// Copyright 2019, Collabora, Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /*! * @file * @brief Main prober code. * @author Jakob Bornecrantz * @ingroup st_prober */ #include "xrt/xrt_config_drivers.h" #include "xrt/xrt_settings.h" #include "util/u_var.h" #include "util/u_misc.h" #include "util/u_config_json.h" #include "util/u_debug.h" #include "os/os_hid.h" #include "p_prober.h" #ifdef XRT_HAVE_V4L2 #include "v4l2/v4l2_interface.h" #endif #ifdef XRT_BUILD_DRIVER_VF #include "vf/vf_interface.h" #endif #ifdef XRT_BUILD_DRIVER_EUROC #include "euroc/euroc_interface.h" #endif #ifdef XRT_BUILD_DRIVER_REMOTE #include "remote/r_interface.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "multi_wrapper/multi.h" /* * * Pre-declare functions. * */ DEBUG_GET_ONCE_LOG_OPTION(prober_log, "PROBER_LOG", U_LOGGING_INFO) DEBUG_GET_ONCE_BOOL_OPTION(qwerty_enable, "QWERTY_ENABLE", false) DEBUG_GET_ONCE_BOOL_OPTION(qwerty_combine, "QWERTY_COMBINE", false) static void add_device(struct prober *p, struct prober_device **out_dev); static int initialize(struct prober *p, struct xrt_prober_entry_lists *lists); static void teardown_devices(struct prober *p); static void teardown(struct prober *p); static int probe(struct xrt_prober *xp); static int dump(struct xrt_prober *xp); static int select_device(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_device **xdevs, size_t num_xdevs); static int open_hid_interface(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *xpdev, int interface, struct os_hid_device **out_hid_dev); static int open_video_device(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *xpdev, struct xrt_frame_context *xfctx, struct xrt_fs **out_xfs); static int list_video_devices(struct xrt_prober *xp, xrt_prober_list_video_cb cb, void *ptr); static int get_entries(struct xrt_prober *xp, size_t *out_num_entries, struct xrt_prober_entry ***out_entries, struct xrt_auto_prober ***out_auto_probers); static int get_string_descriptor(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *xpdev, enum xrt_prober_string which_string, unsigned char *buffer, size_t length); static bool can_open(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *xpdev); static void destroy(struct xrt_prober **xp); /* * * "Exported" functions. * */ int xrt_prober_create_with_lists(struct xrt_prober **out_xp, struct xrt_prober_entry_lists *lists) { struct prober *p = U_TYPED_CALLOC(struct prober); int ret = initialize(p, lists); if (ret != 0) { free(p); return ret; } *out_xp = &p->base; return 0; } #define ENUM_TO_STR(r) \ case r: return #r const char * xrt_prober_string_to_string(enum xrt_prober_string t) { switch (t) { ENUM_TO_STR(XRT_PROBER_STRING_MANUFACTURER); ENUM_TO_STR(XRT_PROBER_STRING_PRODUCT); ENUM_TO_STR(XRT_PROBER_STRING_SERIAL_NUMBER); } return ""; } const char * xrt_bus_type_to_string(enum xrt_bus_type t) { switch (t) { ENUM_TO_STR(XRT_BUS_TYPE_UNKNOWN); ENUM_TO_STR(XRT_BUS_TYPE_USB); ENUM_TO_STR(XRT_BUS_TYPE_BLUETOOTH); } return ""; } bool xrt_prober_match_string(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *dev, enum xrt_prober_string type, const char *to_match) { unsigned char s[256] = {0}; int len = xrt_prober_get_string_descriptor(xp, dev, type, s, sizeof(s)); if (len <= 0) { return false; } return 0 == strncmp(to_match, (const char *)s, sizeof(s)); } int p_dev_get_usb_dev(struct prober *p, uint16_t bus, uint16_t addr, uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id, struct prober_device **out_pdev) { struct prober_device *pdev; for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_devices; i++) { struct prober_device *pdev = &p->devices[i]; if (pdev->base.bus != XRT_BUS_TYPE_USB || pdev->usb.bus != bus || pdev->usb.addr != addr) { continue; } if (pdev->base.vendor_id != vendor_id || pdev->base.product_id != product_id) { P_ERROR(p, "USB device with same address but different " "vendor and product found!