external: Add nxjson.

This commit is contained in:
Lubosz Sarnecki 2019-09-26 10:54:38 +02:00
parent a1d729af8f
commit 8e6cc11d69
2 changed files with 433 additions and 0 deletions

src/external/nxjson/nxjson.c vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
* nxjson
* Copyright 2018 Yaroslav Stavnichiy <yarosla@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Explicit permission to use this project
* under the MIT license has been given by Yaroslav Stavnichiy
* on Sun, May 20, 2018 at 1:29 PM (CET). Original license is LGPL v3
// this file can be #included in your code
#ifndef NXJSON_C
#define NXJSON_C
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "nxjson.h"
// redefine NX_JSON_CALLOC & NX_JSON_FREE to use custom allocator
#define NX_JSON_CALLOC() calloc(1, sizeof(nx_json))
#define NX_JSON_FREE(json) free((void*)(json))
// redefine NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR to use custom error reporting
#define NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR(msg, p) fprintf(stderr, "NXJSON PARSE ERROR (%d): " msg " at %s\n", __LINE__, p)
#define IS_WHITESPACE(c) ((unsigned char)(c)<=(unsigned char)' ')
static const nx_json dummy={ NX_JSON_NULL };
static nx_json* create_json(nx_json_type type, const char* key, nx_json* parent) {
nx_json* js=NX_JSON_CALLOC();
if (!parent->last_child) {
else {
return js;
void nx_json_free(const nx_json* js) {
nx_json* p=js->child;
nx_json* p1;
while (p) {
static int unicode_to_utf8(unsigned int codepoint, char* p, char** endp) {
// code from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4609989/697313
if (codepoint<0x80) *p++=codepoint;
else if (codepoint<0x800) *p++=192+codepoint/64, *p++=128+codepoint%64;
else if (codepoint-0xd800u<0x800) return 0; // surrogate must have been treated earlier
else if (codepoint<0x10000) *p++=224+codepoint/4096, *p++=128+codepoint/64%64, *p++=128+codepoint%64;
else if (codepoint<0x110000) *p++=240+codepoint/262144, *p++=128+codepoint/4096%64, *p++=128+codepoint/64%64, *p++=128+codepoint%64;
else return 0; // error
return 1;
nx_json_unicode_encoder nx_json_unicode_to_utf8=unicode_to_utf8;
static inline int hex_val(char c) {
if (c>='0' && c<='9') return c-'0';
if (c>='a' && c<='f') return c-'a'+10;
if (c>='A' && c<='F') return c-'A'+10;
return -1;
static char* unescape_string(char* s, char** end, nx_json_unicode_encoder encoder) {
char* p=s;
char* d=s;
char c;
while ((c=*p++)) {
if (c=='"') {
return s;
else if (c=='\\') {
switch (*p) {
case '\\':
case '/':
case '"':
case 'b':
*d++='\b'; p++;
case 'f':
*d++='\f'; p++;
case 'n':
*d++='\n'; p++;
case 'r':
*d++='\r'; p++;
case 't':
*d++='\t'; p++;
case 'u': // unicode
if (!encoder) {
// leave untouched
char* ps=p-1;
int h1, h2, h3, h4;
if ((h1=hex_val(p[1]))<0 || (h2=hex_val(p[2]))<0 || (h3=hex_val(p[3]))<0 || (h4=hex_val(p[4]))<0) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("invalid unicode escape", p-1);
return 0;
unsigned int codepoint=h1<<12|h2<<8|h3<<4|h4;
if ((codepoint & 0xfc00)==0xd800) { // high surrogate; need one more unicode to succeed
if (p[-1]!='\\' || *p!='u' || (h1=hex_val(p[1]))<0 || (h2=hex_val(p[2]))<0 || (h3=hex_val(p[3]))<0 || (h4=hex_val(p[4]))<0) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("invalid unicode surrogate", ps);
return 0;
unsigned int codepoint2=h1<<12|h2<<8|h3<<4|h4;
if ((codepoint2 & 0xfc00)!=0xdc00) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("invalid unicode surrogate", ps);
return 0;
if (!encoder(codepoint, d, &d)) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("invalid codepoint", ps);
return 0;
// leave untouched
else {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("no closing quote for string", s);
return 0;
static char* skip_block_comment(char* p) {
// assume p[-2]=='/' && p[-1]=='*'
char* ps=p-2;
if (!*p) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("endless comment", ps);
return 0;
p=strchr(p+1, '/');
if (!p) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("endless comment", ps);
return 0;
if (p[-1]!='*') goto REPEAT;
return p+1;
static char* parse_key(const char** key, char* p, nx_json_unicode_encoder encoder) {
// on '}' return with *p=='}'
char c;
while ((c=*p++)) {
if (c=='"') {
*key=unescape_string(p, &p, encoder);
if (!*key) return 0; // propagate error
while (*p && IS_WHITESPACE(*p)) p++;
if (*p==':') return p+1;
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p);
return 0;
else if (IS_WHITESPACE(c) || c==',') {
// continue
else if (c=='}') {
return p-1;
else if (c=='/') {
if (*p=='/') { // line comment
char* ps=p-1;
p=strchr(p+1, '\n');
if (!p) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("endless comment", ps);
return 0; // error
else if (*p=='*') { // block comment
if (!p) return 0;
else {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p-1);
return 0; // error
else {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p-1);
return 0; // error
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p-1);
return 0; // error
static char* parse_value(nx_json* parent, const char* key, char* p, nx_json_unicode_encoder encoder) {
nx_json* js;
while (1) {
switch (*p) {
case '\0':
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected end of text", p);
return 0; // error
case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r':
case ',':
// skip
case '{':
js=create_json(NX_JSON_OBJECT, key, parent);
while (1) {
const char* new_key;
p=parse_key(&new_key, p, encoder);
if (!p) return 0; // error
if (*p=='}') return p+1; // end of object
p=parse_value(js, new_key, p, encoder);
if (!p) return 0; // error
case '[':
js=create_json(NX_JSON_ARRAY, key, parent);
while (1) {
p=parse_value(js, 0, p, encoder);
if (!p) return 0; // error
if (*p==']') return p+1; // end of array
case ']':
return p;
case '"':
js=create_json(NX_JSON_STRING, key, parent);
js->text_value=unescape_string(p, &p, encoder);
if (!js->text_value) return 0; // propagate error
return p;
case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
js=create_json(NX_JSON_INTEGER, key, parent);
char* pe;
js->int_value=strtoll(p, &pe, 0);
if (pe==p || errno==ERANGE) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("invalid number", p);
return 0; // error
if (*pe=='.' || *pe=='e' || *pe=='E') { // double value
js->dbl_value=strtod(p, &pe);
if (pe==p || errno==ERANGE) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("invalid number", p);
return 0; // error
else {
return pe;
case 't':
if (!strncmp(p, "true", 4)) {
js=create_json(NX_JSON_BOOL, key, parent);
return p+4;
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p);
return 0; // error
case 'f':
if (!strncmp(p, "false", 5)) {
js=create_json(NX_JSON_BOOL, key, parent);
return p+5;
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p);
return 0; // error
case 'n':
if (!strncmp(p, "null", 4)) {
create_json(NX_JSON_NULL, key, parent);
return p+4;
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p);
return 0; // error
case '/': // comment
if (p[1]=='/') { // line comment
char* ps=p;
p=strchr(p+2, '\n');
if (!p) {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("endless comment", ps);
return 0; // error
else if (p[1]=='*') { // block comment
if (!p) return 0;
else {
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p);
return 0; // error
NX_JSON_REPORT_ERROR("unexpected chars", p);
return 0; // error
const nx_json* nx_json_parse_utf8(char* text) {
return nx_json_parse(text, unicode_to_utf8);
const nx_json* nx_json_parse(char* text, nx_json_unicode_encoder encoder) {
nx_json js={0};
if (!parse_value(&js, 0, text, encoder)) {
if (js.child) nx_json_free(js.child);
return 0;
return js.child;
const nx_json* nx_json_get(const nx_json* json, const char* key) {
if (!json || !key) return &dummy; // never return null
nx_json* js;
for (js=json->child; js; js=js->next) {
if (js->key && !strcmp(js->key, key)) return js;
return &dummy; // never return null
const nx_json* nx_json_item(const nx_json* json, int idx) {
if (!json) return &dummy; // never return null
nx_json* js;
for (js=json->child; js; js=js->next) {
if (!idx--) return js;
return &dummy; // never return null
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* NXJSON_C */

