// Copyright 2019, Collabora, Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /*! * @file * @brief Calibration gui scene. * @author Jakob Bornecrantz * @ingroup gui */ #include "util/u_var.h" #include "util/u_misc.h" #include "util/u_sink.h" #ifdef XRT_HAVE_OPENCV #include "tracking/t_tracking.h" #endif #include "xrt/xrt_frame.h" #include "xrt/xrt_prober.h" #include "xrt/xrt_tracking.h" #include "xrt/xrt_frameserver.h" #include "gui_common.h" #include "gui_imgui.h" #include struct calibration_scene { struct gui_scene base; #ifdef XRT_HAVE_OPENCV struct t_calibration_params params; struct t_calibration_status status; #endif struct xrt_frame_context *xfctx; struct xrt_fs *xfs; size_t mode; }; /* * * Internal functions. * */ static void draw_texture(struct gui_ogl_texture *tex, bool header) { if (tex == NULL) { return; } ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_None; if (header && !igCollapsingHeader(tex->name, flags)) { return; } gui_ogl_sink_update(tex); int w = tex->w / (tex->half ? 2 : 1); int h = tex->h / (tex->half ? 2 : 1); ImVec2 size = {(float)w, (float)h}; ImVec2 uv0 = {0, 0}; ImVec2 uv1 = {1, 1}; ImVec4 white = {1, 1, 1, 1}; ImTextureID id = (ImTextureID)(intptr_t)tex->id; igImage(id, size, uv0, uv1, white, white); igText("Sequence %u", (uint32_t)tex->seq); char temp[512]; snprintf(temp, 512, "Half (%s)", tex->name); igCheckbox(temp, &tex->half); } static void render_progress(struct calibration_scene *cs) { #ifdef XRT_HAVE_OPENCV if (cs->status.finished) { igText( "Calibration complete - showing preview of undistortion."); return; } static const ImVec2 progress_dims = {150, 0}; if (cs->status.cooldown > 0) { // This progress bar intentionally counts down to 0. float cooldown = (float)(cs->status.cooldown) / (float)cs->params.num_cooldown_frames; igText("Move to a new position"); igProgressBar(cooldown, progress_dims, "Move to new position"); } else if (!cs->status.found) { // This progress bar is always zero: // comes before "hold still" igText("Show board"); igProgressBar(0.0f, progress_dims, "Show board"); } else { // This progress bar counts up from zero before // capturing. int waits_complete = cs->params.num_wait_for - cs->status.waits_remaining; float hold_completion = (float)waits_complete / (float)cs->params.num_wait_for; if (cs->status.waits_remaining == 0) { igText("Capturing and processing!"); } else { igText("Hold still! (%i/%i)", waits_complete, cs->params.num_wait_for); } igProgressBar(hold_completion, progress_dims, "Hold still!"); } float capture_completion = ((float)cs->status.num_collected) / (float)cs->params.num_collect_total; igText("Overall progress: %i of %i frames captured", cs->status.num_collected, cs->params.num_collect_total); igProgressBar(capture_completion, progress_dims, NULL); #else // Unused (void)cs; #endif // XRT_HAVE_OPENCV } static void scene_render_video(struct gui_scene *scene, struct gui_program *p) { struct calibration_scene *cs = (struct calibration_scene *)scene; igBegin("Calibration", NULL, 0); // Manipulated textures draw_texture(p->texs[0], false); // Progress widgets render_progress(cs); // Raw textures draw_texture(p->texs[1], true); for (size_t i = 2; i < ARRAY_SIZE(p->texs); i++) { draw_texture(p->texs[i], true); } igSeparator(); static ImVec2 button_dims = {0, 0}; if (igButton("Exit", button_dims)) { gui_scene_delete_me(p, &cs->base); } igEnd(); } static void scene_render_select(struct gui_scene *scene, struct gui_program *p) { struct calibration_scene *cs = (struct calibration_scene *)scene; #ifdef XRT_HAVE_OPENCV igBegin("Params", NULL, 0); // clang-format off