mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 11:06:07 +00:00
@ -308,6 +308,8 @@ set(CORE src/core/aerolib/stubs.cpp
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ void load(const std::filesystem::path& path) {
auto general = generalResult.unwrap();
isNeo = toml::find_or<toml::boolean>(general, "isPS4Pro", false);
isFullscreen = toml::find_or<toml::boolean>(general, "Fullscreen", true);
isFullscreen = toml::find_or<toml::boolean>(general, "Fullscreen", false);
logFilter = toml::find_or<toml::string>(general, "logFilter", "");
logType = toml::find_or<toml::string>(general, "logType", "sync");
isShowSplash = toml::find_or<toml::boolean>(general, "showSplash", true);
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ static auto UserPaths = [] {
create_path(PathType::GameDataDir, user_dir / GAMEDATA_DIR);
create_path(PathType::TempDataDir, user_dir / TEMPDATA_DIR);
create_path(PathType::SysModuleDir, user_dir / SYSMODULES_DIR);
create_path(PathType::DownloadDir, user_dir / DOWNLOAD_DIR);
return paths;
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ enum class PathType {
TempDataDir, // Where game temp data is stored.
GameDataDir, // Where game data is stored.
SysModuleDir, // Where system modules are stored.
DownloadDir, // Where downloads/temp files are stored.
constexpr auto PORTABLE_DIR = "user";
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ constexpr auto SAVEDATA_DIR = "savedata";
constexpr auto GAMEDATA_DIR = "data";
constexpr auto TEMPDATA_DIR = "temp";
constexpr auto SYSMODULES_DIR = "sys_modules";
constexpr auto DOWNLOAD_DIR = "download";
// Filenames
constexpr auto LOG_FILE = "shad_log.txt";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 shadPS4 Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "common/io_file.h"
#include "playgo_chunk.h"
bool PlaygoChunk::Open(const std::filesystem::path& filepath) {
Common::FS::IOFile file(filepath, Common::FS::FileAccessMode::Read);
if (!file.IsOpen()) {
return false;
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 shadPS4 Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <filesystem>
#include "common/types.h"
struct PlaygoHeader {
u32 magic;
u16 version_major;
u16 version_minor;
u16 image_count;
u16 chunk_count;
u16 mchunk_count;
u16 scenario_count;
// TODO fill the rest
class PlaygoChunk {
PlaygoChunk() = default;
~PlaygoChunk() = default;
bool Open(const std::filesystem::path& filepath);
PlaygoHeader GetPlaygoHeader() {
return playgoHeader;
PlaygoHeader playgoHeader;
@ -26,23 +26,27 @@ void MntPoints::UnmountAll() {
std::filesystem::path MntPoints::GetHostPath(const std::string& guest_directory) {
const MntPair* mount = GetMount(guest_directory);
// Evil games like Turok2 pass double slashes e.g /app0//game.kpf
auto corrected_path = guest_directory;
size_t pos = corrected_path.find("//");
while (pos != std::string::npos) {
corrected_path.replace(pos, 2, "/");
pos = corrected_path.find("//", pos + 1);
const MntPair* mount = GetMount(corrected_path);
if (!mount) {
return guest_directory;
return "";
// Nothing to do if getting the mount itself.
if (guest_directory == mount->mount) {
if (corrected_path == mount->mount) {
return mount->host_path;
// Remove device (e.g /app0) from path to retrieve relative path.
u32 pos = mount->mount.size() + 1;
// Evil games like Turok2 pass double slashes e.g /app0//game.kpf
if (guest_directory[pos] == '/') {
const auto rel_path = std::string_view(guest_directory).substr(pos);
pos = mount->mount.size() + 1;
const auto rel_path = std::string_view(corrected_path).substr(pos);
const auto host_path = mount->host_path / rel_path;
if (!NeedsCaseInsensiveSearch) {
return host_path;
@ -198,13 +198,9 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceAppContentTemporaryDataMount() {
int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceAppContentTemporaryDataMount2(OrbisAppContentTemporaryDataOption option,
OrbisAppContentMountPoint* mountPoint) {
if (std::string_view(mountPoint->data).empty()) // causing issues with save_data.
