); if(m.command == CMD_OFFSETPERCENTAGE || (m.volcmd == VOLCMD_OFFSET && m.vol == 0)) point = Util::muldivr_unsigned(point, 65536, newTotalLength); else if(m.volcmd == VOLCMD_OFFSET && m.vol <= std::size(sample.cues)) point -= sample.cues[m.vol - 1]; if(!patternUndoCreated) { patternUndoCreated = true; m_modDoc.PrepareUndoForAllPatterns(false, "Resample (Adjust Offsets)"); } m.param = mpt::saturate_cast<ModCommand::PARAM>(point / 256u); }); } if(!selection.selectionActive) { if(m_sndFile.GetType() != MOD_TYPE_MOD) { sample.nC5Speed = newRate; sample.FrequencyToTranspose(); } } ctrlSmp::ReplaceSample(sample, newSample, newTotalLength, m_sndFile); // Update loop wrap-around buffer sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile); auto updateHint = SampleHint(smp).Info().Data(); if(sample.uFlags[SMP_KEEPONDISK] && !sample.uFlags[SMP_MODIFIED]) updateHint.Names(); sample.uFlags.set(SMP_MODIFIED); m_modDoc.SetModified(); m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, updateHint, nullptr); if(selection.selectionActive && !ignoreSelection) { SetSelectionPoints(selection.nStart, newSelEnd); } } EndWaitCursor(); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::ReadTimeStretchParameters() { m_nSequenceMs = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT10); m_nSeekWindowMs = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT11); m_nOverlapMs = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT12); } void CCtrlSamples::UpdateTimeStretchParameters() { GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT10)->SetWindowText(((m_nSequenceMs <= 0) ? _T("auto") : MPT_TFORMAT("{}ms")(m_nSequenceMs)).c_str()); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT11)->SetWindowText(((m_nSeekWindowMs <= 0) ? _T("auto") : MPT_TFORMAT("{}ms")(m_nSeekWindowMs)).c_str()); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT12)->SetWindowText(((m_nOverlapMs <= 0) ? _T("auto") : MPT_TFORMAT("{}ms")(m_nOverlapMs)).c_str()); } void CCtrlSamples::OnEnableStretchToSize() { // Enable time-stretching / disable unused pitch-shifting UI elements bool timeStretch = IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK3) != BST_UNCHECKED; if(!timeStretch) ReadTimeStretchParameters(); ((CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO4))->EnableWindow(timeStretch ? FALSE : TRUE); ((CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT6))->EnableWindow(timeStretch ? TRUE : FALSE); ((CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON2))->EnableWindow(timeStretch ? TRUE : FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_TEXT_PITCH)->SetWindowText(timeStretch ? _T("Sequence") : _T("Pitch")); GetDlgItem(IDC_TEXT_QUALITY)->SetWindowText(timeStretch ? _T("Seek Window") : _T("Quality")); GetDlgItem(IDC_TEXT_FFT)->SetWindowText(timeStretch ? _T("Overlap") : _T("FFT Size")); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT10)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT11)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT12)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_SPIN10)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_SPIN14)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_SPIN15)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO4)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO5)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO6)->ShowWindow(timeStretch ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); SetDlgItemText(IDC_BUTTON1, timeStretch ? _T("Time Stretch") : _T("Pitch Shift")); if(timeStretch) UpdateTimeStretchParameters(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnEstimateSampleSize() { if(!m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).HasSampleData()) return; //Ensure m_dTimeStretchRatio is up-to-date with textbox content UpdateData(TRUE); //Open dialog CPSRatioCalc dlg(m_sndFile, m_nSample, m_dTimeStretchRatio, this); if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; //Update ratio value&textbox m_dTimeStretchRatio = dlg.m_dRatio; UpdateData(FALSE); } enum TimeStretchPitchShiftResult { kUnknown, kOK, kAbort, kInvalidRatio, kStretchTooShort, kStretchTooLong, kOutOfMemory, kSampleTooShort, kStretchInvalidSampleRate, }; class DoPitchShiftTimeStretch : public CProgressDialog { public: CCtrlSamples &m_parent; CModDoc &m_modDoc; const float m_ratio; TimeStretchPitchShiftResult m_result = kUnknown; uint32 m_updateInterval; const SAMPLEINDEX m_sample; const bool m_pitchShift; DoPitchShiftTimeStretch(CCtrlSamples &parent, CModDoc &modDoc, SAMPLEINDEX sample, float ratio, bool pitchShift) : CProgressDialog(&parent) , m_parent(parent) , m_modDoc(modDoc) , m_ratio(ratio) , m_sample(sample) , m_pitchShift(pitchShift) { m_updateInterval = TrackerSettings::Instance().GUIUpdateInterval; if(m_updateInterval < 15) m_updateInterval = 15; } void Run() override { SetTitle(m_pitchShift ? _T("Pitch Shift") : _T("Time Stretch")); SetRange(0, 100); if(m_pitchShift) m_result = PitchShift(); else m_result = TimeStretch(); EndDialog((m_result == kOK) ? IDOK : IDCANCEL); } TimeStretchPitchShiftResult TimeStretch() { ModSample &sample = m_modDoc.GetSoundFile().GetSample(m_sample); const uint32 sampleRate = sample.GetSampleRate(m_modDoc.GetModType()); if(!sample.HasSampleData()) return kAbort; if(m_ratio == 1.0) return kAbort; if(m_ratio < 0.5f) return kStretchTooShort; if(m_ratio > 2.0f) return kStretchTooLong; if(sampleRate > 192000) return kStretchInvalidSampleRate; HANDLE handleSt = soundtouch_createInstance(); if(handleSt == NULL) { mpt::throw_out_of_memory(); } const uint8 smpSize = sample.GetElementarySampleSize(); const uint8 numChannels = sample.GetNumChannels(); // Initialize soundtouch object. soundtouch_setSampleRate(handleSt, sampleRate); soundtouch_setChannels(handleSt, numChannels); // Given ratio is time stretch ratio, and must be converted to // tempo change ratio: for example time stretch ratio 2 means // tempo change ratio 0.5. soundtouch_setTempoChange(handleSt, (1.0f / m_ratio - 1.0f) * 100.0f); // Read settings from GUI. m_parent.ReadTimeStretchParameters(); // Set settings to soundtouch. Zero value means 'use default', and // setting value is read back after setting because not all settings are accepted. soundtouch_setSetting(handleSt, SETTING_SEQUENCE_MS, m_parent.m_nSequenceMs); m_parent.m_nSequenceMs = soundtouch_getSetting(handleSt, SETTING_SEQUENCE_MS); soundtouch_setSetting(handleSt, SETTING_SEEKWINDOW_MS, m_parent.m_nSeekWindowMs); m_parent.m_nSeekWindowMs = soundtouch_getSetting(handleSt, SETTING_SEEKWINDOW_MS); soundtouch_setSetting(handleSt, SETTING_OVERLAP_MS, m_parent.m_nOverlapMs); m_parent.m_nOverlapMs = soundtouch_getSetting(handleSt, SETTING_OVERLAP_MS); // Update GUI with the actual SoundTouch parameters in effect. m_parent.UpdateTimeStretchParameters(); const SmpLength inBatchSize = soundtouch_getSetting(handleSt, SETTING_NOMINAL_INPUT_SEQUENCE) + 1; // approximate value, add 1 to play safe const SmpLength outBatchSize = soundtouch_getSetting(handleSt, SETTING_NOMINAL_OUTPUT_SEQUENCE) + 1; // approximate value, add 1 to play safe const auto selection = m_parent.GetSelectionPoints(); const SmpLength selLength = selection.selectionActive ? selection.nEnd - selection.nStart : sample.nLength; const SmpLength remainLength = sample.nLength - selLength; if(selLength < inBatchSize) { soundtouch_destroyInstance(handleSt); return kSampleTooShort; } if(static_cast<SmpLength>(std::ceil(static_cast<double>(m_ratio) * selLength)) < outBatchSize) { soundtouch_destroyInstance(handleSt); return kSampleTooShort; } const SmpLength stretchLength = mpt::saturate_round<SmpLength>(m_ratio * selLength); const SmpLength stretchEnd = selection.nStart + stretchLength; const SmpLength newSampleLength = remainLength + stretchLength; void *pNewSample = nullptr; if(newSampleLength <= MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH) { pNewSample = ModSample::AllocateSample(newSampleLength, sample.GetBytesPerSample()); } if(pNewSample == nullptr) { soundtouch_destroyInstance(handleSt); return kOutOfMemory; } // Show wait mouse cursor BeginWaitCursor(); memcpy(pNewSample, sample.sampleb(), selection.nStart * sample.GetBytesPerSample()); memcpy(static_cast<std::byte *>(pNewSample) + stretchEnd * sample.GetBytesPerSample(), sample.sampleb() + selection.nEnd * sample.GetBytesPerSample(), (sample.nLength - selection.nEnd) * sample.GetBytesPerSample()); constexpr SmpLength MaxInputChunkSize = 1024; std::vector<float> buffer(MaxInputChunkSize * numChannels); SmpLength inPos = selection.nStart; SmpLength outPos = selection.nStart; // Keeps count of the sample length received from stretching process. DWORD timeLast = 0; // Process sample in steps. while(inPos < selection.nEnd) { // Current chunk size limit test const SmpLength inChunkSize = std::min(MaxInputChunkSize, sample.nLength - inPos); DWORD timeNow = timeGetTime(); if(timeNow - timeLast >= m_updateInterval) { // Show progress bar using process button painting & text label TCHAR progress[32]; uint32 percent = static_cast<uint32>(100 * (inPos + inChunkSize) / sample.nLength); wsprintf(progress, _T("Time Stretch... %u%%"), percent); SetText(progress); SetProgress(percent); ProcessMessages(); if(m_abort) break; timeLast = timeNow; } // Send sampledata for processing. switch(smpSize) { case 1: CopyAudioChannelsInterleaved(buffer.data(), sample.sample8() + inPos * numChannels, numChannels, inChunkSize); break; case 2: CopyAudioChannelsInterleaved(buffer.data(), sample.sample16() + inPos * numChannels, numChannels, inChunkSize); break; } soundtouch_putSamples(handleSt, buffer.data(), inChunkSize); // Receive some processed samples (it's not guaranteed that there is any available). { SmpLength outChunkSize = std::min(static_cast<SmpLength>(soundtouch_numSamples(handleSt)), stretchLength - outPos); if(outChunkSize > 0) { buffer.resize(outChunkSize * numChannels); soundtouch_receiveSamples(handleSt, buffer.data(), outChunkSize); switch(smpSize) { case 1: CopyAudioChannelsInterleaved(static_cast<int8 *>(pNewSample) + numChannels * outPos, buffer.data(), numChannels, outChunkSize); break; case 2: CopyAudioChannelsInterleaved(static_cast<int16 *>(pNewSample) + numChannels * outPos, buffer.data(), numChannels, outChunkSize); break; } outPos += outChunkSize; } } // Next buffer chunk inPos += inChunkSize; } if(!m_abort) { // The input sample should now be processed. Receive remaining samples. soundtouch_flush(handleSt); SmpLength outChunkSize = std::min(static_cast<SmpLength>(soundtouch_numSamples(handleSt)), stretchLength - (outPos - selection.nStart)); if(outChunkSize > 0) { buffer.resize(outChunkSize * numChannels); soundtouch_receiveSamples(handleSt, buffer.data(), outChunkSize); switch(smpSize) { case 1: CopyAudioChannelsInterleaved(static_cast<int8 *>(pNewSample) + numChannels * outPos, buffer.data(), numChannels, outChunkSize); break; case 2: CopyAudioChannelsInterleaved(static_cast<int16 *>(pNewSample) + numChannels * outPos, buffer.data(), numChannels, outChunkSize); break; } outPos += outChunkSize; } soundtouch_clear(handleSt); MPT_ASSERT(soundtouch_isEmpty(handleSt) != 0); CSoundFile &sndFile = m_modDoc.GetSoundFile(); m_parent.PrepareUndo("Time Stretch", sundo_replace); // Swap sample buffer pointer to new buffer, update song + sample data & free old sample buffer ctrlSmp::ReplaceSample(sample, pNewSample, std::min(outPos + remainLength, newSampleLength), sndFile); // Update loops and wrap-around buffer sample.SetLoop( mpt::saturate_round<SmpLength>(sample.nLoopStart * m_ratio), mpt::saturate_round<SmpLength>(sample.nLoopEnd * m_ratio), sample.uFlags[CHN_LOOP], sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGLOOP], sndFile); sample.SetSustainLoop( mpt::saturate_round<SmpLength>(sample.nSustainStart * m_ratio), mpt::saturate_round<SmpLength>(sample.nSustainEnd * m_ratio), sample.uFlags[CHN_SUSTAINLOOP], sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGSUSTAIN], sndFile); } else { ModSample::FreeSample(pNewSample); } soundtouch_destroyInstance(handleSt); // Restore mouse cursor EndWaitCursor(); if(selection.selectionActive) m_parent.SetSelectionPoints(selection.nStart, selection.nStart + stretchLength); return m_abort ? kAbort : kOK; } TimeStretchPitchShiftResult PitchShift() { static constexpr SmpLength MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH = 8192; ModSample &sample = m_modDoc.GetSoundFile().GetSample(m_sample); if(!sample.HasSampleData() || m_ratio < 0.5f || m_ratio > 2.0f) { return kAbort; } // Get selected oversampling - quality - (also refered as FFT overlapping) factor CComboBox *combo = (CComboBox *)m_parent.GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO5); long ovs = combo->GetCurSel() + 4; // Get selected FFT size (power of 2; should not exceed MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - see smbPitchShift.h) combo = (CComboBox *)m_parent.GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO6); UINT fft = 1 << (combo->GetCurSel() + 8); while(fft > MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH) fft >>= 1; // Show wait mouse cursor BeginWaitCursor(); // Get