we can now extract icon0 from pkg (WIP progress in the rest extraction)

This commit is contained in:
georgemoralis 2022-11-15 17:45:21 +02:00
parent 711e9e917d
commit 7bd433ffea
4 changed files with 168 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -29,3 +29,38 @@ bool PKG::open(const std::string& filepath) {
return true;
bool PKG::extract(const std::string& filepath, const std::string& extractPath, std::string& failreason)
this->extractPath = extractPath;
FsFile file;
if (!file.Open(filepath, fsRead))
return false;
pkgSize = file.getFileSize();
PKGHeader pkgheader;
file.Seek(0, fsSeekSet);
pkg = (U08*)mmap(pkgSize, file.fileDescr());
file.Read(pkg, pkgSize);
U32 offset = pkgheader.pkg_table_entry_offset;
U32 n_files = pkgheader.pkg_table_entry_count;
for (int i = 0; i < n_files; i++) {
PKGEntry entry = (PKGEntry&)pkg[offset + i * 0x20];
if (entry.id == 0x1200)//test code for extracting icon0
FsFile out;
out.Open(extractPath + "icon0.png", fsWrite);
out.Write(pkg + entry.offset, entry.size);
return true;

View file

@ -1,17 +1,105 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "../../Types.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <windows.h>
struct PKGHeader {
/*BE*/U32 magic; // Magic
/*BE*/U32 magic;// Magic
/*BE*/U32 pkg_type;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_0x8; //unknown field
/*BE*/U32 pkg_file_count;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_table_entry_count;
/*BE*/U16 pkg_sc_entry_count;
/*BE*/U16 pkg_table_entry_count_2;// same as pkg_entry_count
/*BE*/U32 pkg_table_entry_offset;//file table offset
/*BE*/U32 pkg_sc_entry_data_size;
/*BE*/U64 pkg_body_offset;//offset of PKG entries
/*BE*/U64 pkg_body_size;//length of all PKG entries
/*BE*/U64 pkg_content_offset;
/*BE*/U64 pkg_content_size;
U08 pkg_content_id[0x24];//packages' content ID as a 36-byte string
U08 pkg_padding[0xC];//padding
/*BE*/U32 pkg_drm_type;//DRM type
/*BE*/U32 pkg_content_type;//Content type
/*BE*/U32 pkg_content_flags;//Content flags
/*BE*/U32 pkg_promote_size;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_version_date;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_version_hash;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_0x088;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_0x08C;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_0x090;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_0x094;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_iro_tag;
/*BE*/U32 pkg_drm_type_version;
U08 pkg_zeroes_1[0x60];
/* Digest table */
U08 digest_entries1[0x20]; // sha256 digest for main entry 1
U08 digest_entries2[0x20]; // sha256 digest for main entry 2
U08 digest_table_digest[0x20]; // sha256 digest for digest table
U08 digest_body_digest[0x20]; // sha256 digest for main table
U08 pkg_zeroes_2[0x280];
U32 pkg_0x400;
U32 pfs_image_count; // count of PFS images
U64 pfs_image_flags; // PFS flags
U64 pfs_image_offset; // offset to start of external PFS image
U64 pfs_image_size; // size of external PFS image
U64 mount_image_offset;
U64 mount_image_size;
U64 pkg_size;
U32 pfs_signed_size;
U32 pfs_cache_size;
U08 pfs_image_digest[0x20];
U08 pfs_signed_digest[0x20];
U64 pfs_split_size_nth_0;
U64 pfs_split_size_nth_1;
U08 pkg_zeroes_3[0xB50];
U08 pkg_digest[0x20];
inline void ReadBE(PKGHeader& s)
struct PKGEntry {
U32 id; // File ID, useful for files without a filename entry
U32 filename_offset; // Offset into the filenames table (ID 0x200) where this file's name is located
U32 flags1; // Flags including encrypted flag, etc
U32 flags2; // Flags including encryption key index, etc
U32 offset; // Offset into PKG to find the file
U32 size; // Size of the file
U64 padding; // blank padding
inline void ReadBE(PKGEntry& s)
class PKG
U08* pkg;
U64 pkgSize = 0;
S08 pkgTitleID[9];
std::string extractPath;
@ -23,7 +111,31 @@ public:
std::string getTitleID()
return std::string(pkgTitleID);
return std::string(pkgTitleID,9);
bool extract(const std::string& filepath, const std::string& extractPath, std::string& failreason);
void* mmap(size_t sLength, std::FILE* nFd) {
HANDLE hHandle;
void* pStart;
hHandle = CreateFileMapping(
NULL, // default security
PAGE_WRITECOPY, // read/write access
0, // maximum object size (high-order DWORD)
0, // maximum object size (low-order DWORD)
NULL); // name of mapping object
if (hHandle != NULL) {
pStart = MapViewOfFile(hHandle, FILE_MAP_COPY, 0, 0, sLength);
return pStart;
int munmap(void* pStart) {
if (UnmapViewOfFile(pStart) != 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

View file

@ -28,6 +28,23 @@ void shadps4gui::installPKG()
PKG pkg;
//if pkg is ok we procced with extraction
std::string failreason;
QString gamedir = QDir::currentPath() + "/game/" + QString::fromStdString(pkg.getTitleID());
QDir dir(gamedir);
if (!dir.exists()) {
std::string extractpath = QDir::currentPath().toStdString() + "/game/" + pkg.getTitleID() + "/";
if (!pkg.extract(file, extractpath, failreason))
QMessageBox::critical(this, "PKG ERROR", QString::fromStdString(failreason), QMessageBox::Ok, 0);
QMessageBox::information(this, "Extraction Finished", "Game successfully installed at " + gamedir, QMessageBox::Ok, 0);
game_list->RefreshGameDirectory();//force refreshing since filelistwatcher doesn't work properly

View file

@ -56,12 +56,12 @@
<Import Project="$(QtMsBuild)\qt_defaults.props" />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x64'" Label="QtSettings">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x64'" Label="QtSettings">