let's cleanup all

This commit is contained in:
georgemoralis 2023-04-27 18:02:48 +03:00
parent 7f27e7d23f
commit 71d14aca62
16 changed files with 0 additions and 1310 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
[submodule "third_party/fmt"]
path = third_party/fmt
url = https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git
[submodule "third_party/spdlog"]
path = third_party/spdlog
url = https://github.com/gabime/spdlog
[submodule "third_party/magic_enum"]
path = third_party/magic_enum
url = https://github.com/Neargye/magic_enum.git

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
#include "FsFile.h"
m_file = nullptr;
FsFile::FsFile(const std::string& path, fsOpenMode mode)
Open(path, mode);
bool FsFile::Open(const std::string& path, fsOpenMode mode)
fopen_s(&m_file, path.c_str(), getOpenMode(mode));
return IsOpen();
bool FsFile::Close()
if (!IsOpen() || std::fclose(m_file) != 0) {
m_file = nullptr;
return false;
m_file = nullptr;
return true;
bool FsFile::Write(const void* src, u64 size)
if (!IsOpen() || std::fwrite(src, 1, size, m_file) != size) {
return false;
return true;
bool FsFile::Read(void* dst, u64 size)
if (!IsOpen() || std::fread(dst, 1, size, m_file) != size) {
return false;
return true;
u32 FsFile::ReadBytes(void* dst, u64 size)
return std::fread(dst, 1, size, m_file);
bool FsFile::Seek(s64 offset, fsSeekMode mode)
if (!IsOpen() || _fseeki64(m_file, offset, getSeekMode(mode)) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
u64 FsFile::Tell() const
if (IsOpen()) {
return _ftelli64(m_file);
else {
return -1;
u64 FsFile::getFileSize()
u64 pos = _ftelli64(m_file);
if (_fseeki64(m_file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
return 0;
u64 size = _ftelli64(m_file);
if (_fseeki64(m_file, pos, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
return 0;
return size;
bool FsFile::IsOpen() const
return m_file != nullptr;

View file

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include "../Types.h"
enum fsOpenMode
fsRead = 0x1,
fsWrite = 0x2,
fsReadWrite = fsRead | fsWrite
enum fsSeekMode
class FsFile
std::FILE* m_file;
FsFile(const std::string& path, fsOpenMode mode = fsRead);
bool Open(const std::string& path, fsOpenMode mode = fsRead);
bool IsOpen() const;
bool Close();
bool Read(void* dst, u64 size);
u32 ReadBytes(void* dst, u64 size);
bool Write(const void* src, u64 size);
bool Seek(s64 offset, fsSeekMode mode);
u64 getFileSize();
u64 Tell() const;
const char* getOpenMode(fsOpenMode mode)
switch (mode) {
case fsRead: return "rb";
case fsWrite: return "wb";
case fsReadWrite: return "r+b";
return "r";
const int getSeekMode(fsSeekMode mode)
switch (mode) {
case fsSeekSet: return SEEK_SET;
case fsSeekCur: return SEEK_CUR;
case fsSeekEnd: return SEEK_END;
return SEEK_SET;
std::FILE* fileDescr()
return m_file;

