// Copyright 2019-2020, Collabora, Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /*! * @file * @brief Tiny JSON wrapper around cJSON. * @author Jakob Bornecrantz * @author Ryan Pavlik * @ingroup aux_util */ #include "util/u_json.h" #ifndef XRT_HAVE_SYSTEM_CJSON #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #endif #include "util/u_logging.h" #include #include #ifndef XRT_HAVE_SYSTEM_CJSON #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif // This includes the c file completely. #include "cjson/cJSON.c" #endif /*! * Less typing. */ static inline const cJSON * get(const cJSON *json, const char *f) { return cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(json, f); } const cJSON * u_json_get(const cJSON *json, const char *f) { return get(json, f); } bool u_json_get_string_into_array(const cJSON *json, char *out_str, size_t max_size) { assert(out_str != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (!cJSON_IsString(json)) { return false; } int ret = snprintf(out_str, max_size, "%s", json->valuestring); if (ret < 0) { U_LOG_E("Printing string failed: %d", ret); return false; } if ((size_t)ret < max_size) { return true; } U_LOG_E("String size %d is bigger than available %zu", ret, max_size); return false; } bool u_json_get_bool(const cJSON *json, bool *out_bool) { assert(out_bool != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (!cJSON_IsBool(json)) { return false; } *out_bool = cJSON_IsTrue(json); return true; } bool u_json_get_int(const cJSON *json, int *out_int) { assert(out_int != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (!cJSON_IsNumber(json)) { return false; } *out_int = json->valueint; return true; } bool u_json_get_double(const cJSON *json, double *out_double) { assert(out_double != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (!cJSON_IsNumber(json)) { return false; } *out_double = json->valuedouble; return true; } bool u_json_get_float(const cJSON *json, float *out_float) { assert(out_float != NULL); double d = 0; if (!u_json_get_double(json, &d)) { return false; } *out_float = (float)d; return true; } bool u_json_get_vec3(const cJSON *json, struct xrt_vec3 *out_vec3) { assert(out_vec3 != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (!cJSON_IsObject(json)) { return false; } struct xrt_vec3 ret; if (!u_json_get_float(get(json, "x"), &ret.x)) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_float(get(json, "y"), &ret.y)) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_float(get(json, "z"), &ret.z)) { return false; } *out_vec3 = ret; return true; } bool u_json_get_vec3_array(const cJSON *json, struct xrt_vec3 *out_vec3) { assert(out_vec3 != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (!cJSON_IsArray(json)) { return false; } if (cJSON_GetArraySize(json) != 3) { return false; } float array[3] = {0, 0, 0}; const cJSON *item = NULL; size_t i = 0; cJSON_ArrayForEach(item, json) { assert(cJSON_IsNumber(item)); array[i] = (float)item->valuedouble; ++i; if (i == 3) { break; } } out_vec3->x = array[0]; out_vec3->y = array[1]; out_vec3->z = array[2]; return true; } bool u_json_get_vec3_f64_array(const cJSON *json, struct xrt_vec3_f64 *out_vec3) { assert(out_vec3 != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (!cJSON_IsArray(json)) { return false; } if (cJSON_GetArraySize(json) != 3) { return false; } double array[3] = {0, 0, 0}; const cJSON *item = NULL; size_t i = 0; cJSON_ArrayForEach(item, json) { assert(cJSON_IsNumber(item)); array[i] = item->valuedouble; ++i; if (i == 3) { break; } } out_vec3->x = array[0]; out_vec3->y = array[1]; out_vec3->z = array[2]; return true; } bool u_json_get_quat(const cJSON *json, struct xrt_quat *out_quat) { assert(out_quat != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (!cJSON_IsObject(json)) { return false; } struct xrt_quat ret; if (!u_json_get_float(get(json, "w"), &ret.w)) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_float(get(json, "x"), &ret.x)) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_float(get(json, "y"), &ret.y)) { return false; } if (!u_json_get_float(get(json, "z"), &ret.z)) { return false; } *out_quat = ret; return true; } // note: you should be using "position" and "orientation" and lower-case xyz(w) bool u_json_get_pose(const cJSON *json, struct xrt_pose *out_pose) { struct xrt_pose tmp; bool good = true; good = good && u_json_get_vec3(u_json_get(json, "position"), &tmp.position); good = good && u_json_get_quat(u_json_get(json, "orientation"), &tmp.orientation); if (good) { *out_pose = tmp; } return good; } size_t u_json_get_float_array(const cJSON *json_array, float *out_array, size_t max_size) { assert(out_array != NULL); if (!json_array) { return 0; } if (!cJSON_IsArray(json_array)) { return 0; } size_t i = 0; const cJSON *elt; cJSON_ArrayForEach(elt, json_array) { if (i >= max_size) { break; } if (!u_json_get_float(elt, &out_array[i])) { U_LOG_W( "u_json_get_float_array got a non-number in a " "numeric array"); return i; } i++; } return i; } size_t u_json_get_double_array(const cJSON *json_array, double *out_array, size_t max_size) { assert(out_array != NULL); if (!json_array) { return 0; } if (!cJSON_IsArray(json_array)) { return 0; } size_t i = 0; const cJSON *elt; cJSON_ArrayForEach(elt, json_array) { if (i >= max_size) { break; } if (!u_json_get_double(elt, &out_array[i])) { U_LOG_W( "u_json_get_double_array got a non-number in a " "numeric array"); return i; } i++; } return i; } size_t u_json_get_int_array(const cJSON *json_array, int *out_array, size_t max_size) { assert(out_array != NULL); if (!json_array) { return 0; } if (!cJSON_IsArray(json_array)) { return 0; } size_t i = 0; const cJSON *elt; cJSON_ArrayForEach(elt, json_array) { if (i >= max_size) { break; } if (!u_json_get_int(elt, &out_array[i])) { U_LOG_W( "u_json_get_int got a non-number in a " "numeric array"); return i; } i++; } return i; } bool u_json_get_matrix_3x3(const cJSON *json, struct xrt_matrix_3x3 *out_matrix) { assert(out_matrix != NULL); if (!json) { return false; } if (cJSON_GetArraySize(json) != 3) { return false; } size_t total = 0; const cJSON *vec = NULL; cJSON_ArrayForEach(vec, json) { assert(cJSON_GetArraySize(vec) == 3); const cJSON *elem = NULL; cJSON_ArrayForEach(elem, vec) { // Just in case. if (total >= 9) { break; } assert(cJSON_IsNumber(elem)); out_matrix->v[total++] = (float)elem->valuedouble; } } return true; }