if (mountPoint == nullptr)
auto* param_sfo = Common::Singleton<PSF>::Instance();
std::string id(param_sfo->GetString("CONTENT_ID"), 7, 9);
const auto& mount_dir = Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::TempDataDir) / id;
auto* mnt = Common::Singleton<Core::FileSys::MntPoints>::Instance();
mnt->Mount(mount_dir, mountPoint->data);
strncpy(mountPoint->data, "/temp0", 16);
LOG_INFO(Lib_AppContent, "sceAppContentTemporaryDataMount2: option = {}, mountPoint = {}",
option, mountPoint->data);
return ORBIS_OK;
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelOpen(const char* path, int flags, u16 mode) {
if (std::string_view{path} == "/dev/stdout") {
return 2002;
if (std::string_view{path} == "/dev/urandom") {
return 2003;
u32 handle = h->CreateHandle();
auto* file = h->GetFile(handle);
if (directory) {
@ -113,6 +116,9 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelClose(int d) {
if (d < 3) { // d probably hold an error code
if (d == 2003) { // dev/urandom case
return SCE_OK;
auto* h = Common::Singleton<Core::FileSys::HandleTable>::Instance();
auto* file = h->GetFile(d);
if (file == nullptr) {
@ -223,6 +229,13 @@ s64 PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_lseek(int d, s64 offset, int whence) {
s64 PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelRead(int d, void* buf, size_t nbytes) {
if (d == 2003) // dev urandom case
auto rbuf = static_cast<char*>(buf);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
rbuf[i] = std::rand() & 0xFF;
return nbytes;
auto* h = Common::Singleton<Core::FileSys::HandleTable>::Instance();
auto* file = h->GetFile(d);
if (file == nullptr) {
@ -460,6 +473,7 @@ s64 PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelPwrite(int d, void* buf, size_t nbytes, s64 offset) {
void fileSystemSymbolsRegister(Core::Loader::SymbolsResolver* sym) {
LIB_FUNCTION("1G3lF1Gg1k8", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelOpen);
LIB_FUNCTION("wuCroIGjt2g", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_open);
LIB_FUNCTION("UK2Tl2DWUns", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelClose);
@ -228,7 +228,8 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelGetDirectMemoryType(u64 addr, int* directMemoryTypeOut
s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelBatchMap(OrbisKernelBatchMapEntry* entries, int numEntries,
int* numEntriesOut) {
return sceKernelBatchMap2(entries, numEntries, numEntriesOut, 0x10); // 0x10 : Fixed / 0x410
return sceKernelBatchMap2(entries, numEntries, numEntriesOut,
MemoryFlags::SCE_KERNEL_MAP_FIXED); // 0x10, 0x410?
int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelMunmap(void* addr, size_t len);
@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelBatchMap2(OrbisKernelBatchMapEntry* entries, int numEn
break; // break and assign a value to numEntriesOut.
if (entries[i].operation == 0) { // MAP_DIRECT
if (entries[i].operation == MemoryOpTypes::ORBIS_KERNEL_MAP_OP_MAP_DIRECT) {
result = sceKernelMapNamedDirectMemory(&entries[i].start, entries[i].length,
entries[i].protection, flags,
static_cast<s64>(entries[i].offset), 0, "");
@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelBatchMap2(OrbisKernelBatchMapEntry* entries, int numEn
if (result == 0)
} else if (entries[i].operation == 1) {
} else if (entries[i].operation == MemoryOpTypes::ORBIS_KERNEL_MAP_OP_UNMAP) {
result = sceKernelMunmap(entries[i].start, entries[i].length);
LOG_INFO(Kernel_Vmm, "BatchMap: entry = {}, operation = {}, len = {:#x}, result = {}",
i, entries[i].operation, entries[i].length, result);
@ -31,6 +31,14 @@ enum MemoryProtection : u32 {
SCE_KERNEL_PROT_GPU_RW = 0x30 // Permit reads/writes from the GPU
enum MemoryOpTypes : u32 {
struct OrbisQueryInfo {
uintptr_t start;
uintptr_t end;
@ -1336,10 +1336,23 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_sem_wait(sem_t* sem) {
return sem_wait(sem);
int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_sem_timedwait(sem_t* sem, const timespec* t) {
#ifndef __APPLE__
return sem_timedwait(sem, t);
LOG_ERROR(Kernel_Pthread, "Apple doesn't support sem_timedwait yet");
return 0; // unsupported for apple yet
int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_sem_post(sem_t* sem) {
return sem_post(sem);
int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_sem_destroy(sem_t* sem) {
return sem_destroy(sem);
int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_sem_getvalue(sem_t* sem, int* sval) {
return sem_getvalue(sem, sval);
@ -1403,6 +1416,26 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_pthread_condattr_setclock(ScePthreadCondattr* attr, clock
return SCE_OK;
int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_pthread_getschedparam(ScePthread thread, int* policy,
SceKernelSchedParam* param) {
return scePthreadGetschedparam(thread, policy, param);
int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_pthread_setschedparam(ScePthread thread, int policy,
const SceKernelSchedParam* param) {
return scePthreadSetschedparam(thread, policy, param);
