Upstream-Name: Monado
Source: <>

Files: doc/changes/drivers/*
Copyright: 2020-2021, Collabora, Ltd. and the Monado contributors
License: CC0-1.0
Comment: Prevents needing a license header per fragment between releases.

Files: src/external/cjson/*
Copyright: 2009-2017, Dave Gamble and cJSON contributors
License: MIT
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.
 Debian calls this "Expat" for clarity.

Files: src/external/Catch2/catch/*
Copyright: 2020, Two Blue Cubes Ltd.
License: BSL-1.0
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.

Files: src/external/jnipp/*
Copyright: 2016-2020, Mitchell Dowd
 2020, Collabora, Ltd.
License: MIT
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.
 Debian calls this "Expat" for clarity.

Files: src/external/hungarian/*
Copyright: 2016, mcximing
License: BSD-2-Clause
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.

Files: src/external/openvr_includes/*
Copyright: 2015-2020, Valve Corporation
License: BSD-3-Clause
Comment: License identifier missing.

Files: src/external/imgui/imgui*
Copyright: 2014-2020, Omar Cornut
License: MIT
Comment: Copyright statement and license identifier missing.
 Debian calls this "Expat" for clarity.

Files: src/external/imgui/implot*
Copyright: 2020, Evan Pezent
License: MIT
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.
 Debian calls this "Expat" for clarity.

Files: src/external/imgui/cim*
Copyright: 2015, Stephan Dilly
License: MIT
Comment: Copyright statement and license identifier missing.
 Debian calls this "Expat" for clarity.

Files: src/external/imgui/imstb*
Copyright: 2017, Sean Barrett
License: MIT OR Unlicense
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.

Files: src/external/glad/include/EGL/eglplatform.h
Copyright: 2007-2016, The Khronos Group Inc.
License: LicenseRef-Khronos-Free-Use-License-for-Software-and-Documentation
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.

Files:  src/external/glad/include/KHR/khrplatform.h
Copyright: 2008-2018, The Khronos Group Inc.
License: LicenseRef-Khronos-Free-Use-License-for-Software-and-Documentation
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.

Files: src/external/glad/include/glad/egl.h
Copyright: 2013-2020, The Khronos Group, Inc.
License: Apache-2.0
Comment: This is generated from the specification XML (licensed as above) by GLAD2.

Files: src/external/glad/include/glad/gl.h
Copyright: 2013-2020, The Khronos Group, Inc.
License: Apache-2.0
Comment: This is generated from the specification XML (licensed as above) by GLAD2.

Files:  src/external/glad/src/*
Copyright: 2013-2020, David Herberth
License: MIT
Comment: SPDX-License-Identifier missing.