#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2019, Collabora, Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 # Author: Rylie Pavlik <rylie.pavlik@collabora.com> # Run both format-project and codespell-project, making a patch if any changes can be auto-made. # Intended mainly for use in CI, but can be used elsewhere. set -e PATCH_DIR=patches PATCH_NAME=fixes.diff ( cd $(dirname $0) # Exit if working tree dirty or uncommitted changes staged. if ! git diff-files --quiet; then echo "ERROR: Cannot perform check/fix, working tree dirty." exit 2 fi if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot perform check/fix, changes staged but not committed." exit 2 fi echo "Running codespell..." echo if ./codespell-project.sh; then # No errors, or only errors that could be auto-fixed. e.g. "g a r a n t e e" (remove spaces) CODESPELL_RESULT=true else # At least one non-auto-fixable error. e.g. "a o t h e r" (remove spaces) echo echo "Codespell found at least one issue it couldn't auto-fix, see preceding." echo "If the issue isn't actually a problem, edit IGNORE_WORDS_LIST in $(dirname $0)/codespell-project.sh" echo "Otherwise, you may run \`$(dirname $0)/codespell-project.sh -i 3\` locally to interactively fix." echo CODESPELL_RESULT=false fi echo "Running clang-format..." echo ./format-project.sh echo "Running cmake-format..." echo ./format-cmake.sh ( cd .. mkdir -p $PATCH_DIR # Can't use tee because it hides the exit code if git diff --patch --exit-code > $PATCH_DIR/$PATCH_NAME; then echo echo "clang-format, cmake-format and codespell changed nothing." else echo echo "clang-format and/or codespell made at least one change, please apply the patch in the job artifacts and seen below!" echo "If codespell made a change in error, edit IGNORE_WORDS_LIST in $(dirname $0)/codespell-project.sh" echo echo "---------------------------------------" cat $PATCH_DIR/$PATCH_NAME echo "---------------------------------------" exit 1 fi # It's possible that nobody made a change but codespell found an issue it couldn't auto-fix if ${CODESPELL_RESULT}; then echo "No manual changes required." else echo "However, manual changes to fix the codespell issue(s) required." exit 1 fi ) )