int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(const ScePthreadAttr* attr, int* policy) {
return scePthreadAttrGetschedpolicy(attr, policy);
int PS4_SYSV_ABI scePthreadRename(ScePthread thread, const char* name) {
thread->name = name;
LOG_INFO(Kernel_Pthread, "scePthreadRename: name = {}", thread->name);
return SCE_OK;
void pthreadSymbolsRegister(Core::Loader::SymbolsResolver* sym) {
LIB_FUNCTION("lZzFeSxPl08", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_pthread_setcancelstate);
LIB_FUNCTION("0TyVk4MSLt0", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_pthread_cond_init);
@ -1427,6 +1460,7 @@ void pthreadSymbolsRegister(Core::Loader::SymbolsResolver* sym) {
LIB_FUNCTION("EI-5-jlq2dE", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, scePthreadGetthreadid);
LIB_FUNCTION("1tKyG7RlMJo", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, scePthreadGetprio);
LIB_FUNCTION("W0Hpm2X0uPE", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, scePthreadSetprio);
LIB_FUNCTION("GBUY7ywdULE", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, scePthreadRename);
LIB_FUNCTION("aI+OeCz8xrQ", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, scePthreadSelf);
LIB_FUNCTION("EotR8a3ASf4", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_pthread_self);
@ -1498,6 +1532,8 @@ void pthreadSymbolsRegister(Core::Loader::SymbolsResolver* sym) {
LIB_FUNCTION("EjllaAqAPZo", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1,
LIB_FUNCTION("Z4QosVuAsA0", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_pthread_once);
LIB_FUNCTION("RtLRV-pBTTY", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1,
// openorbis weird functions
LIB_FUNCTION("7H0iTOciTLo", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_pthread_mutex_lock);
@ -1512,9 +1548,13 @@ void pthreadSymbolsRegister(Core::Loader::SymbolsResolver* sym) {
LIB_FUNCTION("+U1R4WtXvoc", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_pthread_detach);
LIB_FUNCTION("CBNtXOoef-E", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_sched_get_priority_max);
LIB_FUNCTION("m0iS6jNsXds", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_sched_get_priority_min);
LIB_FUNCTION("FIs3-UQT9sg", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_pthread_getschedparam);
LIB_FUNCTION("Xs9hdiD7sAA", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_pthread_setschedparam);
LIB_FUNCTION("pDuPEf3m4fI", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_sem_init);
LIB_FUNCTION("YCV5dGGBcCo", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_sem_wait);
LIB_FUNCTION("w5IHyvahg-o", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_sem_timedwait);
LIB_FUNCTION("IKP8typ0QUk", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_sem_post);
LIB_FUNCTION("cDW233RAwWo", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_sem_destroy);
LIB_FUNCTION("Bq+LRV-N6Hk", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_sem_getvalue);
// libs
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 shadPS4 Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <core/file_format/playgo_chunk.h>
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/singleton.h"
#include "core/libraries/error_codes.h"
@ -50,9 +51,16 @@ s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI scePlayGoGetLocus(OrbisPlayGoHandle handle, const OrbisPlayGoCh
uint32_t numberOfEntries, OrbisPlayGoLocus* outLoci) {
LOG_ERROR(Lib_PlayGo, "(STUBBED)called handle = {}, chunkIds = {}, numberOfEntries = {}",
handle, *chunkIds, numberOfEntries);
// assign all now so that scePlayGoGetLocus is not called again for every single entry
std::fill(outLoci, outLoci + numberOfEntries,
auto* playgo = Common::Singleton<PlaygoChunk>::Instance();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) {
if (chunkIds[i] <= playgo->GetPlaygoHeader().mchunk_count) {
outLoci[i] = OrbisPlayGoLocusValue::ORBIS_PLAYGO_LOCUS_LOCAL_FAST;
} else {
return ORBIS_OK;
@ -68,7 +76,7 @@ s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI scePlayGoGetProgress(OrbisPlayGoHandle handle, const OrbisPlayG
s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI scePlayGoGetToDoList(OrbisPlayGoHandle handle, OrbisPlayGoToDo* outTodoList,
u32 numberOfEntries, u32* outEntries) {
LOG_ERROR(Lib_PlayGo, "(STUBBED)called");
if (handle != shadMagic)
if (handle != 1)
if (outTodoList == nullptr)
@ -86,7 +94,7 @@ s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI scePlayGoInitialize(OrbisPlayGoInitParams* param) {
s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI scePlayGoOpen(OrbisPlayGoHandle* outHandle, const void* param) {
*outHandle = shadMagic;
*outHandle = 1;
LOG_INFO(Lib_PlayGo, "(STUBBED)called");
return ORBIS_OK;
@ -186,21 +186,23 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataDirNameSearch(const OrbisSaveDataDirNameSearchCond*
if (!mount_dir.empty() && std::filesystem::exists(mount_dir)) {
if (cond->dirName == nullptr) { // look for all dirs if no dir is provided.
