// Copyright 2019-2020, Collabora, Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /*! * @file * @brief Calibration code. * @author Pete Black * @author Jakob Bornecrantz * @author Ryan Pavlik * @ingroup aux_tracking */ #include "util/u_sink.h" #include "util/u_misc.h" #include "util/u_debug.h" #include "util/u_frame.h" #include "util/u_format.h" #include "util/u_logging.h" #include "tracking/t_tracking.h" #include "tracking/t_calibration_opencv.hpp" #include #include #include #if CV_MAJOR_VERSION >= 4 #define SB_CHEESBOARD_CORNERS_SUPPORTED #if CV_MINOR_VERSION >= 3 || CV_MAJOR_VERSION > 4 #define SB_CHEESBOARD_CORNERS_MARKER_SUPPORTED #endif #endif DEBUG_GET_ONCE_BOOL_OPTION(hsv_filter, "T_DEBUG_HSV_FILTER", false) DEBUG_GET_ONCE_BOOL_OPTION(hsv_picker, "T_DEBUG_HSV_PICKER", false) DEBUG_GET_ONCE_BOOL_OPTION(hsv_viewer, "T_DEBUG_HSV_VIEWER", false) namespace xrt::auxiliary::tracking { /* * * Structs * */ //! Model of the thing we are measuring to calibrate, 32 bit. typedef std::vector ModelF32; //! Model of the thing we are measuring to calibrate, 64 bit. typedef std::vector ModelF64; //! A measurement of the model as viewed on the camera. typedef std::vector MeasurementF32; //! In doubles, because OpenCV can't agree on a single type to use. typedef std::vector MeasurementF64; //! For each @ref MeasurementF32 we take we also save the @ref ModelF32. typedef std::vector ArrayOfModelF32s; //! For each @ref MeasurementF64 we take we also save the @ref ModelF64. typedef std::vector ArrayOfModelF64s; //! A array of @ref MeasurementF32. typedef std::vector ArrayOfMeasurementF32s; //! A array of @ref MeasurementF64. typedef std::vector ArrayOfMeasurementF64s; //! A array of bounding rects. typedef std::vector ArrayOfRects; /*! * Current state for each view, one view for mono cameras, two for stereo. */ struct ViewState { ArrayOfMeasurementF32s measured_f32 = {}; ArrayOfMeasurementF64s measured_f64 = {}; ArrayOfRects measured_bounds = {}; bool last_valid = false; MeasurementF64 last = {}; MeasurementF64 current_f64 = {}; MeasurementF32 current_f32 = {}; cv::Rect current_bounds = {}; cv::Rect pre_rect = {}; cv::Rect post_rect = {}; bool maps_valid = false; cv::Mat map1 = {}; cv::Mat map2 = {}; }; /*! * Main class for doing calibration. */ class Calibration { public: struct xrt_frame_sink base = {}; struct { cv::Mat rgb = {}; struct xrt_frame *frame = {}; struct xrt_frame_sink *sink = {}; } gui; struct { ModelF32 model_f32 = {}; ModelF64 model_f64 = {}; cv::Size dims = {8, 6}; enum t_board_pattern pattern = T_BOARD_CHECKERS; float spacing_meters = 0.05; bool marker; //!< Center board marker for sb_checkers. bool normalize_image; //!< For SB checkers. } board; struct { ViewState view[2] = {}; ArrayOfModelF32s board_models_f32 = {}; ArrayOfModelF64s board_models_f64 = {}; uint32_t calibration_count = {}; bool calibrated = false; uint32_t cooldown = 0; uint32_t waited_for = 0; uint32_t collected_of_part = 0; } state; struct { bool enabled = false; uint32_t num_images = 20; } load; //! Should we use subpixel enhancing for checkerboard. bool subpixel_enable = true; //! What subpixel range for checkerboard enhancement. int subpixel_size = 5; //! Number of frames to wait for cooldown. uint32_t num_cooldown_frames = 20; //! Number of frames to wait for before collecting. uint32_t num_wait_for = 5; //! Total number of samples to collect. uint32_t num_collect_total = 20; //! Number of frames to capture before restarting. uint32_t num_collect_restart = 1; //! Is the camera fisheye. bool use_fisheye = false; //! From parameters. bool stereo_sbs = false; //! Should we clear the frame. bool clear_frame = false; //! Dump all of the measurements to stdout. bool dump_measurements = false; //! Should we save images used for capture. bool save_images = false; //! Should we mirror the rgb images. bool mirror_rgb_image = false; cv::Mat gray = {}; char text[512] = {}; t_calibration_status *status; }; /* * * Small helpers. * */ static void to_stdout(const char *name, const cv::Mat &mat) { std::cout << name << " " << mat.size() << ":\n" << mat << "\n"; } static void refresh_gui_frame(class Calibration &c, int rows, int cols) { // Also dereferences the old frame. u_frame_create_one_off(XRT_FORMAT_R8G8B8, cols, rows, &c.gui.frame); c.gui.rgb = cv::Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, c.gui.frame->data, c.gui.frame->stride); } static void send_rgb_frame(class Calibration &c) { c.gui.sink->push_frame(c.gui.sink, c.gui.frame); refresh_gui_frame(c, c.gui.rgb.rows, c.gui.rgb.cols); } static void ensure_buffers_are_allocated(class Calibration &c, int rows, int cols) { if (c.gui.rgb.cols == cols && c.gui.rgb.rows == rows) { return; } // If our rgb is not allocated but our gray already is, alloc our rgb // now. We will end up in this path if we receive L8 format. if (c.gray.cols == cols && c.gray.rows == rows) { refresh_gui_frame(c, rows, cols); return; } c.gray = cv::Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0)); refresh_gui_frame(c, rows, cols); } static void print_txt(cv::Mat &rgb, const char *text, double fontScale) { int fontFace = 0; int thickness = 2; cv::Size textSize = cv::getTextSize(text, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, NULL); cv::Point textOrg((rgb.cols - textSize.width) / 2, textSize.height * 2); cv::putText(rgb, text, textOrg, fontFace, fontScale, cv::Scalar(192, 192, 192), thickness); } static void make_gui_str(class Calibration &c) { auto &rgb = c.gui.rgb; int cols = 800; int rows = 100; ensure_buffers_are_allocated(c, rows, cols); cv::rectangle(rgb, cv::Point2f(0, 0), cv::Point2f(cols, rows), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), -1, 0); print_txt(rgb, c.text, 1.0); send_rgb_frame(c); } /*! * Simple helper to draw a bounding rect. */ static void draw_rect(cv::Mat &rgb, const cv::Rect &rect, const cv::Scalar &colour) { cv::rectangle(rgb, rect.tl(), rect.br(), colour); } static void do_view_coverage(class Calibration &c, struct ViewState &view, cv::Mat &gray, cv::Mat &rgb, bool found) { // Get the current bounding rect. view.current_bounds = cv::boundingRect(view.current_f32); // Compute our 'pre sample' coverage for this frame, // for display and area threshold checking. std::vector coverage; coverage.reserve(view.measured_bounds.size() * 2 + 2); for (const cv::Rect &brect : view.measured_bounds) { draw_rect(rgb, brect, cv::Scalar(0, 64, 32)); coverage.emplace_back(brect.tl()); coverage.emplace_back(brect.br()); } // What area of the camera have we calibrated. view.pre_rect = cv::boundingRect(coverage); draw_rect(rgb, view.pre_rect, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255)); if (found) { coverage.emplace_back(view.current_bounds.tl()); coverage.emplace_back(view.current_bounds.br()); // New area we cover. view.post_rect = cv::boundingRect(coverage); draw_rect(rgb, view.post_rect, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0)); } // Draw the checker board, will also draw partial hits. cv::drawChessboardCorners(rgb, c.board.dims, view.current_f32, found); } static bool do_view_chess(class Calibration &c, struct ViewState &view, cv::Mat &gray, cv::Mat &rgb) { /* * Fisheye requires measurement and model to be double, other functions * requires them to be floats (like cornerSubPix). So we give in * current_f32 here and convert below. */ int flags = 0; flags += cv::CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK; flags += cv::CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH; flags += cv::CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE; bool found = cv::findChessboardCorners(gray, // Image c.board.dims, // patternSize view.current_f32, // corners flags); // flags // Improve the corner positions. if (found && c.subpixel_enable) { int crit_flag = 0; crit_flag |= cv::TermCriteria::EPS; crit_flag |= cv::TermCriteria::COUNT; cv::TermCriteria term_criteria = {crit_flag, 30, 0.1}; cv::Size size(c.subpixel_size, c.subpixel_size); cv::Size zero(-1, -1); cv::cornerSubPix(gray, view.current_f32, size, zero, term_criteria); } // Do the conversion here. view.current_f64.clear(); // Doesn't effect capacity. for (const cv::Point2f &p : view.current_f32) { view.current_f64.emplace_back(double(p.x), double(p.y)); } do_view_coverage(c, view, gray, rgb, found); return found; } #ifdef SB_CHEESBOARD_CORNERS_SUPPORTED static bool do_view_sb_checkers(class Calibration &c, struct ViewState &view, cv::Mat &gray, cv::Mat &rgb) { /* * Fisheye requires measurement and model to be double, other functions * requires them to be floats (like cornerSubPix). So we give in * current_f32 here and convert below. */ int flags = 0; if (c.board.normalize_image) { flags += cv::CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE; } #ifdef SB_CHEESBOARD_CORNERS_MARKER_SUPPORTED if (c.board.marker) { // Only available in OpenCV 4.3 and newer. flags += cv::CALIB_CB_MARKER; } #endif bool found = cv::findChessboardCornersSB(gray, // Image c.board.dims, // patternSize view.current_f32, // corners flags); // flags // Do the conversion here. view.current_f64.clear(); // Doesn't effect capacity. for (const cv::Point2f &p : view.current_f32) { view.current_f64.emplace_back(double(p.x), double(p.y)); } do_view_coverage(c, view, gray, rgb, found); return found; } #endif static bool do_view_circles(class Calibration &c, struct ViewState &view, cv::Mat &gray, cv::Mat &rgb) { /* * Fisheye requires measurement and model to be double, other functions * requires them to be floats (like drawChessboardCorners). So we give * in current here for highest precision and convert below. */ int flags = 0; if (c.board.pattern == T_BOARD_ASYMMETRIC_CIRCLES) { flags |= cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID; } bool found = cv::findCirclesGrid(gray, // Image