mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 03:08:26 +00:00
139 lines
5.4 KiB
139 lines
5.4 KiB
import string
from deezer import TrackFormats
import os
from deemix.errors import ErrorMessages
USER_AGENT_HEADER = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " \
"Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"
def canWrite(folder):
return os.access(folder, os.W_OK)
def generateReplayGainString(trackGain):
return "{0:.2f} dB".format((float(trackGain) + 18.4) * -1)
def getBitrateNumberFromText(txt):
txt = str(txt).lower()
if txt in ['flac', 'lossless', '9']:
return TrackFormats.FLAC
if txt in ['mp3', '320', '3']:
return TrackFormats.MP3_320
if txt in ['128', '1']:
return TrackFormats.MP3_128
if txt in ['360', '360_hq', '15']:
return TrackFormats.MP4_RA3
if txt in ['360_mq', '14']:
return TrackFormats.MP4_RA2
if txt in ['360_lq', '13']:
return TrackFormats.MP4_RA1
return None
def changeCase(txt, case_type):
if case_type == "lower":
return txt.lower()
if case_type == "upper":
return txt.upper()
if case_type == "start":
txt = txt.split(" ")
for i, word in enumerate(txt):
if word[0] in ['(', '{', '[']:
txt[i] = word[0] + word[1:].capitalize()
txt[i] = word.capitalize()
return " ".join(txt)
if case_type == "sentence":
return txt.capitalize()
return str
def removeFeatures(title):
clean = title
if "(feat." in clean.lower():
pos = clean.lower().find("(feat.")
tempTrack = clean[:pos]
if ")" in clean:
tempTrack += clean[clean.find(")", pos + 1) + 1:]
clean = tempTrack.strip()
clean = ' '.join(clean.split())
return clean
def andCommaConcat(lst):
tot = len(lst)
result = ""
for i, art in enumerate(lst):
result += art
if tot != i + 1:
if tot - 1 == i + 1:
result += " & "
result += ", "
return result
def uniqueArray(arr):
for iPrinc, namePrinc in enumerate(arr):
for iRest, nRest in enumerate(arr):
if iPrinc!=iRest and namePrinc.lower() in nRest.lower():
del arr[iRest]
return arr
def removeDuplicateArtists(artist, artists):
artists = uniqueArray(artists)
for role in artist.keys():
artist[role] = uniqueArray(artist[role])
return (artist, artists)
def formatListener(key, data=None):
if key == "startAddingArtist":
return f"Started gathering {data['name']}'s albums ({data['id']})"
if key == "finishAddingArtist":
return f"Finished gathering {data['name']}'s albums ({data['id']})"
if key == "updateQueue":
uuid = f"[{data['uuid']}]"
if data.get('downloaded'):
shortFilepath = data['downloadPath'][len(data['extrasPath']):]
return f"{uuid} Completed download of {shortFilepath}"
if data.get('failed'):
return f"{uuid} {data['data']['artist']} - {data['data']['title']} :: {data['error']}"
if data.get('progress'):
return f"{uuid} Download at {data['progress']}%"
if data.get('conversion'):
return f"{uuid} Conversion at {data['conversion']}%"
return uuid
if key == "downloadInfo":
message = data['state']
if data['state'] == "getTags": message = "Getting tags."
elif data['state'] == "gotTags": message = "Tags got."
elif data['state'] == "getBitrate": message = "Getting download URL."
elif data['state'] == "bitrateFallback": message = "Desired bitrate not found, falling back to lower bitrate."
elif data['state'] == "searchFallback": message = "This track has been searched for, result might not be 100% exact."
elif data['state'] == "gotBitrate": message = "Download URL got."
elif data['state'] == "getAlbumArt": message = "Downloading album art."
elif data['state'] == "gotAlbumArt": message = "Album art downloaded."
elif data['state'] == "downloading":
message = "Downloading track."
if data['alreadyStarted']:
message += f" Recovering download from {data['value']}."
message += f" Downloading {data['value']} bytes."
elif data['state'] == "downloaded": message = "Track downloaded."
elif data['state'] == "alreadyDownloaded": message = "Track already downloaded."
elif data['state'] == "tagging": message = "Tagging track."
elif data['state'] == "tagged": message = "Track tagged."
return f"[{data['uuid']}] {data['data']['artist']} - {data['data']['title']} :: {message}"
if key == "downloadWarn":
errorMessage = ErrorMessages[data['state']]
solutionMessage = ""
if data['solution'] == 'fallback': solutionMessage = "Using fallback id."
if data['solution'] == 'search': solutionMessage = "Searching for alternative."
return f"[{data['uuid']}] {data['data']['artist']} - {data['data']['title']} :: {errorMessage} {solutionMessage}"
if key == "currentItemCancelled":
return f"Current item cancelled ({data})"
if key == "removedFromQueue":
return f"[{data}] Removed from the queue"
if key == "finishDownload":
return f"[{data}] Finished downloading"
if key == "startConversion":
return f"[{data}] Started converting"
if key == "finishConversion":
return f"[{data['uuid']}] Finished converting"
return ""