mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 11:18:27 +00:00
800 lines
36 KiB
800 lines
36 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os.path
import re
import traceback
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from os import makedirs, remove, system as execute
from tempfile import gettempdir
from time import sleep
from Cryptodome.Cipher import Blowfish
from requests import get
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, ConnectionError
from deemix.api.deezer import APIError, USER_AGENT_HEADER
from deemix.utils.misc import changeCase
from deemix.utils.pathtemplates import generateFilename, generateFilepath, settingsRegexAlbum, settingsRegexArtist
from deemix.utils.taggers import tagID3, tagFLAC
TEMPDIR = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'deemix-imgs')
if not os.path.isdir(TEMPDIR):
extensions = {
9: '.flac',
3: '.mp3',
1: '.mp3',
8: '.mp3',
15: '.mp4',
14: '.mp4',
13: '.mp4'
downloadPercentage = 0
lastPercentage = 0
def stream_track(dz, track, stream, trackAPI, queueItem, interface=None):
global downloadPercentage, lastPercentage
if 'cancel' in queueItem:
raise downloadCancelled
request = get(track['downloadUrl'], headers=dz.http_headers, stream=True, timeout=30)
except ConnectionError:
return stream_track(dz, track, stream, trackAPI, queueItem, interface)
blowfish_key = str.encode(dz._get_blowfish_key(str(track['id'])))
complete = int(request.headers["Content-Length"])
chunkLength = 0
percentage = 0
i = 0
for chunk in request.iter_content(2048):
if 'cancel' in queueItem:
raise downloadCancelled
if (i % 3) == 0 and len(chunk) == 2048:
chunk = Blowfish.new(blowfish_key, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, b"\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07").decrypt(chunk)
chunkLength += len(chunk)
if 'SINGLE_TRACK' in trackAPI:
percentage = (chunkLength / complete) * 100
downloadPercentage = percentage
chunkProgres = (len(chunk) / complete) / trackAPI['SIZE'] * 100
downloadPercentage += chunkProgres
if round(downloadPercentage) != lastPercentage and round(percentage) % 5 == 0:
lastPercentage = round(downloadPercentage)
if interface:
queueItem['progress'] = lastPercentage
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'progress': lastPercentage})
i += 1
def downloadImage(url, path):
if not os.path.isfile(path):
image = get(url, headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT_HEADER}, timeout=30)
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
return path
except ConnectionError:
return downloadImage(url, path)
except HTTPError:
print("Couldn't download Image")
return None
return path
def formatDate(date, template):
elements = {
'year': ['YYYY', 'YY', 'Y'],
'month': ['MM', 'M'],
'day': ['DD', 'D']
for element, placeholders in elements.items():
for placeholder in placeholders:
if placeholder in template:
template = template.replace(placeholder, str(date[element]))
return template
def getPreferredBitrate(dz, track, bitrate, fallback=True):
if not fallback:
formats = {9: 'flac', 3: 'mp3_320', 1: 'mp3_128', 15: '360_hq', 14: '360_mq', 13: '360_lq'}
request = get(dz.get_track_stream_url(track['id'], track['MD5'], track['mediaVersion'], bitrate))
except HTTPError:
return -100
return int(bitrate)
if int(bitrate) in [13, 14, 15]:
formats = {'360_hq': 15, '360_mq': 14, '360_lq': 13}
selectedFormat = -200
for format, formatNum in formats.items():
if formatNum <= int(bitrate):
request = get(dz.get_track_stream_url(track['id'], track['MD5'], track['mediaVersion'], formatNum))
except HTTPError:
selectedFormat = formatNum
formats = {'flac': 9, 'mp3_320': 3, 'mp3_128': 1}
selectedFormat = 8
for format, formatNum in formats.items():
if formatNum <= int(bitrate):
request = get(dz.get_track_stream_url(track['id'], track['MD5'], track['mediaVersion'], formatNum))
except HTTPError:
selectedFormat = formatNum
return selectedFormat
