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synced 2025-02-14 01:30:07 +00:00
d/vive: Generate SLAM calibration automatically from factory data
Use factory data for SLAM calibration. Sensor rotations are off in most calib files we saw (or at least we can't figure something better) so this won't work very well. It's still necessary to properly calibrate the headset for good results but at least now something works without that step.
This commit is contained in:
@ -356,6 +356,115 @@ vive_get_stereo_camera_calibration(struct vive_config *d,
return true;
struct t_imu_calibration
vive_get_imu_calibration(struct vive_config *d)
struct xrt_vec3 ab = d->imu.acc_bias;
struct xrt_vec3 as = d->imu.acc_scale;
struct xrt_vec3 gb = d->imu.gyro_bias;
struct xrt_vec3 gs = d->imu.gyro_scale;
struct t_imu_calibration calib = {
.accel =
.transform = {{as.x, 0, 0}, {0, as.y, 0}, {0, 0, as.z}},
.offset = {-ab.x, -ab.y, -ab.z}, // negative because slam system will add, not subtract
.bias_std = {0.001, 0.001, 0.001},
.noise_std = {0.016, 0.016, 0.016},
.gyro =
.transform = {{gs.x, 0, 0}, {0, gs.y, 0}, {0, 0, gs.z}},
.offset = {-gb.x, -gb.y, -gb.z}, // negative because slam system will add, not subtract
.bias_std = {0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001},
.noise_std = {0.000282, 0.000282, 0.000282},
return calib;
//! IMU extrinsics and frequencies
struct t_slam_calib_extras
vive_get_extra_calibration(struct vive_config *d)
VIVE_ERROR(d, "Using default factory extrinsics data for vive driver.");
VIVE_ERROR(d, "The rotations of the sensors in the factory data are off.");
VIVE_ERROR(d, "Use a custom calibration instead whenever possible.");
struct xrt_pose P_tr_imu = d->imu.trackref;
struct xrt_pose P_tr_cam0 = d->cameras.view[0].trackref;
struct xrt_pose P_tr_cam1 = d->cameras.view[1].trackref;
struct xrt_pose P_imu_tr = {0};
struct xrt_quat Q_imu_tr = {0};
struct xrt_quat Q_tr_oxr = {.x = 0, .y = 1, .z = 0, .w = 0}; // TR is X: Left, Y: Up, Z: Forward
struct xrt_quat Q_imu_oxr = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_imu_imuxr = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_imuxr_imu = {0};
struct xrt_quat Q_tr_camslam = {.x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 1, .w = 0}; // Many follow X: Right, Y: Down, Z: Forward
struct xrt_pose P_cam0_tr = {0};
struct xrt_quat Q_cam0_tr = {0};
struct xrt_quat Q_cam0_camslam = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_cam0_cam0slam = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_cam1_tr = {0};
struct xrt_quat Q_cam1_tr = {0};
struct xrt_quat Q_cam1_camslam = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_cam1_cam1slam = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_imu_cam0 = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_imuxr_cam0 = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_imuxr_cam0slam = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_imu_cam1 = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_imuxr_cam1 = {0};
struct xrt_pose P_imuxr_cam1slam = {0};
struct xrt_matrix_4x4 T_imu_cam0 = {0};
struct xrt_matrix_4x4 T_imu_cam1 = {0};
// Compute P_imuxr_imu. imuxr is same entity as IMU but with axes like OpenXR
// E.g., for Index IMU has X: down, Y: left, Z: forward
math_pose_invert(&P_tr_imu, &P_imu_tr);
Q_imu_tr = P_imu_tr.orientation;
math_quat_rotate(&Q_imu_tr, &Q_tr_oxr, &Q_imu_oxr);
P_imu_imuxr.orientation = Q_imu_oxr;
math_pose_invert(&P_imu_imuxr, &P_imuxr_imu);
// Compute P_imuxr_cam0slam. cam0slam is the same entity as cam0 but with axes
// like the SLAM system expects cameras to be. Usually X: Right, Y: Down, Z: Forward.