src/external/nxjson/nxjson.h vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* nxjson
* Copyright 2018 Yaroslav Stavnichiy <yarosla@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Explicit permission to use this project
* under the MIT license has been given by Yaroslav Stavnichiy
* on Sun, May 20, 2018 at 1:29 PM (CET). Original license is LGPL v3
#ifndef NXJSON_H
#define NXJSON_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef enum nx_json_type {
NX_JSON_NULL, // this is null value
NX_JSON_OBJECT, // this is an object; properties can be found in child nodes
NX_JSON_ARRAY, // this is an array; items can be found in child nodes
NX_JSON_STRING, // this is a string; value can be found in text_value field
NX_JSON_INTEGER, // this is an integer; value can be found in int_value field
NX_JSON_DOUBLE, // this is a double; value can be found in dbl_value field
NX_JSON_BOOL // this is a boolean; value can be found in int_value field
} nx_json_type;
typedef struct nx_json {
nx_json_type type; // type of json node, see above
const char* key; // key of the property; for object's children only
const char* text_value; // text value of STRING node
long long int_value; // the value of INTEGER or BOOL node
double dbl_value; // the value of DOUBLE node
int length; // number of children of OBJECT or ARRAY
struct nx_json* child; // points to first child
struct nx_json* next; // points to next child
struct nx_json* last_child;
struct nx_json* parent; // parent of the object
} nx_json;
typedef int (*nx_json_unicode_encoder)(unsigned int codepoint, char* p, char** endp);
extern nx_json_unicode_encoder nx_json_unicode_to_utf8;
const nx_json* nx_json_parse(char* text, nx_json_unicode_encoder encoder);
const nx_json* nx_json_parse_utf8(char* text);
void nx_json_free(const nx_json* js);
const nx_json* nx_json_get(const nx_json* json, const char* key); // get object's property by key
const nx_json* nx_json_item(const nx_json* json, int idx); // get array element by index
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* NXJSON_H */