def parseEssentialTrackData(track, trackAPI):
track['id'] = trackAPI['SNG_ID']
track['duration'] = trackAPI['DURATION']
track['MD5'] = trackAPI['MD5_ORIGIN']
track['mediaVersion'] = trackAPI['MEDIA_VERSION']
if 'FALLBACK' in trackAPI:
track['fallbackId'] = trackAPI['FALLBACK']['SNG_ID']
track['fallbackId'] = 0
return track
def getTrackData(dz, trackAPI_gw, trackAPI=None, albumAPI_gw=None, albumAPI=None):
if not 'MD5_ORIGIN' in trackAPI_gw:
trackAPI_gw['MD5_ORIGIN'] = dz.get_track_md5(trackAPI_gw['SNG_ID'])
track = {}
track['title'] = trackAPI_gw['SNG_TITLE'].strip()
if 'VERSION' in trackAPI_gw and trackAPI_gw['VERSION'] and not trackAPI_gw['VERSION'] in trackAPI_gw['SNG_TITLE']:
track['title'] += " " + trackAPI_gw['VERSION'].strip()
track = parseEssentialTrackData(track, trackAPI_gw)
if int(track['id']) < 0:
track['album'] = {}
track['album']['id'] = 0
track['album']['title'] = trackAPI_gw['ALB_TITLE']
if 'ALB_PICTURE' in trackAPI_gw:
track['album']['pic'] = trackAPI_gw['ALB_PICTURE']
track['mainArtist'] = {}
track['mainArtist']['id'] = 0
track['mainArtist']['name'] = trackAPI_gw['ART_NAME']
track['artists'] = [trackAPI_gw['ART_NAME']]
track['aritst'] = {
'Main': [trackAPI_gw['ART_NAME']]
track['date'] = {
'day': 0,
'month': 0,
'year': 0
track['localTrack'] = True
return track
if 'DISK_NUMBER' in trackAPI_gw:
track['discNumber'] = trackAPI_gw['DISK_NUMBER']
if 'EXPLICIT_LYRICS' in trackAPI_gw:
track['explicit'] = trackAPI_gw['EXPLICIT_LYRICS'] != "0"
if 'COPYRIGHT' in trackAPI_gw:
track['copyright'] = trackAPI_gw['COPYRIGHT']
track['replayGain'] = "{0:.2f} dB".format(
(float(trackAPI_gw['GAIN']) + 18.4) * -1) if 'GAIN' in trackAPI_gw else None
track['ISRC'] = trackAPI_gw['ISRC']
track['trackNumber'] = trackAPI_gw['TRACK_NUMBER']
track['contributors'] = trackAPI_gw['SNG_CONTRIBUTORS']
if 'POSITION' in trackAPI_gw:
track['position'] = trackAPI_gw['POSITION']
track['lyrics'] = {}
if 'LYRICS_ID' in trackAPI_gw:
track['lyrics']['id'] = trackAPI_gw['LYRICS_ID']
if not "LYRICS" in trackAPI_gw and int(track['lyrics']['id']) != 0:
trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"] = dz.get_lyrics_gw(track['id'])
if int(track['lyrics']['id']) != 0:
if "LYRICS_TEXT" in trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"]:
track['lyrics']['unsync'] = trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_TEXT"]
if "LYRICS_SYNC_JSON" in trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"]:
track['lyrics']['sync'] = ""
lastTimestamp = ""
for i in range(len(trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"])):
if "lrc_timestamp" in trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i]:
track['lyrics']['sync'] += trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i]["lrc_timestamp"]
lastTimestamp = trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i]["lrc_timestamp"]
track['lyrics']['sync'] += lastTimestamp
track['lyrics']['sync'] += trackAPI_gw["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i]["line"] + "\r\n"
track['mainArtist'] = {}
track['mainArtist']['id'] = trackAPI_gw['ART_ID']
track['mainArtist']['name'] = trackAPI_gw['ART_NAME']
if 'ART_PICTURE' in trackAPI_gw:
track['mainArtist']['pic'] = trackAPI_gw['ART_PICTURE']
track['date'] = {
'day': trackAPI_gw["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][8:10],
'month': trackAPI_gw["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][5:7],
'year': trackAPI_gw["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][0:4]
track['album'] = {}
track['album']['id'] = trackAPI_gw['ALB_ID']
track['album']['title'] = trackAPI_gw['ALB_TITLE']
if 'ALB_PICTURE' in trackAPI_gw:
track['album']['pic'] = trackAPI_gw['ALB_PICTURE']
if not albumAPI:
albumAPI = dz.get_album(track['album']['id'])
track['album']['mainArtist'] = {
'id': albumAPI['artist']['id'],
'name': albumAPI['artist']['name'],
