mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 12:28:07 +00:00
c/main: Refactor comp_target_swapchain to not pre-declare any internal functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ static VkFormat preferred_color_formats[] = {
#if 0
static void
comp_target_swapchain_create_image_views(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts);
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ _find_surface_format(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts, VkSurfaceKHR surface, Vk
static bool
_check_surface_present_mode(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkPresentModeKHR present_mode);
@ -83,184 +85,88 @@ get_vk(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts)
return &cts->base.c->base.vk;
#if defined(VK_EXT_display_surface_counter) && defined(VK_EXT_display_control)
static bool
check_surface_counter_caps(struct comp_target *ct, struct vk_bundle *vk, struct comp_target_swapchain *cts)
static void
destroy_old(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts, VkSwapchainKHR old)
if (!vk->has_EXT_display_surface_counter) {
return true;
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
if (old != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
vk->vkDestroySwapchainKHR(vk->device, old, NULL);
VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT caps = {
VkResult ret = vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT(vk->physical_device, cts->surface.handle, &caps);
if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT: %s", vk_result_string(ret));
return false;
cts->surface.surface_counter_flags = caps.supportedSurfaceCounters;
COMP_DEBUG(ct->c, "Supported surface counter flags: %d", caps.supportedSurfaceCounters);
return true;
static void
destroy_image_views(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts)
if (cts->base.images == NULL) {
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cts->base.image_count; i++) {
if (cts->base.images[i].view == VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
vk->vkDestroyImageView(vk->device, cts->base.images[i].view, NULL);
cts->base.images[i].view = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
cts->base.images = NULL;
static void
comp_target_swapchain_create_images(struct comp_target *ct,
uint32_t preferred_width,
uint32_t preferred_height,
VkFormat color_format,
VkColorSpaceKHR color_space,
VkImageUsageFlags image_usage,
VkPresentModeKHR present_mode)
create_image_views(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
VkBool32 supported;
VkResult ret;
uint64_t now_ns = os_monotonic_get_ns();
// Some platforms really don't like the pacing_compositor code.
bool use_display_timing_if_available = cts->timing_usage == COMP_TARGET_USE_DISPLAY_IF_AVAILABLE;
if (cts->upc == NULL && use_display_timing_if_available && vk->has_GOOGLE_display_timing) {
} else if (cts->upc == NULL) {
u_pc_fake_create(ct->c->settings.nominal_frame_interval_ns, now_ns, &cts->upc);
vk->vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR( //
vk->device, // device
cts->swapchain.handle, // swapchain
&cts->base.image_count, // pSwapchainImageCount
NULL); // pSwapchainImages
assert(cts->base.image_count > 0);
COMP_DEBUG(cts->base.c, "Creating %d image views.", cts->base.image_count);
// Free old image views.
VkImage *images = U_TYPED_ARRAY_CALLOC(VkImage, cts->base.image_count);
vk->vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR( //
vk->device, // device
cts->swapchain.handle, // swapchain
&cts->base.image_count, // pSwapchainImageCount
images); // pSwapchainImages
VkSwapchainKHR old_swapchain_handle = cts->swapchain.handle;
cts->base.image_count = 0;
cts->swapchain.handle = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
cts->present_mode = present_mode;
cts->preferred.color_format = color_format;
cts->preferred.color_space = color_space;
cts->base.images = U_TYPED_ARRAY_CALLOC(struct comp_target_image, cts->base.image_count);
// Sanity check.
ret = vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR( //
vk->physical_device, // physicalDevice
vk->queue_family_index, // queueFamilyIndex
cts->surface.handle, // surface
&supported); // pSupported
if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR: %s", vk_result_string(ret));
} else if (!supported) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR: Surface not supported!");
// More sanity checks.
if (!_check_surface_present_mode(cts, cts->surface.handle, cts->present_mode)) {
// Free old.
comp_target_swapchain_destroy_old(cts, old_swapchain_handle);
// Find the correct format.
if (!_find_surface_format(cts, cts->surface.handle, &cts->surface.format)) {
// Free old.
comp_target_swapchain_destroy_old(cts, old_swapchain_handle);
// Get the caps first.
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR surface_caps;
ret = vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(vk->physical_device, cts->surface.handle, &surface_caps);
if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR: %s", vk_result_string(ret));
// Free old.
comp_target_swapchain_destroy_old(cts, old_swapchain_handle);
// Get the extents of the swapchain.