for (int i = 0; const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(mount_dir)) {
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(entry.path())) {
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(entry.path()) &&
entry.path().filename().string() != "sdmemory") {
// sceSaveDataDirNameSearch does not search for dataMemory1/2 dirs.
result->dirNamesNum = 0; // why is it 1024? is it max?
// copy dir name to be used by sceSaveDataMount in read mode.
strncpy(result->dirNames[i].data, entry.path().filename().string().c_str(), 32);
result->hitNum = i + 1;
result->dirNamesNum = i + 1; // to confirm
result->setNum = i + 1; // to confirm
result->dirNamesNum = i + 1;
result->setNum = i + 1;
} else { // Need a game to test.
strncpy(result->dirNames[0].data, cond->dirName->data, 32);
result->hitNum = 1;
result->dirNamesNum = 1; // to confirm
result->setNum = 1; // to confirm
result->dirNamesNum = 1;
result->setNum = 1;
} else {
result->hitNum = 0;
@ -321,7 +323,7 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataGetSaveDataCount() {
int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataGetSaveDataMemory(const u32 userId, void* buf, const size_t bufSize,
const int64_t offset) {
const auto& mount_dir = Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::SaveDataDir) /
std::to_string(userId) / game_serial / "save_mem1.sav";
std::to_string(userId) / game_serial / "sdmemory/save_mem1.sav";
Common::FS::IOFile file(mount_dir, Common::FS::FileAccessMode::Read);
if (!file.IsOpen()) {
@ -336,7 +338,7 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataGetSaveDataMemory(const u32 userId, void* buf, const
int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataGetSaveDataMemory2(OrbisSaveDataMemoryGet2* getParam) {
const auto& mount_dir = Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::SaveDataDir) /
std::to_string(getParam->userId) / game_serial;
std::to_string(getParam->userId) / game_serial / "sdmemory";
if (getParam == nullptr)
if (getParam->data != nullptr) {
@ -604,7 +606,7 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataSetSaveDataMemory(const u32 userId, const void* buf,
const size_t bufSize, const int64_t offset) {
LOG_INFO(Lib_SaveData, "called");
const auto& mount_dir = Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::SaveDataDir) /
std::to_string(userId) / game_serial / "save_mem1.sav";
std::to_string(userId) / game_serial / "sdmemory/save_mem1.sav";
Common::FS::IOFile file(mount_dir, Common::FS::FileAccessMode::Write);
@ -616,7 +618,7 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataSetSaveDataMemory(const u32 userId, const void* buf,
int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataSetSaveDataMemory2(const OrbisSaveDataMemorySet2* setParam) {
LOG_INFO(Lib_SaveData, "called: dataNum = {}, slotId= {}", setParam->dataNum, setParam->slotId);
const auto& mount_dir = Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::SaveDataDir) /
std::to_string(setParam->userId) / game_serial;
std::to_string(setParam->userId) / game_serial / "sdmemory";
if (setParam->data != nullptr) {
Common::FS::IOFile file(mount_dir / "save_mem2.sav", Common::FS::FileAccessMode::Write);
if (!file.IsOpen())
@ -644,7 +646,7 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataSetupSaveDataMemory(u32 userId, size_t memorySize,
LOG_INFO(Lib_SaveData, "called:userId = {}, memorySize = {}", userId, memorySize);
const auto& mount_dir = Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::SaveDataDir) /
std::to_string(userId) / game_serial;
std::to_string(userId) / game_serial / "sdmemory";
if (std::filesystem::exists(mount_dir)) {
@ -663,7 +665,7 @@ int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceSaveDataSetupSaveDataMemory2(const OrbisSaveDataMemorySetup2
LOG_INFO(Lib_SaveData, "called");
// if (setupParam->option == 1) { // check this later.