View file

@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
#include "Elf.h"
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h"
#include <spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h>
#include <magic_enum.hpp>
template <>
struct magic_enum::customize::enum_range<e_type_s> {
static constexpr int min = 0xfe00;
static constexpr int max = 0xfe18;
// (max - min) must be less than UINT16_MAX.
static self_header* load_self(FsFile& f)
//read self header
auto* self = new self_header;
f.Read(self, sizeof(self_header));
return self;
static self_segment_header* load_self_segments(FsFile& f, u16 num)
auto* segs = new self_segment_header[num];
f.Read(segs, sizeof(self_segment_header) * num);
return segs;
static elf_header* load_elf_header(FsFile& f)
auto* m_elf_header = new elf_header;
f.Read(m_elf_header, sizeof(elf_header));
return m_elf_header;
static elf_program_header* load_program_header(FsFile& f, u64 offset, u16 num)
auto* phdr = new elf_program_header[num];
f.Read(phdr, sizeof(elf_program_header) * num);
return phdr;
static elf_section_header* load_section_header(FsFile& f, u64 offset, u16 num)
if (num == 0)//just in case we don't have section headers
return nullptr;
auto* shdr = new elf_section_header[num];
f.Read(shdr, sizeof(elf_section_header) * num);
return shdr;
void Elf::Reset()//reset all variables
if (m_f != nullptr)
delete m_f;
delete m_self;
delete m_elf_header;
delete m_self_id_header;
delete[] m_self_segments;
delete[] m_elf_phdr;
delete[] m_elf_shdr;
m_self = nullptr;
m_self_segments = nullptr;
m_elf_header = nullptr;
m_elf_phdr = nullptr;
m_elf_shdr = nullptr;
m_self_id_header = nullptr;
void Elf::Open(const std::string& file_name)
Reset();//reset all variables
m_f = new FsFile;
m_f->Open(file_name, fsOpenMode::fsRead);
m_self = load_self(*m_f);
bool isself = isSelfFile();
if (!isself)
delete m_self;
m_self = nullptr;
m_f->Seek(0,fsSeekMode::fsSeekSet); //it is not an self file move to the start of file
m_self_segments = load_self_segments(*m_f, m_self->segment_count);
auto elfheader_pos = m_f->Tell();//get the entry pos for elf file
m_elf_header = load_elf_header(*m_f);
if (!isElfFile())
delete m_elf_header;
m_elf_header = nullptr;
if (m_elf_header != nullptr)
m_elf_phdr = load_program_header(*m_f, elfheader_pos + m_elf_header->e_phoff, m_elf_header->e_phnum);
m_elf_shdr = load_section_header(*m_f, elfheader_pos + m_elf_header->e_shoff, m_elf_header->e_shnum);
if (isself && m_elf_header != nullptr)
u64 header_size = 0;
header_size += sizeof(self_header);
header_size += sizeof(self_segment_header) * m_self->segment_count;
header_size += sizeof(elf_header);
header_size += m_elf_header->e_phnum * m_elf_header->e_phentsize;
header_size += m_elf_header->e_shnum * m_elf_header->e_shentsize;
header_size += 15; header_size &= ~15; // align
if (m_elf_header->e_ehsize - header_size >= sizeof(elf_program_id_header))
m_f->Seek(header_size, fsSeekMode::fsSeekSet);
m_self_id_header = new elf_program_id_header;
m_f->Read(m_self_id_header, sizeof(elf_program_id_header));
bool Elf::isSelfFile() const
if (m_f == nullptr)
return false;
if (m_self == nullptr)
return false;//if we can't load self header return false
if (m_self->magic != self_header::signature)
printf("Not a SELF file. Magic file mismatched! current = 0x%08X required = 0x%08X\n", m_self->magic, self_header::signature);
return false;
if (m_self->version != 0x00 || m_self->mode != 0x01 || m_self->endian != 0x01 || m_self->attributes != 0x12)
printf("Unknown SELF file\n");
return false;
if (m_self->category != 0x01 || m_self->program_type != 0x01)
printf("Unknown SELF file\n");
return false;
return true;
bool Elf::isElfFile() const
if (m_f == nullptr)
return false;
if (m_elf_header == nullptr)
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_ident.magic[EI_MAG0] != ELFMAG0 || m_elf_header->e_ident.magic[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1 || m_elf_header->e_ident.magic[EI_MAG2] != ELFMAG2 ||
m_elf_header->e_ident.magic[EI_MAG3] != ELFMAG3)
printf("ERROR:Not an ELF file magic is wrong!\n");
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_class != ELF_CLASS_64)
printf("ERROR:e_ident[EI_CLASS] expected 0x02 is (0x%x)\n", m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_class);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_data != ELF_DATA_2LSB)
printf("ERROR:e_ident[EI_DATA] expected 0x01 is (0x%x)\n", m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_data);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_version != ELF_VERSION_CURRENT)
