2021-04-07 15:41:47 +01:00

387 lines
9.7 KiB

// Copyright 2020-2021, Collabora, Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
* @file
* @brief Shared frame timing code.
* @author Jakob Bornecrantz <>
* @ingroup aux_util
#include "os/os_time.h"
#include "util/u_time.h"
#include "util/u_misc.h"
#include "util/u_debug.h"
#include "util/u_logging.h"
#include "util/u_timing.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
* Structs enums, and defines.
enum u_rt_state
struct u_rt_frame
//! When we predicted this frame to be shown.
uint64_t predicted_display_time_ns;
//! When the client should have delivered the frame.
uint64_t predicted_delivery_time_ns;
uint64_t predicted_ns;
uint64_t wait_woke_ns;
uint64_t begin_ns;
uint64_t delivered_ns;
} when; //!< When something happened.
int64_t frame_id;
enum u_rt_state state;
struct render_timing
struct u_render_timing base;
struct u_rt_frame frames[2];
uint32_t current_frame;
uint32_t next_frame;
int64_t frame_counter;
//! App time between wait returning and begin being called.
uint64_t cpu_time_ns;
//! Time between begin and frame rendering completeing.
uint64_t draw_time_ns;
//! Exrta time between end of draw time and when the compositor wakes up.
uint64_t margin_ns;
} app; //!< App statistics.
//! The last display time that the thing driving this helper got.
uint64_t predicted_display_time_ns;
//! The last display period the hardware is running at.
uint64_t predicted_display_period_ns;
//! The extra time needed by the thing driving this helper.
uint64_t extra_ns;
} last_input;
uint64_t last_returned_ns;
* Helpers
static inline struct render_timing *
render_timing(struct u_render_timing *urt)
return (struct render_timing *)urt;
#define RT_LOG_T(...) U_LOG_IFL_T(debug_get_log_option_ll(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define RT_LOG_D(...) U_LOG_IFL_D(debug_get_log_option_ll(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define RT_LOG_I(...) U_LOG_IFL_I(debug_get_log_option_ll(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define RT_LOG_W(...) U_LOG_IFL_W(debug_get_log_option_ll(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define RT_LOG_E(...) U_LOG_IFL_E(debug_get_log_option_ll(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define DEBUG_PRINT_FRAME_ID() RT_LOG_T("%" PRIi64, frame_id)
#define GET_INDEX_FROM_ID(RT, ID) ((uint64_t)(ID) % ARRAY_SIZE((RT)->frames))
#define IIR_ALPHA_LT 0.8
#define IIR_ALPHA_GT 0.8
static void
do_iir_filter(uint64_t *target, double alpha_lt, double alpha_gt, uint64_t sample)
uint64_t t = *target;
double alpha = t < sample ? alpha_lt : alpha_gt;
double a = time_ns_to_s(t) * alpha;
double b = time_ns_to_s(sample) * (1.0 - alpha);
*target = time_s_to_ns(a + b);
static uint64_t
min_period(const struct render_timing *rt)
return rt->last_input.predicted_display_period_ns;
static uint64_t
last_sample_displayed(const struct render_timing *rt)
return rt->last_input.predicted_display_time_ns;
static uint64_t
last_return_predicted_display(const struct render_timing *rt)
return rt->last_returned_ns;
static uint64_t
total_app_time_ns(const struct render_timing *rt)
return rt->app.cpu_time_ns + rt->app.draw_time_ns;
static uint64_t
total_compositor_time_ns(const struct render_timing *rt)
return rt->app.margin_ns + rt->last_input.extra_ns;
static uint64_t
total_app_and_compositor_time_ns(const struct render_timing *rt)
return total_app_time_ns(rt) + total_compositor_time_ns(rt);
static uint64_t
calc_period(const struct render_timing *rt)
// Error checking.
uint64_t base_period_ns = min_period(rt);
if (base_period_ns == 0) {
assert(false && "Have not yet received and samples from timing driver.");
base_period_ns = U_TIME_1MS_IN_NS * 16; // Sure
// Calculate the using both values separately.
uint64_t period_ns = base_period_ns;
while (rt->app.cpu_time_ns > period_ns) {
period_ns += base_period_ns;
while (rt->app.draw_time_ns > period_ns) {
period_ns += base_period_ns;
return period_ns;
static uint64_t
predict_display_time(const struct render_timing *rt, uint64_t period_ns)
// Now
uint64_t now_ns = os_monotonic_get_ns();
// Total app and compositor time to produce a frame
uint64_t app_and_compositor_time_ns = total_app_and_compositor_time_ns(rt);
// Start from the last time that the driver displayed something.
uint64_t val = last_sample_displayed(rt);
// Return a time after the last returned display time.
while (val <= last_return_predicted_display(rt)) {
val += period_ns;
// Have to have enough time to perform app work.
while ((val - app_and_compositor_time_ns) <= now_ns) {
val += period_ns;
return val;
* Member functions.
