// Copyright 2019, Collabora, Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /*! * @file * @brief C++ sensor fusion/filtering code that uses flexkalman * @author Ryan Pavlik * @ingroup aux_tracking */ #pragma once #ifndef __cplusplus #error "This header is C++-only." #endif #include "t_lowpass.h" #include "t_lowpass_vector.h" #include "math/m_api.h" #include "util/u_time.h" #include #include #include "flexkalman/EigenQuatExponentialMap.h" namespace xrt_fusion { class SimpleIMUFusion { public: EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW /*! * @param gravity_rate Value in [0, 1] indicating how much the * accelerometer should affect the orientation each second. */ explicit SimpleIMUFusion(double gravity_rate = 0.9) : gravity_scale_(gravity_rate) {} bool valid() const noexcept { return started_; } Eigen::Quaterniond getQuat() const { return quat_; } Eigen::Quaterniond getPredictedQuat(timepoint_ns timestamp) const { timepoint_ns state_time = std::max(last_accel_timestamp_, last_gyro_timestamp_); time_duration_ns delta_ns = (state_time == 0) ? 1e6 : timestamp - state_time; float dt = time_ns_to_s(delta_ns); return quat_ * flexkalman::util::quat_exp(angVel_ * dt * 0.5); } Eigen::Vector3d getRotationVec() const { return flexkalman::util::quat_ln(quat_); } //! in world space Eigen::Vector3d const & getAngVel() const { return angVel_; } bool handleGyro(Eigen::Vector3d const &gyro, timepoint_ns timestamp) { if (!started_) { return false; } time_duration_ns delta_ns = (last_gyro_timestamp_ == 0) ? 1e6 : timestamp - last_gyro_timestamp_; if (delta_ns > 1e10) { // Limit integration to 1/10th of a second // Does not affect updating the last gyro timestamp. delta_ns = 1e10; } float dt = time_ns_to_s(delta_ns); last_gyro_timestamp_ = timestamp; Eigen::Vector3d incRot = gyro * dt; // Crude handling of "approximately zero" if (incRot.squaredNorm() < 1.e-8) { return false; } angVel_ = gyro; // Update orientation quat_ = quat_ * flexkalman::util::quat_exp(incRot * 0.5); return true; } /*! * Returns a coefficient to correct the scale of the accelerometer * reading. */ double getAccelScaleFactor() const { return MATH_GRAVITY_M_S2 / gravity_filter_.getState(); } bool handleAccel(Eigen::Vector3d const &accel, timepoint_ns timestamp) { uint64_t delta_ns = (last_accel_timestamp_ == 0) ? 1e6 : timestamp - last_accel_timestamp_; float dt = time_ns_to_s(delta_ns); if (!started_) { auto diff = std::abs(accel.norm() - MATH_GRAVITY_M_S2); if (diff > 1.) { // We're moving, don't start it now. return false; } // Initially, just set it to totally trust gravity. started_ = true; quat_ = Eigen::Quaterniond::FromTwoVectors( accel.normalized(), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()); accel_filter_.addSample(accel, timestamp); gravity_filter_.addSample(accel.norm(), timestamp); last_accel_timestamp_ = timestamp; return true; } last_accel_timestamp_ = timestamp; accel_filter_.addSample(accel, timestamp); gravity_filter_.addSample(accel.norm(), timestamp); // Adjust scale of accelerometer Eigen::Vector3d adjusted_accel = accel_filter_.getState() * getAccelScaleFactor(); auto diff = std::abs(adjusted_accel.norm() - MATH_GRAVITY_M_S2); auto scale = 1. - diff; if (scale <= 0) { // Too far from gravity to be useful/trusted. return false; } // This should match the global gravity vector if the rotation // is right. Eigen::Vector3d measuredGravityDirection = (quat_ * adjusted_accel).normalized(); auto incremental = Eigen::Quaterniond::FromTwoVectors( measuredGravityDirection, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()); double alpha = scale * gravity_scale_ * dt; Eigen::Quaterniond scaledIncrementalQuat = Eigen::Quaterniond::Identity().slerp(alpha, incremental); // Update orientation quat_ = scaledIncrementalQuat * quat_; return true; } Eigen::Matrix3d getRotationMatrix() const { return quat_.toRotationMatrix(); } void postCorrect() { quat_.normalize(); } private: Eigen::Vector3d angVel_{Eigen::Vector3d::Zero()}; Eigen::Quaterniond quat_{Eigen::Quaterniond::Identity()}; double gravity_scale_; LowPassIIRVectorFilter<3, double> accel_filter_{ 200 /* hz cutoff frequency */}; LowPassIIRFilter gravity_filter_{1 /* hz cutoff frequency */}; uint64_t last_accel_timestamp_{0}; uint64_t last_gyro_timestamp_{0}; bool started_{false}; }; } // namespace xrt_fusion