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synced 2025-02-02 03:08:30 +00:00
Actualizar 'src/lang/es.js'
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
const en = {
globals: {
welcome: 'Bienvenido a deemix',
back: 'atrás',
loading: 'cargando',
download: 'Descarga {0}',
by: 'por {0}',
in: 'en {0}',
download_hint: 'Descargar',
play_hint: 'Reproducir',
toggle_download_tab_hint: 'Expandir/Colapsar',
clean_queue_hint: 'Limpiar terminados',
cancel_queue_hint: 'Cancelar todos',
listTabs: {
empty: '',
all: 'todos',
top_result: 'mejores resultados',
album: 'álbum | álbumes',
artist: 'artista | artistas',
single: 'sencillo | sencillos',
title: 'título | títulos',
track: 'canción | canciones',
trackN: '0 canciones | {n} canción | {n} canciones',
releaseN: '0 entregas | {n} entrega | {n} entregas',
playlist: 'lista de reproducción | listas de reproducción',
compile: 'compilación | compilaciones',
ep: 'ep | eps',
spotifyPlaylist: 'lista de reproducción spotify | listas de reproducción spotify',
releaseDate: 'fecha de publicación',
error: 'error'
about: {
titles: {
usefulLinks: 'Enlaces útiles',
bugReports: 'Reportar fallos',
contributing: 'Contribuye',
donations: 'Donaciones',
license: 'Licencia'
subtitles: {
bugReports: "¿Hay algo que no funcione en Deemix? ¡Díganoslo!",
contributing: '¿Quieres contribuir a este proyecto? ¡Puedes hacerlo de diferentes maneras!',
donations: '¿Quiere contribuir monetariamente? ¡Podrías hacer una donación!'
usesLibrary: 'Esta aplicación usa la biblioteca <strong>deemix</strong>, que puedes usar para hacer tu propia interfaz de usuario para deemix.',
thanks: `Gracias a <strong>rtonno</fuerte>, <strong>uhwot</fuerte> y <strong>lollilol</fuerte> por ayudarme con este proyecto, a <strong>BasCurtiz</fuerte> y <strong>scarvimane</fuerte> por hacer el icono.`,
upToDate: `Mantente al día con las actualizaciones siguiendo el <a href="https://t.me/RemixDevNews" target="_blank">canal de noticias</a> en Telegram.`,
officialWebsite: 'Página web oficial',
officialRepo: 'Repositorio de la biblioteca oficial',
officialWebuiRepo: 'Repositorio oficial de WebUI',
officialSubreddit: 'Subreddit oficial',
newsChannel: 'Canal de noticias',
questions: `Si tienes preguntas o problemas con la aplicación, busca una solución en el <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/deemix" target="_blank">subreddit</a> primero. Luego, si no encuentras nada puedes hacer un post con tu problema en el subreddit.`,
beforeReporting: `Before reporting a bug make sure you're running the latest version of the app and that what you want to report is actually a bug and not something that's wrong only on your end.`,
beSure: `Make sure the bug is reproducible on another machines and also <strong>DO NOT</strong> report a bug if it's been already reported.`,
duplicateReports: 'Duplicate bug reports will be closed, so keep an eye out on that.',
dontOpenIssues: `<strong>DO NOT</strong> open issues for asking questions, there is a subreddit for that.`,
newUI: `If you're fluent in python you could try to make a new UI for the app using the base library, or fix bugs in the library with a pull request on the <a href="https://codeberg.org/RemixDev/deemix" target="_blank">repo</a>.`,
acceptFeatures: `I accept features as well, but no complex things, as they can be implementend directly in the app and not the library.`,
otherLanguages: `If you're fluent in another programming language you could try to port deemix into other programming languages!`,
understandingCode: `You need help understanding the code? Just hit RemixDev up on Telegram or Reddit.`,
contributeWebUI: `If you know Vue.js (JavaScript), HTML or CSS you could contribute to the <a href="https://codeberg.org/RemixDev/deemix-webui" target="_blank">WebUI</a>.`,
itsFree: `You shoud remember that <strong>this is a free project</strong> and <strong>you should support the artists you love</strong> before supporting the developers.`,
notObligated: `Don't feel obligated to donate, I appreciate you anyway!`,
lincensedUnder: `This work is licensed under a
<a rel="license" href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html" target="_blank"
>GNU General Public License 3.0</a
charts: {
title: 'Charts',
changeCountry: 'Change Country',
download: 'Download Chart'
errors: {
title: 'Errors for {0}',
ids: {
invalidURL: 'URL not recognized',
unsupportedURL: 'URL not supported yet',
ISRCnotOnDeezer: 'Track ISRC is not available on deezer',
notYourPrivatePlaylist: "You can't download others private playlists.",
spotifyDisabled: 'Spotify Features is not setted up correctly.',
trackNotOnDeezer: 'Track not found on deezer!',
albumNotOnDeezer: 'Album not found on deezer!',
notOnDeezer: 'Track not available on Deezer!',
notEncoded: 'Track not yet encoded!',
notEncodedNoAlternative: 'Track not yet encoded and no alternative found!',
wrongBitrate: 'Track not found at desired bitrate.',
wrongBitrateNoAlternative: 'Track not found at desired bitrate and no alternative found!',
no360RA: 'Track is not available in Reality Audio 360.',
notAvailable: "Track not available on deezer's servers!",
notAvailableNoAlternative: "Track not available on deezer's servers and no alternative found!"