printf("ERROR:e_ident[EI_VERSION] expected 0x01 is (0x%x)\n", m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_version);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_osabi != ELF_OSABI_FREEBSD)
printf("ERROR:e_ident[EI_OSABI] expected 0x09 is (0x%x)\n", m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_osabi);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_abiversion != ELF_ABI_VERSION_AMDGPU_HSA_V2)
printf("ERROR:e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] expected 0x00 is (0x%x)\n", m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_abiversion);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_type != ET_SCE_DYNEXEC && m_elf_header->e_type != ET_SCE_DYNAMIC)
printf("ERROR:e_type expected 0xFE10 OR 0xFE18 is (%04x)\n", m_elf_header->e_type);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_machine != EM_X86_64)
printf("ERROR:e_machine expected 0x3E is (%04x)\n", m_elf_header->e_machine);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_version != EV_CURRENT)
printf("ERROR:m_elf_header->e_version expected 0x01 is (0x%x)\n", m_elf_header->e_version);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_phentsize != sizeof(elf_program_header))
printf("ERROR:e_phentsize (%d) != sizeof(elf_program_header)\n", m_elf_header->e_phentsize);
return false;
if (m_elf_header->e_shentsize > 0 && m_elf_header->e_shentsize != sizeof(elf_section_header)) //commercial games doesn't appear to have section headers
printf("ERROR:e_shentsize (%d) != sizeof(elf_section_header)\n", m_elf_header->e_shentsize);
return false;
return true;
void Elf::DebugDump() {
std::vector<spdlog::sink_ptr> sinks;
sinks.push_back(std::make_shared<spdlog::sinks::basic_file_sink_mt>("output.log", true));
spdlog::set_default_logger(std::make_shared<spdlog::logger>("shadps4 logger", begin(sinks), end(sinks)));
auto f = std::make_unique<spdlog::pattern_formatter>("%v", spdlog::pattern_time_type::local, std::string("")); // disable eol
spdlog::info("SELF header:\n");
spdlog::info(" magic ..............: 0x{:X}\n", m_self->magic);
spdlog::info(" version .........: {}\n", m_self->version);
spdlog::info(" mode .........: {:#04x}\n", m_self->mode);
spdlog::info(" endian .........: {}\n", m_self->endian);
spdlog::info(" attributes .........: {:#04x}\n", m_self->attributes);
spdlog::info(" category .........: {:#04x}\n", m_self->category);
spdlog::info(" program_type........: {:#04x}\n", m_self->program_type);
spdlog::info(" padding1 ...........: {:#06x}\n", m_self->padding1);
spdlog::info(" header size ........: {}\n", m_self->header_size);
spdlog::info(" meta size .....: {}\n", m_self->meta_size);
spdlog::info(" file size ..........: {}\n", m_self->file_size);
spdlog::info(" padding2 ...........: {:#010x}\n", m_self->padding2);
spdlog::info(" segment count ......: {}\n", m_self->segment_count);
spdlog::info(" unknown 1A .........: {:#06x}\n", m_self->unknown1A);
spdlog::info(" padding3 ...........: {:#010x}\n", m_self->padding3);
spdlog::info("SELF segments:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < m_self->segment_count; i++)
auto segment_header = m_self_segments[i];
spdlog::info(" [{}]\n", i);
spdlog::info(" flags ............: {:#018x}\n", segment_header.flags);
spdlog::info(" file offset ......: {:#018x}\n", segment_header.file_offset);
spdlog::info(" file size ........: {}\n", segment_header.file_size);
spdlog::info(" memory size ......: {}\n", segment_header.memory_size);
spdlog::info("Elf header:\n");
spdlog::info(" ident ............: 0x");
for (auto i : m_elf_header->e_ident.magic)
spdlog::info("{:02X}", i);
auto ident_class = magic_enum::enum_cast<ident_class_es>(m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_class);
if (ident_class.has_value())
spdlog::info(" ident class.......: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(ident_class.value()));
auto ident_data = magic_enum::enum_cast<ident_endian_es>(m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_data);
if (ident_data.has_value())
spdlog::info(" ident data .......: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(ident_data.value()));
auto ident_version = magic_enum::enum_cast<ident_version_es>(m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_version);
if (ident_version.has_value())
spdlog::info(" ident version.....: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(ident_version.value()));
auto ident_osabi = magic_enum::enum_cast<ident_osabi_es>(m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_osabi);
