# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2023 Collabora, Ltd. and the Monado contributors {# ignore the warning, this is actually the template to edit. #} ###################################### # GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT # # see .gitlab-ci/ci.template instead # ###################################### {# useful links: https://freedesktop.pages.freedesktop.org/ci-templates/ https://freedesktop.pages.freedesktop.org/ci-templates/ci-fairy.html#templating-gitlab-ci-yml https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freedesktop/ci-templates Config file used for all templates: .gitlab-ci/config.yml .gitlab-ci.yml template: .gitlab-ci/ci.template .gitlab-ci/distributions template (for reprepro): .gitlab-ci/distributions.jinja .gitlab-ci/reprepro.sh template: .gitlab-ci/reprepro.sh.jinja The following will update all files from templates: make -f .gitlab-ci/ci-scripts.mk #} # Detached MR pipelines, needed due to https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freedesktop/freedesktop/-/issues/438 workflow: rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event' - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'push' variables: FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: monado/monado .templates_sha: &templates_sha {{fdo_ci_templates_sha}} include: {% for distro in distributions %} # {{ distro.name | capitalize }} - project: "freedesktop/ci-templates" ref: *templates_sha file: "/templates/{{distro.name}}.yml" {% endfor %} {% for distro in distributions -%} {%- for image in distro.images %} # Variables for build and usage of {{ distro.name|capitalize }} {{image.codename}} image .monado.variables.{{distro.name}}:{{image.codename}}: variables: FDO_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION: "{{ image["distro_version"] | default(image.codename) }}" FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: "{{image["tag"]}}" {% if "repo_suffix" in image %} FDO_REPO_SUFFIX: {{image["repo_suffix"]}} {% endif %} {% endfor -%} {%- endfor %} stages: - container_prep - build - package - reprepro - pages - deploy ### # Container prep jobs {%- for distro in distributions -%} {%- for image in distro.images %} # Make {{ distro.name|capitalize }} {{image.codename}} image {{distro.name}}:{{image.codename}}:container_prep: stage: container_prep extends: - .monado.variables.{{distro.name}}:{{image.codename}} - .fdo.container-build@{{distro.name}} # from ci-templates rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event' changes: - .gitlab-ci/**/* - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'push' changes: - .gitlab-ci/**/* variables: {# The packages list is actually a mapping, not an array, but the same syntax works. #} {# Needed to be a mapping so it could be "merged" #} FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: '{{image.packages | sort | join(" ")}}' {% if "script" in image %} FDO_DISTRIBUTION_EXEC: 'env FDO_CI_CONCURRENT=${FDO_CI_CONCURRENT} bash .gitlab-ci/{{image["script"]}}' {% endif %} {% endfor -%} {%- endfor %} {# Macro to compute job name to extend to use image given distro and image objects#} {% macro base_job_to_use_image(distro, image) %}.monado.image.{{distro.name}}:{{image.codename}}{% endmacro -%} ### # Container usage base jobs {% for distro in distributions -%} {%- for image in distro.images %} # Base for using {{ distro.name|capitalize }} {{image.codename}} image {{base_job_to_use_image(distro, image)}}: extends: - .monado.variables.{{distro.name}}:{{image.codename}} - .fdo.