favorites: {
title: 'Favorites',
noPlaylists: 'No Playlists found',
noAlbums: 'No Favorite Albums found',
noArtists: 'No Favorite Artists found',
noTracks: 'No Favorite Tracks found'
home: {
needTologin: 'You need to log into your Deezer account before you can start downloading.',
openSettings: 'Open Settings',
sections: {
popularPlaylists: 'Popular playlists',
popularAlbums: 'Most streamed albums'
linkAnalyzer: {
info: 'You can use this section to find out more information about the link you are trying to download.',
"This is useful if you're trying to download some tracks that are not available in your country and want to know where they are available, for instance.",
linkNotSupported: 'This link is not yet supported',
linkNotSupportedYet: 'Seems like this link is not yet supported, try analyzing another one.',
table: {
id: 'ID',
isrc: 'ISRC',
upc: 'UPC',
duration: 'Duration',
diskNumber: 'Disk Number',
trackNumber: 'Track Number',
releaseDate: 'Release Date',
bpm: 'BPM',
label: 'Label',
recordType: 'Record Type',
genres: 'Genres',
tracklist: 'Tracklist'
search: {
startSearching: 'Start searching!',
'You can search a track, a whole album, an artist, a playlist.... everything! You can also paste a Deezer link',
fans: '{0} fans',
noResults: 'No results',
noResultsTrack: 'No Tracks found',
noResultsAlbum: 'No Albums found',
noResultsArtist: 'No Artists found',
noResultsPlaylist: 'No Playlists found'
searchbar: 'Search anything you want (or just paste a link)',
downloads: 'downloads',
toasts: {
addedToQueue: '{0} added to queue',
alreadyInQueue: '{0} is already in queue!',
finishDownload: '{0} finished downloading.',
allDownloaded: 'All downloads completed!',
refreshFavs: 'Refresh completed!',
loggingIn: 'Logging in',
loggedIn: 'Logged in',
alreadyLogged: 'Already logged in',
loginFailed: "Couldn't log in",
loggedOut: 'Logged out',
cancellingCurrentItem: 'Cancelling current item.',
currentItemCancelled: 'Current item cancelled.',
startAddingArtist: 'Adding {0} albums to queue',
finishAddingArtist: 'Added {0} albums to queue',
startConvertingSpotifyPlaylist: 'Converting spotify tracks to deezer tracks',
finishConvertingSpotifyPlaylist: 'Spotify playlist converted'
settings: {
title: 'Settings',
languages: 'Languages',
login: {
title: 'Login',
loggedIn: 'You are logged in as {username}',
arl: {
question: 'How do I get my own ARL?',
update: 'Update ARL'
logout: 'Logout'
appearance: {
title: 'Appearance',
slimDownloadTab: 'Slim download tab'
downloadPath: {
title: 'Download Path'
templates: {
title: 'Templates',
tracknameTemplate: 'Trackname template',
albumTracknameTemplate: 'Album track template',
playlistTracknameTemplate: 'Playlist track template'
folders: {
title: 'Folders',
createPlaylistFolder: 'Create folder for playlists',
playlistNameTemplate: 'Playlist folder template',
createArtistFolder: 'Create folder for artist',
artistNameTemplate: 'Artist folder template',
createAlbumFolder: 'Create folder for album',
albumNameTemplate: 'Album folder template',
createCDFolder: 'Create folder for CDs',
createStructurePlaylist: 'Create folder structure for playlists',
createSingleFolder: 'Create folder structure for singles'
trackTitles: {
title: 'Track titles',
padTracks: 'Pad tracks',
paddingSize: 'Overwrite padding size',
illegalCharacterReplacer: 'Illegal Character replacer'
downloads: {
title: 'Downloads',
queueConcurrency: 'Concurrent Downloads',
maxBitrate: {
title: 'Preferred Bitrate',