'pic': albumAPI['artist']['picture_small'][albumAPI['artist']['picture_small'].find('artist/') + 7:-24]
track['album']['artist'] = {}
track['album']['artists'] = []
for artist in albumAPI['contributors']:
if artist['id'] != 5080:
if not artist['role'] in track['album']['artist']:
track['album']['artist'][artist['role']] = []
track['album']['trackTotal'] = albumAPI['nb_tracks']
track['album']['recordType'] = albumAPI['record_type']
track['album']['barcode'] = albumAPI['upc'] if 'upc' in albumAPI else "Unknown"
track['album']['label'] = albumAPI['label'] if 'label' in albumAPI else "Unknown"
if not 'pic' in track['album']:
track['album']['pic'] = albumAPI['cover_small'][albumAPI['cover_small'].find('cover/') + 6:-24]
if 'release_date' in albumAPI:
track['album']['date'] = {
'day': albumAPI["release_date"][8:10],
'month': albumAPI["release_date"][5:7],
'year': albumAPI["release_date"][0:4]
track['album']['discTotal'] = albumAPI['nb_disk'] if 'nb_disk' in albumAPI else None
track['copyright'] = albumAPI['copyright'] if 'copyright' in albumAPI else None
track['album']['genre'] = []
if 'genres' in albumAPI and 'data' in albumAPI['genres'] and len(albumAPI['genres']['data']) > 0:
for genre in albumAPI['genres']['data']:
except APIError:
if not albumAPI_gw:
albumAPI_gw = dz.get_album_gw(track['album']['id'])
track['album']['mainArtist'] = {
'id': albumAPI_gw['ART_ID'],
'name': albumAPI_gw['ART_NAME']
artistAPI = dz.get_artist(track['album']['mainArtist']['id'])
track['album']['artists'] = albumAPI_gw['ART_NAME']
track['album']['mainArtist']['pic'] = artistAPI['picture_small'][
artistAPI['picture_small'].find('artist/') + 7:-24]
track['album']['trackTotal'] = albumAPI_gw['NUMBER_TRACK']
track['album']['discTotal'] = albumAPI_gw['NUMBER_DISK']
track['album']['recordType'] = "Album"
track['album']['barcode'] = "Unknown"
track['album']['label'] = albumAPI_gw['LABEL_NAME'] if 'LABEL_NAME' in albumAPI_gw else "Unknown"
if not 'pic' in track['album']:
track['album']['pic'] = albumAPI_gw['ALB_PICTURE']
track['album']['date'] = {
'day': albumAPI_gw["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][8:10],
'month': albumAPI_gw["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][5:7],
'year': albumAPI_gw["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][0:4]
track['album']['genre'] = []
if 'date' in track['album'] and 'date' not in track:
track['date'] = track['album']['date']
if not trackAPI:
trackAPI = dz.get_track(track['id'])
track['bpm'] = trackAPI['bpm']
if not 'replayGain' in track or not track['replayGain']:
track['replayGain'] = "{0:.2f} dB".format((float(trackAPI['gain']) + 18.4) * -1) if 'gain' in trackAPI else ""
if not 'explicit' in track:
track['explicit'] = trackAPI['explicit_lyrics']
if not 'discNumber' in track:
track['discNumber'] = trackAPI['disk_number']
track['artist'] = {}
track['artists'] = []
for artist in trackAPI['contributors']:
if artist['id'] != 5080:
if not artist['role'] in track['artist']:
track['artist'][artist['role']] = []
if not 'discTotal' in track['album'] or not track['album']['discTotal']:
if not albumAPI_gw:
albumAPI_gw = dz.get_album_gw(track['album']['id'])
track['album']['discTotal'] = albumAPI_gw['NUMBER_DISK']
if not 'copyright' in track or not track['copyright']:
if not albumAPI_gw:
albumAPI_gw = dz.get_album_gw(track['album']['id'])
track['copyright'] = albumAPI_gw['COPYRIGHT']
# Fix incorrect day month when detectable
if int(track['date']['month']) > 12:
monthTemp = track['date']['month']
track['date']['month'] = track['date']['day']
track['date']['day'] = monthTemp
if int(track['album']['date']['month']) > 12:
monthTemp = track['album']['date']['month']
track['album']['date']['month'] = track['album']['date']['day']
track['album']['date']['day'] = monthTemp
# Remove featuring from the title
track['title_clean'] = track['title']
if "(feat." in track['title_clean'].lower():
pos = track['title_clean'].lower().find("(feat.")
