%% Copyright 2024, Collabora, Ltd. and the Monado contributors
%% SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
%% Out of process, D3D client API
box Client Process
participant app
participant cc as D3D client compositor
participant client_native as client process
native compositor
(IPC Stub)
box Server Process
participant server_ipc_handler as Server IPC handler
participant server_comp as Server xrt_compositor_native
app->>+cc: xrCreateSwapchain
Note over cc: create images
(because d3d cannot reliably import from Vulkan)
Note over cc: export images to handles
Note over cc: import handles to images for app
cc->>+client_native: xrt_comp_import_swapchain(xrt_image_native[])
(import handles into xrt_swapchain_native)
client_native->>+server_ipc_handler: swapchain_import
(IPC call, copies handles)
server_ipc_handler->>+server_comp: xrt_comp_import_swapchain(xrt_image_native[])
server_comp->>-server_ipc_handler: xrt_swapchain impl
server_ipc_handler->>-client_native: swapchain ID (over IPC)
client_native->>-cc: return ipc_swapchain
as inner xrt_swapchain
Note over cc: Keep reference to inner xrt_swapchain in
the object we create
cc->>-app: return swapchain