static void
rt_predict(struct u_render_timing *urt,
int64_t *out_frame_id,
uint64_t *out_wake_up_time,
uint64_t *out_predicted_display_time,
uint64_t *out_predicted_display_period)
struct render_timing *rt = render_timing(urt);
int64_t frame_id = ++rt->frame_counter;
*out_frame_id = frame_id;
uint64_t period_ns = calc_period(rt);
uint64_t predict_ns = predict_display_time(rt, period_ns);
rt->last_returned_ns = predict_ns;
*out_wake_up_time = predict_ns - total_app_and_compositor_time_ns(rt);
*out_predicted_display_time = predict_ns;
*out_predicted_display_period = period_ns;
size_t index = GET_INDEX_FROM_ID(rt, frame_id);
assert(rt->frames[index].frame_id == -1);
assert(rt->frames[index].state == U_RT_READY);
// When the client should deliver the frame to us.
uint64_t delivery_time_ns = predict_ns - total_compositor_time_ns(rt);
rt->frames[index].when.predicted_ns = os_monotonic_get_ns();
rt->frames[index].state = U_RT_PREDICTED;
rt->frames[index].frame_id = frame_id;
rt->frames[index].predicted_delivery_time_ns = delivery_time_ns;
static void
rt_mark_point(struct u_render_timing *urt, int64_t frame_id, enum u_timing_point point, uint64_t when_ns)
struct render_timing *rt = render_timing(urt);
size_t index = GET_INDEX_FROM_ID(rt, frame_id);
assert(rt->frames[index].frame_id == frame_id);
switch (point) {
assert(rt->frames[index].state == U_RT_PREDICTED);
rt->frames[index].when.wait_woke_ns = when_ns;
rt->frames[index].state = U_RT_WAIT_LEFT;
assert(rt->frames[index].state == U_RT_WAIT_LEFT);
rt->frames[index].when.begin_ns = os_monotonic_get_ns();
rt->frames[index].state = U_RT_BEGUN;
default: assert(false);
static void
rt_mark_discarded(struct u_render_timing *urt, int64_t frame_id)
struct render_timing *rt = render_timing(urt);
size_t index = GET_INDEX_FROM_ID(rt, frame_id);
assert(rt->frames[index].frame_id == frame_id);
assert(rt->frames[index].state == U_RT_WAIT_LEFT || rt->frames[index].state == U_RT_BEGUN);
rt->frames[index].when.delivered_ns = os_monotonic_get_ns();
rt->frames[index].state = U_RT_READY;
rt->frames[index].frame_id = -1;
static void
rt_mark_delivered(struct u_render_timing *urt, int64_t frame_id)
struct render_timing *rt = render_timing(urt);
size_t index = GET_INDEX_FROM_ID(rt, frame_id);
assert(rt->frames[index].frame_id == frame_id);
assert(rt->frames[index].state == U_RT_BEGUN);
uint64_t now_ns = os_monotonic_get_ns();
rt->frames[index].when.delivered_ns = now_ns;
rt->frames[index].state = U_RT_READY;
rt->frames[index].frame_id = -1;
int64_t diff_ns = rt->frames[index].predicted_delivery_time_ns - now_ns;
bool late = false;
if (diff_ns < 0) {
diff_ns = -diff_ns;
late = true;
#define NS_TO_MS_F(ns) (time_ns_to_s(ns) * 1000.0)
uint64_t diff_cpu_ns = rt->frames[index].when.begin_ns - rt->frames[index].when.wait_woke_ns;
uint64_t diff_draw_ns = rt->frames[index].when.delivered_ns - rt->frames[index].when.begin_ns;
RT_LOG_D("Delivered frame %.2fms %s.\n\tcpu o: %.2f, n: %.2f\n\tdraw o: %.2f, n: %.2f", //
time_ns_to_ms_f(diff_ns), late ? "late" : "early", //
time_ns_to_ms_f(rt->app.cpu_time_ns), //
time_ns_to_ms_f(diff_cpu_ns), //
time_ns_to_ms_f(rt->app.draw_time_ns), //
do_iir_filter(&rt->app.cpu_time_ns, IIR_ALPHA_LT, IIR_ALPHA_GT, diff_cpu_ns);
do_iir_filter(&rt->app.draw_time_ns, IIR_ALPHA_LT, IIR_ALPHA_GT, diff_draw_ns);
static void
rt_info(struct u_render_timing *urt,
uint64_t predicted_display_time_ns,
uint64_t predicted_display_period_ns,
uint64_t extra_ns)
struct render_timing *rt = render_timing(urt);
rt->last_input.predicted_display_time_ns = predicted_display_time_ns;
rt->last_input.predicted_display_period_ns = predicted_display_period_ns;
rt->last_input.extra_ns = extra_ns;
static void
rt_destroy(struct u_render_timing *urt)
* 'Exported' functions.
u_rt_create(struct u_render_timing **out_urt)
struct render_timing *rt = U_TYPED_CALLOC(struct render_timing);
rt->base.predict = rt_predict;
rt->base.mark_point = rt_mark_point;
rt->base.mark_discarded = rt_mark_discarded;
rt->base.mark_delivered = rt_mark_delivered;
rt-> = rt_info;
rt->base.destroy = rt_destroy;
rt->app.cpu_time_ns = U_TIME_1MS_IN_NS * 2;
rt->app.draw_time_ns = U_TIME_1MS_IN_NS * 2;
rt->app.margin_ns = U_TIME_1MS_IN_NS / 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rt->frames); i++) {
rt->frames[i].state = U_RT_READY;
rt->frames[i].frame_id = -1;
*out_urt = &rt->base;