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synced 2025-03-03 05:06:31 +00:00
t/euroc: Implement trajectory recording
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include "util/u_sink.h"
#include "util/u_var.h"
#include "util/u_debug.h"
#include "xrt/xrt_defines.h"
#include "xrt/xrt_tracking.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <ctime>
@ -26,9 +28,7 @@
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
DEBUG_GET_ONCE_BOOL_OPTION(euroc_recorder_use_jpg, "EUROC_RECORDER_USE_JPG", false);
//! @todo: Now that IMU sinks support groundtruth, we could save it here as well.
DEBUG_GET_ONCE_BOOL_OPTION(euroc_recorder_use_jpg, "EUROC_RECORDER_USE_JPG", false)
using std::lock_guard;
using std::mutex;
@ -52,21 +52,27 @@ struct euroc_recorder
// Cloner sinks: copy frame to heap for quick release of the original
struct xrt_slam_sinks cloner_queues; //!< Queue sinks that write into cloner sinks
struct xrt_imu_sink cloner_imu_sink;
struct xrt_pose_sink cloner_gt_sink;
struct xrt_frame_sink cloner_left_sink;
struct xrt_frame_sink cloner_right_sink;
// Writer sinks: write copied frame to disk
struct xrt_slam_sinks writer_queues; //!< Queue sinks that write into writer sinks
struct xrt_imu_sink writer_imu_sink;
struct xrt_pose_sink writer_gt_sink;
struct xrt_frame_sink writer_left_sink;
struct xrt_frame_sink writer_right_sink;
queue<xrt_imu_sample> imu_queue{}; //!< IMU pushes get saved here and are delayed until left_frame pushes
mutex imu_queue_lock{}; //!< Lock for imu_queue
queue<xrt_pose_sample> gt_queue{}; //!< GT pushes get saved here and are delayed until left_frame pushes
mutex gt_queue_lock{}; //!< Lock for gt_queue
// CSV file handles, ofstream implementation is already buffered.
// Using pointers because of `container_of`
ofstream *imu_csv;
ofstream *gt_csv;
ofstream *left_cam_csv;
ofstream *right_cam_csv;
@ -95,6 +101,12 @@ euroc_recorder_try_mkfiles(struct euroc_recorder *er)
*er->imu_csv << "#timestamp [ns],w_RS_S_x [rad s^-1],w_RS_S_y [rad s^-1],w_RS_S_z [rad s^-1],"
"a_RS_S_x [m s^-2],a_RS_S_y [m s^-2],a_RS_S_z [m s^-2]" CSV_EOL;
create_directories(path + "/mav0/gt0");
er->gt_csv = new ofstream{path + "/mav0/gt0/data.csv"};
*er->gt_csv << std::fixed << std::setprecision(CSV_PRECISION);
*er->gt_csv << "#timestamp [ns],p_RS_R_x [m],p_RS_R_y [m],p_RS_R_z [m],"
"q_RS_w [],q_RS_x [],q_RS_y [],q_RS_z []" CSV_EOL;
create_directories(path + "/mav0/cam0/data");
er->left_cam_csv = new ofstream{path + "/mav0/cam0/data.csv"};
*er->left_cam_csv << "#timestamp [ns],filename" CSV_EOL;
@ -107,24 +119,43 @@ euroc_recorder_try_mkfiles(struct euroc_recorder *er)
static void
euroc_recorder_flush(struct euroc_recorder *er)
vector<xrt_imu_sample> samples;
// Flush IMU samples
vector<xrt_imu_sample> imu_samples;
{ // Move samples out of imu_queue into vector to minimize mutex contention
lock_guard lock{er->imu_queue_lock};
while (!er->imu_queue.empty()) {
// Write queued IMU samples to csv stream.
for (xrt_imu_sample &sample : samples) {
for (xrt_imu_sample &sample : imu_samples) {
xrt_sink_push_imu(&er->writer_imu_sink, &sample);
// Flush groundtruth samples
vector<xrt_pose_sample> gt_samples;
{ // Move samples out of gt_queue into vector to minimize mutex contention
lock_guard lock{er->gt_queue_lock};
while (!er->gt_queue.empty()) {
// Write queued gt samples to csv stream.