\n" "\tvendor: %04x %04x\n" "\tproduct: %04x %04x", pdev->base.vendor_id, vendor_id, pdev->base.product_id, product_id); continue; } *out_pdev = pdev; return 0; } add_device(p, &pdev); pdev->base.vendor_id = vendor_id; pdev->base.product_id = product_id; pdev->base.bus = XRT_BUS_TYPE_USB; pdev->usb.bus = bus; pdev->usb.addr = addr; *out_pdev = pdev; return 0; } int p_dev_get_bluetooth_dev( struct prober *p, uint64_t id, uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id, struct prober_device **out_pdev) { struct prober_device *pdev; for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_devices; i++) { struct prober_device *pdev = &p->devices[i]; if (pdev->base.bus != XRT_BUS_TYPE_BLUETOOTH || pdev->bluetooth.id != id) { continue; } if (pdev->base.vendor_id != vendor_id || pdev->base.product_id != product_id) { P_ERROR(p, "Bluetooth device with same address but " "different vendor and product found!\n" "\tvendor: %04x %04x\n" "\tproduct: %04x %04x", pdev->base.vendor_id, vendor_id, pdev->base.product_id, product_id); continue; } *out_pdev = pdev; return 0; } add_device(p, &pdev); pdev->base.vendor_id = vendor_id; pdev->base.product_id = product_id; pdev->base.bus = XRT_BUS_TYPE_BLUETOOTH; pdev->bluetooth.id = id; *out_pdev = pdev; return 0; } /* * * Internal functions. * */ static void fill_out_product(struct prober *p, struct prober_device *pdev) { const char *bus = pdev->base.bus == XRT_BUS_TYPE_BLUETOOTH ? "bluetooth" : "usb"; char *str = NULL; int ret = 0; do { ret = snprintf(str, ret, "Unknown %s device: %04x:%04x", bus, pdev->base.vendor_id, pdev->base.product_id); if (ret <= 0) { return; } if (str == NULL) { str = U_CALLOC_WITH_CAST(char, ret + 1); } else { pdev->usb.product = str; return; } } while (true); } static void add_device(struct prober *p, struct prober_device **out_dev) { U_ARRAY_REALLOC_OR_FREE(p->devices, struct prober_device, (p->num_devices + 1)); struct prober_device *dev = &p->devices[p->num_devices++]; U_ZERO(dev); *out_dev = dev; } static void add_usb_entry(struct prober *p, struct xrt_prober_entry *entry) { U_ARRAY_REALLOC_OR_FREE(p->entries, struct xrt_prober_entry *, (p->num_entries + 1)); p->entries[p->num_entries++] = entry; } static int collect_entries(struct prober *p) { struct xrt_prober_entry_lists *lists = p->lists; while (lists) { for (size_t j = 0; lists->entries != NULL && lists->entries[j]; j++) { struct xrt_prober_entry *entry = lists->entries[j]; for (size_t k = 0; entry[k].found != NULL; k++) { add_usb_entry(p, &entry[k]); } } lists = lists->next; } return 0; } #define num_driver_conflicts 1 char *driver_conflicts[num_driver_conflicts][2] = {{"survive", "vive"}}; static void disable_drivers_from_conflicts(struct prober *p) { if (debug_get_bool_option_qwerty_enable() && !debug_get_bool_option_qwerty_combine()) { for (size_t entry = 0; entry < p->num_entries; entry++) { if (strcmp(p->entries[entry]->driver_name, "Qwerty") != 0) { P_INFO(p, "Disabling %s because we have %s", p->entries[entry]->driver_name, "Qwerty"); size_t index = p->num_disabled_drivers++; U_ARRAY_REALLOC_OR_FREE(p->disabled_drivers, char *, p->num_disabled_drivers); p->disabled_drivers[index] = (char *)p->entries[entry]->driver_name; } } return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_driver_conflicts; i++) { bool