9: 'FLAC 1411kbps',
3: 'MP3 320kbps',
1: 'MP3 128kbps'
overwriteFile: {
title: 'Should I overwrite the files?',
y: 'Yes, overwrite the file',
n: "No, don't overwrite the file",
t: 'Overwrite only the tags'
fallbackBitrate: 'Bitrate fallback',
fallbackSearch: 'Search fallback',
logErrors: 'Create log files for errors',
logSearched: 'Create log files for searched tracks',
createM3U8File: 'Create playlist file',
syncedLyrics: 'Create .lyr files (Sync Lyrics)',
playlistFilenameTemplate: 'Playlist filename template',
saveDownloadQueue: 'Save download queue when closing the app'
covers: {
title: 'Album covers',
saveArtwork: 'Save Covers',
coverImageTemplate: 'Cover name template',
saveArtworkArtist: 'Save artist image',
artistImageTemplate: 'Artist image template',
localArtworkSize: 'Local artwork size',
embeddedArtworkSize: 'Embedded artwork size',
localArtworkFormat: {
title: 'What format do you want the local artwork to be?',
jpg: 'A jpeg image',
png: 'A png image',
both: 'Both a jpeg and a png'
jpegImageQuality: 'JPEG image quality'
tags: {
head: 'Which tags to save',
title: 'Title',
artist: 'Artist',
album: 'Album',
cover: 'Cover',
trackNumber: 'Track Number',
trackTotal: 'Track Total',
discNumber: 'Disc Number',
discTotal: 'Disc Total',
albumArtist: 'Album Artist',
genre: 'Genre',
year: 'Year',
date: 'Date',
explicit: 'Explicit Lyrics',
isrc: 'ISRC',
length: 'Track Length',
barcode: 'Album Barcode (UPC)',
bpm: 'BPM',
replayGain: 'Replay Gain',
label: 'Album Label',
lyrics: 'Unsynchronized Lyrics',
copyright: 'Copyright',
composer: 'Composer',
involvedPeople: 'Involved People'
other: {
title: 'Other',
savePlaylistAsCompilation: 'Save playlists as compilation',
useNullSeparator: 'Use null separator',
saveID3v1: 'Save ID3v1 as well',
multiArtistSeparator: {
title: 'How would you like to separate your artists?',
nothing: 'Save only the main artist',
default: 'Using standard specification',
andFeat: 'Using & and feat.',
using: 'Using "{0}"'
singleAlbumArtist: 'Save only the main album artist',
albumVariousArtists: 'Keep "Various Artists" in the Album Artists',
removeAlbumVersion: 'Remove "Album Version" from track title',
removeDuplicateArtists: 'Remove combinations of artists',
dateFormat: {
title: 'Date format for FLAC files',
year: 'YYYY',
month: 'MM',
day: 'DD'
featuredToTitle: {
title: 'What should I do with featured artists?',
0: 'Nothing',
1: 'Remove it from the title',
3: 'Remove it from the title and the album title',
2: 'Move it to the title'
titleCasing: 'Title casing',
artistCasing: 'Artist casing',
casing: {
nothing: 'Keep unchanged',
lower: 'lowercase',
upper: 'UPPERCASE',
start: 'Start Of Each Word',
sentence: 'Like a sentence'
previewVolume: 'Volumen de previsualización',
executeCommand: {
title: 'Comando a ejecutar después de la descarga',
description: 'Deje en blanco para no hacer nada'
spotify: {
title: 'Funciones de Spotify',
clientID: 'ID del cliente de Spotify',
clientSecret: 'Cliente secreto de Spotify',
username: 'Nombre de usuario de Spotify'
reset: 'Restablecer el valor por defecto',
save: 'Guardar',
toasts: {
init: '¡Configuraciones cargadas!',
update: '¡Ajustes actualizados!',
ARLcopied: 'ARL copiado al portapapeles'
sidebar: {
home: 'inicio',
search: 'buscar',
charts: 'charts',
favorites: 'favoritos',
linkAnalyzer: 'analizar links',
settings: 'ajustes',
about: 'acerca de'
tracklist: {
downloadSelection: 'Descargar selección'
export default es
Reference in a new issue