for (xrt_pose_sample &sample : gt_samples) {
xrt_sink_push_pose(&er->writer_gt_sink, &sample);
// Flush csv streams. Not necessary, doing it only to increase flush frequency
@ -143,6 +174,20 @@ euroc_recorder_save_imu(xrt_imu_sink *sink, struct xrt_imu_sample *sample)
*er->imu_csv << a.x << "," << a.y << "," << a.z << CSV_EOL;
extern "C" void
euroc_recorder_save_gt(xrt_pose_sink *sink, struct xrt_pose_sample *sample)
euroc_recorder *er = container_of(sink, euroc_recorder, writer_gt_sink);
timepoint_ns ts = sample->timestamp_ns;
xrt_vec3 p = sample->pose.position;
xrt_quat o = sample->pose.orientation;
*er->gt_csv << ts << ",";
*er->gt_csv << p.x << "," << p.y << "," << p.z << ",";
*er->gt_csv << o.w << "," << o.x << "," << o.y << "," << o.z << CSV_EOL;
static void
euroc_recorder_save_frame(euroc_recorder *er, struct xrt_frame *frame, bool is_left)
@ -201,6 +246,22 @@ euroc_recorder_receive_imu(xrt_imu_sink *sink, struct xrt_imu_sample *sample)
extern "C" void
euroc_recorder_receive_gt(xrt_pose_sink *sink, struct xrt_pose_sample *sample)
// This works similarly to euroc_recorder_receive_imu, read its comments
euroc_recorder *er = container_of(sink, euroc_recorder, cloner_gt_sink);
if (!er->recording) {
lock_guard lock{er->gt_queue_lock};
static void
euroc_recorder_receive_frame(euroc_recorder *er, struct xrt_frame *src_frame, bool is_left)
@ -248,6 +309,7 @@ euroc_recorder_node_destroy(struct xrt_frame_node *node)
struct euroc_recorder *er = container_of(node, struct euroc_recorder, node);
delete er->imu_csv;
delete er->gt_csv;
delete er->left_cam_csv;
delete er->right_cam_csv;
delete er;
@ -298,9 +360,11 @@ euroc_recorder_create(struct xrt_frame_context *xfctx, const char *record_path,
u_sink_queue_create(xfctx, 0, &er->cloner_left_sink, &er->cloner_queues.left);
u_sink_queue_create(xfctx, 0, &er->cloner_right_sink, &er->cloner_queues.right);
er->cloner_queues.imu = &er->cloner_imu_sink;
er->cloner_queues.gt = &er->cloner_gt_sink;
// Clone samples into heap and release original samples right after
er->cloner_imu_sink.push_imu = euroc_recorder_receive_imu;
er->cloner_gt_sink.push_pose = euroc_recorder_receive_gt;
er->cloner_left_sink.push_frame = euroc_recorder_receive_left;
er->cloner_right_sink.push_frame = euroc_recorder_receive_right;
@ -308,9 +372,11 @@ euroc_recorder_create(struct xrt_frame_context *xfctx, const char *record_path,
u_sink_queue_create(xfctx, 0, &er->writer_left_sink, &er->writer_queues.left);
u_sink_queue_create(xfctx, 0, &er->writer_right_sink, &er->writer_queues.right);
er->writer_queues.imu = nullptr;
er->writer_queues.gt = nullptr;
// Write cloned samples to disk with these
er->writer_imu_sink.push_imu = euroc_recorder_save_imu;
er->writer_gt_sink.push_pose = euroc_recorder_save_gt;
er->writer_left_sink.push_frame = euroc_recorder_save_left;
er->writer_right_sink.push_frame = euroc_recorder_save_right;
@ -816,6 +816,8 @@ flush_poses(TrackerSlam &t)
t.slam_rels.push(rel, nts);
xrt_pose_sample sample{nts, rel.pose};
xrt_sink_push_pose(t.euroc_recorder->gt, &sample);
gt_ui_push(t, nts, rel.pose);
t.slam_traj_writer->push(nts, rel.pose);
@ -1156,16 +1158,16 @@ t_slam_get_tracked_pose(struct xrt_tracked_slam *xts, timepoint_ns when_ns, stru
//! Receive and register ground truth to use for trajectory error metrics.
extern "C" void
t_slam_gt_sink_push(struct xrt_pose_sink *sink, timepoint_ns ts, struct xrt_pose *pose)
t_slam_gt_sink_push(struct xrt_pose_sink *sink, xrt_pose_sample *sample)
auto &t = *container_of(sink, TrackerSlam, gt_sink);
if (t.gt.trajectory->empty()) {
t.gt.origin = *pose;
t.gt.origin = sample->pose;
t.gt.trajectory->insert_or_assign(ts, *pose);
t.gt.trajectory->insert_or_assign(sample->timestamp_ns, sample->pose);
//! Receive and send IMU samples to the external SLAM system
@ -59,11 +59,10 @@ using std::string;
using std::vector;
using img_sample = pair<timepoint_ns, string>;
using gt_entry = pair<timepoint_ns, xrt_pose>;
using imu_samples = vector<xrt_imu_sample>;
using img_samples = vector<img_sample>;
using gt_trajectory = vector<gt_entry>;
using gt_trajectory = vector<xrt_pose_sample>;
enum euroc_player_ui_state
@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ euroc_player_preload_gt_data(const string &dataset_path,
xrt_pose pose = {{v[4], v[5], v[6], v[3]}, {v[0], v[1], v[2]}};
trajectory->emplace_back(timestamp, pose);
trajectory->push_back({timestamp, pose});
return true;
@ -497,9 +496,9 @@ euroc_player_push_all_gt(struct euroc_player *ep)
for (auto [ts, pose] : *ep->gt) {
ts = euroc_player_mapped_playback_ts(ep, ts);
xrt_sink_push_pose(ep->out_sinks.gt, ts, &pose);
for (xrt_pose_sample &sample : *ep->gt) {
sample.timestamp_ns = euroc_player_mapped_playback_ts(ep, sample.timestamp_ns);
xrt_sink_push_pose(ep->out_sinks.gt, &sample);
@ -130,6 +130,15 @@ struct xrt_imu_sample
struct xrt_vec3_f64 gyro_rad_secs;
* Pose sample.
struct xrt_pose_sample
timepoint_ns timestamp_ns;
struct xrt_pose pose;
* @interface xrt_imu_sink
@ -155,7 +164,7 @@ struct xrt_imu_sink
struct xrt_pose_sink
void (*push_pose)(struct xrt_pose_sink *, timepoint_ns ts, struct xrt_pose *pose);
void (*push_pose)(struct xrt_pose_sink *, struct xrt_pose_sample *sample);
@ -279,9 +288,9 @@ xrt_sink_push_imu(struct xrt_imu_sink *sink, struct xrt_imu_sample *sample)
//! @public @memberof xrt_pose_sink
static inline void
xrt_sink_push_pose(struct xrt_pose_sink *sink, timepoint_ns ts, struct xrt_pose *pose)
xrt_sink_push_pose(struct xrt_pose_sink *sink, struct xrt_pose_sample *sample)
sink->push_pose(sink, ts, pose);
sink->push_pose(sink, sample);
//! @public @memberof xrt_tracked_psmv
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