math_pose_invert(&P_tr_cam0, &P_cam0_tr);
Q_cam0_tr = P_cam0_tr.orientation;
math_quat_rotate(&Q_cam0_tr, &Q_tr_camslam, &Q_cam0_camslam);
P_cam0_cam0slam.orientation = Q_cam0_camslam;
math_pose_transform(&P_imu_tr, &P_tr_cam0, &P_imu_cam0);
math_pose_transform(&P_imuxr_imu, &P_imu_cam0, &P_imuxr_cam0);
math_pose_transform(&P_imuxr_cam0, &P_cam0_cam0slam, &P_imuxr_cam0slam);
// Compute P_imuxr_cam1slam. Same idea as P_imuxr_cam0slam
math_pose_invert(&P_tr_cam1, &P_cam1_tr);
Q_cam1_tr = P_cam1_tr.orientation;
math_quat_rotate(&Q_cam1_tr, &Q_tr_camslam, &Q_cam1_camslam);
P_cam1_cam1slam.orientation = Q_cam1_camslam;
math_pose_transform(&P_imu_tr, &P_tr_cam1, &P_imu_cam1);
math_pose_transform(&P_imuxr_imu, &P_imu_cam1, &P_imuxr_cam1);
math_pose_transform(&P_imuxr_cam1, &P_cam1_cam1slam, &P_imuxr_cam1slam);
// Convert to 4x4 SE(3) matrices
math_matrix_4x4_isometry_from_pose(&P_imuxr_cam0slam, &T_imu_cam0);
math_matrix_4x4_isometry_from_pose(&P_imuxr_cam1slam, &T_imu_cam1);
// Can we avoid hardcoding these?
const int CAMERA_FREQUENCY = 54;
const int IMU_FREQUENCY = 1000;
struct t_slam_calib_extras calib = {
.imu_frequency = IMU_FREQUENCY,
.cams =
{.frequency = CAMERA_FREQUENCY, .T_imu_cam = T_imu_cam0},
{.frequency = CAMERA_FREQUENCY, .T_imu_cam = T_imu_cam1},
return calib;
static void
vive_init_defaults(struct vive_config *d)
@ -220,3 +220,9 @@ bool
vive_get_stereo_camera_calibration(struct vive_config *d,
struct t_stereo_camera_calibration **calibration_ptr_to_ref,
struct xrt_pose *out_head_in_left_camera);
struct t_imu_calibration
vive_get_imu_calibration(struct vive_config *d);
struct t_slam_calib_extras
vive_get_extra_calibration(struct vive_config *d);
@ -151,14 +151,23 @@ on_video_device(struct xrt_prober *xp,
static struct xrt_slam_sinks *
valve_index_slam_track(struct lighthouse_system *lhs)
valve_index_slam_track(struct lighthouse_system *lhs,
struct t_stereo_camera_calibration *stereo_calib,
struct t_imu_calibration *imu_calib,
struct t_slam_calib_extras *extra_calib)
struct xrt_slam_sinks *sinks = NULL;
struct vive_device *d = (struct vive_device *)lhs->devices->base.roles.head;
int create_status = t_slam_create(&lhs->devices->xfctx, NULL, &d->tracking.slam, &sinks);
struct t_slam_tracker_config config = {0};
config.stereo_calib = stereo_calib; // Won't hold stereo_calib so no refcount
config.imu_calib = imu_calib;
config.extra_calib = extra_calib;
int create_status = t_slam_create(&lhs->devices->xfctx, &config, &d->tracking.slam, &sinks);
if (create_status != 0) {
return NULL;
@ -371,11 +380,13 @@ valve_index_setup_visual_trackers(struct lighthouse_system *lhs,
struct t_stereo_camera_calibration *stereo_calib = NULL;
struct xrt_pose head_in_left_cam;
vive_get_stereo_camera_calibration(lhs->hmd_config, &stereo_calib, &head_in_left_cam);
struct t_imu_calibration imu_calib = vive_get_imu_calibration(lhs->hmd_config);
struct t_slam_calib_extras extra_calib = vive_get_extra_calibration(lhs->hmd_config);
// Initialize SLAM tracker
struct xrt_slam_sinks *slam_sinks = NULL;
if (slam_enabled) {
slam_sinks = valve_index_slam_track(lhs);
slam_sinks = valve_index_slam_track(lhs, stereo_calib, &imu_calib, &extra_calib);
if (slam_sinks == NULL) {
lhs->vive_tstatus.slam_enabled = false;
slam_enabled = false;
Reference in a new issue