VkExtent2D extent = comp_target_swapchain_select_extent(cts, surface_caps, preferred_width, preferred_height);
if (surface_caps.currentTransform & VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90_BIT_KHR ||
surface_caps.currentTransform & VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270_BIT_KHR) {
COMP_DEBUG(ct->c, "Swapping width and height, since we are going to pre rotate");
uint32_t w2 = extent.width;
uint32_t h2 = extent.height;
extent.width = h2;
extent.height = w2;
COMP_DEBUG(ct->c, "swapchain minImageCount %d maxImageCount %d", surface_caps.minImageCount,
uint32_t image_count = surface_caps.minImageCount;
if (image_count < 3 && (surface_caps.maxImageCount >= 3 || surface_caps.maxImageCount == 0)) {
image_count = 3;
COMP_DEBUG(ct->c, "Creating compositor swapchain with %d images", image_count);
// Create the swapchain now.
VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR swapchain_info = {
.surface = cts->surface.handle,
.minImageCount = image_count,
.imageFormat = cts->surface.format.format,
.imageColorSpace = cts->surface.format.colorSpace,
.imageExtent =
.width = extent.width,
.height = extent.height,
.imageArrayLayers = 1,
.imageUsage = image_usage,
.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0,
.preTransform = surface_caps.currentTransform,
.presentMode = cts->present_mode,
.clipped = VK_TRUE,
.oldSwapchain = old_swapchain_handle,
VkImageSubresourceRange subresource_range = {
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.levelCount = 1,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
ret = vk->vkCreateSwapchainKHR(vk->device, &swapchain_info, NULL, &cts->swapchain.handle);
// Always destroy the old.
comp_target_swapchain_destroy_old(cts, old_swapchain_handle);
if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkCreateSwapchainKHR: %s", vk_result_string(ret));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cts->base.image_count; i++) {
cts->base.images[i].handle = images[i];
vk_create_view( //
vk, // vk_bundle
cts->base.images[i].handle, // image
cts->surface.format.format, // format
subresource_range, // subresource_range
&cts->base.images[i].view); // out_view
* Set target info.
cts->base.width = extent.width;
cts->base.height = extent.height;
cts->base.format = cts->surface.format.format;
cts->base.surface_transform = surface_caps.currentTransform;
#ifdef VK_EXT_display_control
if (!check_surface_counter_caps(ct, vk, cts)) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "Failed to query surface counter capabilities");
static VkExtent2D
comp_target_swapchain_select_extent(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts,
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR caps,
uint32_t preferred_width,
uint32_t preferred_height)
select_extent(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts,
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR caps,
uint32_t preferred_width,
uint32_t preferred_height)
// If width (and height) equals the special value 0xFFFFFFFF,
// the size of the surface will be set by the swapchain
@ -286,90 +192,39 @@ comp_target_swapchain_select_extent(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts,
return caps.currentExtent;
static void
comp_target_swapchain_destroy_old(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts, VkSwapchainKHR old)
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
if (old != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
vk->vkDestroySwapchainKHR(vk->device, old, NULL);
static bool
comp_target_swapchain_has_images(struct comp_target *ct)
check_surface_present_mode(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkPresentModeKHR present_mode)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
return cts->surface.handle != VK_NULL_HANDLE && cts->swapchain.handle != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
static VkResult
comp_target_swapchain_acquire_next_image(struct comp_target *ct, VkSemaphore semaphore, uint32_t *out_index)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
VkResult ret;
if (!comp_target_swapchain_has_images(ct)) {
//! @todo what error to return here?
uint32_t present_mode_count;
VkPresentModeKHR *present_modes;
ret = vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(vk->physical_device, surface, &present_mode_count, NULL);
if (present_mode_count != 0) {
present_modes = U_TYPED_ARRAY_CALLOC(VkPresentModeKHR, present_mode_count);
vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(vk->physical_device, surface, &present_mode_count,
} else {
COMP_ERROR(cts->base.c, "Could not enumerate present modes. '%s'", vk_result_string(ret));
return false;
return vk->vkAcquireNextImageKHR( //
vk->device, // device
cts->swapchain.handle, // swapchain
UINT64_MAX, // timeout
semaphore, // semaphore
VK_NULL_HANDLE, // fence
out_index); // pImageIndex
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < present_mode_count; i++) {
if (present_modes[i] == present_mode) {
return true;
static VkResult
comp_target_swapchain_present(struct comp_target *ct,
VkQueue queue,
uint32_t index,
VkSemaphore semaphore,
uint64_t desired_present_time_ns,
uint64_t present_slop_ns)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
assert(cts->current_frame_id >= 0);
assert(cts->current_frame_id <= UINT32_MAX);
VkPresentTimeGOOGLE times = {
.presentID = (uint32_t)cts->current_frame_id,
.desiredPresentTime = desired_present_time_ns - present_slop_ns,
VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE timings = {
.swapchainCount = 1,
.pTimes = ×,
VkPresentInfoKHR presentInfo = {
.pNext = vk->has_GOOGLE_display_timing ? &timings : NULL,