c.board.dims, // patternSize view.current_f64, // corners flags); // flags // Convert here so that displaying also works. view.current_f32.clear(); // Doesn't effect capacity. for (const cv::Point2d &p : view.current_f64) { view.current_f32.emplace_back(float(p.x), float(p.y)); } do_view_coverage(c, view, gray, rgb, found); return found; } static bool do_view(class Calibration &c, struct ViewState &view, cv::Mat &gray, cv::Mat &rgb) { bool found = false; switch (c.board.pattern) { case T_BOARD_CHECKERS: // found = do_view_chess(c, view, gray, rgb); break; #ifdef SB_CHEESBOARD_CORNERS_SUPPORTED case T_BOARD_SB_CHECKERS: // found = do_view_sb_checkers(c, view, gray, rgb); break; #endif case T_BOARD_CIRCLES: // found = do_view_circles(c, view, gray, rgb); break; case T_BOARD_ASYMMETRIC_CIRCLES: // found = do_view_circles(c, view, gray, rgb); break; default: assert(false); } if (c.mirror_rgb_image) { cv::flip(rgb, rgb, +1); } return found; } static void remap_view(class Calibration &c, struct ViewState &view, cv::Mat &rgb) { if (!view.maps_valid) { return; } cv::remap(rgb, // src rgb, // dst view.map1, // map1 view.map2, // map2 cv::INTER_LINEAR, // interpolation cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, // borderMode cv::Scalar()); // borderValue } static void build_board_position(class Calibration &c) { int cols_num = c.board.dims.width; int rows_num = c.board.dims.height; float size_meters = c.board.spacing_meters; switch (c.board.pattern) { case T_BOARD_CHECKERS: case T_BOARD_SB_CHECKERS: case T_BOARD_CIRCLES: // Nothing to do. break; case T_BOARD_ASYMMETRIC_CIRCLES: // From diagonal size to "square" size. size_meters = sqrt((size_meters * size_meters) / 2.0); break; } switch (c.board.pattern) { case T_BOARD_CHECKERS: case T_BOARD_SB_CHECKERS: case T_BOARD_CIRCLES: c.board.model_f32.reserve(rows_num * cols_num); c.board.model_f64.reserve(rows_num * cols_num); for (int i = 0; i < rows_num; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < cols_num; ++j) { cv::Point3d p = { j * size_meters, i * size_meters, 0.0f, }; c.board.model_f32.emplace_back(p); c.board.model_f64.emplace_back(p); } } break; case T_BOARD_ASYMMETRIC_CIRCLES: c.board.model_f32.reserve(rows_num * cols_num); c.board.model_f64.reserve(rows_num * cols_num); for (int i = 0; i < rows_num; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < cols_num; ++j) { cv::Point3d p = { (2 * j + i % 2) * size_meters, i * size_meters, 0.0f, }; c.board.model_f32.emplace_back(p); c.board.model_f64.emplace_back(p); } } break; } } static void push_model(Calibration &c) { c.state.board_models_f32.push_back(c.board.model_f32); c.state.board_models_f64.push_back(c.board.model_f64); } static void push_measurement(ViewState &view) { view.measured_f32.push_back(view.current_f32); view.measured_f64.push_back(view.current_f64); view.measured_bounds.push_back(view.current_bounds); } /*! * Returns true if any one of the measurement points have moved. */ static bool has_measurement_moved(MeasurementF64 &last, MeasurementF64 ¤t) { if (last.size() != current.size()) { return true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < last.size(); ++i) { float x = last[i].x - current[i].x; float y = last[i].y - current[i].y; // Distance squard in pixels. if ((x * x + y * y) >= 3.0) { return true; } } return false; } static bool moved_state_check(struct ViewState &view) { bool moved = false; if (view.last_valid) { moved = has_measurement_moved(view.last, view.current_f64); } // Now save the current measurement to the last one. view.last = view.current_f64; view.last_valid = true; return moved; } /* * * Stereo calibration * */ #define P(...) snprintf(c.text, sizeof(c.text), __VA_ARGS__) XRT_NO_INLINE static void process_stereo_samples(class Calibration &c, int cols, int rows) { c.state.calibrated = true; cv::Size image_size(cols, rows); cv::Size new_image_size(cols, rows); StereoCameraCalibrationWrapper wrapped(c.use_fisheye ? T_DISTORTION_FISHEYE_KB4 : T_DISTORTION_OPENCV_RADTAN_5); wrapped.view[0].image_size_pixels.w = image_size.width; wrapped.view[0].image_size_pixels.h = image_size.height; wrapped.view[1].image_size_pixels = wrapped.view[0].image_size_pixels; float rp_error = 0.0f; if (c.use_fisheye) { int flags = 0; flags |= cv::fisheye::CALIB_FIX_SKEW; flags |= cv::fisheye::CALIB_RECOMPUTE_EXTRINSIC; // fisheye version rp_error = cv::fisheye::stereoCalibrate(c.state.board_models_f64, // objectPoints c.state.view[0].measured_f64, // inagePoints1 c.state.view[1].measured_f64, // imagePoints2 wrapped.view[0].intrinsics_mat, // cameraMatrix1 wrapped.view[0].distortion_mat, // distCoeffs1 wrapped.view[1].intrinsics_mat, // cameraMatrix2 wrapped.view[1].distortion_mat, // distCoeffs2 image_size, // imageSize wrapped.camera_rotation_mat, // R wrapped.camera_translation_mat, // T flags); } else { // non-fisheye version int flags = 0; // Insists on 