// Copyright 2022, Collabora, Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
 * @file
 * @brief Direct3D 12 tests.
 * @author Rylie Pavlik <rylie.pavlik@collabora.com>

#include "mock/mock_compositor.h"
#include "client/comp_d3d12_client.h"

#include "catch/catch.hpp"
#include "util/u_handles.h"

#include <d3d/d3d_dxgi_helpers.hpp>
#include <d3d/d3d_d3d12_helpers.hpp>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <util/u_win32_com_guard.hpp>

#include <d3d11_4.h>

using namespace xrt::auxiliary::d3d;
using namespace xrt::auxiliary::d3d::d3d12;
using namespace xrt::auxiliary::util;

TEST_CASE("d3d12_client_compositor", "[.][needgpu]")
	xrt_compositor_native *xcn = mock_create_native_compositor();
	struct mock_compositor *mc = mock_compositor(&(xcn->base));

	ComGuard comGuard;

	wil::com_ptr<ID3D12Device> device = createDevice();
	wil::com_ptr<ID3D12CommandQueue> queue;
	                              D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAG_NONE, 0};
	device->CreateCommandQueue(&desc, IID_PPV_ARGS(queue.put()));
	struct xrt_compositor_d3d12 *xcd3d = client_d3d12_compositor_create(xcn, device.get(), queue.get());
	struct xrt_compositor *xc = &xcd3d->base;

	SECTION("Swapchain create and import")
		struct Data
			bool nativeCreateCalled = false;

			bool nativeImportCalled = false;
		} data;
		mc->userdata = &data;
		mc->compositor_hooks.create_swapchain =
		    [](struct mock_compositor *mc, struct mock_compositor_swapchain *mcsc,
		       const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_swapchain **out_xsc) {
			    auto *data = static_cast<Data *>(mc->userdata);
			    data->nativeCreateCalled = true;
			    return XRT_SUCCESS;
		mc->compositor_hooks.import_swapchain =
		    [](struct mock_compositor *mc, struct mock_compositor_swapchain *mcsc,
		       const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_image_native *native_images,
		       uint32_t image_count, struct xrt_swapchain **out_xscc) {
			    auto *data = static_cast<Data *>(mc->userdata);
			    data->nativeImportCalled = true;
			    // need to release the native handles to avoid leaks
			    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image_count; ++i) {
				    if (!native_images[i].is_dxgi_handle) {
			    return XRT_SUCCESS;
		xrt_swapchain_create_info xsci{};
		xsci.format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB;
		xsci.bits = (xrt_swapchain_usage_bits)(XRT_SWAPCHAIN_USAGE_COLOR | XRT_SWAPCHAIN_USAGE_SAMPLED);
		xsci.sample_count = 1;
		xsci.width = 800;
		xsci.height = 600;
		xsci.face_count = 1;
		xsci.array_size = 1;
		xsci.mip_count = 1;
		SECTION("Swapchain Create")
			struct xrt_swapchain *xsc = nullptr;
			// This will fail because the mock compositor doesn't actually import, but it will get far
			// enough to trigger our hook and update the flag.
			xrt_comp_create_swapchain(xc, &xsci, &xsc);
			// D3D always imports into the native compositor
			xrt_swapchain_reference(&xsc, nullptr);