igCheckbox("Fisheye Camera", &cs->params.use_fisheye); igSeparator(); igCheckbox("Mirror on-screen preview", &cs->params.mirror_rgb_image); igCheckbox("Save images", &cs->params.save_images); igSeparator(); igCheckbox("Load images (mono only)", &cs->params.load.enabled); if (cs->params.load.enabled) { igInputInt("# images", &cs->params.load.num_images, 1, 5, 0); } igSeparator(); igInputInt("Cooldown for # frames", &cs->params.num_cooldown_frames, 1, 5, 0); igInputInt("Wait for # frames (steady)", &cs->params.num_wait_for, 1, 5, 0); igInputInt("Collect # measurements", &cs->params.num_collect_total, 1, 5, 0); igInputInt("Collect in groups of #", &cs->params.num_collect_restart, 1, 5, 0); igSeparator(); igComboStr("Board type", (int*)&cs->params.pattern, "Checkers\0Circles\0Asymetric Circles\0\0", 3); switch (cs->params.pattern) { case T_BOARD_CHECKERS: igInputInt("Checkerboard Rows", &cs->params.checkers.rows, 1, 5, 0); igInputInt("Checkerboard Columns", &cs->params.checkers.cols, 1, 5, 0); igInputFloat("Checker Size (m)", &cs->params.checkers.size_meters, 0.0005, 0.001, NULL, 0); igCheckbox("Subpixel", &cs->params.checkers.subpixel_enable); igInputInt("Subpixel Search Size", &cs->params.checkers.subpixel_size, 1, 5, 0); break; case T_BOARD_CIRCLES: igInputInt("Circle Rows", &cs->params.circles.rows, 1, 5, 0); igInputInt("Circle Columns", &cs->params.circles.cols, 1, 5, 0); igInputFloat("Spacing (m)", &cs->params.circles.distance_meters, 0.0005, 0.001, NULL, 0); break; case T_BOARD_ASYMMETRIC_CIRCLES: igInputInt("Circle Rows", &cs->params.asymmetric_circles.rows, 1, 5, 0); igInputInt("Circle Columns", &cs->params.asymmetric_circles.cols, 1, 5, 0); igInputFloat("Diagonal spacing (m)", &cs->params.asymmetric_circles.diagonal_distance_meters, 0.0005, 0.001, NULL, 0); break; default: assert(false); } // clang-format on static ImVec2 button_dims = {0, 0}; igSeparator(); bool pressed = igButton("Done", button_dims); igEnd(); if (!pressed) { return; } cs->base.render = scene_render_video; struct xrt_frame_sink *rgb = NULL; struct xrt_frame_sink *raw = NULL; struct xrt_frame_sink *cali = NULL; p->texs[p->num_texs++] = gui_ogl_sink_create("Calibration", cs->xfctx, &rgb); u_sink_create_format_converter(cs->xfctx, XRT_FORMAT_R8G8B8, rgb, &rgb); u_sink_queue_create(cs->xfctx, rgb, &rgb); p->texs[p->num_texs++] = gui_ogl_sink_create("Raw", cs->xfctx, &raw); u_sink_create_format_converter(cs->xfctx, XRT_FORMAT_R8G8B8, raw, &raw); u_sink_queue_create(cs->xfctx, raw, &raw); t_calibration_stereo_create(cs->xfctx, &cs->params, &cs->status, rgb, &cali); u_sink_create_to_yuv_or_yuyv(cs->xfctx, cali, &cali); u_sink_queue_create(cs->xfctx, cali, &cali); u_sink_split_create(cs->xfctx, raw, cali, &cali); // Now that we have setup a node graph, start it. xrt_fs_stream_start(cs->xfs, cali, cs->mode); #else gui_scene_delete_me(p, &cs->base); #endif } static void scene_destroy(struct gui_scene *scene, struct gui_program *p) { struct calibration_scene *cs = (struct calibration_scene *)scene; if (cs->xfctx != NULL) { xrt_frame_context_destroy_nodes(cs->xfctx); cs->xfctx = NULL; } free(cs); } /* * * 'Exported' functions. * */ void gui_scene_calibrate(struct gui_program *p, struct xrt_frame_context *xfctx, struct xrt_fs *xfs, size_t mode) { struct calibration_scene *cs = U_TYPED_CALLOC(struct calibration_scene); #ifdef XRT_HAVE_OPENCV struct t_calibration_params def = T_CALIBRATION_DEFAULT_PARAMS; cs->params = def; #endif cs->base.render = scene_render_select; cs->base.destroy = scene_destroy; cs->xfctx = xfctx; cs->xfs = xfs; cs->mode = mode; gui_scene_push_front(p, &cs->base); }