if (ident_osabi.has_value())
spdlog::info(" ident osabi .....: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(ident_osabi.value()));
auto ident_abiversion = magic_enum::enum_cast<ident_abiversion_es>(m_elf_header->e_ident.ei_abiversion);
if (ident_abiversion.has_value())
spdlog::info(" ident abiversion..: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(ident_abiversion.value()));
spdlog::info(" ident UNK ........: 0x");
for (auto i : m_elf_header->e_ident.pad)
spdlog::info("{:02X}", i);
auto type = magic_enum::enum_cast<e_type_s>(m_elf_header->e_type);
if (type.has_value())
spdlog::info(" type ............: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(type.value()));
auto machine = magic_enum::enum_cast<e_machine_es>(m_elf_header->e_machine);
if (machine.has_value())
spdlog::info(" machine ..........: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(machine.value()));
auto version = magic_enum::enum_cast<e_version_es>(m_elf_header->e_version);
if (version.has_value())
spdlog::info(" version ..........: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(version.value()));
spdlog::info(" entry ............: {:#018x}\n", m_elf_header->e_entry);
spdlog::info(" phoff ............: {:#018x}\n", m_elf_header->e_phoff);
spdlog::info(" shoff ............: {:#018x}\n", m_elf_header->e_shoff);
spdlog::info(" flags ............: {:#010x}\n", m_elf_header->e_flags);
spdlog::info(" ehsize ...........: {}\n", m_elf_header->e_ehsize);
spdlog::info(" phentsize ........: {}\n", m_elf_header->e_phentsize);
spdlog::info(" phnum ............: {}\n", m_elf_header->e_phnum);
spdlog::info(" shentsize ........: {}\n", m_elf_header->e_shentsize);
spdlog::info(" shnum ............: {}\n", m_elf_header->e_shnum);
spdlog::info(" shstrndx .........: {}\n", m_elf_header->e_shstrndx);
if (m_elf_header->e_phentsize > 0)
spdlog::info("Program headers:\n");
for (u16 i = 0; i < m_elf_header->e_phnum; i++)
spdlog::info("--- phdr [{}] ---\n", i);
spdlog::info("p_type ....: {:#010x}\n", (m_elf_phdr+i)->p_type);
spdlog::info("p_flags ...: {:#010x}\n", (m_elf_phdr + i)->p_flags);
spdlog::info("p_offset ..: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_phdr + i)->p_offset);
spdlog::info("p_vaddr ...: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_phdr + i)->p_vaddr);
spdlog::info("p_paddr ...: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_phdr + i)->p_paddr);
spdlog::info("p_filesz ..: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_phdr + i)->p_filesz);
spdlog::info("p_memsz ...: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_phdr + i)->p_memsz);
spdlog::info("p_align ...: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_phdr + i)->p_align);
if (m_elf_header->e_shentsize > 0)
spdlog::info("Section headers:\n");
for (u16 i = 0; i < m_elf_header->e_shnum; i++)
spdlog::info("--- shdr {} --\n", i);
spdlog::info("sh_name ........: {}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_name);
spdlog::info("sh_type ........: {:#010x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_type);
spdlog::info("sh_flags .......: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_flags);
spdlog::info("sh_addr ........: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_addr);
spdlog::info("sh_offset ......: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_offset);
spdlog::info("sh_size ........: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_size);
spdlog::info("sh_link ........: {:#010x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_link);
spdlog::info("sh_info ........: {:#010x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_info);
spdlog::info("sh_addralign ...: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_addralign);
spdlog::info("sh_entsize .....: {:#018x}\n", (m_elf_shdr + i)->sh_entsize);
if (m_self_id_header != nullptr)
spdlog::info("SELF info:\n");
spdlog::info("auth id ............: {:#018x}\n", m_self_id_header->authid);
auto program_type = magic_enum::enum_cast<program_type_es>(m_self_id_header->program_type);
if (program_type.has_value())
spdlog::info("program type .......: {}\n", magic_enum::enum_name(program_type.value()));
spdlog::info("program type UNK....: {:#018x}\n", (int)m_self_id_header->program_type);
spdlog::info("app version ........: {:#018x}\n", m_self_id_header->appver);
spdlog::info("fw version .........: {:#018x}\n", m_self_id_header->firmver);
spdlog::info("digest..............: 0x");
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) spdlog::info("{:02x}", m_self_id_header->digest[i]);