.waitSemaphoreCount = 1,
.pWaitSemaphores = &semaphore,
.swapchainCount = 1,
.pSwapchains = &cts->swapchain.handle,
.pImageIndices = &index,
return vk->vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, &presentInfo);
COMP_ERROR(cts->base.c, "Requested present mode not supported.\n");
return false;
static bool
comp_target_swapchain_check_ready(struct comp_target *ct)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
return cts->surface.handle != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
static bool
_find_surface_format(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkSurfaceFormatKHR *format)
find_surface_format(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkSurfaceFormatKHR *format)
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
uint32_t format_count;
@ -488,108 +343,262 @@ error:
return false;
#if defined(VK_EXT_display_surface_counter) && defined(VK_EXT_display_control)
static bool
_check_surface_present_mode(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts, VkSurfaceKHR surface, VkPresentModeKHR present_mode)
check_surface_counter_caps(struct comp_target *ct, struct vk_bundle *vk, struct comp_target_swapchain *cts)
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
VkResult ret;
if (!vk->has_EXT_display_surface_counter) {
return true;
uint32_t present_mode_count;
VkPresentModeKHR *present_modes;
ret = vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(vk->physical_device, surface, &present_mode_count, NULL);
VkSurfaceCapabilities2EXT caps = {
if (present_mode_count != 0) {
present_modes = U_TYPED_ARRAY_CALLOC(VkPresentModeKHR, present_mode_count);
vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModesKHR(vk->physical_device, surface, &present_mode_count,
} else {
COMP_ERROR(cts->base.c, "Could not enumerate present modes. '%s'", vk_result_string(ret));
VkResult ret = vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT(vk->physical_device, cts->surface.handle, &caps);
if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT: %s", vk_result_string(ret));
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < present_mode_count; i++) {
if (present_modes[i] == present_mode) {
return true;
cts->surface.surface_counter_flags = caps.supportedSurfaceCounters;
COMP_DEBUG(ct->c, "Supported surface counter flags: %d", caps.supportedSurfaceCounters);
COMP_ERROR(cts->base.c, "Requested present mode not supported.\n");
return false;
return true;
* Member functions.
static void
comp_target_swapchain_destroy_image_views(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts)
comp_target_swapchain_create_images(struct comp_target *ct,
uint32_t preferred_width,
uint32_t preferred_height,
VkFormat color_format,
VkColorSpaceKHR color_space,
VkImageUsageFlags image_usage,
VkPresentModeKHR present_mode)
if (cts->base.images == NULL) {
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
VkBool32 supported;
VkResult ret;
uint64_t now_ns = os_monotonic_get_ns();
// Some platforms really don't like the pacing_compositor code.
bool use_display_timing_if_available = cts->timing_usage == COMP_TARGET_USE_DISPLAY_IF_AVAILABLE;
if (cts->upc == NULL && use_display_timing_if_available && vk->has_GOOGLE_display_timing) {
} else if (cts->upc == NULL) {
u_pc_fake_create(ct->c->settings.nominal_frame_interval_ns, now_ns, &cts->upc);
// Free old image views.
VkSwapchainKHR old_swapchain_handle = cts->swapchain.handle;
cts->base.image_count = 0;
cts->swapchain.handle = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
cts->present_mode = present_mode;
cts->preferred.color_format = color_format;
cts->preferred.color_space = color_space;
// Sanity check.
ret = vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR( //
vk->physical_device, // physicalDevice
vk->queue_family_index, // queueFamilyIndex
cts->surface.handle, // surface
&supported); // pSupported
if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR: %s", vk_result_string(ret));
} else if (!supported) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR: Surface not supported!");
// More sanity checks.
if (!check_surface_present_mode(cts, cts->surface.handle, cts->present_mode)) {
// Free old.
destroy_old(cts, old_swapchain_handle);
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cts->base.image_count; i++) {
if (cts->base.images[i].view == VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
vk->vkDestroyImageView(vk->device, cts->base.images[i].view, NULL);
cts->base.images[i].view = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
// Find the correct format.
if (!find_surface_format(cts, cts->surface.handle, &cts->surface.format)) {
// Free old.
destroy_old(cts, old_swapchain_handle);
cts->base.images = NULL;
// Get the caps first.
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR surface_caps;
ret = vk->vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(vk->physical_device, cts->surface.handle, &surface_caps);
if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR: %s", vk_result_string(ret));
static void
comp_target_swapchain_create_image_views(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts)
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
// Free old.
destroy_old(cts, old_swapchain_handle);
vk->vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR( //
vk->device, // device
cts->swapchain.handle, // swapchain
&cts->base.image_count, // pSwapchainImageCount
NULL); // pSwapchainImages
assert(cts->base.image_count > 0);
COMP_DEBUG(cts->base.c, "Creating %d image views.", cts->base.image_count);
// Get the extents of the swapchain.