32-bit floats for object points and image points rp_error = cv::stereoCalibrate(c.state.board_models_f32, // objectPoints c.state.view[0].measured_f32, // inagePoints1 c.state.view[1].measured_f32, // imagePoints2, wrapped.view[0].intrinsics_mat, // cameraMatrix1 wrapped.view[0].distortion_mat, // distCoeffs1 wrapped.view[1].intrinsics_mat, // cameraMatrix2 wrapped.view[1].distortion_mat, // distCoeffs2 image_size, // imageSize wrapped.camera_rotation_mat, // R wrapped.camera_translation_mat, // T wrapped.camera_essential_mat, // E wrapped.camera_fundamental_mat, // F flags); // flags } // Tell the user what has happened. P("CALIBRATION DONE RP ERROR %f", rp_error); // Preview undistortion/rectification. StereoRectificationMaps maps(wrapped.base); c.state.view[0].map1 = maps.view[0].rectify.remap_x; c.state.view[0].map2 = maps.view[0].rectify.remap_y; c.state.view[0].maps_valid = true; c.state.view[1].map1 = maps.view[1].rectify.remap_x; c.state.view[1].map2 = maps.view[1].rectify.remap_y; c.state.view[1].maps_valid = true; std::cout << "#####\n"; std::cout << "calibration rp_error: " << rp_error << "\n"; to_stdout("camera_rotation", wrapped.camera_rotation_mat); to_stdout("camera_translation", wrapped.camera_translation_mat); if (!c.use_fisheye) { to_stdout("camera_essential", wrapped.camera_essential_mat); to_stdout("camera_fundamental", wrapped.camera_fundamental_mat); } to_stdout("disparity_to_depth", maps.disparity_to_depth_mat); std::cout << "#####\n"; to_stdout("view[0].distortion", wrapped.view[0].distortion_mat); to_stdout("view[0].intrinsics", wrapped.view[0].intrinsics_mat); to_stdout("view[0].projection", maps.view[0].projection_mat); to_stdout("view[0].rotation", maps.view[0].rotation_mat); std::cout << "#####\n"; to_stdout("view[1].distortion", wrapped.view[1].distortion_mat); to_stdout("view[1].intrinsics", wrapped.view[1].intrinsics_mat); to_stdout("view[1].projection", maps.view[1].projection_mat); to_stdout("view[1].rotation", maps.view[1].rotation_mat); // Validate that nothing has been re-allocated. assert(wrapped.isDataStorageValid()); if (c.status != NULL) { t_stereo_camera_calibration_reference(&c.status->stereo_data, wrapped.base); } } static void process_view_samples(class Calibration &c, struct ViewState &view, int cols, int rows) { const cv::Size image_size = {cols, rows}; double rp_error = 0.f; cv::Mat intrinsics_mat = {}; cv::Mat new_intrinsics_mat = {}; cv::Mat distortion_mat = {}; if (c.dump_measurements) { U_LOG_RAW("...measured = (ArrayOfMeasurements){"); for (MeasurementF32 &m : view.measured_f32) { U_LOG_RAW(" {"); for (cv::Point2f &p : m) { U_LOG_RAW(" {%+ff, %+ff},", p.x, p.y); } U_LOG_RAW(" },"); } U_LOG_RAW("};"); } if (c.use_fisheye) { int crit_flag = 0; crit_flag |= cv::TermCriteria::EPS; crit_flag |= cv::TermCriteria::COUNT; cv::TermCriteria term_criteria = {crit_flag, 100, DBL_EPSILON}; int flags = 0; flags |= cv::fisheye::CALIB_FIX_SKEW; flags |= cv::fisheye::CALIB_RECOMPUTE_EXTRINSIC; #if 0 flags |= cv::fisheye::CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT; #endif rp_error = cv::fisheye::calibrate(c.state.board_models_f64, // objectPoints view.measured_f64, // imagePoints image_size, // image_size intrinsics_mat, // K (cameraMatrix 3x3) distortion_mat, // D (distCoeffs 4x1) cv::noArray(), // rvecs cv::noArray(), // tvecs flags, // flags term_criteria); // criteria double balance = 0.1f; cv::fisheye::estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(intrinsics_mat, // K distortion_mat, // D image_size, // image_size cv::Matx33d::eye(), // R new_intrinsics_mat, // P balance); // balance // Probably a busted work-around for busted function. new_intrinsics_mat.at(0, 2) = (cols - 1) / 2.0; new_intrinsics_mat.at(1, 2) = (rows - 1) / 2.0; } else { int flags = 0; // Go all out. flags |= cv::CALIB_THIN_PRISM_MODEL; flags |= cv::CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL; flags |= cv::CALIB_TILTED_MODEL; rp_error = cv::calibrateCamera( // c.state.board_models_f32, // objectPoints view.measured_f32, // imagePoints image_size, // imageSize intrinsics_mat, // cameraMatrix distortion_mat, // distCoeffs cv::noArray(), // rvecs cv::noArray(), // tvecs flags); // flags // Currently see as much as possible of the original image. float alpha = 1.0; // Create the new camera matrix. new_intrinsics_mat = cv::getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(intrinsics_mat, // cameraMatrix distortion_mat, // distCoeffs image_size, // imageSize alpha, // alpha cv::Size(), // newImgSize NULL, // validPixROI false); // centerPrincipalPoint } P("CALIBRATION DONE RP ERROR %f", rp_error); // clang-format off std::cout << "image_size: " << image_size << "\n"; std::cout << "rp_error: " << rp_error << "\n"; std::cout << "intrinsics_mat:\n" << intrinsics_mat << "\n"; std::cout << "new_intrinsics_mat:\n" << new_intrinsics_mat << "\n"; std::cout << "distortion_mat:\n" << distortion_mat << "\n"; // clang-format on if (c.use_fisheye) { cv::fisheye::initUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsics_mat, // K distortion_mat, // D cv::Matx33d::eye(), // R new_intrinsics_mat, // P image_size, // size CV_32FC1, // m1type view.map1, // map1 view.map2); // map2 // Set the maps as valid. view.maps_valid = true; } else { cv::initUndistortRectifyMap( // intrinsics_mat, // K distortion_mat, // D cv::noArray(), // R new_intrinsics_mat, // P image_size, // size CV_32FC1, // m1type view.map1, // map1 view.map2); // map2 // Set the maps as valid. view.maps_valid = true; } c.state.calibrated = true; } static void update_public_status(class Calibration &c, bool found) { if (c.status != NULL) { int num = (int)c.state.board_models_f32.size(); c.status->num_collected = num; c.status->cooldown = c.state.cooldown; c.status->waits_remaining = c.state.waited_for; c.status->found = found; } } /*! * Logic for capturing a frame. */ static void do_capture_logic_mono(class Calibration &c, struct ViewState &view, bool found, cv::Mat &gray, cv::Mat &rgb) { int num = (int)c.state.board_models_f32.size(); int of = c.num_collect_total; P("(%i/%i) SHOW BOARD", num, of); update_public_status(c, found); if (c.state.cooldown > 0) { P("(%i/%i) MOVE BOARD TO NEW POSITION", num, of); c.state.cooldown--; return; } // We haven't found anything, reset to be beginning. if (!found) { c.state.waited_for = c.num_wait_for; c.state.collected_of_part = 0; view.last_valid = false; return; } // We are still waiting for frames. if (c.state.waited_for > 0) { P("(%i/%i) WAITING %i FRAMES", num, of, c.state.waited_for); c.state.waited_for--; if (moved_state_check(view)) { P("(%i/%i) KEEP BOARD STILL!", num, of); c.state.waited_for = c.num_wait_for; c.state.collected_of_part = 0; } return; } if (c.save_images) { char buf[512]; snprintf(buf, 512, "gray_%ix%i_%03i.png", gray.cols, gray.rows, (int)view.measured_f32.size()); cv::imwrite(buf, gray); snprintf(buf, 512, "debug_rgb_%03i.jpg", (int)view.measured_f32.size()); cv::imwrite(buf, rgb); } push_model(c); push_measurement(view); c.state.collected_of_part++; P("(%i/%i) COLLECTED #%i", num, of, c.state.collected_of_part); // Have we collected all of the frames for one part? if (c.state.collected_of_part >= c.num_collect_restart) { c.state.waited_for = c.num_wait_for; c.state.collected_of_part = 0; c.state.cooldown = c.num_cooldown_frames; return; } } /*! * Capture logic for stereo frames. */ static void do_capture_logic_stereo(class Calibration &c, cv::Mat &gray, cv::Mat &rgb, bool l_found, struct ViewState &l_view, cv::Mat &l_gray, cv::Mat &l_rgb, bool r_found, struct ViewState &r_view, cv::Mat &r_gray, cv::Mat &r_rgb) { bool found = l_found && r_found; int num = (int)c.state.board_models_f32.size(); int of = c.num_collect_total; P("(%i/%i) SHOW BOARD %i %i", num, of, l_found, r_found); update_public_status(c, found); if (c.state.cooldown > 0) { P("(%i/%i) MOVE BOARD TO NEW POSITION", num, of); c.state.cooldown--; return; } // We haven't found anything, reset to be beginning. if (!found) { c.state.waited_for = c.num_wait_for; c.state.collected_of_part = 0; l_view.last_valid = false; r_view.last_valid = false; return; } // We are still waiting for frames. if (c.state.waited_for > 0) { P("(%i/%i) WAITING %i FRAMES", num, of, c.state.waited_for); c.state.waited_for--; bool l_moved = moved_state_check(l_view); bool r_moved = moved_state_check(r_view); bool moved = l_moved || r_moved; if (moved) { P("(%i/%i) KEEP BOARD STILL!", num, of); c.state.waited_for = c.num_wait_for; c.state.collected_of_part = 0; } return; } if (c.save_images) { char buf[512]; snprintf(buf, 512, "gray_%ix%i_%03i.png", gray.cols, gray.rows, (int)c.state.board_models_f32.size()); cv::imwrite(buf, gray); snprintf(buf, 512, "debug_rgb_%03i.jpg", (int)c.state.board_models_f32.size()); cv::imwrite(buf, rgb); } push_model(c); push_measurement(c.state.view[0]); push_measurement(c.state.view[1]); c.state.collected_of_part++; P("(%i/%i) COLLECTED #%i", num, of, c.state.collected_of_part); // Have we collected all of the frames for one part? if (c.state.collected_of_part >= c.num_collect_restart) { c.state.waited_for = c.num_wait_for; c.state.collected_of_part = 0; c.state.cooldown = c.num_cooldown_frames; return; } } /*! * Make a mono frame. */ static void make_calibration_frame_mono(class Calibration &c) { auto &rgb = c.gui.rgb; auto &gray = c.gray; bool found = do_view(c, c.state.view[0], gray, rgb); // Advance the state of the calibration. do_capture_logic_mono(c, c.state.view[0], found, gray, rgb); if (c.state.board_models_f32.size() >= c.num_collect_total) { process_view_samples(c, c.state.view[0], rgb.cols, rgb.rows); } // Draw text and finally send the frame off. print_txt(rgb, c.text, 1.5); send_rgb_frame(c); } /*! * Make a stereo frame side by side. */ static void