tempTrack = track['title_clean'][:pos]
if ")" in track['title_clean']:
tempTrack += track['title_clean'][track['title_clean'].find(")", pos + 1) + 1:]
track['title_clean'] = tempTrack.strip()
# Create artists strings
track['mainArtistsString'] = ""
if 'Main' in track['artist']:
tot = len(track['artist']['Main'])
for i, art in enumerate(track['artist']['Main']):
track['mainArtistsString'] += art
if tot != i + 1:
if tot - 1 == i + 1:
track['mainArtistsString'] += " & "
track['mainArtistsString'] += ", "
track['mainArtistsString'] = track['mainArtist']['name']
if 'Featured' in track['artist']:
tot = len(track['artist']['Featured'])
track['featArtistsString'] = "feat. "
for i, art in enumerate(track['artist']['Featured']):
track['featArtistsString'] += art
if tot != i + 1:
if tot - 1 == i + 1:
track['featArtistsString'] += " & "
track['featArtistsString'] += ", "
# Create title with feat
if "(feat." in track['title'].lower():
track['title_feat'] = track['title']
elif 'Featured' in track['artist']:
track['title_feat'] = track['title'] + " ({})".format(track['featArtistsString'])
track['title_feat'] = track['title']
return track
def downloadTrackObj(dz, trackAPI, settings, bitrate, queueItem, extraTrack=None, interface=None):
result = {}
if 'cancel' in queueItem:
result['cancel'] = True
return result
if trackAPI['SNG_ID'] == 0:
result['error'] = {
'message': "Track not available on Deezer!",
if 'SNG_TITLE' in trackAPI:
result['error']['data'] = {
'id': trackAPI['SNG_ID'],
'title': trackAPI['SNG_TITLE'],
'mainArtist': {'name': trackAPI['ART_NAME']}
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True, 'data': result['error']['data'],
'error': "Track not available on Deezer!"})
return result
# Get the metadata
if extraTrack:
track = extraTrack
track = getTrackData(dz,
trackAPI=trackAPI['_EXTRA_TRACK'] if '_EXTRA_TRACK' in trackAPI else None,
albumAPI=trackAPI['_EXTRA_ALBUM'] if '_EXTRA_ALBUM' in trackAPI else None
if 'cancel' in queueItem:
result['cancel'] = True
return result
print('Downloading: {} - {}'.format(track['mainArtist']['name'], track['title']))
if track['MD5'] == '':
if track['fallbackId'] != 0:
print("Track not yet encoded, using fallback id")
trackNew = dz.get_track_gw(track['fallbackId'])
if not 'MD5_ORIGIN' in trackNew:
trackNew['MD5_ORIGIN'] = dz.get_track_md5(trackNew['SNG_ID'])
track = parseEssentialTrackData(track, trackNew)
return downloadTrackObj(dz, trackAPI, settings, bitrate, queueItem, extraTrack=track, interface=interface)
elif not 'searched' in track and settings['fallbackSearch']:
print("Track not yet encoded, searching for alternative")
searchedId = dz.get_track_from_metadata(track['mainArtist']['name'], track['title'],
if searchedId != 0:
trackNew = dz.get_track_gw(searchedId)
if not 'MD5_ORIGIN' in trackNew:
trackNew['MD5_ORIGIN'] = dz.get_track_md5(trackNew['SNG_ID'])
track = parseEssentialTrackData(track, trackNew)
track['searched'] = True
return downloadTrackObj(dz, trackAPI, settings, bitrate, queueItem, extraTrack=track,
print("ERROR: Track not yet encoded and no alternative found!")
result['error'] = {
'message': "Track not yet encoded and no alternative found!",
'data': track
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True, 'data': track,
'error': "Track not yet encoded and no alternative found!"})
return result
print("ERROR: Track not yet encoded!")
result['error'] = {
'message': "Track not yet encoded!",
'data': track
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True, 'data': track,
'error': "Track not yet encoded!"})
return result
# Get the selected bitrate
format = getPreferredBitrate(dz, track, bitrate, settings['fallbackBitrate'])
if format == -100:
print("ERROR: Track not found at desired bitrate. Enable fallback to lower bitrates to fix this issue.")
result['error'] = {
'message': "Track not found at desired bitrate.",
'data': track
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True, 'data': track,
'error': "Track not found at desired bitrate."})
return result
elif format == -200:
print("ERROR: This track is not available in 360 Reality Audio format. Please select another format.")