original sample rate const float sampleRate = static_cast<float>(sample.GetSampleRate(m_modDoc.GetModType())); // Allocate working buffer const size_t bufferSize = MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH + fft; std::vector<float> buffer; try { buffer.resize(bufferSize); } catch(mpt::out_of_memory e) { mpt::delete_out_of_memory(e); return kOutOfMemory; } const auto smpSize = sample.GetElementarySampleSize(); const auto numChans = sample.GetNumChannels(); const auto bps = sample.GetBytesPerSample(); int8 *pNewSample = static_cast<int8 *>(ModSample::AllocateSample(sample.nLength, bps)); if(pNewSample == nullptr) return kOutOfMemory; DWORD timeLast = 0; const auto selection = m_parent.GetSelectionPoints(); // Process each channel separately for(uint8 chn = 0; chn < numChans; chn++) { // Process sample buffer using MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH (max) sized chunk steps (in order to allow // the processing of BIG samples...) for(SmpLength pos = selection.nStart; pos < selection.nEnd;) { DWORD timeNow = timeGetTime(); if(timeNow - timeLast >= m_updateInterval) { TCHAR progress[32]; uint32 percent = static_cast<uint32>(chn * 50.0 + (100.0 / numChans) * (pos - selection.nStart) / (selection.nEnd - selection.nStart)); wsprintf(progress, _T("Pitch Shift... %u%%"), percent); SetText(progress); SetProgress(percent); ProcessMessages(); if(m_abort) break; timeLast = timeNow; } // TRICK : output buffer offset management // as the pitch-shifter adds some blank signal in head of output buffer (matching FFT // length - in short it needs a certain amount of data before being able to output some // meaningful processed samples) , in order to avoid this behaviour , we will ignore // the first FFT_length samples and process the same amount of extra blank samples // (all 0.0f) at the end of the buffer (those extra samples will benefit from internal // FFT data computed during the previous steps resulting in a correct and consistent // signal output). const SmpLength processLen = (pos + MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH <= selection.nEnd) ? MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH : (selection.nEnd - pos); const bool bufStart = (pos == selection.nStart); const bool bufEnd = (pos + processLen >= selection.nEnd); const SmpLength startOffset = (bufStart ? fft : 0); const SmpLength innerOffset = (bufStart ? 0 : fft); const SmpLength finalOffset = (bufEnd ? fft : 0); // Re-initialize pitch-shifter with blank FFT before processing 1st chunk of current channel if(bufStart) { std::fill(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + fft, 0.0f); smbPitchShift(m_ratio, fft, fft, ovs, sampleRate, buffer.data(), buffer.data()); } // Convert current channel's data chunk to float SmpLength offset = pos * numChans + chn; switch(smpSize) { case 1: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::Convert<float, int8>, SC::DecodeIdentity<int8>>>(buffer.data(), processLen, 1, sample.sample8() + offset, sizeof(int8) * processLen * numChans, numChans); break; case 2: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::Convert<float, int16>, SC::DecodeIdentity<int16>>>(buffer.data(), processLen, 1, sample.sample16() + offset, sizeof(int16) * processLen * numChans, numChans); break; } // Fills extra blank samples (read TRICK description comment above) if(bufEnd) std::fill(buffer.begin() + processLen, buffer.begin() + processLen + finalOffset, 0.0f); // Apply pitch shifting smbPitchShift(m_ratio, static_cast<long>(processLen + finalOffset), fft, ovs, sampleRate, buffer.data(), buffer.data()); // Restore pitched-shifted float sample into original sample buffer void *ptr = pNewSample + (pos - innerOffset) * smpSize * numChans + chn * smpSize; const SmpLength copyLength = processLen + finalOffset - startOffset + 1; switch(smpSize) { case 1: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::Convert<int8, float>, SC::DecodeIdentity<float>>>(static_cast<int8 *>(ptr), copyLength, numChans, buffer.data() + startOffset, sizeof(float) * bufferSize, 1); break; case 2: CopySample<SC::ConversionChain<SC::Convert<int16, float>, SC::DecodeIdentity<float>>>(static_cast<int16 *>(ptr), copyLength, numChans, buffer.data() + startOffset, sizeof(float) * bufferSize, 1); break; } // Next buffer chunk pos += processLen; } } if(!m_abort) { m_parent.PrepareUndo("Pitch Shift", sundo_replace); memcpy(pNewSample, sample.sampleb(), selection.nStart * bps); memcpy(pNewSample + selection.nEnd * bps, sample.sampleb() + selection.nEnd * bps, (sample.nLength - selection.nEnd) * bps); ctrlSmp::ReplaceSample(sample, pNewSample, sample.nLength, m_modDoc.GetSoundFile()); } else { ModSample::FreeSample(pNewSample); } // Restore mouse cursor EndWaitCursor(); return m_abort ? kAbort : kOK; } }; void CCtrlSamples::OnPitchShiftTimeStretch() { TimeStretchPitchShiftResult errorcode = kAbort; ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(!sample.HasSampleData()) goto error; if(IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK3)) { // Time stretching UpdateData(TRUE); //Ensure m_dTimeStretchRatio is up-to-date with textbox content DoPitchShiftTimeStretch timeStretch(*this, m_modDoc, m_nSample, static_cast<float>(m_dTimeStretchRatio / 100.0), false); timeStretch.DoModal(); errorcode = timeStretch.m_result; } else { // Pitch shifting // Get selected pitch modifier [-12,+12] CString text; static_cast<CComboBox *>(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO4))->GetWindowText(text); float pm = ConvertStrTo<float>(text); if(pm == 0.0f) goto error; // Compute pitch ratio in range [0.5f ; 2.0f] (1.0f means output == input) // * pitch up -> 1.0f + n / 12.0f -> (12.0f + n) / 12.0f , considering n : pitch modifier > 0 // * pitch dn -> 1.0f - n / 24.0f -> (24.0f - n) / 24.0f , considering n : pitch modifier > 0 float pitch = pm < 0 ? ((24.0f + pm) / 24.0f) : ((12.0f + pm) / 12.0f); // Apply pitch modifier DoPitchShiftTimeStretch pitchShift(*this, m_modDoc, m_nSample, pitch, true); pitchShift.DoModal(); errorcode = pitchShift.m_result; } if(errorcode == kOK) { // Update sample view SetModified(SampleHint().Info().Data(), true, true); return; } // Error management error: if(errorcode != kAbort) { CString str; switch(errorcode) { case kInvalidRatio: str = _T("Invalid stretch ratio!"); break; case kStretchTooShort: case kStretchTooLong: str = MPT_CFORMAT("Stretch ratio is too {}. Must be between 50% and 200%.")