View file

@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "../types.h"
#include "../Core/FsFile.h"
struct self_header
static const u32 signature = 0x1D3D154Fu;
u32 magic;
u08 version;
u08 mode;
u08 endian;// 1 is little endian
u08 attributes;
u08 category;
u08 program_type;
u16 padding1;
u16 header_size;
u16 meta_size;
u32 file_size;
u32 padding2;
u16 segment_count;
u16 unknown1A; //always 0x22
u32 padding3;
struct self_segment_header
u64 flags;
u64 file_offset;
u64 file_size;
u64 memory_size;
constexpr u08 EI_MAG0 = 0;/* e_ident[] indexes */
constexpr u08 EI_MAG1 = 1;
constexpr u08 EI_MAG2 = 2;
constexpr u08 EI_MAG3 = 3;
constexpr u08 EI_CLASS = 4;
constexpr u08 EI_DATA = 5;
constexpr u08 EI_VERSION = 6;
constexpr u08 EI_OSABI = 7;
constexpr u08 EI_ABIVERSION = 8;
// Magic number
constexpr u08 ELFMAG0 = 0x7F;
constexpr u08 ELFMAG1 = 'E';
constexpr u08 ELFMAG2 = 'L';
constexpr u08 ELFMAG3 = 'F';
typedef enum : u16 {
ET_NONE = 0x0,
ET_REL = 0x1,
ET_EXEC = 0x2,
ET_DYN = 0x3,
ET_CORE = 0x4,
ET_SCE_EXEC = 0xfe00,
ET_SCE_STUBLIB = 0xfe0c,
ET_SCE_DYNEXEC = 0xfe10,
} e_type_s;
typedef enum : u16 {
EM_NONE = 0, /* No machine */
EM_M32 = 1, /* AT&T WE 32100 */
EM_SPARC = 2, /* SPARC */
EM_386 = 3, /* Intel 80386 */
EM_68K = 4, /* Motorola 68000 */
EM_88K = 5, /* Motorola 88000 */
EM_860 = 7, /* Intel 80860 */
EM_MIPS = 8, /* MIPS I Architecture */
EM_S370 = 9, /* IBM System/370 Processor */
EM_MIPS_RS3_LE = 10, /* MIPS RS3000 Little-endian */
EM_PARISC = 15, /* Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC */
EM_VPP500 = 17, /* Fujitsu VPP500 */
EM_SPARC32PLUS = 18, /* Enhanced instruction set SPARC */
EM_960 = 19, /* Intel 80960 */
EM_PPC = 20, /* PowerPC */
EM_PPC64 = 21, /* 64-bit PowerPC */
EM_S390 = 22, /* IBM System/390 Processor */
EM_V800 = 36, /* NEC V800 */
EM_FR20 = 37, /* Fujitsu FR20 */
EM_RH32 = 38, /* TRW RH-32 */
EM_RCE = 39, /* Motorola RCE */
EM_ARM = 40, /* Advanced RISC Machines ARM */
EM_ALPHA = 41, /* Digital Alpha */
EM_SH = 42, /* Hitachi SH */
EM_SPARCV9 = 43, /* SPARC Version 9 */
EM_TRICORE = 44, /* Siemens TriCore embedded processor */
EM_ARC = 45, /* Argonaut RISC Core, Argonaut Technologies Inc. */
EM_H8_300 = 46, /* Hitachi H8/300 */
EM_H8_300H = 47, /* Hitachi H8/300H */
EM_H8S = 48, /* Hitachi H8S */
EM_H8_500 = 49, /* Hitachi H8/500 */
EM_IA_64 = 50, /* Intel IA-64 processor architecture */
EM_MIPS_X = 51, /* Stanford MIPS-X */
EM_COLDFIRE = 52, /* Motorola ColdFire */
EM_68HC12 = 53, /* Motorola M68HC12 */
EM_MMA = 54, /* Fujitsu MMA Multimedia Accelerator */
EM_PCP = 55, /* Siemens PCP */
EM_NCPU = 56, /* Sony nCPU embedded RISC processor */
EM_NDR1 = 57, /* Denso NDR1 microprocessor */
EM_STARCORE = 58, /* Motorola Star*Core processor */
EM_ME16 = 59, /* Toyota ME16 processor */
EM_ST100 = 60, /* STMicroelectronics ST100 processor */
EM_TINYJ = 61, /* Advanced Logic Corp. TinyJ embedded processor family */
EM_X86_64 = 62, /* AMD x86-64 architecture (PS4) */
EM_PDSP = 63, /* Sony DSP Processor */
EM_PDP10 = 64, /* Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-10 */
EM_PDP11 = 65, /* Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-11 */
EM_FX66 = 66, /* Siemens FX66 microcontroller */
