// Copyright 2019, Collabora, Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /*! * @file * @brief PS Move tracker code that is expensive to compile. * * Typically built as a part of t_kalman.cpp to reduce incremental build times. * * @author Ryan Pavlik * @author Pete Black * @author Jakob Bornecrantz * @ingroup aux_tracking */ #include "tracking/t_fusion.hpp" #include "tracking/t_imu_fusion.hpp" #include "tracking/t_tracker_psmv_fusion.hpp" #include "math/m_api.h" #include "math/m_eigen_interop.hpp" #include "util/u_misc.h" #include "flexkalman/AbsoluteOrientationMeasurement.h" #include "flexkalman/FlexibleKalmanFilter.h" #include "flexkalman/FlexibleUnscentedCorrect.h" #include "flexkalman/PoseSeparatelyDampedConstantVelocity.h" #include "flexkalman/PoseState.h" namespace xrt::auxiliary::tracking { using namespace xrt::auxiliary::math; //! Anonymous namespace to hide implementation names namespace { using State = flexkalman::pose_externalized_rotation::State; using ProcessModel = flexkalman::PoseSeparatelyDampedConstantVelocityProcessModel; struct TrackingInfo { bool valid{false}; bool tracked{false}; }; class PSMVFusion : public PSMVFusionInterface { public: EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW void clear_position_tracked_flag() override; void process_imu_data(timepoint_ns timestamp_ns, const struct xrt_tracking_sample *sample, const struct xrt_vec3 *orientation_variance_optional) override; void process_3d_vision_data(timepoint_ns timestamp_ns, const struct xrt_vec3 *position, const struct xrt_vec3 *variance_optional, const struct xrt_vec3 *lever_arm_optional, float residual_limit) override; void get_prediction(timepoint_ns when_ns, struct xrt_space_relation *out_relation) override; private: void reset_filter(); void reset_filter_and_imu(); State filter_state; ProcessModel process_model; xrt::auxiliary::tracking::SimpleIMUFusion imu; timepoint_ns filter_time_ns{0}; bool tracked{false}; TrackingInfo orientation_state; TrackingInfo position_state; }; void PSMVFusion::clear_position_tracked_flag() { position_state.tracked = false; } void PSMVFusion::reset_filter() { filter_state = State{}; tracked = false; position_state = TrackingInfo{}; } void PSMVFusion::reset_filter_and_imu() { reset_filter(); orientation_state = TrackingInfo{}; imu = SimpleIMUFusion{}; } void PSMVFusion::process_imu_data(timepoint_ns timestamp_ns, const struct xrt_tracking_sample *sample, const struct xrt_vec3 *orientation_variance_optional) { Eigen::Vector3d variance = Eigen::Vector3d::Constant(0.01); if (orientation_variance_optional) { variance = map_vec3(*orientation_variance_optional).cast(); } imu.handleAccel(map_vec3(sample->accel_m_s2).cast(), timestamp_ns); imu.handleGyro(map_vec3(sample->gyro_rad_secs).cast(), timestamp_ns); imu.postCorrect(); //! @todo use better measurements instead of the above "simple //! fusion" if (filter_time_ns != 0 && filter_time_ns != timestamp_ns) { float dt = time_ns_to_s(timestamp_ns - filter_time_ns); assert(dt > 0); flexkalman::predict(filter_state, process_model, dt); } filter_time_ns = timestamp_ns; auto meas = flexkalman::AbsoluteOrientationMeasurement{ // Must rotate by 180 to align Eigen::Quaterniond(Eigen::AngleAxisd(EIGEN_PI, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())) * imu.getQuat(), variance}; if (flexkalman::correctUnscented(filter_state, meas)) { orientation_state.tracked = true; orientation_state.valid = true; } else { U_LOG_E( "Got non-finite something when filtering IMU - " "resetting filter and IMU fusion!"); reset_filter_and_imu(); } // 7200 deg/sec constexpr double max_rad_per_sec = 20 * double(EIGEN_PI) * 2; if (filter_state.angularVelocity().squaredNorm() > max_rad_per_sec * max_rad_per_sec) { U_LOG_E( "Got excessive angular velocity when filtering " "IMU - resetting filter and IMU fusion!"); reset_filter_and_imu(); } } void PSMVFusion::process_3d_vision_data(timepoint_ns timestamp_ns, const struct xrt_vec3 *position, const struct xrt_vec3 *variance_optional, const struct xrt_vec3 *lever_arm_optional, float residual_limit) { Eigen::Vector3f pos = map_vec3(*position); Eigen::Vector3d variance{1.e-4, 1.e-4, 4.e-4}; if (variance_optional) { variance = map_vec3(*variance_optional).cast(); } Eigen::Vector3d lever_arm{0, 0.09, 0}; if (lever_arm_optional) { lever_arm = map_vec3(*lever_arm_optional).cast(); } auto measurement = xrt::auxiliary::tracking::AbsolutePositionLeverArmMeasurement{pos.cast(), lever_arm, variance}; double resid = measurement.getResidual(filter_state).norm(); if (resid > residual_limit) { // Residual arbitrarily "too large" U_LOG_W( "measurement residual is %f, resetting " "filter state", resid); reset_filter(); return; } if (flexkalman::correctUnscented(filter_state, measurement)) { tracked = true; position_state.valid = true; position_state.tracked = true; } else { U_LOG_W( "Got non-finite something when filtering " "tracker - resetting filter!"); reset_filter(); } } void PSMVFusion::get_prediction(timepoint_ns when_ns, struct xrt_space_relation *out_relation) { if (out_relation == NULL) { return; } // Clear to sane values U_ZERO(out_relation); out_relation->pose.orientation.w = 1; if (!tracked || filter_time_ns == 0) { return; } float dt = time_ns_to_s(when_ns - filter_time_ns); auto predicted_state = flexkalman::getPrediction(filter_state, process_model, dt); map_vec3(out_relation->pose.position) = predicted_state.position().cast(); map_quat(out_relation->pose.orientation) = predicted_state.getQuaternion().cast(); map_vec3(out_relation->linear_velocity) = predicted_state.velocity().cast(); map_vec3(out_relation->angular_velocity) = predicted_state.angularVelocity().cast(); uint64_t flags = 0; if (position_state.valid) { flags |= XRT_SPACE_RELATION_POSITION_VALID_BIT; flags |= XRT_SPACE_RELATION_LINEAR_VELOCITY_VALID_BIT; if (position_state.tracked) { flags |= XRT_SPACE_RELATION_POSITION_TRACKED_BIT; } } if (orientation_state.valid) { flags |= XRT_SPACE_RELATION_ORIENTATION_VALID_BIT; flags |= XRT_SPACE_RELATION_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_VALID_BIT; if (orientation_state.tracked) { flags |= XRT_SPACE_RELATION_ORIENTATION_TRACKED_BIT; } } out_relation->relation_flags = (xrt_space_relation_flags)flags; } } // namespace std::unique_ptr PSMVFusionInterface::create() { auto ret = std::make_unique(); return ret; } } // namespace xrt::auxiliary::tracking