((errorcode == kStretchTooShort) ? CString(_T("low")) : CString(_T("high"))); break; case kOutOfMemory: str = _T("Out of memory."); break; case kSampleTooShort: str = _T("Sample too short."); break; case kStretchInvalidSampleRate: str = _T("Sample rate must be 192,000 Hz or lower."); break; default: str = _T("Unknown Error."); break; } Reporting::Error(str); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnReverse() { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); PrepareUndo("Reverse", sundo_reverse, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd); if(SampleEdit::ReverseSample(sample, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd, m_sndFile)) { SetModified(SampleHint().Data(), false, true); } else { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(m_nSample); } EndWaitCursor(); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnInvert() { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); PrepareUndo("Invert", sundo_invert, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd); if(SampleEdit::InvertSample(sample, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd, m_sndFile) == true) { SetModified(SampleHint().Data(), false, true); } else { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(m_nSample); } EndWaitCursor(); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnSignUnSign() { if(!m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).HasSampleData()) return; if(m_modDoc.IsNotePlaying(0, m_nSample, 0)) MsgBoxHidable(ConfirmSignUnsignWhenPlaying); BeginWaitCursor(); ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); PrepareUndo("Unsign", sundo_unsign, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd); if(SampleEdit::UnsignSample(sample, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd, m_sndFile) == true) { SetModified(SampleHint().Data(), false, true); } else { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(m_nSample); } EndWaitCursor(); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnSilence() { if(!m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).HasSampleData()) return; BeginWaitCursor(); SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); // never apply silence to a sample that has no selection const SmpLength len = selection.nEnd - selection.nStart; if(selection.selectionActive && len > 1) { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); PrepareUndo("Silence", sundo_update, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd); if(SampleEdit::SilenceSample(sample, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd, m_sndFile)) { SetModified(SampleHint().Data(), false, true); } } EndWaitCursor(); SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnPrevInstrument() { if (m_nSample > 1) SetCurrentSample(m_nSample - 1); else SetCurrentSample(m_sndFile.GetNumSamples()); } void CCtrlSamples::OnNextInstrument() { if (m_nSample < m_sndFile.GetNumSamples()) SetCurrentSample(m_nSample + 1); else SetCurrentSample(1); } void CCtrlSamples::OnNameChanged() { if(IsLocked() || !m_nSample) return; CString tmp; m_EditName.GetWindowText(tmp); const std::string s = mpt::ToCharset(m_sndFile.GetCharsetInternal(), tmp); if(s != m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample]) { if(!m_startedEdit) { PrepareUndo("Set Name"); m_editInstrumentName = GetParentInstrumentWithSameName(); if(m_editInstrumentName != INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID) m_modDoc.GetInstrumentUndo().PrepareUndo(m_editInstrumentName, "Set Name"); } if(m_editInstrumentName <= m_sndFile.GetNumInstruments()) { if(auto instr = m_sndFile.Instruments[m_editInstrumentName]; instr != nullptr) { instr->name = s; m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, InstrumentHint(m_editInstrumentName).Names(), this); } } m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample] = s; SetModified(SampleHint().Names(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnFileNameChanged() { if(IsLocked()) return; CString tmp; m_EditFileName.GetWindowText(tmp); const std::string s = mpt::ToCharset(m_sndFile.GetCharsetInternal(), tmp); if(s != m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).filename) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Filename"); m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).filename = s; SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnVolumeChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int nVol = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT7); Limit(nVol, 0, 64); nVol *= 4; ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if (nVol != sample.nVolume) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Default Volume"); sample.nVolume = static_cast<uint16>(nVol); sample.uFlags.reset(SMP_NODEFAULTVOLUME); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnGlobalVolChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int nVol = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT8); Limit(nVol, 0, 64); ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if (nVol != sample.nGlobalVol) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Global Volume"); sample.nGlobalVol = static_cast<uint16>(nVol); // Live-adjust volume for(auto &chn : m_sndFile.m_PlayState.Chn) { if(chn.pModSample == &sample) { chn.UpdateInstrumentVolume(chn.pModSample, chn.pModInstrument); } } SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnSetPanningChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; bool b = false; if (m_sndFile.GetType() & (MOD_TYPE_IT|MOD_TYPE_MPT)) { b = IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK1) != FALSE; } ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(b != sample.uFlags[CHN_PANNING]) { PrepareUndo("Toggle Panning"); sample.uFlags.set(CHN_PANNING, b); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnPanningChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int nPan = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT9); if (nPan < 0) nPan = 0; if (m_sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_XM) { if (nPan > 255) nPan = 255; // displayed panning will be 0-255 with XM } else { if (nPan > 64) nPan = 64; // displayed panning will be 0-64 with anything but XM. nPan = nPan * 4; // so we x4 to get MPT's internal 0-256 range. } ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if (nPan != sample.nPan) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Panning"); sample.nPan = static_cast<uint16>(nPan); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnFineTuneChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int n = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT5); if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Finetune"); ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if (!m_sndFile.UseFinetuneAndTranspose()) { if ((n > 0) && (n <= (m_sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_S3M ? 