// Copyright 2019, Collabora, Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /*! * @file * @brief Base implementations for math library. * @author Jakob Bornecrantz * @author Ryan Pavlik * @author Moses Turner * @ingroup aux_math */ #include "math/m_api.h" #include "math/m_eigen_interop.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace xrt::auxiliary::math; /* * * Copy helpers. * */ static inline Eigen::Quaternionf copy(const struct xrt_quat &q) { // Eigen constructor order is different from XRT, OpenHMD and OpenXR! // Eigen: `float w, x, y, z`. // OpenXR: `float x, y, z, w`. return Eigen::Quaternionf(q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z); } static inline Eigen::Quaternionf copy(const struct xrt_quat *q) { return copy(*q); } static inline Eigen::Vector3f copy(const struct xrt_vec3 &v) { return Eigen::Vector3f(v.x, v.y, v.z); } static inline Eigen::Vector3f copy(const struct xrt_vec3 *v) { return copy(*v); } static inline Eigen::Matrix4f copy(const struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *m) { Eigen::Matrix4f res; // clang-format off res << m->v[0], m->v[4], m->v[8], m->v[12], m->v[1], m->v[5], m->v[9], m->v[13], m->v[2], m->v[6], m->v[10], m->v[14], m->v[3], m->v[7], m->v[11], m->v[15]; // clang-format on return res; } /* * * Exported vector functions. * */ extern "C" bool math_vec3_validate(const struct xrt_vec3 *vec3) { assert(vec3 != NULL); return map_vec3(*vec3).allFinite(); } extern "C" void math_vec3_accum(const struct xrt_vec3 *additional, struct xrt_vec3 *inAndOut) { assert(additional != NULL); assert(inAndOut != NULL); map_vec3(*inAndOut) += map_vec3(*additional); } extern "C" void math_vec3_subtract(const struct xrt_vec3 *subtrahend, struct xrt_vec3 *inAndOut) { assert(subtrahend != NULL); assert(inAndOut != NULL); map_vec3(*inAndOut) -= map_vec3(*subtrahend); } extern "C" void math_vec3_scalar_mul(float scalar, struct xrt_vec3 *inAndOut) { assert(inAndOut != NULL); map_vec3(*inAndOut) *= scalar; } extern "C" void math_vec3_cross(const struct xrt_vec3 *l, const struct xrt_vec3 *r, struct xrt_vec3 *result) { map_vec3(*result) = map_vec3(*l).cross(map_vec3(*r)); } extern "C" void math_vec3_normalize(struct xrt_vec3 *in) { map_vec3(*in) = map_vec3(*in).normalized(); } /* * * Exported quaternion functions. * */ extern "C" void math_quat_from_angle_vector(float angle_rads, const struct xrt_vec3 *vector, struct xrt_quat *result) { map_quat(*result) = Eigen::AngleAxisf(angle_rads, copy(vector)); } extern "C" void math_quat_from_matrix_3x3(const struct xrt_matrix_3x3 *mat, struct xrt_quat *result) { Eigen::Matrix3f m; m << mat->v[0], mat->v[1], mat->v[2], mat->v[3], mat->v[4], mat->v[5], mat->v[6], mat->v[7], mat->v[8]; Eigen::Quaternionf q(m); map_quat(*result) = q; } extern "C" void math_quat_from_plus_x_z(const struct xrt_vec3 *plus_x, const struct xrt_vec3 *plus_z, struct xrt_quat *result) { xrt_vec3 plus_y; math_vec3_cross(plus_z, plus_x, &plus_y); xrt_matrix_3x3 m = {{ plus_x->x, plus_y.x, plus_z->x, plus_x->y, plus_y.y, plus_z->y, plus_x->z, plus_y.z, plus_z->z, }}; math_quat_from_matrix_3x3(&m, result); } static bool quat_validate(const float precision, const struct xrt_quat *quat) { assert(quat != NULL); auto rot = copy(*quat); /* * This was originally squaredNorm, but that could result in a norm * value that was further from 1.0f then FLOAT_EPSILON (two). * * Our tracking system would produce such orientations and looping those * back into say a quad layer would cause this to fail. And even * normalizing the quat would not fix this as normalizations uses * non-squared "length" which does fall into the range and doesn't * change the elements of the quat. */ auto norm = rot.norm(); if (norm > 1.0f + precision || norm < 1.0f - precision) { return false; } // Technically not yet a required check, but easier to stop problems // now than once denormalized numbers pollute the rest of our state. // see