have_first = false; bool have_second = false; char *first = driver_conflicts[i][0]; char *second = driver_conflicts[i][1]; // disable second driver if we have first driver for (size_t entry = 0; entry < p->num_entries; entry++) { if (strcmp(p->entries[entry]->driver_name, first) == 0) { have_first = true; } if (strcmp(p->entries[entry]->driver_name, second) == 0) { have_second = true; } } for (size_t ap = 0; ap < MAX_AUTO_PROBERS; ap++) { if (p->auto_probers[ap] == NULL) { continue; } if (strcmp(p->auto_probers[ap]->name, first) == 0) { have_first = true; } if (strcmp(p->auto_probers[ap]->name, second) == 0) { have_second = true; } } if (have_first && have_second) { // except don't disable second driver, if first driver is already disabled' bool first_already_disabled = false; ; for (size_t disabled = 0; disabled < p->num_disabled_drivers; disabled++) { if (strcmp(p->disabled_drivers[disabled], first) == 0) { first_already_disabled = true; break; } } if (first_already_disabled) { P_INFO(p, "Not disabling %s because %s is disabled", second, first); continue; } P_INFO(p, "Disabling %s because we have %s", second, first); size_t index = p->num_disabled_drivers++; U_ARRAY_REALLOC_OR_FREE(p->disabled_drivers, char *, p->num_disabled_drivers); p->disabled_drivers[index] = second; } } } static void parse_disabled_drivers(struct prober *p) { cJSON *disabled_drivers = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(p->json.root, "disabled"); if (!disabled_drivers) { return; } cJSON *disabled_driver = NULL; cJSON_ArrayForEach(disabled_driver, disabled_drivers) { if (!cJSON_IsString(disabled_driver)) { continue; } size_t index = p->num_disabled_drivers++; U_ARRAY_REALLOC_OR_FREE(p->disabled_drivers, char *, p->num_disabled_drivers); p->disabled_drivers[index] = disabled_driver->valuestring; } } static int initialize(struct prober *p, struct xrt_prober_entry_lists *lists) { p->base.probe = probe; p->base.dump = dump; p->base.select = select_device; p->base.open_hid_interface = open_hid_interface; p->base.open_video_device = open_video_device; p->base.list_video_devices = list_video_devices; p->base.get_entries = get_entries; p->base.get_string_descriptor = get_string_descriptor; p->base.can_open = can_open; p->base.destroy = destroy; p->lists = lists; p->ll = debug_get_log_option_prober_log(); p->json.file_loaded = false; p->json.root = NULL; u_var_add_root((void *)p, "Prober", true); u_var_add_ro_u32(p, (uint32_t *)&p->ll, "Log Level"); int ret; u_config_json_open_or_create_main_file(&p->json); ret = collect_entries(p); if (ret != 0) { teardown(p); return -1; } #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUSB ret = p_libusb_init(p); if (ret != 0) { teardown(p); return -1; } #endif #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUVC ret = p_libuvc_init(p); if (ret != 0) { teardown(p); return -1; } #endif ret = p_tracking_init(p); if (ret != 0) { teardown(p); return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_AUTO_PROBERS && lists->auto_probers[i]; i++) { p->auto_probers[i] = lists->auto_probers[i](); } p->num_disabled_drivers = 0; parse_disabled_drivers(p); disable_drivers_from_conflicts(p); return 0; } static void teardown_devices(struct prober *p) { // Need to free all devices. for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_devices; i++) { struct prober_device *pdev = &p->devices[i]; if (pdev->usb.product != NULL) { free((char *)pdev->usb.product); pdev->usb.product = NULL; } if (pdev->usb.manufacturer != NULL) { free((char *)pdev->usb.manufacturer); pdev->usb.manufacturer = NULL; } if (pdev->usb.serial != NULL) { free((char *)pdev->usb.serial); pdev->usb.serial = NULL; } if (pdev->usb.path != NULL) { free((char *)pdev->usb.path); pdev->usb.path = NULL; } #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUSB if (pdev->usb.dev != NULL) { //! @todo Free somewhere else } #endif #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUVC if (pdev->uvc.dev != NULL) { //! @todo Free somewhere else } #endif #ifdef XRT_HAVE_V4L2 for (size_t j = 0; j < pdev->num_v4ls; j++) { struct prober_v4l *v4l = &pdev->v4ls[j]; free((char *)v4l->path); v4l->path = NULL; } if (pdev->v4ls != NULL) { free(pdev->v4ls); pdev->v4ls = NULL; pdev->num_v4ls = 0; } #endif #ifdef XRT_OS_LINUX for (size_t j = 0; j < pdev->num_hidraws; j++) { struct prober_hidraw *hidraw = &pdev->hidraws[j]; free((char *)hidraw->path); hidraw->path = NULL; } if (pdev->hidraws != NULL) { free(pdev->hidraws); pdev->hidraws = NULL; pdev->num_hidraws = 0; } #endif } if (p->devices != NULL) { free(p->devices); p->devices = NULL; p->num_devices = 0; } } static void teardown(struct prober *p) { // First remove the variable tracking. u_var_remove_root((void *)p); // Clean up all auto_probers. for (int i = 0; i < MAX_AUTO_PROBERS && p->auto_probers[i]; i++) { p->auto_probers[i]->destroy(p->auto_probers[i]); p->auto_probers[i] = NULL; } // Need to turn off tracking early. p_tracking_teardown(p); // Need to free all entries. if (p->entries != NULL) { free(p->entries); p->entries = NULL; p->num_entries = 0; } teardown_devices(p); #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUVC p_libuvc_teardown(p); #endif #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUSB p_libusb_teardown(p); #endif u_config_json_close(&p->json); free(p->disabled_drivers); } /* * * Member functions. * */ static int probe(struct xrt_prober *xp) { struct prober *p = (struct prober *)xp; XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED int ret = 0; // Free old list first. teardown_devices(p); #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUDEV ret = p_udev_probe(p); if (ret != 0) { P_ERROR(p, "Failed to enumerate udev devices\n"); return -1; } #endif #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUSB ret = p_libusb_probe(p); if (ret != 0) { P_ERROR(p, "Failed to enumerate libusb devices\n"); return -1; } #endif #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUVC ret = p_libuvc_probe(p); if (ret != 0) { P_ERROR(p, "Failed to enumerate libuvc devices\n"); return -1; } #endif return 0; } static int dump(struct xrt_prober *xp) { struct prober *p = (struct prober *)xp; XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED ssize_t k = 0; XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_devices; i++) { struct prober_device *pdev = &p->devices[i]; p_dump_device(p, pdev, (int)i); } return 0; } static void handle_found_device( struct prober *p, struct xrt_device **xdevs, size_t num_xdevs, bool *have_hmd, struct xrt_device *xdev) { P_DEBUG(p, "Found '%s' %p", xdev->str, (void *)xdev); size_t i = 0; for (; i < num_xdevs; i++) { if (xdevs[i] == NULL) { break; } } if (i + 1 > num_xdevs) { P_ERROR(p, "Too many devices, closing '%s'", xdev->str); xdev->destroy(xdev); return; } // we can have only one HMD if (xdev->device_type == XRT_DEVICE_TYPE_HMD) { if (*have_hmd) { P_ERROR(p, "Too many HMDs, closing '%s'", xdev->str); xdev->destroy(xdev); return; } *have_hmd = true; } xdevs[i] = xdev; } static void add_from_devices(struct prober *p, struct xrt_device **xdevs, size_t num_xdevs, bool *have_hmd) { // Build a list of all current probed devices. struct xrt_prober_device **dev_list = U_TYPED_ARRAY_CALLOC(struct xrt_prober_device *, p->num_devices); for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_devices; i++) { dev_list[i] = &p->devices[i].base; } // Loop over all devices and entries that might match them. for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_devices; i++) { struct prober_device *pdev = &p->devices[i]; for (size_t k = 0; k < p->num_entries; k++) { struct xrt_prober_entry *entry = p->entries[k]; if (pdev->base.vendor_id != entry->vendor_id || pdev->base.product_id != entry->product_id) { continue; } bool skip = false; for (size_t disabled = 0; disabled < p->num_disabled_drivers; disabled++) { if (strcmp(entry->driver_name, p->disabled_drivers[disabled]) == 0) { P_INFO(p, "Skipping disabled driver %s", entry->driver_name); skip = true; break; ; } } if (skip) { continue; } struct xrt_device *new_xdevs[XRT_MAX_DEVICES_PER_PROBE] = {NULL}; int num_found = entry->found(&p->base, dev_list, p->num_devices, i, NULL, &(new_xdevs[0])); if (num_found <= 0) { continue; } for (int created_idx = 0; created_idx < num_found; ++created_idx) { if (new_xdevs[created_idx] == NULL) { P_DEBUG(p, "Leaving device creation loop " "early: found function reported %i " "created, but only %i non-null", num_found, created_idx); continue; } handle_found_device(p, xdevs, num_xdevs, have_hmd, new_xdevs[created_idx]); } } } // Free the temporary list. free(dev_list); } static void add_from_auto_probers(struct prober *p, struct xrt_device **xdevs, size_t num_xdevs, bool *have_hmd) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_AUTO_PROBERS && p->auto_probers[i]; i++) { bool skip = false; for (size_t disabled = 0; disabled < p->num_disabled_drivers; disabled++) { if (strcmp(p->auto_probers[i]->name, p->disabled_drivers[disabled]) == 0) { P_INFO(p, "Skipping disabled driver %s", p->auto_probers[i]->name); skip = true; break; } } if (skip) { continue; } /* * If we have found a HMD, tell the auto probers not to open * any more HMDs. This is mostly to stop OpenHMD and Monado * fighting over devices. */ bool no_hmds = *have_hmd; struct xrt_device *new_xdevs[XRT_MAX_DEVICES_PER_PROBE] = {NULL}; int num_found = p->auto_probers[i]->lelo_dallas_autoprobe(p->auto_probers[i], NULL, no_hmds, &p->base, new_xdevs); if (num_found <= 0) { continue; } for (int created_idx = 0; created_idx < num_found; ++created_idx) { if (new_xdevs[created_idx] == NULL) { P_DEBUG(p, "Leaving device creation loop early: %s autoprobe function reported %i " "created, but only %i non-null", p->auto_probers[i]->name, num_found, created_idx); continue; } handle_found_device(p, xdevs, num_xdevs, have_hmd, new_xdevs[created_idx]); } } } static void add_from_remote(struct prober *p, struct xrt_device **xdevs, size_t num_xdevs, bool *have_hmd) { if (num_xdevs < 3) { return; } #ifdef XRT_BUILD_DRIVER_REMOTE int port = 4242; if (!u_config_json_get_remote_port(&p->json, &port)) { port = 4242; } r_create_devices(port, &xdevs[0], &xdevs[1], &xdevs[2]); *have_hmd = xdevs[0] != NULL; #endif } static void apply_tracking_override(struct prober *p, struct xrt_device **xdevs, size_t num_xdevs, struct xrt_tracking_override *o) { struct xrt_device *target_xdev = NULL; size_t target_idx = 0; struct xrt_device *tracker_xdev = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_xdevs; i++) { struct xrt_device *xdev = xdevs[i]; if (xdev == NULL) { continue; } if (strncmp(xdev->serial, o->target_device_serial, XRT_DEVICE_NAME_LEN) == 0) { target_xdev = xdev; target_idx = i; } if (strncmp(xdev->serial, o->tracker_device_serial, XRT_DEVICE_NAME_LEN) == 