make_calibration_frame_sbs(class Calibration &c) { auto &rgb = c.gui.rgb; auto &gray = c.gray; int cols = rgb.cols / 2; int rows = rgb.rows; // Split left and right eyes, don't make any copies. cv::Mat l_gray(rows, cols, CV_8UC1, gray.data, gray.cols); cv::Mat r_gray(rows, cols, CV_8UC1, gray.data + cols, gray.cols); cv::Mat l_rgb(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, c.gui.frame->data, c.gui.frame->stride); cv::Mat r_rgb(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, c.gui.frame->data + 3 * cols, c.gui.frame->stride); bool found_left = do_view(c, c.state.view[0], l_gray, l_rgb); bool found_right = do_view(c, c.state.view[1], r_gray, r_rgb); do_capture_logic_stereo(c, gray, rgb, found_left, c.state.view[0], l_gray, l_rgb, found_right, c.state.view[1], r_gray, r_rgb); if (c.state.board_models_f32.size() >= c.num_collect_total) { process_stereo_samples(c, cols, rows); } // Draw text and finally send the frame off. print_txt(rgb, c.text, 1.5); send_rgb_frame(c); } static void make_calibration_frame(class Calibration &c, struct xrt_frame *xf) { switch (xf->stereo_format) { case XRT_STEREO_FORMAT_SBS: make_calibration_frame_sbs(c); break; case XRT_STEREO_FORMAT_NONE: make_calibration_frame_mono(c); break; default: P("ERROR: Unknown stereo format! '%i'", xf->stereo_format); make_gui_str(c); return; } if (c.status != NULL && c.state.calibrated) { c.status->finished = true; } } static void make_remap_view(class Calibration &c, struct xrt_frame *xf) { cv::Mat &rgb = c.gui.rgb; struct xrt_frame &frame = *c.gui.frame; switch (xf->stereo_format) { case XRT_STEREO_FORMAT_SBS: { int cols = rgb.cols / 2; int rows = rgb.rows; cv::Mat l_rgb(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, frame.data, frame.stride); cv::Mat r_rgb(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, frame.data + 3 * cols, frame.stride); remap_view(c, c.state.view[0], l_rgb); remap_view(c, c.state.view[1], r_rgb); } break; case XRT_STEREO_FORMAT_NONE: { remap_view(c, c.state.view[0], rgb); } break; default: P("ERROR: Unknown stereo format! '%i'", xf->stereo_format); make_gui_str(c); return; } } /* * * Main functions. * */ XRT_NO_INLINE static void process_frame_l8(class Calibration &c, struct xrt_frame *xf) { int w = (int)xf->width; int h = (int)xf->height; cv::Mat data(h, w, CV_8UC1, xf->data, xf->stride); c.gray = data; ensure_buffers_are_allocated(c, data.rows, data.cols); c.gui.frame->source_sequence = xf->source_sequence; cv::cvtColor(data, c.gui.rgb, cv::COLOR_GRAY2RGB); } XRT_NO_INLINE static void process_frame_yuv(class Calibration &c, struct xrt_frame *xf) { int w = (int)xf->width; int h = (int)xf->height; cv::Mat data(h, w, CV_8UC3, xf->data, xf->stride); ensure_buffers_are_allocated(c, data.rows, data.cols); c.gui.frame->source_sequence = xf->source_sequence; cv::cvtColor(data, c.gui.rgb, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB); cv::cvtColor(c.gui.rgb, c.gray, cv::COLOR_RGB2GRAY); } XRT_NO_INLINE static void process_frame_yuyv(class Calibration &c, struct xrt_frame *xf) { /* * Cleverly extract the different channels. * Cr/Cb are extracted at half width. */ int w = (int)xf->width; int h = (int)xf->height; cv::Mat data_full(h, w, CV_8UC2, xf->data, xf->stride); ensure_buffers_are_allocated(c, data_full.rows, data_full.cols); c.gui.frame->source_sequence = xf->source_sequence; cv::cvtColor(data_full, c.gui.rgb, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB_YUYV); cv::cvtColor(data_full, c.gray, cv::COLOR_YUV2GRAY_YUYV); } XRT_NO_INLINE static void process_frame_uyvy(class Calibration &c, struct xrt_frame *xf) { /* * Cleverly extract the different channels. * Cr/Cb are extracted at half width. */ int w = (int)xf->width; int h = (int)xf->height; cv::Mat data_full(h, w, CV_8UC2, xf->data, xf->stride); ensure_buffers_are_allocated(c, data_full.rows, data_full.cols); c.gui.frame->source_sequence = xf->source_sequence; cv::cvtColor(data_full, c.gui.rgb, cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB_UYVY); cv::cvtColor(data_full, c.gray, cv::COLOR_YUV2GRAY_UYVY); } XRT_NO_INLINE static void process_frame_rgb(class Calibration &c, struct xrt_frame *xf) { int w = (int)xf->width; int h = (int)xf->height; cv::Mat rgb_data(h, w, CV_8UC3, xf->data, xf->stride); ensure_buffers_are_allocated(c, rgb_data.rows, rgb_data.cols); c.gui.frame->source_sequence = xf->source_sequence; cv::cvtColor(rgb_data, c.gray, cv::COLOR_RGB2GRAY); rgb_data.copyTo(c.gui.rgb); } XRT_NO_INLINE static void process_load_image(class Calibration &c, struct xrt_frame *xf) { char buf[512]; // We need to change the settings for frames to make it work. uint32_t num_collect_restart = 1; uint32_t num_cooldown_frames = 0; uint32_t num_wait_for = 0; std::swap(c.num_collect_restart, num_collect_restart); std::swap(c.num_cooldown_frames, num_cooldown_frames); std::swap(c.num_wait_for, num_wait_for); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c.load.num_images; i++) { // Early