# Copyright 2022, Collabora, Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
"""Configuration for "copybara" <https://github.com/google/copybara> to update vendored source"""

gitlab_url = "git@gitlab.freedesktop.org:ryan.pavlik/monado.git"
author = "Ryan Pavlik <ryan.pavlik@collabora.com>"

# update-stb: Update STB libraries
    name = "update-stb",
    origin = git.github_origin(
        url = "https://github.com/nothings/stb.git",
        ref = "master",
    destination = git.destination(
        url = gitlab_url,
        fetch = "main",
        push = "update-stb",
    destination_files = glob(["src/external/stb/*.h"]),
    origin_files = glob(["stb_image_write.h"]),
    authoring = authoring.pass_thru(author),
    transformations = [
        metadata.replace_message("external/stb: Update stb libraries from upstream"),
        core.move("", "src/external/stb/"),

# Custom transformation that writes the COMMIT file in the nanopb directory
def write_nanopb_commit(ctx):
    return ctx.write_path(
        core.format("%s\n", [ctx.find_label("GIT_DESCRIBE_CHANGE_VERSION")]),

# update-nanopb: Update NanoPB library
# WARNING: Also requires update of the generated .pb.h and .pb.c files,
# not currently done by this code!
    name = "update-nanopb",
    origin = git.github_origin(
        url = "https://github.com/nanopb/nanopb.git",
        # ref = "master",
        describe_version = True,
        version_selector = core.latest_version(
            format = "refs/tags/nanopb-${n0}.${n1}.${n2}",
            regex_groups = {
                "n0": "[0-9]+",
                "n1": "[0-9]+",
                "n2": "[0-9]+",
    destination = git.destination(
        url = gitlab_url,
        fetch = "main",
        push = "update-nanopb",
    destination_files = glob(["src/external/nanopb/*.{h,c,txt}"], exclude = ["src/external/nanopb/monado_metrics.pb.{c,h}"]),
    origin_files = glob(["*.{h,c,txt}"], exclude = ["CMakeLists.txt", "CHANGELOG.txt"]),
    authoring = authoring.pass_thru(author),
    transformations = [
        metadata.replace_message("external/nanopb: Update nanopb from upstream ${GIT_DESCRIBE_CHANGE_VERSION}"),
        core.move("", "src/external/nanopb/"),
        # core.format()

# update-cjson: Update cJSON library
    name = "update-cjson",
    origin = git.github_origin(
        url = "https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON.git",
        # ref = "master",
        describe_version = True,
        version_selector = core.latest_version(
            format = "refs/tags/v${n0}.${n1}.${n2}",
            regex_groups = {
                "n0": "[0-9]+",
                "n1": "[0-9]+",
                "n2": "[0-9]+",
    destination = git.destination(
        url = gitlab_url,
        fetch = "main",
        push = "update-cjson",
    destination_files = glob(["src/external/cjson/cjson/*"]),
    origin_files = glob(["cJSON.{h,c}", "{CHANGELOG,CONTRIBUTORS}.md", "LICENSE"]),
    authoring = authoring.pass_thru(author),
    transformations = [
        metadata.replace_message("external/cjson: Update cJSON from upstream ${GIT_DESCRIBE_CHANGE_VERSION}"),
        core.move("", "src/external/cjson/cjson/"),

# update-catch2: Update Catch2 library, in case there's another 2.x release
    name = "update-catch2",
    origin = git.github_origin(
        url = "https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git",
        # ref = "master",
        describe_version = True,
        version_selector = core.latest_version(
            format = "refs/tags/v${n0}.${n1}.${n2}",
            regex_groups = {
                "n0": "2",
                "n1": "[0-9]+",
                "n2": "[0-9]+",
    destination = git.destination(
        url = gitlab_url,
        fetch = "main",
        push = "update-catch2",
    destination_files = glob(["src/external/Catch2/*"]),
    origin_files = glob(["single_include/catch2/catch.hpp"]),
    authoring = authoring.pass_thru(author),
    transformations = [
        metadata.replace_message("external/Catch2: Update Catch2 from upstream ${GIT_DESCRIBE_CHANGE_VERSION}"),
        core.move("single_include/catch2/catch.hpp", "src/external/Catch2/catch/"),

# update-renderdoc: Update RenderDoc API
    name = "update-renderdoc",
    origin = git.github_origin(
        url = "https://github.com/baldurk/renderdoc.git",
        ref = "v1.x",
    destination = git.destination(
        url = gitlab_url,
        fetch = "main",
        push = "update-renderdoc",
    destination_files = glob(["src/external/renderdoc_api/*.h"]),
    origin_files = glob(["renderdoc/api/app/*.h"]),
    authoring = authoring.pass_thru(author),
    transformations = [
        metadata.replace_message("external/renderdoc_api: Update RenderDoc API from upstream"),
        core.move("renderdoc/api/app/", "src/external/renderdoc_api/"),