0) { tracker_xdev = xdev; } } if (target_xdev == NULL) { P_WARN(p, "Tracking override target xdev %s not found", o->target_device_serial); } if (tracker_xdev == NULL) { P_WARN(p, "Tracking override tracker xdev %s not found", o->tracker_device_serial); } if (target_xdev != NULL && tracker_xdev != NULL) { struct xrt_device *multi = multi_create_tracking_override(o->override_type, target_xdev, tracker_xdev, o->input_name, &o->offset); if (multi) { P_INFO(p, "Applying Tracking override %s <- %s", o->target_device_serial, o->tracker_device_serial); // drops the target device from the list, but keeps the tracker // a tracker could be attached to multiple targets with different names xdevs[target_idx] = multi; } else { P_ERROR(p, "Failed to create tracking override multi device"); } } } static int select_device(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_device **xdevs, size_t num_xdevs) { struct prober *p = (struct prober *)xp; enum u_config_json_active_config active; bool have_hmd = false; u_config_json_get_active(&p->json, &active); switch (active) { case U_ACTIVE_CONFIG_NONE: case U_ACTIVE_CONFIG_TRACKING: add_from_devices(p, xdevs, num_xdevs, &have_hmd); add_from_auto_probers(p, xdevs, num_xdevs, &have_hmd); break; case U_ACTIVE_CONFIG_REMOTE: add_from_remote(p, xdevs, num_xdevs, &have_hmd); break; default: assert(false); } // It's easier if we just put the first hmd first, // but keep other internal ordering of devices. for (size_t i = 1; i < num_xdevs; i++) { if (xdevs[i] == NULL) { continue; } if (xdevs[i]->hmd == NULL) { continue; } // This is a HMD, but it's not in the first slot. struct xrt_device *hmd = xdevs[i]; for (size_t k = i; k > 0; k--) { xdevs[k] = xdevs[k - 1]; } xdevs[0] = hmd; break; } struct xrt_tracking_override overrides[XRT_MAX_TRACKING_OVERRIDES]; size_t num_overrides = 0; if (u_config_json_get_tracking_overrides(&p->json, overrides, &num_overrides)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_overrides; i++) { struct xrt_tracking_override *o = &overrides[i]; apply_tracking_override(p, xdevs, num_xdevs, o); } } if (have_hmd) { P_DEBUG(p, "Found HMD! '%s'", xdevs[0]->str); return 0; } P_DEBUG(p, "Didn't find any HMD devices"); // Even if we've found some controllers, we don't use them without an // HMD. So, destroy all other found devices. for (size_t i = 1; i < num_xdevs; i++) { if (xdevs[i] == NULL) { continue; } P_DEBUG(p, "Destroying '%s'", xdevs[i]->str); xrt_device_destroy(&xdevs[i]); } return 0; } static int open_hid_interface(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *xpdev, int interface, struct os_hid_device **out_hid_dev) { struct prober_device *pdev = (struct prober_device *)xpdev; int ret; #ifdef XRT_OS_LINUX for (size_t j = 0; j < pdev->num_hidraws; j++) { struct prober_hidraw *hidraw = &pdev->hidraws[j]; if (hidraw->interface != interface) { continue; } ret = os_hid_open_hidraw(hidraw->path, out_hid_dev); if (ret != 0) { U_LOG_E("Failed to open device '%s' got '%i'", hidraw->path, ret); return ret; } return 0; } #endif // XRT_OS_LINUX U_LOG_E( "Could not find the requested " "hid interface (%i) on the device!", interface); return -1; } DEBUG_GET_ONCE_OPTION(vf_path, "VF_PATH", NULL) DEBUG_GET_ONCE_OPTION(euroc_path, "EUROC_PATH", NULL) static int open_video_device(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *xpdev, struct xrt_frame_context *xfctx, struct xrt_fs **out_xfs) { XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED struct prober_device *pdev = (struct prober_device *)xpdev; #if defined(XRT_BUILD_DRIVER_EUROC) // TODO: If both VF_PATH and