out if the user requested less images. if (c.state.calibrated) { break; } snprintf(buf, 512, "gray_%ux%u_%03i.png", xf->width, xf->height, i); c.gray = cv::imread(buf, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); if (c.gray.rows == 0 || c.gray.cols == 0) { U_LOG_E("Could not find image '%s'!", buf); continue; } if (c.gray.rows != (int)xf->height || c.gray.cols != (int)xf->width) { U_LOG_E( "Image size does not match frame size! Image: " "(%ix%i) Frame: (%ux%u)", c.gray.cols, c.gray.rows, xf->width, xf->height); continue; } // Create a new RGB image and then copy the gray data to it. refresh_gui_frame(c, c.gray.rows, c.gray.cols); cv::cvtColor(c.gray, c.gui.rgb, cv::COLOR_GRAY2RGB); if (c.stereo_sbs) { xf->stereo_format = XRT_STEREO_FORMAT_SBS; } // Call the normal frame processing now. make_calibration_frame(c, xf); } // Restore settings. c.num_collect_restart = num_collect_restart; c.num_cooldown_frames = num_cooldown_frames; c.num_wait_for = num_wait_for; c.load.enabled = false; } /* * * Interface functions. * */ extern "C" void t_calibration_frame(struct xrt_frame_sink *xsink, struct xrt_frame *xf) { auto &c = *(class Calibration *)xsink; if (c.load.enabled) { process_load_image(c, xf); } // Fill both c.gui.rgb and c.gray with the data we got. switch (xf->format) { case XRT_FORMAT_YUV888: process_frame_yuv(c, xf); break; case XRT_FORMAT_YUYV422: process_frame_yuyv(c, xf); break; case XRT_FORMAT_UYVY422: process_frame_uyvy(c, xf); break; case XRT_FORMAT_L8: process_frame_l8(c, xf); break; case XRT_FORMAT_R8G8B8: process_frame_rgb(c, xf); break; default: P("ERROR: Bad format '%s'", u_format_str(xf->format)); make_gui_str(c); return; } // Don't do anything if we are done. if (c.state.calibrated) { make_remap_view(c, xf); print_txt(c.gui.rgb, c.text, 1.5); send_rgb_frame(c); return; } // Clear our gui frame. if (c.clear_frame) { cv::rectangle(c.gui.rgb, cv::Point2f(0, 0), cv::Point2f(c.gui.rgb.cols, c.gui.rgb.rows), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), -1, 0); } make_calibration_frame(c, xf); } /* * * Exported functions. * */ extern "C" int t_calibration_stereo_create(struct xrt_frame_context *xfctx, const struct t_calibration_params *params, struct t_calibration_status *status, struct xrt_frame_sink *gui, struct xrt_frame_sink **out_sink) { #ifndef SB_CHEESBOARD_CORNERS_SUPPORTED if (params->pattern == T_BOARD_SB_CHECKERS) { U_LOG_E("OpenCV %u.%u doesn't support SB chessboard!", CV_MAJOR_VERSION, CV_MINOR_VERSION); return -1; } #endif #ifndef SB_CHEESBOARD_CORNERS_MARKER_SUPPORTED if (params->pattern == T_BOARD_SB_CHECKERS && params->sb_checkers.marker) { U_LOG_W("OpenCV %u.%u doesn't support SB chessboard marker option!", CV_MAJOR_VERSION, CV_MINOR_VERSION); } #endif auto &c = *(new Calibration()); // Basic setup. c.gui.sink = gui; c.base.push_frame = t_calibration_frame; *out_sink = &c.base; // Copy the parameters. c.use_fisheye = params->use_fisheye; c.stereo_sbs = params->stereo_sbs; c.board.pattern = params->pattern; switch (params->pattern) { case T_BOARD_CHECKERS: c.board.dims = { params->checkers.cols - 1, params->checkers.rows - 1, }; c.board.spacing_meters = params->checkers.size_meters; c.subpixel_enable = params->checkers.subpixel_enable; c.subpixel_size = params->checkers.subpixel_size; break; case T_BOARD_SB_CHECKERS: c.board.dims = { params->sb_checkers.cols, params->sb_checkers.rows, }; c.board.spacing_meters = params->sb_checkers.size_meters; c.board.marker = params->sb_checkers.marker; c.board.normalize_image = params->sb_checkers.normalize_image; break; case T_BOARD_CIRCLES: c.board.dims = { params->circles.cols, params->circles.rows, }; c.board.spacing_meters = params->circles.distance_meters; break; case T_BOARD_ASYMMETRIC_CIRCLES: c.board.dims = { params->asymmetric_circles.cols, params->asymmetric_circles.rows, }; c.board.spacing_meters = params->asymmetric_circles.diagonal_distance_meters; break; default: assert(false); } c.num_cooldown_frames = params->num_cooldown_frames; c.num_wait_for = params->num_wait_for; c.num_collect_total = params->num_collect_total; c.num_collect_restart = params->num_collect_restart; c.load.enabled = params->load.enabled; c.load.num_images = params->load.num_images; c.mirror_rgb_image = params->mirror_rgb_image; c.save_images = params->save_images; c.status = status; // Setup a initial message. P("Waiting for camera"); make_gui_str(c); int ret = 0; if (debug_get_bool_option_hsv_filter()) { ret = t_debug_hsv_filter_create(xfctx, *out_sink, out_sink); } if (debug_get_bool_option_hsv_picker()) { ret = t_debug_hsv_picker_create(xfctx, *out_sink, out_sink); } if (debug_get_bool_option_hsv_viewer()) { ret = t_debug_hsv_viewer_create(xfctx, *out_sink, out_sink); } // Ensure we only get rgb, yuv, yuyv, uyvy or l8 frames. u_sink_create_to_rgb_yuv_yuyv_uyvy_or_l8(xfctx, *out_sink, out_sink); // Build