EM_ST9PLUS = 67, /* STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 bit microcontroller */
EM_ST7 = 68, /* STMicroelectronics ST7 8-bit microcontroller */
EM_68HC16 = 69, /* Motorola MC68HC16 Microcontroller */
EM_68HC11 = 70, /* Motorola MC68HC11 Microcontroller */
EM_68HC08 = 71, /* Motorola MC68HC08 Microcontroller */
EM_68HC05 = 72, /* Motorola MC68HC05 Microcontroller */
EM_SVX = 73, /* Silicon Graphics SVx */
EM_ST19 = 75, /* Digital VAX */
EM_CRIS = 76, /* Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor */
EM_JAVELIN = 77, /* Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded processor */
EM_FIREPATH = 78, /* Element 14 64-bit DSP Processor */
EM_ZSP = 79, /* LSI Logic 16-bit DSP Processor */
EM_MMIX = 80, /* Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor */
EM_HUANY = 81, /* Harvard University machine-independent object files */
EM_PRISM = 82, /* SiTera Prism */
EM_AVR = 83, /* Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller */
EM_FR30 = 84, /* Fujitsu FR30 */
EM_D10V = 85, /* Mitsubishi D10V */
EM_D30V = 86, /* Mitsubishi D30V */
EM_V850 = 87, /* NEC v850 */
EM_M32R = 88, /* Mitsubishi M32R */
EM_MN10300 = 89, /* Matsushita MN10300 */
EM_MN10200 = 90, /* Matsushita MN10200 */
EM_PJ = 91, /* PicoJava */
EM_OPENRISC = 92, /* OpenRISC 32-bit embedded processor */
EM_ARC_A5 = 93, /* ARC Cores Tangent-A5 */
EM_XTENSA = 94, /* Tensilica Xtensa Architecture */
EM_VIDEOCORE = 95, /* Alphamosaic VideoCore processor */
EM_TMM_GPP = 96, /* Thompson Multimedia General Purpose Processor */
EM_NS32K = 97, /* National Semiconductor 32000 series */
EM_TPC = 98, /* Tenor Network TPC processor */
EM_SNP1K = 99, /* Trebia SNP 1000 processor */
EM_ST200 = 100, /* STMicroelectronics (www.st.com) ST200 microcontroller */
EM_IP2K = 101, /* Ubicom IP2xxx microcontroller family */
EM_MAX = 102, /* MAX Processor */
EM_CR = 103, /* National Semiconductor CompactRISC microprocessor */
EM_F2MC16 = 104, /* Fujitsu F2MC16 */
EM_MSP430 = 105, /* Texas Instruments embedded microcontroller msp430 */
EM_BLACKFIN = 106, /* Analog Devices Blackfin (DSP) processor */
EM_SE_C33 = 107, /* S1C33 Family of Seiko Epson processors */
EM_SEP = 108, /* Sharp embedded microprocessor */
EM_ARCA = 109, /* Arca RISC Microprocessor */
EM_UNICORE = 110 /* Microprocessor series from PKU-Unity Ltd. and MPRC */
} e_machine_es;
typedef enum :u32 {
EV_NONE = 0x0,
} e_version_es;
typedef enum : u08 {
ELF_CLASS_32 =0x1,
ELF_CLASS_64 =0x2,
} ident_class_es;
typedef enum : u08 {
ELF_DATA_2LSB = 0x1,
ELF_DATA_2MSB = 0x2,
} ident_endian_es;
typedef enum :u08 {
} ident_version_es;
typedef enum :u08 {
ELF_OSABI_NONE = 0x0, /* No extensions or unspecified */
ELF_OSABI_HPUX = 0x1, /* Hewlett-Packard HP-UX */
ELF_OSABI_NETBSD = 0x2, /* NetBSD */
ELF_OSABI_LINUX = 0x3, /* Linux */
ELF_OSABI_SOLARIS = 0x6, /* Sun Solaris */
ELF_OSABI_AIX = 0x7, /* AIX */
ELF_OSABI_IRIX = 0x8, /* IRIX */
ELF_OSABI_FREEBSD = 0x9, /* FreeBSD (PS4) */
ELF_OSABI_TRU64 = 0xA, /* Compaq TRU64 UNIX */
ELF_OSABI_MODESTO = 0xB, /* Novell Modesto */
ELF_OSABI_NSK = 0xE, /* Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel */
ELF_OSABI_AROS = 0xF, /* Amiga Research OS */
ELF_OSABI_ARM = 0x61, /* ARM */
ELF_OSABI_STANDALONE = 0xFF /* Standalone (embedded applications) */