EUROC_PATH are set, VF will be ignored on calibration const char *euroc_path = debug_get_option_euroc_path(); if (euroc_path != NULL) { *out_xfs = euroc_player_create(xfctx, euroc_path); // Euroc will exit if it can't be created return 0; } #endif #if defined(XRT_BUILD_DRIVER_VF) const char *path = debug_get_option_vf_path(); if (path != NULL) { struct xrt_fs *xfs = vf_fs_open_file(xfctx, path); if (xfs) { *out_xfs = xfs; return 0; } } #endif #if defined(XRT_HAVE_V4L2) if (pdev->num_v4ls == 0) { return -1; } struct xrt_fs *xfs = v4l2_fs_create(xfctx, pdev->v4ls[0].path, pdev->usb.product, pdev->usb.manufacturer, pdev->usb.serial); if (xfs == NULL) { return -1; } *out_xfs = xfs; return 0; #else return -1; #endif } static int list_video_devices(struct xrt_prober *xp, xrt_prober_list_video_cb cb, void *ptr) { struct prober *p = (struct prober *)xp; const char *path = debug_get_option_vf_path(); if (path != NULL) { cb(xp, NULL, "Video File", "Collabora", path, ptr); } path = debug_get_option_euroc_path(); if (path != NULL) { cb(xp, NULL, "Euroc Dataset", "Collabora", path, ptr); } // Loop over all devices and find video devices. for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_devices; i++) { struct prober_device *pdev = &p->devices[i]; bool has = false; #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUVC has |= pdev->uvc.dev != NULL; #endif #ifdef XRT_HAVE_V4L2 has |= pdev->num_v4ls > 0; #endif if (!has) { continue; } if (pdev->usb.product == NULL) { fill_out_product(p, pdev); } cb(xp, &pdev->base, pdev->usb.product, pdev->usb.manufacturer, pdev->usb.serial, ptr); } return 0; } static int get_entries(struct xrt_prober *xp, size_t *out_num_entries, struct xrt_prober_entry ***out_entries, struct xrt_auto_prober ***out_auto_probers) { struct prober *p = (struct prober *)xp; *out_num_entries = p->num_entries; *out_entries = p->entries; *out_auto_probers = p->auto_probers; return 0; } static int get_string_descriptor(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *xpdev, enum xrt_prober_string which_string, unsigned char *buffer, size_t max_length) { XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED struct prober *p = (struct prober *)xp; XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED struct prober_device *pdev = (struct prober_device *)xpdev; XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED int ret; #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUSB if (pdev->base.bus == XRT_BUS_TYPE_USB && pdev->usb.dev != NULL) { ret = p_libusb_get_string_descriptor(p, pdev, which_string, buffer, max_length); if (ret >= 0) { return ret; } } #endif if (pdev->base.bus == XRT_BUS_TYPE_BLUETOOTH && which_string == XRT_PROBER_STRING_SERIAL_NUMBER) { union { uint8_t arr[8]; uint64_t v; } u; u.v = pdev->bluetooth.id; return snprintf((char *)buffer, max_length, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", u.arr[5], u.arr[4], u.arr[3], u.arr[2], u.arr[1], u.arr[0]); } //! @todo add more backends //! @todo make this unicode (utf-16)? utf-8 would be better... return 0; } static bool can_open(struct xrt_prober *xp, struct xrt_prober_device *xpdev) { XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED struct prober *p = (struct prober *)xp; XRT_MAYBE_UNUSED struct prober_device *pdev = (struct prober_device *)xpdev; #ifdef XRT_HAVE_LIBUSB if (pdev->usb.dev != NULL) { return p_libusb_can_open(p, pdev); } #endif //! @todo add more backends return false; } static void destroy(struct xrt_prober **xp) { struct prober *p = (struct prober *)*xp; if (p == NULL) { return; } teardown(p); free(p); *xp = NULL; }