mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 19:58:26 +00:00
Fix some lint warnings.
273 lines
9 KiB
273 lines
9 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
from deemix.api.deezer import Deezer, APIError
from deemix.utils.taggers import tagID3, tagFLAC
extensions = {
9: '.flac',
3: '.mp3',
1: '.mp3',
8: '.mp3',
15: '.mp4',
14: '.mp4',
13: '.mp4'
dz = Deezer()
def getIDFromLink(link, type):
if '?' in link:
link = link[:link.find('?')]
if link.startswith("http") and 'open.spotify.com/' in link:
if type == "spotifyplaylist":
return link[link.find("/playlist/") + 10]
if type == "spotifytrack":
return link[link.find("/track/") + 7]
if type == "spotifyalbum":
return link[link.find("/album/") + 7]
elif link.startswith("spotify:"):
if type == "spotifyplaylist":
return link[link.find("playlist:") + 9]
if type == "spotifytrack":
return link[link.find("track:") + 6]
if type == "spotifyalbum":
return link[link.find("album:") + 6]
elif type == "artisttop":
return re.search(r"\/artist\/(\d+)\/top_track", link)[1]
return link[link.rfind("/") + 1:]
def getTypeFromLink(link):
type = ''
if 'spotify' in link:
type = 'spotify'
if 'playlist' in link:
type += 'playlist'
elif 'track' in link:
type += 'track'
elif 'album' in link:
type += 'album'
elif 'deezer' in link:
if '/track' in link:
type = 'track'
elif '/playlist' in link:
type = 'playlist'
elif '/album' in link:
type = 'album'
elif re.search("\/artist\/(\d+)\/top_track", link):
type = 'artisttop'
elif '/artist' in link:
type = 'artist'
return type
def getTrackData(id):
if not id:
return None
trackAPI = dz.get_track_gw(id)
if not 'MD5_ORIGIN' in trackAPI:
trackAPI['MD5_ORIGIN'] = dz.get_track_md5(id)
track = {}
track['id'] = trackAPI['SNG_ID']
track['title'] = trackAPI['SNG_TITLE']
if trackAPI['VERSION']:
track['title'] += " " + trackAPI['VERSION']
track['duration'] = trackAPI['DURATION']
track['MD5'] = trackAPI['MD5_ORIGIN']
track['mediaVersion'] = trackAPI['MEDIA_VERSION']
if int(track['id']) < 0:
track['filesize'] = trackAPI['FILESIZE']
track['album'] = {}
track['album']['id'] = 0
track['album']['title'] = trackAPI['ALB_TITLE']
if 'ALB_PICTURE' in trackAPI:
track['album']['pic'] = trackAPI['ALB_PICTURE']
track['mainArtist'] = {}
track['mainArtist']['id'] = 0
track['mainArtist']['name'] = trackAPI['ART_NAME']
track['artistArray'] = [trackAPI['ART_NAME']]
track['date'] = {
'day': 0,
'month': 0,
'year': 0
track['localTrack'] = True
return track
track['filesize'] = {}
track['filesize']['default'] = int(trackAPI['FILESIZE']) if 'FILESIZE' in trackAPI else None
track['filesize']['mp3_128'] = int(trackAPI['FILESIZE_MP3_128']) if 'FILESIZE_MP3_128' in trackAPI else None
track['filesize']['mp3_320'] = int(trackAPI['FILESIZE_MP3_320']) if 'FILESIZE_MP3_320' in trackAPI else None
track['filesize']['flac'] = int(trackAPI['FILESIZE_FLAC']) if 'FILESIZE_FLAC' in trackAPI else None
track['filesize']['mp4_ra1'] = int(trackAPI['FILESIZE_MP4_RA1']) if 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA1' in trackAPI else None
track['filesize']['mp4_ra2'] = int(trackAPI['FILESIZE_MP4_RA2']) if 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA2' in trackAPI else None
track['filesize']['mp4_ra3'] = int(trackAPI['FILESIZE_MP4_RA3']) if 'FILESIZE_MP4_RA3' in trackAPI else None
if 'DISK_NUMBER' in trackAPI:
track['discNumber'] = trackAPI['DISK_NUMBER']
track['explicit'] = trackAPI['EXPLICIT_LYRICS'] != "0"
if 'COPYRIGHT' in trackAPI:
track['copyright'] = trackAPI['COPYRIGHT']
track['replayGain'] = "{0:.2f} dB".format((float(trackAPI['GAIN']) + 18.4) * -1)
track['ISRC'] = trackAPI['ISRC']
track['trackNumber'] = trackAPI['TRACK_NUMBER']
if 'FALLBACK' in trackAPI:
track['fallbackId'] = trackAPI['FALLBACK']['SNG_ID']
track['fallbackId'] = 0
track['contributors'] = trackAPI['SNG_CONTRIBUTORS']
track['lyrics'] = {}
if 'LYRICS_ID' in trackAPI:
track['lyrics']['id'] = trackAPI['LYRICS_ID']
if "LYRICS" in trackAPI:
if "LYRICS_TEXT" in trackAPI["LYRICS"]:
track['lyrics']['unsync'] = trackAPI["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_TEXT"]
track['lyrics']['sync'] = ""
for i in range(len(trackAPI["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"])):
if "lrc_timestamp" in trackAPI["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i]:
track['lyrics']['sync'] += trackAPI["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i]["lrc_timestamp"] + \
trackAPI["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i]["line"] + "\r\n"
