// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* * Copyright 2021 Álvaro Fernández Rojas */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(MIN) #define MIN(a, b) ((a > b) ? b : a) #endif /* MIN */ #define LED_PIN 25 #define UART_ID uart0 #define UART_TX_PIN 0 #define UART_RX_PIN 1 #define BUFFER_SIZE 64 #define DEF_BIT_RATE 115200 #define DEF_STOP_BITS 1 #define DEF_PARITY 0 #define DEF_DATA_BITS 8 static cdc_line_coding_t CDC_LC = { .bit_rate = DEF_STOP_BITS, .stop_bits = DEF_STOP_BITS, .parity = DEF_PARITY, .data_bits = DEF_DATA_BITS, }; static uint8_t UART_BUFFER[BUFFER_SIZE]; static uint32_t UART_POS = 0; static mutex_t UART_MTX; static uint8_t USB_BUFFER[BUFFER_SIZE]; static uint32_t USB_POS = 0; static mutex_t USB_MTX; static inline uart_parity_t databits_usb2uart(uint8_t data_bits) { switch (data_bits) { case 5: return 5; case 6: return 6; case 7: return 7; default: return 8; } } static inline uart_parity_t parity_usb2uart(uint8_t usb_parity) { switch (usb_parity) { case 1: return UART_PARITY_ODD; case 2: return UART_PARITY_EVEN; default: return UART_PARITY_NONE; } } static inline uart_parity_t stopbits_usb2uart(uint8_t stop_bits) { switch (stop_bits) { case 2: return 2; default: return 1; } } int update_uart_cfg(void) { static cdc_line_coding_t last_cdc_lc = { .bit_rate = DEF_STOP_BITS, .stop_bits = DEF_STOP_BITS, .parity = DEF_PARITY, .data_bits = DEF_DATA_BITS, }; int updated = 0; if (last_cdc_lc.bit_rate != CDC_LC.bit_rate) { uart_set_baudrate(UART_ID, CDC_LC.bit_rate); updated = 1; } if ((last_cdc_lc.stop_bits != CDC_LC.stop_bits) || (last_cdc_lc.parity != CDC_LC.parity) || (last_cdc_lc.data_bits != CDC_LC.data_bits)) { uart_set_format(UART_ID, databits_usb2uart(CDC_LC.data_bits), stopbits_usb2uart(CDC_LC.stop_bits), parity_usb2uart(CDC_LC.parity)); updated = 1; } if (updated) memcpy(&last_cdc_lc, &CDC_LC, sizeof(cdc_line_coding_t)); return updated; } void core1_entry(void) { tusb_init(); while (1) { tud_task(); if (tud_cdc_connected()) { uint32_t count; tud_cdc_get_line_coding(&CDC_LC); /* Read bytes from USB */ if (tud_cdc_available()) { uint32_t len; mutex_enter_blocking(&USB_MTX); len = MIN(tud_cdc_available(), BUFFER_SIZE - USB_POS); if (len) { count = tud_cdc_read(USB_BUFFER, len); USB_POS += count; } mutex_exit(&USB_MTX); } /* Write bytes to USB */ if (UART_POS) { mutex_enter_blocking(&UART_MTX); count = tud_cdc_write(UART_BUFFER, UART_POS); if (count) { UART_POS -= count; tud_cdc_write_flush(); } mutex_exit(&UART_MTX); } gpio_put(LED_PIN, 1); } else { gpio_put(LED_PIN, 0); } } } int main(void) { uint8_t ch; int rc; mutex_init(&UART_MTX); mutex_init(&USB_MTX); gpio_init(LED_PIN); gpio_set_dir(LED_PIN, GPIO_OUT); uart_init(UART_ID, CDC_LC.bit_rate); gpio_set_function(UART_TX_PIN, GPIO_FUNC_UART); gpio_set_function(UART_RX_PIN, GPIO_FUNC_UART); uart_set_hw_flow(UART_ID, false, false); uart_set_format(UART_ID, databits_usb2uart(CDC_LC.data_bits), stopbits_usb2uart(CDC_LC.stop_bits), parity_usb2uart(CDC_LC.parity)); multicore_launch_core1(core1_entry); while (1) { update_uart_cfg(); /* Read bytes from UART */ if (uart_is_readable(UART_ID)) { mutex_enter_blocking(&UART_MTX); while (uart_is_readable(UART_ID) && UART_POS < BUFFER_SIZE) { UART_BUFFER[UART_POS] = uart_getc(UART_ID); UART_POS++; } mutex_exit(&UART_MTX); } /* Write bytes to UART */ if (USB_POS) { mutex_enter_blocking(&USB_MTX); uart_write_blocking(UART_ID, USB_BUFFER, USB_POS); USB_POS = 0; mutex_exit(&USB_MTX); } } return 0; }