https://gitlab.khronos.org/openxr/openxr/issues/922 if (!rot.coeffs().allFinite()) { return false; } return true; } extern "C" bool math_quat_validate(const struct xrt_quat *quat) { const float FLOAT_EPSILON = Eigen::NumTraits::epsilon(); return quat_validate(FLOAT_EPSILON, quat); } extern "C" bool math_quat_validate_within_1_percent(const struct xrt_quat *quat) { return quat_validate(0.01, quat); } extern "C" void math_quat_invert(const struct xrt_quat *quat, struct xrt_quat *out_quat) { map_quat(*out_quat) = map_quat(*quat).conjugate(); } extern "C" void math_quat_normalize(struct xrt_quat *inout) { assert(inout != NULL); map_quat(*inout).normalize(); } extern "C" bool math_quat_ensure_normalized(struct xrt_quat *inout) { assert(inout != NULL); if (math_quat_validate(inout)) return true; const float FLOAT_EPSILON = Eigen::NumTraits::epsilon(); const float TOLERANCE = FLOAT_EPSILON * 5; auto rot = copy(*inout); auto norm = rot.norm(); if (norm > 1.0f + TOLERANCE || norm < 1.0f - TOLERANCE) { return false; } map_quat(*inout).normalize(); return true; } extern "C" void math_quat_rotate(const struct xrt_quat *left, const struct xrt_quat *right, struct xrt_quat *result) { assert(left != NULL); assert(right != NULL); assert(result != NULL); auto l = copy(left); auto r = copy(right); auto q = l * r; map_quat(*result) = q; } extern "C" void math_quat_rotate_vec3(const struct xrt_quat *left, const struct xrt_vec3 *right, struct xrt_vec3 *result) { assert(left != NULL); assert(right != NULL); assert(result != NULL); auto l = copy(left); auto r = copy(right); auto v = l * r; map_vec3(*result) = v; } extern "C" void math_quat_rotate_derivative(const struct xrt_quat *quat, const struct xrt_vec3 *deriv, struct xrt_vec3 *result) { assert(quat != NULL); assert(deriv != NULL); assert(result != NULL); auto l = copy(quat); auto m = Eigen::Quaternionf(0.0f, deriv->x, deriv->y, deriv->z); auto r = l.conjugate(); auto v = l * m * r; struct xrt_vec3 ret = {v.x(), v.y(), v.z()}; *result = ret; } /* * * Exported matrix functions. * */ void math_matrix_2x2_multiply(const struct xrt_matrix_2x2 *left, const struct xrt_matrix_2x2 *right, struct xrt_matrix_2x2 *result) { result->v[0] = left->v[0] * right->v[0] + left->v[1] * right->v[2]; result->v[1] = left->v[0] * right->v[1] + left->v[1] * right->v[3]; result->v[2] = left->v[2] * right->v[0] + left->v[3] * right->v[2]; result->v[3] = left->v[2] * right->v[1] + left->v[3] * right->v[3]; } extern "C" void math_matrix_3x3_transform_vec3(const struct xrt_matrix_3x3 *left, const struct xrt_vec3 *right, struct xrt_vec3 *result) { Eigen::Matrix3f m; m << left->v[0], left->v[1], left->v[2], // 1 left->v[3], left->v[4], left->v[5], // 2 left->v[6], left->v[7], left->v[8]; // 3 map_vec3(*result) = m * copy(right); } extern "C" void math_matrix_3x3_multiply(const struct xrt_matrix_3x3 *left, const struct xrt_matrix_3x3 *right, struct xrt_matrix_3x3 *result) { result->v[0] = left->v[0] * right->v[0] + left->v[1] * right->v[3] + left->v[2] * right->v[6]; result->v[1] = left->v[0] * right->v[1] + left->v[1] * right->v[4] + left->v[2] * right->v[7]; result->v[2] = left->v[0] * right->v[2] + left->v[1] * right->v[5] + left->v[2] * right->v[8]; result->v[3] = left->v[3] * right->v[0] + left->v[4] * right->v[3] + left->v[5] * right->v[6]; result->v[4] = left->v[3] * right->v[1] + left->v[4] * right->v[4] + left->v[5] * right->v[7]; result->v[5] = left->v[3] * right->v[2] + left->v[4] * right->v[5] + left->v[5] * right->v[8]; result->v[6] = left->v[6] * right->v[0] + left->v[7] * right->v[3] + left->v[8] * right->v[6]; result->v[7] = left->v[6] * right->v[1] + left->v[7] * right->v[4] + left->v[8] * right->v[7]; result->v[8] = left->v[6] * right->v[2] + left->v[7] * right->v[5] + left->v[8] * right->v[8]; } void math_matrix_4x4_identity(struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *result) { map_matrix_4x4(*result) = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); } void