// Copyright 2019, Collabora, Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /*! * @file * @brief Code to manage the settings file. * @author Jakob Bornecrantz * @ingroup st_prober */ #include #include "xrt/xrt_settings.h" #include "xrt/xrt_config.h" #include "util/u_file.h" #include "util/u_json.h" #include "util/u_debug.h" #include "u_config_json.h" #include #include #include #include DEBUG_GET_ONCE_OPTION(active_config, "P_OVERRIDE_ACTIVE_CONFIG", NULL) #define CONFIG_FILE_NAME "config_v0.json" void u_config_json_open_or_create_main_file(struct u_config_json *json) { #ifdef XRT_OS_LINUX char tmp[1024]; ssize_t ret = u_file_get_path_in_config_dir(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (ret <= 0) { U_LOG_E( "Could not load or create config file no $HOME " "or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME env variables defined"); return; } FILE *file = u_file_open_file_in_config_dir(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, "r"); if (file == NULL) { return; } json->file_loaded = true; char *str = u_file_read_content(file); fclose(file); if (str == NULL) { U_LOG_E("Could not read the contents of '%s'!", tmp); return; } // No config created, ignore. if (strlen(str) == 0) { free(str); return; } json->root = cJSON_Parse(str); if (json->root == NULL) { U_LOG_E("Failed to parse JSON in '%s':\n%s\n#######", tmp, str); U_LOG_E("'%s'", cJSON_GetErrorPtr()); } free(str); #else //! @todo implement the underlying u_file_get_path_in_config_dir return; #endif } static cJSON * get_obj(cJSON *json, const char *name) { cJSON *item = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, name); if (item == NULL) { U_LOG_E("Failed to find node '%s'!", name); } return item; } XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED static bool get_obj_bool(cJSON *json, const char *name, bool *out_bool) { cJSON *item = get_obj(json, name); if (item == NULL) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_bool(item, out_bool)) { U_LOG_E("Failed to parse '%s'!", name); return false; } return true; } static bool get_obj_int(cJSON *json, const char *name, int *out_int) { cJSON *item = get_obj(json, name); if (item == NULL) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_int(item, out_int)) { U_LOG_E("Failed to parse '%s'!", name); return false; } return true; } static bool get_obj_float(cJSON *json, const char *name, float *out_float) { cJSON *item = get_obj(json, name); if (item == NULL) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_float(item, out_float)) { U_LOG_E("Failed to parse '%s'!", name); return false; } return true; } static bool get_obj_str(cJSON *json, const char *name, char *array, size_t array_size) { cJSON *item = get_obj(json, name); if (item == NULL) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_string_into_array(item, array, array_size)) { U_LOG_E("Failed to parse '%s'!", name); return false; } return true; } static bool is_json_ok(struct u_config_json *json) { if (json->root == NULL) { if (json->file_loaded) { U_LOG_E("JSON not parsed!"); } else { U_LOG_W("No config file!"); } return false; } return true; } static bool parse_active(const char *str, const char *from, enum u_config_json_active_config *out_active) { if (strcmp(str, "none") == 0) { *out_active = U_ACTIVE_CONFIG_NONE; } else if (strcmp(str, "tracking") == 0) { *out_active = U_ACTIVE_CONFIG_TRACKING; } else if (strcmp(str, "remote") == 0) { *out_active = U_ACTIVE_CONFIG_REMOTE; } else { U_LOG_E("Unknown active config '%s' from %s.", str, from); *out_active = U_ACTIVE_CONFIG_NONE; return false; } return true; } void u_config_json_get_active(struct u_config_json *json, enum u_config_json_active_config *out_active) { const char *str = debug_get_option_active_config(); if (str != NULL && parse_active(str, "environment", out_active)) { return; } char tmp[256]; if (!is_json_ok(json) || !get_obj_str(json->root, "active", tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { *out_active = U_ACTIVE_CONFIG_NONE; return; } parse_active(tmp, "json", out_active); } bool u_config_json_get_remote_port(struct u_config_json *json, int *out_port) { cJSON *t = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json->root, "remote"); if (t == NULL) { U_LOG_E("No remote node"); return false; } int ver = -1; if (!get_obj_int(t, "version", &ver)) { U_LOG_E("Missing version tag!"); return false; } if (ver >= 1) { U_LOG_E("Unknown version tag '%i'!", ver); return false; } int port = 0; if (!get_obj_int(t, "port", &port)) { return false; } *out_port = port; return true; } static cJSON * open_tracking_settings(struct u_config_json *json) { if (json->root == NULL) { if (json->file_loaded) { U_LOG_E("JSON not parsed!"); } else { U_LOG_W("No config file!"); } return NULL; } cJSON *t = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json->root, "tracking"); if (t == NULL) { U_LOG_E("No tracking node"); return NULL; } int ver = -1; bool bad = false; bad |= !get_obj_int(t, "version", &ver); if (bad || ver >= 1) { U_LOG_E("Missing or unknown version tag '%i'", ver); return NULL; } return t; } bool u_config_json_get_tracking_overrides(struct u_config_json *json, struct xrt_tracking_override *out_overrides, size_t *out_num_overrides) { cJSON *t = open_tracking_settings(json); if (t == NULL) { U_LOG_E("No tracking node"); return false; } cJSON *overrides = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(t, "tracking_overrides"); *out_num_overrides = 0; cJSON *override = NULL; cJSON_ArrayForEach(override, overrides) { bool bad = false; struct xrt_tracking_override *o = &out_overrides[(*out_num_overrides)++]; bad |= !get_obj_str(override, "target_device_serial", o->target_device_serial, XRT_DEVICE_NAME_LEN); bad |= !get_obj_str(override, "tracker_device_serial", o->tracker_device_serial, XRT_DEVICE_NAME_LEN); cJSON *offset = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(override, "offset"); if (offset) { cJSON *orientation = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(offset, "orientation"); bad |= !get_obj_float(orientation, "x", &o->offset.orientation.x); bad |= !get_obj_float(orientation, "y", &o->offset.orientation.y); bad |= !get_obj_float(orientation, "z", &o->offset.orientation.z); bad |= !get_obj_float(orientation, "w", &o->offset.orientation.w); cJSON *position = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(offset, "position"); bad |= !get_obj_float(position, "x", &o->offset.position.x); bad |= !get_obj_float(position, "y", &o->offset.position.y); bad |= !get_obj_float(position, "z", &o->offset.position.z); } else { o->offset.orientation.w = 1; } //! @todo support arbitrary tracking inputs for overrides o->input_name = XRT_INPUT_GENERIC_TRACKER_POSE; if (bad) { *out_num_overrides = 0; return false; } } return true; } bool u_config_json_get_tracking_settings(struct u_config_json *json, struct xrt_settings_tracking *s) { cJSON *t = open_tracking_settings(json); if (t == NULL) { U_LOG_E("No tracking node"); return false; } char tmp[16]; bool bad = false; bad |= !get_obj_str(t, "camera_name", s->camera_name, sizeof(s->camera_name)); bad |= !get_obj_int(t, "camera_mode", &s->camera_mode); bad |= !get_obj_str(t, "camera_type", tmp, sizeof(tmp)); bad |= !get_obj_str(t, "calibration_path", s->calibration_path, sizeof(s->calibration_path)); if (bad) { return false; } if (strcmp(tmp, "regular_mono") == 0) { s->camera_type = XRT_SETTINGS_CAMERA_TYPE_REGULAR_MONO; } else if (strcmp(tmp, "regular_sbs") == 0) { s->camera_type = XRT_SETTINGS_CAMERA_TYPE_REGULAR_SBS; } else if (strcmp(tmp, "ps4") == 0) { s->camera_type = XRT_SETTINGS_CAMERA_TYPE_PS4; } else if (strcmp(tmp, "leap_motion") == 0) { s->camera_type = XRT_SETTINGS_CAMERA_TYPE_LEAP_MOTION; } else { U_LOG_W("Unknown camera type '%s'", tmp); return false; } return true; }