65535 : 9999999)) && (n != (int)m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).nC5Speed)) { sample.nC5Speed = n; int transp = ModSample::FrequencyToTranspose(n).first; int basenote = (NOTE_MIDDLEC - NOTE_MIN) + transp; Clamp(basenote, BASENOTE_MIN, BASENOTE_MAX); basenote -= BASENOTE_MIN; if (basenote != m_CbnBaseNote.GetCurSel()) { LockControls(); m_CbnBaseNote.SetCurSel(basenote); UnlockControls(); } SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } else { if(m_sndFile.GetType() & MOD_TYPE_MOD) n = MOD2XMFineTune(n); if((n >= -128) && (n <= 127)) { sample.nFineTune = static_cast<int8>(n); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } } void CCtrlSamples::OnFineTuneChangedDone() { // Update all playing channels ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); for(auto &chn : m_sndFile.m_PlayState.Chn) { if(chn.pModSample == &sample) { chn.nTranspose = sample.RelativeTone; chn.nFineTune = sample.nFineTune; if(chn.nC5Speed != 0 && sample.nC5Speed != 0) { if(m_sndFile.PeriodsAreFrequencies()) chn.nPeriod = Util::muldivr(chn.nPeriod, sample.nC5Speed, chn.nC5Speed); else if(!m_sndFile.m_SongFlags[SONG_LINEARSLIDES]) chn.nPeriod = Util::muldivr(chn.nPeriod, chn.nC5Speed, sample.nC5Speed); } chn.nC5Speed = sample.nC5Speed; } } } void CCtrlSamples::OnBaseNoteChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int n = static_cast<int>(m_CbnBaseNote.GetItemData(m_CbnBaseNote.GetCurSel())); ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); PrepareUndo("Transpose"); if(!m_sndFile.UseFinetuneAndTranspose()) { const int oldTransp = ModSample::FrequencyToTranspose(sample.nC5Speed).first; const uint32 newFreq = mpt::saturate_round<uint32>(sample.nC5Speed * std::pow(2.0, (n - oldTransp) / 12.0)); if (newFreq > 0 && newFreq <= (m_sndFile.GetType() == MOD_TYPE_S3M ? 65535u : 9999999u) && newFreq != sample.nC5Speed) { sample.nC5Speed = newFreq; LockControls(); SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT5, newFreq, FALSE); // Due to rounding imprecisions if the base note is below 0, we recalculate it here to make sure that the value stays consistent. int basenote = (NOTE_MIDDLEC - NOTE_MIN) + ModSample::FrequencyToTranspose(newFreq).first; Limit(basenote, BASENOTE_MIN, BASENOTE_MAX); basenote -= BASENOTE_MIN; if(basenote != m_CbnBaseNote.GetCurSel()) m_CbnBaseNote.SetCurSel(basenote); OnFineTuneChangedDone(); UnlockControls(); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } else { if ((n >= -128) && (n < 128)) { sample.RelativeTone = (int8)n; OnFineTuneChangedDone(); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } } void CCtrlSamples::OnVibTypeChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int n = m_ComboAutoVib.GetCurSel(); if (n >= 0) { PrepareUndo("Set Vibrato Type"); m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).nVibType = static_cast<VibratoType>(m_ComboAutoVib.GetItemData(n)); PropagateAutoVibratoChanges(); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnVibDepthChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int lmin = 0, lmax = 0; m_SpinVibDepth.GetRange(lmin, lmax); int n = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT15); if ((n >= lmin) && (n <= lmax)) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Vibrato Depth"); m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).nVibDepth = static_cast<uint8>(n); PropagateAutoVibratoChanges(); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnVibSweepChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int lmin = 0, lmax = 0; m_SpinVibSweep.GetRange(lmin, lmax); int n = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT14); if ((n >= lmin) && (n <= lmax)) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Vibrato Sweep"); m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).nVibSweep = static_cast<uint8>(n); PropagateAutoVibratoChanges(); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnVibRateChanged() { if (IsLocked()) return; int lmin = 0, lmax = 0; m_SpinVibRate.GetRange(lmin, lmax); int n = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT16); if ((n >= lmin) && (n <= lmax)) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Vibrato Rate"); m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).nVibRate = static_cast<uint8>(n); PropagateAutoVibratoChanges(); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnLoopTypeChanged() { if(IsLocked()) return; const int n = m_ComboLoopType.GetCurSel(); ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); bool wasDisabled = !sample.uFlags[CHN_LOOP]; PrepareUndo("Set Loop Type"); // Loop type index: 0: Off, 1: On, 2: PingPong sample.uFlags.set(CHN_LOOP, n > 0); sample.uFlags.set(CHN_PINGPONGLOOP, n == 2); // set loop points if theren't any if(wasDisabled && sample.uFlags[CHN_LOOP] && sample.nLoopStart == sample.nLoopEnd) { SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); if(selection.selectionActive) { sample.SetLoop(selection.nStart, selection.nEnd, true, n == 2, m_sndFile); } else { sample.SetLoop(0, sample.nLength, true, n == 2, m_sndFile); } m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(NULL, SampleHint(m_nSample).Info()); } else { sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile); } ctrlSmp::UpdateLoopPoints(sample, m_sndFile); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } void CCtrlSamples::OnLoopPointsChanged() { if(IsLocked()) return; ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); SmpLength start = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT1, NULL, FALSE), end = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT2, NULL, FALSE); if(start < end || !sample.uFlags[CHN_LOOP]) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Loop"); const int n = m_ComboLoopType.GetCurSel(); sample.SetLoop(start, end, n > 0, n == 2, m_sndFile); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } void CCtrlSamples::OnSustainTypeChanged() { if(IsLocked()) return; const int n = m_ComboSustainType.GetCurSel(); ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); bool wasDisabled = !sample.uFlags[CHN_SUSTAINLOOP]; PrepareUndo("Set Sustain Loop Type"); // Loop type index: 0: Off, 1: On, 2: PingPong sample.uFlags.set(CHN_SUSTAINLOOP, n > 0); sample.uFlags.set(CHN_PINGPONGSUSTAIN, n == 2); // set sustain loop points if theren't any if(wasDisabled && sample.uFlags[CHN_SUSTAINLOOP] && sample.nSustainStart == sample.nSustainEnd) { SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); if(selection.selectionActive) { sample.SetSustainLoop(selection.nStart, selection.nEnd, true, n == 2, m_sndFile); } else { sample.SetSustainLoop(0, sample.nLength, true, n == 2, m_sndFile); } m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(NULL, SampleHint(m_nSample).Info()); } else { sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile); } ctrlSmp::UpdateLoopPoints(sample, m_sndFile); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } void CCtrlSamples::OnSustainPointsChanged() { if(IsLocked()) return; ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); SmpLength start = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT3, NULL, FALSE), end = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT4, NULL, FALSE); if(start < end || !sample.uFlags[CHN_SUSTAINLOOP]) { if(!m_startedEdit) PrepareUndo("Set Sustain Loop"); const int n = m_ComboSustainType.GetCurSel(); sample.SetSustainLoop(start, end, n > 0, n == 2, m_sndFile); SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), false, false); } } #define SMPLOOP_ACCURACY 7 // 5% #define BIDILOOP_ACCURACY 2 // 5% bool MPT_LoopCheck(int sstart0, int sstart1, int send0, int send1) { int dse0 = send0 - sstart0; if ((dse0 < -SMPLOOP_ACCURACY) || (dse0 > SMPLOOP_ACCURACY)) return false; int dse1 = send1 - sstart1; if ((dse1 < -SMPLOOP_ACCURACY) || (dse1 > SMPLOOP_ACCURACY)) return false; int dstart = sstart1 - sstart0; int dend = send1 - send0; if (!dstart) dstart = dend >> 7; if (!dend) dend = dstart >> 7; if ((dstart ^ dend) < 0) return false; int delta = dend - dstart; return ((delta > -SMPLOOP_ACCURACY) && (delta < SMPLOOP_ACCURACY)); } bool MPT_BidiEndCheck(int spos0, int spos1, int spos2) { int delta0 = spos1 - spos0; int delta1 = spos2 - spos1; int delta2 = spos2 - spos0; if (!delta0) delta0 = delta1 >> 7; if (!delta1) delta1 = delta0 >> 7; if ((delta1 ^ delta0) < 0) return false; return ((delta0 >= -1) && (delta0 <= 0) && (delta1 >= -1) && (delta1 <= 0) && (delta2 >= -1) && (delta2 <= 0)); } bool MPT_BidiStartCheck(int spos0, int spos1, int spos2) { int delta1 = spos1 - spos0; int delta0 = spos2 - spos1; int delta2 = spos2 - spos0; if (!delta0) delta0 = delta1 >> 7; if (!delta1) delta1 = delta0 >> 7; if ((delta1 ^ delta0) < 0) return false; return ((delta0 >= -1) && (delta0 <= 0) && (delta1 > -1) && (delta1 <= 0) && (delta2 >= -1) && (delta2 <= 0)); } void CCtrlSamples::OnVScroll(UINT nCode, UINT, CScrollBar *scrollBar) { TCHAR s[256]; if(IsLocked()) return; ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); const uint8 *pSample = mpt::byte_cast<const uint8 *>(sample.sampleb()); const uint32 inc = sample.GetBytesPerSample(); SmpLength i; int pos; bool redraw = false; static CScrollBar *lastScrollbar = nullptr; LockControls(); if ((!sample.nLength) || (!pSample)) goto NoSample; if (sample.uFlags[CHN_16BIT]) { pSample++; } // Loop Start if ((pos = m_SpinLoopStart.GetPos32()) != 0 && sample.nLoopEnd > 0) { bool bOk = false; const uint8 *p = pSample + sample.nLoopStart * inc; int find0 = (int)pSample[sample.nLoopEnd*inc-inc]; int find1 = (int)pSample[sample.nLoopEnd*inc]; // Find Next LoopStart Point if (pos > 0) { for (i = sample.nLoopStart + 1; i + 16 < sample.nLoopEnd; i++) { p += inc; bOk = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGLOOP] ? MPT_BidiStartCheck(p[0], p[inc], p[inc*2]) : MPT_LoopCheck(find0, find1, p[0], p[inc]); if (bOk) break; } } else // Find Prev LoopStart Point { for (i = sample.nLoopStart; i; ) { i--; p -= inc; bOk = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGLOOP] ? MPT_BidiStartCheck(p[0], p[inc], p[inc*2]) : MPT_LoopCheck(find0, find1, p[0], p[inc]); if (bOk) break; } } if (bOk) { if(!m_startedEdit && lastScrollbar != scrollBar) PrepareUndo("Set Loop Start"); sample.nLoopStart = i; wsprintf(s, _T("%u"), sample.nLoopStart); m_EditLoopStart.SetWindowText(s); redraw = true; sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile); } m_SpinLoopStart.SetPos(0); } // Loop End if ((pos = m_SpinLoopEnd.GetPos32()) != 0) { bool bOk = false; const uint8 *p = pSample + sample.nLoopEnd * inc; int find0 = (int)pSample[sample.nLoopStart*inc]; int find1 = (int)pSample[sample.nLoopStart*inc+inc]; // Find Next LoopEnd Point if (pos > 0) { for (i = sample.nLoopEnd + 1; i <= sample.nLength; i++, p += inc) { bOk = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGLOOP] ? MPT_BidiEndCheck(p[0], p[inc], p[inc*2]) : MPT_LoopCheck(find0, find1, p[0], p[inc]); if (bOk) break; } } else // Find Prev LoopEnd Point { for (i = sample.nLoopEnd; i > sample.nLoopStart + 16; ) { i--; p -= inc; bOk = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGLOOP] ? MPT_BidiEndCheck(p[0], p[inc], p[inc*2]) : MPT_LoopCheck(find0, find1, p[0], p[inc]); if (bOk) break; } } if (bOk) { if(!m_startedEdit && lastScrollbar != scrollBar) PrepareUndo("Set Loop End"); sample.nLoopEnd = i; wsprintf(s, _T("%u"), sample.nLoopEnd); m_EditLoopEnd.SetWindowText(s); redraw = true; sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile); } m_SpinLoopEnd.SetPos(0); } // Sustain Loop Start if ((pos = m_SpinSustainStart.GetPos32()) != 0 && sample.nSustainEnd > 0) { bool bOk = false; const uint8 *p = pSample + sample.nSustainStart * inc; int find0 = (int)pSample[sample.nSustainEnd*inc-inc]; int find1 = (int)pSample[sample.nSustainEnd*inc]; // Find Next Sustain LoopStart Point if (pos > 0) { for (i = sample.nSustainStart + 1; i + 16 < sample.nSustainEnd; i++) { p += inc; bOk = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGSUSTAIN] ? MPT_BidiStartCheck(p[0], p[inc], p[inc*2]) : MPT_LoopCheck(find0, find1, p[0], p[inc]); if (bOk) break; } } else // Find Prev Sustain LoopStart Point { for (i = sample.nSustainStart; i; ) { i--; p -= inc; bOk = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGSUSTAIN] ? MPT_BidiStartCheck(p[0], p[inc], p[inc*2]) : MPT_LoopCheck(find0, find1, p[0], p[inc]); if (bOk) break; } } if (bOk) { if(!m_startedEdit && lastScrollbar != scrollBar) PrepareUndo("Set Sustain Loop Start"); sample.nSustainStart = i; wsprintf(s, _T("%u"), sample.nSustainStart); m_EditSustainStart.SetWindowText(s); redraw = true; sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile); } m_SpinSustainStart.SetPos(0); } // Sustain Loop End if ((pos = m_SpinSustainEnd.GetPos32()) != 0) { bool bOk = false; const uint8 *p = pSample + sample.nSustainEnd * inc; int find0 = (int)pSample[sample.nSustainStart*inc]; int find1 = (int)pSample[sample.nSustainStart*inc+inc]; // Find Next