#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2022 Collabora, Ltd. and the Monado contributors # # Requires some environment variables (normally set by CI) # Any extra args get passed to debuild, so try -B for a local binary-only build set -euo pipefail echo "DISTRO ${DISTRO}" echo "CODENAME ${CODENAME}" echo "DEB_VERSION_SUFFIX ${DEB_VERSION_SUFFIX}" echo "CI_COMMIT_SHA ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" git remote update --prune # Prep the source tree: grab the debian directory from the packaging branch. git checkout "origin/${DISTRO}/${CODENAME}" -- debian/ datestamp=$(date --utc "+%Y%m%d") if [ ! "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" ]; then echo "Why don't I know what the commit hash is?" exit 1 fi debian/extra/prepare-commit-package.sh "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" "1~${DEB_VERSION_SUFFIX}~ci${datestamp}" # Build the package debuild -uc -us "$@" # Stash the package version in a convenient file for a later job. INCOMING="$(pwd)/incoming" export INCOMING mkdir -p "$INCOMING" dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field version > "incoming/${CODENAME}.distro" # Use dput-ng to move the package-related files into some artifacts. mkdir -p ~/.dput.d/profiles envsubst < .gitlab-ci/localhost.json > ~/.dput.d/profiles/localhost.json dput --debug localhost "../monado_$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field version)_amd64.changes"