result['error'] = {
'message': "Track is not available in Reality Audio 360.",
'data': track
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True, 'data': track,
'error': "Track is not available in Reality Audio 360."})
return result
track['selectedFormat'] = format
track['dateString'] = formatDate(track['date'], settings['dateFormat'])
if settings['tags']['savePlaylistAsCompilation'] and "_EXTRA_PLAYLIST" in trackAPI:
if 'dzcdn.net' in trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['picture_small']:
track['album']['picUrl'] = trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['picture_small'][:-24] + "/{}x{}-{}".format(
track['album']['pic'], settings['embeddedArtworkSize'], settings['embeddedArtworkSize'],
'none-100-0-0.png' if settings['PNGcovers'] else f'000000-{settings["jpegImageQuality"]}-0-0.jpg')
track['album']['picUrl'] = trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['picture_xl']
track['album']['title'] = trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['title']
track['album']['mainArtist'] = {
'id': trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['various_artist']['id'],
'name': trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['various_artist']['name'],
'pic': trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['various_artist']['picture_small'][
trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['various_artist']['picture_small'].find('artist/') + 7:-24]
track['album']['artist'] = {"Main": [trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['various_artist']['name'], ]}
track['album']['artists'] = [trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['various_artist']['name'], ]
track['trackNumber'] = trackAPI["POSITION"]
track['album']['trackTotal'] = trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]['nb_tracks']
track['album']['recordType'] = "Compilation"
track['album']['barcode'] = ""
track['album']['label'] = ""
track['album']['date'] = {
'day': trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]["creation_date"][8:10],
'month': trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]["creation_date"][5:7],
'year': trackAPI["_EXTRA_PLAYLIST"]["creation_date"][0:4]
track['discNumber'] = "1"
track['album']['discTotal'] = "1"
if 'date' in track['album']:
track['date'] = track['album']['date']
track['album']['picUrl'] = "https://e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/cover/{}/{}x{}-{}".format(
track['album']['pic'], settings['embeddedArtworkSize'], settings['embeddedArtworkSize'],
'none-100-0-0.png' if settings['PNGcovers'] else f'000000-{settings["jpegImageQuality"]}-0-0.jpg')
track['album']['bitrate'] = format
track['album']['dateString'] = formatDate(track['album']['date'], settings['dateFormat'])
# Check if user wants the feat in the title
# 0 => do not change
# 1 => remove from title
# 2 => add to title
if settings['featuredToTitle'] == "1":
track['title'] = track['title_clean']
elif settings['featuredToTitle'] == "2":
track['title'] = track['title_feat']
# Remove (Album Version) from tracks that have that
if settings['removeAlbumVersion']:
if "Album Version" in track['title']:
track['title'] = re.sub(r' ?\(Album Version\)', "", track['title']).strip()
# Generate artist tag if needed
if settings['tags']['multitagSeparator'] != "default":
if settings['tags']['multitagSeparator'] == "andFeat":
track['artistsString'] = track['mainArtistsString']
if 'featArtistsString' in track and settings['featuredToTitle'] != "2":
track['artistsString'] += " " + track['featArtistsString']
track['artistsString'] = settings['tags']['multitagSeparator'].join(track['artists'])
track['artistsString'] = ", ".join(track['artists'])
# Change Title and Artists casing if needed
if settings['titleCasing'] != "nothing":
track['title'] = changeCase(track['title'], settings['titleCasing'])
if settings['artistCasing'] != "nothing":
track['artistsString'] = changeCase(track['artistsString'], settings['artistCasing'])