LoopEnd Point if (pos > 0) { for (i = sample.nSustainEnd + 1; i + 1 < sample.nLength; i++, p += inc) { bOk = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGSUSTAIN] ? MPT_BidiEndCheck(p[0], p[inc], p[inc*2]) : MPT_LoopCheck(find0, find1, p[0], p[inc]); if (bOk) break; } } else // Find Prev LoopEnd Point { for (i = sample.nSustainEnd; i > sample.nSustainStart + 16; ) { i--; p -= inc; bOk = sample.uFlags[CHN_PINGPONGSUSTAIN] ? MPT_BidiEndCheck(p[0], p[inc], p[inc*2]) : MPT_LoopCheck(find0, find1, p[0], p[inc]); if (bOk) break; } } if (bOk) { if(!m_startedEdit && lastScrollbar != scrollBar) PrepareUndo("Set Sustain Loop End"); sample.nSustainEnd = i; wsprintf(s, _T("%u"), sample.nSustainEnd); m_EditSustainEnd.SetWindowText(s); redraw = true; sample.PrecomputeLoops(m_sndFile); } m_SpinSustainEnd.SetPos(0); } NoSample: // FineTune / C-5 Speed if ((pos = m_SpinFineTune.GetPos32()) != 0) { if (!m_sndFile.UseFinetuneAndTranspose()) { if(!m_startedEdit && lastScrollbar != scrollBar) PrepareUndo("Finetune"); if(sample.nC5Speed < 1) sample.nC5Speed = 8363; auto oldFreq = sample.nC5Speed; sample.Transpose((pos * TrackerSettings::Instance().m_nFinetuneStep) / 1200.0); if(sample.nC5Speed == oldFreq) sample.nC5Speed += pos; Limit(sample.nC5Speed, 1u, 9999999u); // 9999999 is max. in Impulse Tracker int transp = ModSample::FrequencyToTranspose(sample.nC5Speed).first; int basenote = (NOTE_MIDDLEC - NOTE_MIN) + transp; Clamp(basenote, BASENOTE_MIN, BASENOTE_MAX); basenote -= BASENOTE_MIN; if (basenote != m_CbnBaseNote.GetCurSel()) m_CbnBaseNote.SetCurSel(basenote); SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT5, sample.nC5Speed, FALSE); } else { if(!m_startedEdit && lastScrollbar != scrollBar) PrepareUndo("Finetune"); int ftune = (int)sample.nFineTune; // MOD finetune range -8 to 7 translates to -128 to 112 if(m_sndFile.GetType() & MOD_TYPE_MOD) { ftune = Clamp((ftune >> 4) + pos, -8, 7); sample.nFineTune = MOD2XMFineTune((signed char)ftune); } else { ftune = Clamp(ftune + pos, -128, 127); sample.nFineTune = (signed char)ftune; } SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT5, ftune, TRUE); } redraw = true; m_SpinFineTune.SetPos(0); OnFineTuneChangedDone(); } if(scrollBar->m_hWnd == m_SpinSequenceMs.m_hWnd || scrollBar->m_hWnd == m_SpinSeekWindowMs.m_hWnd || scrollBar->m_hWnd == m_SpinOverlap.m_hWnd) { ReadTimeStretchParameters(); UpdateTimeStretchParameters(); } if(nCode == SB_ENDSCROLL) SwitchToView(); if(redraw) { SetModified(SampleHint().Info().Data(), false, false); } lastScrollbar = scrollBar; UnlockControls(); } BOOL CCtrlSamples::PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg) { if (pMsg) { //We handle keypresses before Windows has a chance to handle them (for alt etc..) if ((pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYUP) || (pMsg->message == WM_KEYUP) || (pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) || (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN)) { CInputHandler* ih = CMainFrame::GetInputHandler(); //Translate message manually UINT nChar = (UINT)pMsg->wParam; UINT nRepCnt = LOWORD(pMsg->lParam); UINT nFlags = HIWORD(pMsg->lParam); KeyEventType kT = ih->GetKeyEventType(nFlags); InputTargetContext ctx = (InputTargetContext)(kCtxViewSamples); if (ih->KeyEvent(ctx, nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags, kT) != kcNull) return true; // Mapped to a command, no need to pass message on. } } return CModControlDlg::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } LRESULT CCtrlSamples::OnCustomKeyMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { int transpose = 0; switch(wParam) { case kcSampleLoad: OnSampleOpen(); return wParam; case kcSampleLoadRaw: OnSampleOpenRaw(); return wParam; case kcSampleSave: OnSampleSaveOne(); return wParam; case kcSampleNew: InsertSample(false); return wParam; case kcSampleDuplicate: InsertSample(true); return wParam; case kcSampleTransposeUp: transpose = 1; break; case kcSampleTransposeDown: transpose = -1; break; case kcSampleTransposeOctUp: transpose = 12; break; case kcSampleTransposeOctDown: transpose = -12; break; case kcSampleUpsample: case kcSampleDownsample: { uint32 oldRate = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).GetSampleRate(m_sndFile.GetType()); ApplyResample(m_nSample, wParam == kcSampleUpsample ? oldRate * 2 : oldRate / 2, TrackerSettings::Instance().sampleEditorDefaultResampler); } return wParam; case kcSampleResample: OnResample(); return wParam; case kcSampleStereoSep: OnStereoSeparation(); return wParam; case kcSampleInitializeOPL: OnInitOPLInstrument(); return wParam; } if(transpose) { if(m_CbnBaseNote.IsWindowEnabled()) { int sel = Clamp(m_CbnBaseNote.GetCurSel() + transpose, 0, m_CbnBaseNote.GetCount() - 1); if(sel != m_CbnBaseNote.GetCurSel()) { m_CbnBaseNote.SetCurSel(sel); OnBaseNoteChanged(); } } return wParam; } return kcNull; } // Return currently selected part of the sample. // The whole sample size will be returned if no part of the sample is selected. // However, point.bSelected indicates whether a sample selection exists or not. CCtrlSamples::SampleSelectionPoints CCtrlSamples::GetSelectionPoints() { SampleSelectionPoints points; SAMPLEVIEWSTATE viewstate; const ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); Clear(viewstate); SendViewMessage(VIEWMSG_SAVESTATE, (LPARAM)&viewstate); points.nStart = viewstate.dwBeginSel; points.nEnd = viewstate.dwEndSel; if(points.nEnd > sample.nLength) points.nEnd = sample.nLength; if(points.nStart > points.nEnd) points.nStart = points.nEnd; points.selectionActive = true; if(points.nStart >= points.nEnd) { points.nStart = 0; points.nEnd = sample.nLength; points.selectionActive = false; } return points; } // Set the currently selected part of the sample. // To reset the selection, use nStart = nEnd = 0. void CCtrlSamples::SetSelectionPoints(SmpLength nStart, SmpLength nEnd) { const ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); Limit(nStart, SmpLength(0), sample.nLength); Limit(nEnd, SmpLength(0), sample.nLength); SAMPLEVIEWSTATE viewstate; Clear(viewstate); SendViewMessage(VIEWMSG_SAVESTATE, (LPARAM)&viewstate); viewstate.dwBeginSel = nStart; viewstate.dwEndSel = nEnd; SendViewMessage(VIEWMSG_LOADSTATE, (LPARAM)&viewstate); } // Crossfade loop to create smooth loop transitions void CCtrlSamples::OnXFade() { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(!sample.HasSampleData()) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONWARNING); SwitchToView(); return; } bool resetLoopOnCancel = false; if((sample.nLoopEnd <= sample.nLoopStart || sample.nLoopEnd > sample.nLength) && (sample.nSustainEnd <= sample.nSustainStart || sample.nSustainEnd > sample.nLength)) { const auto selection = GetSelectionPoints(); if(selection.nStart > 0 && selection.nEnd > selection.nStart) { sample.SetLoop(selection.nStart, selection.nEnd, true, false, m_sndFile); resetLoopOnCancel = true; } else { Reporting::Error("Crossfade requires a sample loop to work.", this); SwitchToView(); return; } } if(sample.nLoopStart == 0 && sample.nSustainStart == 0) { Reporting::Error("Crossfade requires the sample to have data before the loop start.", this); SwitchToView(); return; } CSampleXFadeDlg dlg(this, sample); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { const SmpLength loopStart = dlg.m_useSustainLoop ? sample.nSustainStart: sample.nLoopStart; const SmpLength loopEnd = dlg.m_useSustainLoop ? sample.nSustainEnd: sample.nLoopEnd; const SmpLength maxSamples = std::min({ sample.nLength, loopStart, loopEnd / 2 }); SmpLength fadeSamples = dlg.PercentToSamples(dlg.m_fadeLength); LimitMax(fadeSamples, maxSamples); if(fadeSamples < 2) return; PrepareUndo("Crossfade", sundo_update, loopEnd - fadeSamples, loopEnd + (dlg.m_afterloopFade ? std::min(sample.nLength - loopEnd, fadeSamples) : 0)); if(SampleEdit::XFadeSample(sample, fadeSamples, dlg.m_fadeLaw, dlg.m_afterloopFade, dlg.m_useSustainLoop, m_sndFile)) { SetModified(SampleHint().Info().Data(), true, true); } else { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(m_nSample); } } else if(resetLoopOnCancel) { sample.SetLoop(0, 0, false, false, m_sndFile); } SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnStereoSeparation() { ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); if(!sample.HasSampleData() || sample.GetNumChannels() != 2 || sample.uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONWARNING); SwitchToView(); return; } static double separation = 100.0; CInputDlg dlg(this, _T("Stereo separation amount\n0% = mono, 100% = no change, 200% = double separation\nNegative values swap channels"), -200.0, 200.0, separation); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { separation = dlg.resultAsDouble; SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); PrepareUndo("Stereo Separation", sundo_update, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd); if(SampleEdit::StereoSepSample(sample, selection.nStart, selection.nEnd, separation, m_sndFile)) { SetModified(SampleHint().Info().Data(), true, true); } else { m_modDoc.GetSampleUndo().RemoveLastUndoStep(m_nSample); } } SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnAutotune() { SampleSelectionPoints selection = GetSelectionPoints(); if(!selection.selectionActive) { selection.nStart = selection.nEnd = 0; } ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); Autotune at(sample, m_sndFile.GetType(), selection.nStart, selection.nEnd); if(at.CanApply()) { CAutotuneDlg dlg(this); if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { BeginWaitCursor(); PrepareUndo("Automatic Sample Tuning"); bool modified = true; if(IsOPLInstrument()) { const uint32 newFreq = mpt::saturate_round<uint32>(dlg.GetPitchReference() * (8363.0 / 440.0) * std::pow(2.0, dlg.GetTargetNote() / 12.0)); modified = (newFreq != sample.nC5Speed); sample.nC5Speed = newFreq; } else { modified = at.Apply(static_cast<double>(dlg.GetPitchReference()), dlg.GetTargetNote()); } OnFineTuneChangedDone(); if(modified) SetModified(SampleHint().Info(), true, false); EndWaitCursor(); } } SwitchToView(); } void CCtrlSamples::OnKeepSampleOnDisk() { SAMPLEINDEX first = m_nSample, last = m_nSample; if(CMainFrame::GetInputHandler()->ShiftPressed()) { first = 1; last = m_sndFile.GetNumSamples(); } const bool enable = IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK2) != BST_UNCHECKED; for(SAMPLEINDEX i = first; i <= last; i++) { if(bool newState = enable && m_sndFile.SampleHasPath(i); newState != m_sndFile.GetSample(i).uFlags[SMP_KEEPONDISK]) { m_sndFile.GetSample(i).uFlags.set(SMP_KEEPONDISK, newState); m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SampleHint(i).Info().Names(), this); } } m_modDoc.SetModified(); } // When changing auto vibrato properties, propagate them to other samples of the same instrument in XM edit mode. void CCtrlSamples::PropagateAutoVibratoChanges() { if(!(m_sndFile.GetType() & MOD_TYPE_XM)) { return; } for(INSTRUMENTINDEX i = 1; i <= m_sndFile.GetNumInstruments(); i++) { if(m_sndFile.IsSampleReferencedByInstrument(m_nSample, i)) { const auto referencedSamples = m_sndFile.Instruments[i]->GetSamples(); // Propagate changes to all samples that belong to this instrument. const ModSample &it = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); m_sndFile.PropagateXMAutoVibrato(i, it.nVibType, it.nVibSweep, it.nVibDepth, it.nVibRate); for(auto smp : referencedSamples) { m_modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SampleHint(smp).Info(), this); } } } } void CCtrlSamples::OnXButtonUp(UINT nFlags, UINT nButton, CPoint point) { if(nButton == XBUTTON1) OnPrevInstrument(); else if(nButton == XBUTTON2) OnNextInstrument(); CModControlDlg::OnXButtonUp(nFlags, nButton, point); SwitchToView(); } bool CCtrlSamples::IsOPLInstrument() const { return m_nSample >= 1 && m_nSample <= m_sndFile.GetNumSamples() && m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample).uFlags[CHN_ADLIB]; } void CCtrlSamples::OnInitOPLInstrument() { if(m_sndFile.SupportsOPL()) { CriticalSection cs; PrepareUndo("Initialize OPL Instrument", sundo_replace); m_sndFile.DestroySample(m_nSample); m_sndFile.InitOPL(); ModSample &sample = m_sndFile.GetSample(m_nSample); sample.nC5Speed = 8363; // Initialize with instant attack, release and enabled sustain for carrier and instant attack for modulator sample.SetAdlib(true, { 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }); SetModified(SampleHint().Info().Data().Names(), true, true); SwitchToView(); } } INSTRUMENTINDEX CCtrlSamples::GetParentInstrumentWithSameName() const { auto ins = m_modDoc.FindSampleParent(m_nSample); if(ins == INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID) return INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID; auto instr = m_sndFile.Instruments[ins]; if(instr == nullptr) return INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID; if((!instr->name.empty() && instr->name != m_sndFile.m_szNames[m_nSample]) || instr->GetSamples().size() != 1) return INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID; return ins; } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END