{{ "suffixed" if "repo_suffix" in image else "distribution" }}-image@{{distro.name}} # from ci-templates {% endfor -%} {%- endfor %} {# Macro to compute job name to extend to use image given a package we want#} {% macro base_job_to_use_image_containing(package) %} {% for distro in distributions -%} {%- for image in distro.images if package in image.packages %} {{ base_job_to_use_image(distro, image) if loop.first }} {% endfor -%} {%- endfor %} {% endmacro -%} {% include 'win_containers.yml' %} # Style check job format-and-spellcheck: extends: - {{base_job_to_use_image_containing("codespell")}} stage: build script: - scripts/format-and-spellcheck.sh artifacts: paths: - patches/ expire_in: 1 week when: on_failure # Verify REUSE compliance reuse: stage: build image: name: fsfe/reuse:latest entrypoint: [""] script: - reuse lint {% macro make_cmake_args(cmake_defines) %} {% if cmake_defines is defined %} {%- for k, v in cmake_defines |dictsort %} -D{{ k }}={{ v }}{% endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endmacro -%} {#### Main build jobs ####} {% for distro in distributions -%} {%- for image in distro.images if image.build_jobs -%} {%- for job in image.build_jobs %} {{job.name}}: stage: build extends: - {{base_job_to_use_image(distro, image)}} {%- if job.before_script or "android" in job.name %} before_script: {% endif %} {% for line in job.before_script %} - {{line}} {% endfor %} {%- if "android" in job.name %} {# Keep this right below the before_script since this is an extra line!! #} # For caching gradle stuff - export GRADLE_USER_HOME=`pwd`/.gradlehome variables: GRADLE_ARGS: "-Porg.gradle.daemon=false " cache: paths: - .gradlehome/wrapper - .gradlehome/caches {% endif %} script: - .gitlab-ci/prebuild.sh {#- regular or NDK cmake builds -#} {%- if "cmake" in job.name or "ndk" in job.name %} - .gitlab-ci/ci-cmake-build.sh {{- make_cmake_args(job.cmake_defines) }} {#- gradle builds -#} {%- elif "android" in job.name %} - .gitlab-ci/ci-gradle-build.sh {{ job.target }} {%- else %} {# error message #} CANNOT GUESS JOB TYPE {%- endif %} {%- if "cmake" in job.name %} - cd build && ctest --output-on-failure {%- endif %} {%- if job.artifact_path %} artifacts: paths: - {{ job.artifact_path }} {%- endif %} {% endfor -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- endfor %} # Windows build windows: stage: build extends: - .monado.image.windows script: - ./.gitlab-ci/windows/monado_build.ps1 -Install -RunTests artifacts: when: always paths: - install - build/Testing/Temporary # Packaging .monado.packaging.conditions: rules: # Only the default branch of the "upstream" repo. - if: "$CI_PROJECT_PATH == $FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO && $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH" when: on_success # Otherwise, don't build packages. - when: never {% macro packaging_job_name(distro, image) -%} {{distro.name}}:{{image.codename}}:package {%- endmacro %} {% for distro in distributions -%} {%- for image in distro.images if "deb_version_suffix" in image %} {{packaging_job_name(distro, image)}}: extends: - {{base_job_to_use_image(distro, image)}} - .monado.packaging.conditions variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone DEBFULLNAME: "{{packaging.name}}" DEBEMAIL: "{{packaging.email}}" DISTRO: {{distro.name}} CODENAME: {{image.codename}} DEB_VERSION_SUFFIX: {{image.deb_version_suffix}} stage: package before_script: {# Configure git - needed despite not actually committing here. #} - git config --global user.name {{packaging.name}} - git config --global user.email {{packaging.email}} script: - .gitlab-ci/prebuild.sh # Prep the source tree - git clean -dfx # Call this script to build binary and source packages. # Can try locally by exporting the right variables and passing -B to get only a binary package to avoid complaints. - .gitlab-ci/build-and-submit-package.sh artifacts: paths: - "incoming/" expire_in: 2 days {% endfor -%} {%- endfor %} reprepro:package: stage: reprepro extends: - {{ base_job_to_use_image_containing("reprepro") }} - .monado.packaging.conditions needs: {% for distro in distributions -%} {%- for image in distro.images if "deb_version_suffix" in image %} - {{packaging_job_name(distro, image)}} {% endfor -%} {%- endfor %} script: - bash .gitlab-ci/reprepro.sh artifacts: paths: - "repo/" expire_in: 2 days ### # Pages ### pages: stage: pages only: - main@monado/monado needs: - debian:cmake - reprepro:package script: - mkdir -p public - mv build/doc/html/* public/ - mv repo public/apt artifacts: paths: - public