for i, artist in enumerate(track['artists']):
track['artists'][i] = changeCase(artist, settings['artistCasing'])
# Generate filename and filepath from metadata
filename = generateFilename(track, trackAPI, settings)
(filepath, artistPath, coverPath, extrasPath) = generateFilepath(track, trackAPI, settings)
if 'cancel' in queueItem:
result['cancel'] = True
return result
# Download and cache coverart
if settings['tags']['savePlaylistAsCompilation'] and "_EXTRA_PLAYLIST" in trackAPI:
track['album']['picPath'] = os.path.join(TEMPDIR,
f"pl{trackAPI['_EXTRA_PLAYLIST']['id']}_{settings['embeddedArtworkSize']}.{'png' if settings['PNGcovers'] else 'jpg'}")
track['album']['picPath'] = os.path.join(TEMPDIR,
f"alb{track['album']['id']}_{settings['embeddedArtworkSize']}.{'png' if settings['PNGcovers'] else 'jpg'}")
track['album']['picPath'] = downloadImage(track['album']['picUrl'], track['album']['picPath'])
if os.path.sep in filename:
tempPath = filename[:filename.rfind(os.path.sep)]
filepath = os.path.join(filepath, tempPath)
filename = filename[filename.rfind(os.path.sep) + len(os.path.sep):]
makedirs(filepath, exist_ok=True)
writepath = os.path.join(filepath, filename + extensions[track['selectedFormat']])
# Save lyrics in lrc file
if settings['syncedLyrics'] and 'sync' in track['lyrics']:
print(filepath, filename)
with open(os.path.join(filepath, filename + '.lrc'), 'wb') as f:
# Save local album art
if coverPath:
result['albumURL'] = track['album']['picUrl'].replace(
result['albumPath'] = os.path.join(coverPath,
f"{settingsRegexAlbum(settings['coverImageTemplate'], track['album'], settings, trackAPI)}.{'png' if settings['PNGcovers'] else 'jpg'}")
# Save artist art
if artistPath:
result['artistURL'] = "https://e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net/images/artist/{}/{}x{}-{}".format(
track['album']['mainArtist']['pic'], settings['localArtworkSize'], settings['localArtworkSize'],
'none-100-0-0.png' if settings['PNGcovers'] else f'000000-{settings["jpegImageQuality"]}-0-0.jpg')
result['artistPath'] = os.path.join(artistPath,
f"{settingsRegexArtist(settings['artistImageTemplate'], track['album']['mainArtist'], settings)}.{'png' if settings['PNGcovers'] else 'jpg'}")
# Data for m3u file
if extrasPath:
result['extrasPath'] = extrasPath
result['playlistPosition'] = writepath[len(extrasPath):]
track['downloadUrl'] = dz.get_track_stream_url(track['id'], track['MD5'], track['mediaVersion'],
with open(writepath, 'wb') as stream:
stream_track(dz, track, stream, trackAPI, queueItem, interface)
except downloadCancelled:
result['cancel'] = True
return result
except HTTPError:
if track['fallbackId'] != 0:
print("Track not available, using fallback id")
trackNew = dz.get_track_gw(track['fallbackId'])
if not 'MD5_ORIGIN' in trackNew:
trackNew['MD5_ORIGIN'] = dz.get_track_md5(trackNew['SNG_ID'])
track = parseEssentialTrackData(track, trackNew)
return downloadTrackObj(dz, trackAPI, settings, bitrate, queueItem, extraTrack=track, interface=interface)
elif not 'searched' in track and settings['fallbackSearch']:
print("Track not available, searching for alternative")
searchedId = dz.get_track_from_metadata(track['mainArtist']['name'], track['title'],
if searchedId != 0:
trackNew = dz.get_track_gw(searchedId)
if not 'MD5_ORIGIN' in trackNew:
trackNew['MD5_ORIGIN'] = dz.get_track_md5(trackNew['SNG_ID'])
track = parseEssentialTrackData(track, trackNew)
track['searched'] = True
return downloadTrackObj(dz, trackAPI, settings, bitrate, queueItem, extraTrack=track,
print("ERROR: Track not available on deezer's servers and no alternative found!")
result['error'] = {
'message': "Track not available on deezer's servers and no alternative found!",
'data': track
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True, 'data': track,
'error': "Track not available on deezer's servers and no alternative found!"})
return result
print("ERROR: Track not available on deezer's servers!")
