# movie-web
Small web app for watching movies easily. Check it out at **[movie.squeezebox.dev](https://movie.squeezebox.dev)**.

**[Join the Discord community](https://discord.gg/vXsRvye8BS)**

## Credits
 - Thanks to [@JipFr](https://github.com/JipFr) for initial work on [movie-cli](https://github.com/JipFr/movie-cli)
 - Thanks to [@mrjvs](https://github.com/mrjvs) for help porting to React, and for the beautiful design
 - Thanks to [@JoshHeng](https://github.com/JoshHeng/) for the Cloudflare CORS Proxy and URL routing

## Installation
To run this project locally for contributing or testing, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/JamesHawkinss/movie-web
cd movie-web
yarn install
yarn start
To build production files, simply run `yarn build`.

## Environment
* `REACT_APP_CORS_PROXY_URL` - The Cloudflare CORS Proxy, will be something like `https://PROXY.workers.dev?destination=`

## Contributing
Check out [this project's issues](https://github.com/JamesHawkinss/movie-web/issues) for inspiration for contribution. Pull requests are always welcome.