const auto& mount_dir = Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::SaveDataDir) /
std::to_string(setupParam->userId) / game_serial;
std::to_string(setupParam->userId) / game_serial / "sdmemory";
if (std::filesystem::exists(mount_dir) &&
std::filesystem::exists(mount_dir / "save_mem2.sav")) {
Common::FS::IOFile file(mount_dir / "save_mem2.sav", Common::FS::FileAccessMode::Read);
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <common/logging/log.h>
#include <core/file_format/playgo_chunk.h>
#include <core/file_format/psf.h>
#include <core/file_format/splash.h>
#include <core/libraries/disc_map/disc_map.h>
@ -51,9 +52,6 @@ Emulator::Emulator() {
memory = Core::Memory::Instance();
controller = Common::Singleton<Input::GameController>::Instance();
linker = Common::Singleton<Core::Linker>::Instance();
window = std::make_unique<Frontend::WindowSDL>(WindowWidth, WindowHeight, controller);
g_window = window.get();
Emulator::~Emulator() {
@ -68,6 +66,8 @@ void Emulator::Run(const std::filesystem::path& file) {
// Loading param.sfo file if exists
std::string id;
std::string title;
std::string app_version;
std::filesystem::path sce_sys_folder = file.parent_path() / "sce_sys";
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(sce_sys_folder)) {
for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(sce_sys_folder)) {
@ -75,11 +75,14 @@ void Emulator::Run(const std::filesystem::path& file) {
auto* param_sfo = Common::Singleton<PSF>::Instance();
param_sfo->open(sce_sys_folder.string() + "/param.sfo", {});
id = std::string(param_sfo->GetString("CONTENT_ID"), 7, 9);
std::string title(param_sfo->GetString("TITLE"));
title = param_sfo->GetString("TITLE");
LOG_INFO(Loader, "Game id: {} Title: {}", id, title);
u32 fw_version = param_sfo->GetInteger("SYSTEM_VER");
std::string app_version = param_sfo->GetString("APP_VER");
app_version = param_sfo->GetString("APP_VER");
LOG_INFO(Loader, "Fw: {:#x} App Version: {}", fw_version, app_version);
} else if (entry.path().filename() == "playgo-chunk.dat") {
auto* playgo = Common::Singleton<PlaygoChunk>::Instance();
playgo->Open(sce_sys_folder.string() + "/playgo-chunk.dat");
} else if (entry.path().filename() == "pic0.png" ||
entry.path().filename() == "pic1.png") {
auto* splash = Common::Singleton<Splash>::Instance();
@ -92,6 +95,12 @@ void Emulator::Run(const std::filesystem::path& file) {
std::string game_title = fmt::format("{} - {} <{}>", id, title, app_version);
window =
std::make_unique<Frontend::WindowSDL>(WindowWidth, WindowHeight, controller, game_title);
g_window = window.get();
const auto& mount_data_dir = Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::GameDataDir) / id;
if (!std::filesystem::exists(mount_data_dir)) {
@ -104,6 +113,13 @@ void Emulator::Run(const std::filesystem::path& file) {
mnt->Mount(mount_temp_dir, "/temp0"); // called in app_content ==> stat/mkdir
const auto& mount_download_dir =
Common::FS::GetUserPath(Common::FS::PathType::DownloadDir) / id;
if (!std::filesystem::exists(mount_download_dir)) {
mnt->Mount(mount_download_dir, "/download0");
// Initialize kernel and library facilities.
@ -18,14 +18,15 @@
namespace Frontend {
WindowSDL::WindowSDL(s32 width_, s32 height_, Input::GameController* controller_)
WindowSDL::WindowSDL(s32 width_, s32 height_, Input::GameController* controller_,
std::string_view game_title)
: width{width_}, height{height_}, controller{controller_} {
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) {
UNREACHABLE_MSG("Failed to initialize SDL video subsystem: {}", SDL_GetError());
const std::string title = "shadPS4 v" + std::string(Common::VERSION);
const std::string title = fmt::format("shadPS4 v{} | {}", Common::VERSION, game_title);
SDL_PropertiesID props = SDL_CreateProperties();
SDL_SetStringProperty(props, SDL_PROP_WINDOW_CREATE_TITLE_STRING, title.c_str());
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "common/types.h"
struct SDL_Window;
@ -40,7 +41,8 @@ struct WindowSystemInfo {
class WindowSDL {
explicit WindowSDL(s32 width, s32 height, Input::GameController* controller);
explicit WindowSDL(s32 width, s32 height, Input::GameController* controller,
std::string_view game_title);
s32 getWidth() const {
Reference in a new issue