result['error'] = {
'message': "Track not available on deezer's servers!",
'data': track
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True, 'data': track,
'error': "Track not available on deezer's servers!"})
return result
if track['selectedFormat'] in [3, 1, 8]:
tagID3(writepath, track, settings['tags'])
elif track['selectedFormat'] == 9:
tagFLAC(writepath, track, settings['tags'])
if 'searched' in track:
result['searched'] = f'{track["mainArtist"]["name"]} - {track["title"]}'
if interface:
queueItem['downloaded'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'downloaded': True})
return result
def downloadTrackObj_wrap(dz, track, settings, bitrate, queueItem, interface):
result = downloadTrackObj(dz, track, settings, bitrate, queueItem, interface=interface)
except Exception as e:
result = {'error': {
'message': str(e),
'data': {
'id': track['SNG_ID'],
'title': track['SNG_TITLE'] + (
" " + track['VERSION'] if 'VERSION' in track and track['VERSION'] else ""),
'mainArtist': {'name': track['ART_NAME']}
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True})
return result
def download(dz, queueItem, interface=None):
global downloadPercentage, lastPercentage
settings = queueItem['settings']
bitrate = queueItem['bitrate']
downloadPercentage = 0
lastPercentage = 0
if 'single' in queueItem:
result = downloadTrackObj(dz, queueItem['single'], settings, bitrate, queueItem, interface=interface)
except Exception as e:
result = {'error': {
'message': str(e),
'data': {
'id': queueItem['single']['SNG_ID'],
'title': queueItem['single']['SNG_TITLE'] + (
" " + queueItem['single']['VERSION'] if 'VERSION' in queueItem['single'] and
queueItem['single']['VERSION'] else ""),
'mainArtist': {'name': queueItem['single']['ART_NAME']}
if interface:
queueItem['failed'] += 1
interface.send("updateQueue", {'uuid': queueItem['uuid'], 'failed': True})
download_path = after_download_single(result, settings, queueItem)
elif 'collection' in queueItem:
print("Downloading collection")
playlist = [None] * len(queueItem['collection'])
with ThreadPoolExecutor(settings['queueConcurrency']) as executor:
for pos, track in enumerate(queueItem['collection'], start=0):
playlist[pos] = executor.submit(downloadTrackObj_wrap, dz, track, settings, bitrate, queueItem,
download_path = after_download(playlist, settings, queueItem)
if interface:
if 'cancel' in queueItem:
interface.send('toast', {'msg': "Current item cancelled.", 'icon': 'done', 'dismiss': True,
'id': 'cancelling_' + queueItem['uuid']})
interface.send("removedFromQueue", queueItem['uuid'])
interface.send("finishDownload", queueItem['uuid'])
return {
'dz': dz,
'interface': interface,
'download_path': download_path
def after_download(tracks, settings, queueItem):
extrasPath = None
playlist = [None] * len(tracks)
errors = ""
searched = ""
for index in range(len(tracks)):
result = tracks[index].result()
if 'cancel' in result:
return None
if 'error' in result:
if not 'data' in result['error']:
result['error']['data'] = {'id': 0, 'title': 'Unknown', 'mainArtist': {'name': 'Unknown'}}
errors += f"{result['error']['data']['id']} | {result['error']['data']['mainArtist']['name']} - {result['error']['data']['title']} | {result['error']['message']}\r\n"
if 'searched' in result:
searched += result['searched'] + "\r\n"
if not extrasPath and 'extrasPath' in result:
extrasPath = result['extrasPath']
if settings['saveArtwork'] and 'albumPath' in result:
downloadImage(result['albumURL'], result['albumPath'])
if settings['saveArtworkArtist'] and 'artistPath' in result:
downloadImage(result['artistURL'], result['artistPath'])
if 'playlistPosition' in result:
playlist[index] = result['playlistPosition']
playlist[index] = ""
if not extrasPath:
extrasPath = settings['downloadLocation']
if settings['logErrors'] and errors != "":
with open(os.path.join(extrasPath, 'errors.txt'), 'wb') as f:
if settings['logSearched'] and searched != "":
with open(os.path.join(extrasPath, 'searched.txt'), 'wb') as f:
if settings['createM3U8File']:
with open(os.path.join(extrasPath, 'playlist.m3u8'), 'wb') as f:
for line in playlist:
f.write((line + "\n").encode('utf-8'))
if settings['executeCommand'] != "":
execute(settings['executeCommand'].replace("%folder%", extrasPath))
return extrasPath
def after_download_single(track, settings, queueItem):
if 'cancel' in track:
return None
if 'extrasPath' not in track:
track['extrasPath'] = settings['downloadLocation']
if settings['logSearched'] and 'searched' in track:
with open(os.path.join(track['extrasPath'], 'searched.txt'), 'wb+') as f:
orig = f.read().decode('utf-8')
if not track['searched'] in orig:
if orig != "":
orig += "\r\n"
orig += track['searched'] + "\r\n"
if settings['executeCommand'] != "":
execute(settings['executeCommand'].replace("%folder%", track['extrasPath']))
return track['extrasPath']
class downloadCancelled(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions in this module."""