} ident_osabi_es;
typedef enum :u08 {
} ident_abiversion_es;
struct elf_ident {
u08 magic[4];
ident_class_es ei_class;
ident_endian_es ei_data;
ident_version_es ei_version;
ident_osabi_es ei_osabi;
ident_abiversion_es ei_abiversion;
u08 pad[6];
struct elf_header
static const u32 signature = 0x7F454C46u;
elf_ident e_ident; /* ELF identification */
e_type_s e_type; /* Object file type */
e_machine_es e_machine; /* Machine type */
e_version_es e_version; /* Object file version */
u64 e_entry; /* Entry point address */
u64 e_phoff; /* Program header offset */
u64 e_shoff; /* Section header offset */
u32 e_flags; /* Processor-specific flags */
u16 e_ehsize; /* ELF header size */
u16 e_phentsize; /* Size of program header entry */
u16 e_phnum; /* Number of program header entries */
u16 e_shentsize; /* Size of section header entry */
u16 e_shnum; /* Number of section header entries */
u16 e_shstrndx; /* Section name string table index */
struct elf_program_header
u32 p_type; /* Type of segment */
u32 p_flags; /* Segment attributes */
u64 p_offset; /* Offset in file */
u64 p_vaddr; /* Virtual address in memory */
u64 p_paddr; /* Reserved */
u64 p_filesz; /* Size of segment in file */
u64 p_memsz; /* Size of segment in memory */
u64 p_align; /* Alignment of segment */
struct elf_section_header
u32 sh_name; /* Section name */
u32 sh_type; /* Section type */
u64 sh_flags; /* Section attributes */
u64 sh_addr; /* Virtual address in memory */
u64 sh_offset; /* Offset in file */
u64 sh_size; /* Size of section */
u32 sh_link; /* Link to other section */
u32 sh_info; /* Miscellaneous information */
u64 sh_addralign; /* Address alignment boundary */
u64 sh_entsize; /* Size of entries, if section has table */
typedef enum :u64 {
PT_FAKE = 0x1,
} program_type_es;
struct elf_program_id_header
u64 authid;
program_type_es program_type;
u64 appver;
u64 firmver;
u08 digest[32];
class Elf
Elf() = default;
virtual ~Elf();
void Open(const std::string & file_name);
bool isSelfFile() const;
bool isElfFile() const;
void DebugDump();
void Reset();
FsFile* m_f = nullptr;
self_header* m_self = nullptr;
self_segment_header* m_self_segments = nullptr;
elf_header* m_elf_header = nullptr;
elf_program_header* m_elf_phdr = nullptr;
elf_section_header* m_elf_shdr = nullptr;
elf_program_id_header* m_self_id_header = nullptr;

View file

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
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#include "types.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <corecrt_malloc.h>
#include "Loader/Elf.h"
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const char* const path = argv[1]; //argument 1 is the path of self file to boot
Elf* elf = new Elf;

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
using s08 = char;
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using s32 = int;
using s64 = long long;
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using u16 = unsigned short;
using u32 = unsigned int;
using u64 = unsigned long long;
using f32 = float;
using f64 = double;

View file

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third_party/fmt vendored

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