math_matrix_4x4_multiply(const struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *left, const struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *right, struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *result) { map_matrix_4x4(*result) = copy(left) * copy(right); } void math_matrix_4x4_view_from_pose(const struct xrt_pose *pose, struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *result) { Eigen::Vector3f position = copy(&pose->position); Eigen::Quaternionf orientation = copy(&pose->orientation); Eigen::Translation3f translation(position); Eigen::Affine3f transformation = translation * orientation; map_matrix_4x4(*result) = transformation.matrix().inverse(); } void math_matrix_4x4_model(const struct xrt_pose *pose, const struct xrt_vec3 *size, struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *result) { Eigen::Vector3f position = copy(&pose->position); Eigen::Quaternionf orientation = copy(&pose->orientation); auto scale = Eigen::Scaling(size->x, size->y, size->z); Eigen::Translation3f translation(position); Eigen::Affine3f transformation = translation * orientation * scale; map_matrix_4x4(*result) = transformation.matrix(); } void math_matrix_4x4_inverse_view_projection(const struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *view, const struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *projection, struct xrt_matrix_4x4 *result) { Eigen::Matrix4f v = copy(view); Eigen::Matrix4f v3 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); v3.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = v.block<3, 3>(0, 0); Eigen::Matrix4f vp = copy(projection) * v3; map_matrix_4x4(*result) = vp.inverse(); } /* * * Exported pose functions. * */ extern "C" bool math_pose_validate(const struct xrt_pose *pose) { assert(pose != NULL); return math_vec3_validate(&pose->position) && math_quat_validate(&pose->orientation); } extern "C" void math_pose_invert(const struct xrt_pose *pose, struct xrt_pose *outPose) { assert(pose != NULL); assert(outPose != NULL); // Store results to temporary locals so we can do this "in-place" // (pose == outPose) if desired. Pure copies here. Eigen::Vector3f newPosition = position(*pose); Eigen::Quaternionf newOrientation = orientation(*pose); // Conjugate legal here since pose must be normalized/unit length. newOrientation = newOrientation.conjugate(); // Use the newly inverted rotation, to rotate position. newPosition = -(newOrientation * newPosition); position(*outPose) = newPosition; orientation(*outPose) = newOrientation; } extern "C" void math_pose_identity(struct xrt_pose *pose) { pose->position.x = 0.0; pose->position.y = 0.0; pose->position.z = 0.0; pose->orientation.x = 0.0; pose->orientation.y = 0.0; pose->orientation.z = 0.0; pose->orientation.w = 1.0; } /*! * Return the result of transforming a point by a pose/transform. */ static inline Eigen::Vector3f transform_point(const xrt_pose &transform, const xrt_vec3 &point) { return orientation(transform) * map_vec3(point) + position(transform); } /*! * Return the result of transforming a pose by a pose/transform. */ static inline xrt_pose transform_pose(const xrt_pose &transform, const xrt_pose &pose) { xrt_pose ret; position(ret) = transform_point(transform, pose.position); orientation(ret) = orientation(transform) * orientation(pose); return ret; } extern "C" void math_pose_transform(const struct xrt_pose *transform, const struct xrt_pose *pose, struct xrt_pose *outPose) { assert(pose != NULL); assert(transform != NULL); assert(outPose != NULL); xrt_pose newPose = transform_pose(*transform, *pose); memcpy(outPose, &newPose, sizeof(xrt_pose)); } extern "C" void math_pose_transform_point(const struct xrt_pose *transform, const struct xrt_vec3 *point, struct xrt_vec3 *out_point) { assert(transform != NULL); assert(point != NULL); assert(out_point != NULL); map_vec3(*out_point) = transform_point(*transform, *point); }