the board model. build_board_position(c); // Pre allocate c.state.view[0].current_f32.reserve(c.board.model_f32.size()); c.state.view[0].current_f64.reserve(c.board.model_f64.size()); c.state.view[1].current_f32.reserve(c.board.model_f32.size()); c.state.view[1].current_f64.reserve(c.board.model_f64.size()); #if 0 c.state.view[0].measured = (ArrayOfMeasurements){ }; c.state.view[1].measured = (ArrayOfMeasurements){ }; for (Measurement &m : c.state.view[0].measured) { (void)m; push_model(c); } #endif return ret; } //! Helper for NormalizedCoordsCache constructors static inline std::vector generateInputCoordsAndReserveOutputCoords(const cv::Size &size, std::vector &outputCoords) { std::vector inputCoords; const auto n = size.width * size.height; assert(n != 0); inputCoords.reserve(n); for (int row = 0; row < size.height; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < size.width; ++col) { inputCoords.emplace_back(col, row); } } outputCoords.reserve(inputCoords.size()); return inputCoords; } //! Helper for NormalizedCoordsCache constructors static inline void populateCacheMats(const cv::Size &size, const std::vector &inputCoords, const std::vector &outputCoords, cv::Mat_ &cacheX, cv::Mat_ &cacheY) { assert(size.height != 0); assert(size.width != 0); cacheX.create(size); cacheY.create(size); const auto n = size.width * size.height; // Populate the cache matrices for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { auto input = cv::Point{int(inputCoords[i][0]), int(inputCoords[i][1])}; cacheX(input) = outputCoords[i][0]; cacheY(input) = outputCoords[i][1]; } } NormalizedCoordsCache::NormalizedCoordsCache(cv::Size size, // NOLINT // small, pass by value const cv::Matx33d &intrinsics, const cv::Matx &distortion) { std::vector outputCoords; std::vector inputCoords = generateInputCoordsAndReserveOutputCoords(size, outputCoords); // Undistort/reproject those coordinates in one call, to make use of // cached internal/intermediate computations. cv::undistortPoints(inputCoords, outputCoords, intrinsics, distortion); populateCacheMats(size, inputCoords, outputCoords, cacheX_, cacheY_); } NormalizedCoordsCache::NormalizedCoordsCache(cv::Size size, // NOLINT // small, pass by value const cv::Matx33d &intrinsics, const cv::Matx &distortion, const cv::Matx33d &rectification, const cv::Matx33d &new_camera_matrix) { std::vector outputCoords; std::vector inputCoords = generateInputCoordsAndReserveOutputCoords(size, outputCoords); // Undistort/reproject those coordinates in one call, to make use of // cached internal/intermediate computations. cv::undistortPoints(inputCoords, outputCoords, intrinsics, distortion, rectification, new_camera_matrix); populateCacheMats(size, inputCoords, outputCoords, cacheX_, cacheY_); } NormalizedCoordsCache::NormalizedCoordsCache(cv::Size size, // NOLINT // small, pass by value const cv::Matx33d &intrinsics, const cv::Matx &distortion, const cv::Matx33d &rectification, const cv::Matx &new_projection_matrix) { std::vector outputCoords; std::vector inputCoords = generateInputCoordsAndReserveOutputCoords(size, outputCoords); // Undistort/reproject those coordinates in one call, to make use of // cached internal/intermediate computations. cv::undistortPoints(inputCoords, outputCoords, intrinsics, distortion, rectification, new_projection_matrix); populateCacheMats(size, inputCoords, outputCoords, cacheX_, cacheY_); } NormalizedCoordsCache::NormalizedCoordsCache(cv::Size size, // NOLINT // small, pass by value const cv::Mat &intrinsics, const cv::Mat &distortion) { std::vector outputCoords; std::vector inputCoords = generateInputCoordsAndReserveOutputCoords(size, outputCoords); // Undistort/reproject those coordinates in one call, to make use of // cached internal/intermediate computations. cv::undistortPoints(inputCoords, outputCoords, intrinsics, distortion); populateCacheMats(size, inputCoords, outputCoords, cacheX_, cacheY_); } cv::Vec2f NormalizedCoordsCache::getNormalizedImageCoords( // NOLINTNEXTLINE // small, pass by value cv::Point2f origCoords) const { /* * getRectSubPix is more strict than the docs would imply: * * - Source must be 1 or 3 channels * - Can sample from u8 into u8, u8 into f32, or f32 into f32 - that's * it (though the latter is provided by a template function internally * so could be extended...) */ cv::Mat patch; cv::getRectSubPix(cacheX_, cv::Size(1, 1), origCoords, patch); auto x = patch.at(0, 0); cv::getRectSubPix(cacheY_, cv::Size(1, 1), origCoords, patch); auto y = patch.at(0, 0); return {x, y}; } cv::Vec3f NormalizedCoordsCache::getNormalizedVector(cv::Point2f origCoords) const { // cameras traditionally look along -z, so we want negative sqrt auto pt = getNormalizedImageCoords(std::move(origCoords)); auto z = -std::sqrt(1.f - pt.dot(pt)); return {pt[0], pt[1], z}; } } // namespace xrt::auxiliary::tracking