VkExtent2D extent = select_extent(cts, surface_caps, preferred_width, preferred_height);
VkImage *images = U_TYPED_ARRAY_CALLOC(VkImage, cts->base.image_count);
vk->vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR( //
vk->device, // device
cts->swapchain.handle, // swapchain
&cts->base.image_count, // pSwapchainImageCount
images); // pSwapchainImages
if (surface_caps.currentTransform & VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90_BIT_KHR ||
surface_caps.currentTransform & VK_SURFACE_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270_BIT_KHR) {
COMP_DEBUG(ct->c, "Swapping width and height, since we are going to pre rotate");
uint32_t w2 = extent.width;
uint32_t h2 = extent.height;
extent.width = h2;
extent.height = w2;
COMP_DEBUG(ct->c, "swapchain minImageCount %d maxImageCount %d", surface_caps.minImageCount,
cts->base.images = U_TYPED_ARRAY_CALLOC(struct comp_target_image, cts->base.image_count);
uint32_t image_count = surface_caps.minImageCount;
if (image_count < 3 && (surface_caps.maxImageCount >= 3 || surface_caps.maxImageCount == 0)) {
image_count = 3;
COMP_DEBUG(ct->c, "Creating compositor swapchain with %d images", image_count);
VkImageSubresourceRange subresource_range = {
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.levelCount = 1,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
// Create the swapchain now.
VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR swapchain_info = {
.surface = cts->surface.handle,
.minImageCount = image_count,
.imageFormat = cts->surface.format.format,
.imageColorSpace = cts->surface.format.colorSpace,
.imageExtent =
.width = extent.width,
.height = extent.height,
.imageArrayLayers = 1,
.imageUsage = image_usage,
.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0,
.preTransform = surface_caps.currentTransform,
.presentMode = cts->present_mode,
.clipped = VK_TRUE,
.oldSwapchain = old_swapchain_handle,
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cts->base.image_count; i++) {
cts->base.images[i].handle = images[i];
vk_create_view( //
vk, // vk_bundle
cts->base.images[i].handle, // image
cts->surface.format.format, // format
subresource_range, // subresource_range
&cts->base.images[i].view); // out_view
ret = vk->vkCreateSwapchainKHR(vk->device, &swapchain_info, NULL, &cts->swapchain.handle);
// Always destroy the old.
destroy_old(cts, old_swapchain_handle);
if (ret != VK_SUCCESS) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "vkCreateSwapchainKHR: %s", vk_result_string(ret));
* Set target info.
cts->base.width = extent.width;
cts->base.height = extent.height;
cts->base.format = cts->surface.format.format;
cts->base.surface_transform = surface_caps.currentTransform;
#ifdef VK_EXT_display_control
if (!check_surface_counter_caps(ct, vk, cts)) {
COMP_ERROR(ct->c, "Failed to query surface counter capabilities");
static bool
comp_target_swapchain_has_images(struct comp_target *ct)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
return cts->surface.handle != VK_NULL_HANDLE && cts->swapchain.handle != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
static VkResult
comp_target_swapchain_acquire_next_image(struct comp_target *ct, VkSemaphore semaphore, uint32_t *out_index)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
if (!comp_target_swapchain_has_images(ct)) {
//! @todo what error to return here?
return vk->vkAcquireNextImageKHR( //
vk->device, // device
cts->swapchain.handle, // swapchain
UINT64_MAX, // timeout
semaphore, // semaphore
VK_NULL_HANDLE, // fence
out_index); // pImageIndex
static VkResult
comp_target_swapchain_present(struct comp_target *ct,
VkQueue queue,
uint32_t index,
VkSemaphore semaphore,
uint64_t desired_present_time_ns,
uint64_t present_slop_ns)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
assert(cts->current_frame_id >= 0);
assert(cts->current_frame_id <= UINT32_MAX);
VkPresentTimeGOOGLE times = {
.presentID = (uint32_t)cts->current_frame_id,
.desiredPresentTime = desired_present_time_ns - present_slop_ns,
VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE timings = {
.swapchainCount = 1,
.pTimes = ×,
VkPresentInfoKHR presentInfo = {
.pNext = vk->has_GOOGLE_display_timing ? &timings : NULL,
.waitSemaphoreCount = 1,
.pWaitSemaphores = &semaphore,
.swapchainCount = 1,
.pSwapchains = &cts->swapchain.handle,
.pImageIndices = &index,
return vk->vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, &presentInfo);
static bool
comp_target_swapchain_check_ready(struct comp_target *ct)
struct comp_target_swapchain *cts = (struct comp_target_swapchain *)ct;
return cts->surface.handle != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
* Timing functions.
* Timing member functions.
@ -710,7 +719,7 @@ comp_target_swapchain_cleanup(struct comp_target_swapchain *cts)
struct vk_bundle *vk = get_vk(cts);
if (cts->swapchain.handle != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
vk->vkDestroySwapchainKHR( //
Reference in a new issue