elif i + 1 < len(trackAPI["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"]):
track['lyrics']['sync'] += trackAPI["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i + 1]["lrc_timestamp"] + \
trackAPI["LYRICS"]["LYRICS_SYNC_JSON"][i]["line"] + "\r\n"
track['mainArtist'] = {}
track['mainArtist']['id'] = trackAPI['ART_ID']
track['mainArtist']['name'] = trackAPI['ART_NAME']
if 'ART_PICTURE' in trackAPI:
track['mainArtist']['pic'] = trackAPI['ART_PICTURE']
track['date'] = {
'day': trackAPI["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][8:10],
'month': trackAPI["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][5:7],
'year': trackAPI["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][0:4]
track['album'] = {}
track['album']['id'] = trackAPI['ALB_ID']
track['album']['title'] = trackAPI['ALB_TITLE']
if 'ALB_PICTURE' in trackAPI:
track['album']['pic'] = trackAPI['ALB_PICTURE']
albumAPI = dz.get_album(track['album']['id'])
track['album']['artist'] = {
'id': albumAPI['artist']['id'],
'name': albumAPI['artist']['name'],
'pic': albumAPI['artist']['picture_small'][46:-24]
track['album']['trackTotal'] = albumAPI['nb_tracks']
track['album']['recordType'] = albumAPI['record_type']
track['album']['barcode'] = albumAPI['upc'] if 'upc' in albumAPI else None
track['album']['label'] = albumAPI['label'] if 'label' in albumAPI else None
if not 'pic' in track['album']:
track['album']['pic'] = albumAPI['cover_small'][43:-24]
if 'release_date' in albumAPI:
track['date'] = {
'day': albumAPI["release_date"][8:10],
'month': albumAPI["release_date"][5:7],
'year': albumAPI["release_date"][0:4]
track['album']['genre'] = []
if 'genres' in albumAPI and 'data' in albumAPI['genres'] and len(albumAPI['genres']['data']) > 0:
for genre in albumAPI['genres']['data']:
except APIError:
albumAPI = dz.get_album_gw(track['album']['id'])
track['album']['artist'] = {
'id': albumAPI['ART_ID'],
'name': albumAPI['ART_NAME']
track['album']['trackTotal'] = albumAPI['NUMBER_TRACK']
track['album']['discTotal'] = albumAPI['NUMBER_DISK']
track['album']['recordType'] = trackAPI['TYPE']
track['album']['barcode'] = None
track['album']['label'] = albumAPI['LABEL_NAME'] if 'LABEL_NAME' in albumAPI else None
if not 'pic' in track['album']:
track['album']['pic'] = albumAPI['ALB_PICTURE']
track['date'] = {
'day': albumAPI["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][8:10],
'month': albumAPI["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][5:7],
'year': albumAPI["PHYSICAL_RELEASE_DATE"][0:4]
track['album']['genre'] = []
trackAPI2 = dz.get_track(track['id'])
track['bpm'] = trackAPI2['bpm']
if not 'replayGain' in track:
track['replayGain'] = "{0:.2f} dB".format((float(trackAPI2['gain']) + 18.4) * -1)
if not 'explicit' in track:
track['explicit'] = trackAPI2['explicit_lyrics']
track['artist'] = {}
track['artists'] = []
for artist in trackAPI2['contributors']:
if not artist['role'] in track['artist']:
track['artist'][artist['role']] = []
if not 'discTotal' in track['album']:
albumAPI2 = dz.get_album_gw(track['album']['id'])
track['album']['discTotal'] = albumAPI2['NUMBER_DISK']
return track
def downloadTrack(id, bitrate):
# Get the metadata
track = getTrackData(id)
# Get the selected bitrate
bitrateFound = False;
if int(bitrate) == 9:
track['selectedFormat'] = 9
track['selectedFilesize'] = track['filesize']['flac']
if track['filesize']['flac'] > 0:
bitrateFound = True
bitrateFound = False
bitrate = 3
if int(bitrate) == 3:
track['selectedFormat'] = 3
track['selectedFilesize'] = track['filesize']['mp3_320']
if track['filesize']['mp3_320'] > 0:
bitrateFound = True
bitrateFound = False
bitrate = 1
if int(bitrate) == 1:
track['selectedFormat'] = 3
track['selectedFilesize'] = track['filesize']['mp3_320']
if track['filesize']['mp3_320'] > 0:
bitrateFound = True
bitrateFound = False
if not bitrateFound:
track['selectedFormat'] = 8
track['selectedFilesize'] = track['filesize']['default']
track['album']['bitrate'] = track['selectedFormat']
# Create the filename
filename = "{artist} - {title}".format(title=track['title'], artist=track['mainArtist']['name']) + extensions[
track['downloadUrl'] = dz.get_track_stream_url(track['id'], track['MD5'], track['mediaVersion'],
with open(filename, 'wb') as stream:
dz.stream_track(track['id'], track['downloadUrl'], stream)
if track['selectedFormat'] in [3, 1, 8]:
tagID3(filename, track)
elif track['selectedFormat'] == 9:
tagFLAC(filename, track)