mirror of
synced 2025-01-28 16:58:24 +00:00
837 lines
29 KiB
837 lines
29 KiB
const { Track } = require('./types/Track.js')
const { StaticPicture } = require('./types/Picture.js')
const { streamTrack, generateCryptedStreamURL } = require('./decryption.js')
const { tagID3, tagFLAC } = require('./tagger.js')
const { USER_AGENT_HEADER, pipeline, shellEscape } = require('./utils/index.js')
const { DEFAULTS, OverwriteOption } = require('./settings.js')
const { generatePath, generateAlbumName, generateArtistName, generateDownloadObjectName } = require('./utils/pathtemplates.js')
const { PreferredBitrateNotFound, TrackNot360, DownloadFailed, ErrorMessages, DownloadCanceled} = require('./errors.js')
const { TrackFormats } = require('deezer-js')
const { WrongLicense, WrongGeolocation } = require('deezer-js').errors
const { map_track } = require('deezer-js').utils
const got = require('got')
const fs = require('fs')
const { tmpdir } = require('os')
const { queue, each } = require('async')
const { exec } = require("child_process")
const extensions = {
[TrackFormats.FLAC]: '.flac',
[TrackFormats.LOCAL]: '.mp3',
[TrackFormats.MP3_320]: '.mp3',
[TrackFormats.MP3_128]: '.mp3',
[TrackFormats.DEFAULT]: '.mp3',
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA3]: '.mp4',
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA2]: '.mp4',
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA1]: '.mp4'
const formatsName = {
[TrackFormats.FLAC]: 'FLAC',
[TrackFormats.LOCAL]: 'MP3_MISC',
[TrackFormats.MP3_320]: 'MP3_320',
[TrackFormats.MP3_128]: 'MP3_128',
[TrackFormats.DEFAULT]: 'MP3_MISC',
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA3]: 'MP4_RA3',
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA2]: 'MP4_RA2',
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA1]: 'MP4_RA1'
const TEMPDIR = tmpdir()+`/deemix-imgs`
fs.mkdirSync(TEMPDIR, { recursive: true })
async function downloadImage(url, path, overwrite = OverwriteOption.DONT_OVERWRITE){
if (fs.existsSync(path) && ![OverwriteOption.OVERWRITE, OverwriteOption.ONLY_TAGS, OverwriteOption.KEEP_BOTH].includes(overwrite)){
let file = fs.readFileSync(path)
if (file.length != 0) return path
let timeout = null
let error = ""
const downloadStream = got.stream(url, { headers: {'User-Agent': USER_AGENT_HEADER}, https: {rejectUnauthorized: false}})
.on('data', function(){
timeout = setTimeout(()=>{
error = "DownloadTimeout"
}, 5000)
const fileWriterStream = fs.createWriteStream(path)
timeout = setTimeout(()=>{
error = "DownloadTimeout"
}, 5000)
try {
await pipeline(downloadStream, fileWriterStream)
} catch (e){
if (e instanceof got.HTTPError) {
if (url.includes('images.dzcdn.net')){
let urlBase = url.slice(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')+1)
let pictureURL = url.slice(urlBase.length)
let pictureSize = parseInt(pictureURL.slice(0, pictureURL.indexOf('x')))
if (pictureSize > 1200)
return downloadImage(urlBase+pictureURL.replace(`${pictureSize}x${pictureSize}`, '1200x1200'), path, overwrite)
return null
if (
e instanceof got.ReadError ||
e instanceof got.TimeoutError ||
downloadStream.destroyed && error == "DownloadTimeout"
) {
return downloadImage(url, path, overwrite)
throw e
return path
async function getPreferredBitrate(dz, track, preferredBitrate, shouldFallback, feelingLucky, uuid, listener){
preferredBitrate = parseInt(preferredBitrate)
let falledBack = false
let hasAlternative = track.fallbackID != 0
let isGeolocked = false
let wrongLicense = false
async function testURL(track, url, formatName){
if (!url) return false
let request
request = got.get(
{ headers: {'User-Agent': USER_AGENT_HEADER}, https: {rejectUnauthorized: false}, timeout: 7000 }
).on("response", (response)=>{
track.filesizes[`${formatName.toLowerCase()}`] = response.statusCode == 403 ? 0 : response.headers["content-length"]
await request
} catch (e){
if (e.isCanceled) {
if (track.filesizes[`${formatName.toLowerCase()}`] == 0) return false
return true
if (e instanceof got.ReadError || e instanceof got.TimeoutError){
return await testURL(track, url, formatName)
if (e instanceof got.HTTPError) return false
throw e
async function getCorrectURL(track, formatName, formatNumber, feelingLucky){
// Check the track with the legit method
let url
wrongLicense = (
(formatName === "FLAC" || formatName.startsWith("MP4_RA")) && !dz.current_user.can_stream_lossless ||
formatName === "MP3_320" && !dz.current_user.can_stream_hq
if (track.filesizes[`${formatName.toLowerCase()}`] && track.filesizes[`${formatName.toLowerCase()}`] != "0"){
try {
url = await dz.get_track_url(track.trackToken, formatName)
} catch (e){
wrongLicense = (e.name === "WrongLicense")
isGeolocked = (e.name === "WrongGeolocation")
// Fallback to old method
if (!url && feelingLucky){
url = generateCryptedStreamURL(track.id, track.MD5, track.mediaVersion, formatNumber)
if (await testURL(track, url, formatName, formatNumber)) return url
url = undefined
return url
if (track.local) {
let url = await getCorrectURL(track, "MP3_MISC", TrackFormats.LOCAL, feelingLucky)
track.urls["MP3_MISC"] = url
return TrackFormats.LOCAL
const formats_non_360 = {
[TrackFormats.FLAC]: "FLAC",
[TrackFormats.MP3_320]: "MP3_320",
[TrackFormats.MP3_128]: "MP3_128"
const formats_360 = {
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA3]: "MP4_RA3",
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA2]: "MP4_RA2",
[TrackFormats.MP4_RA1]: "MP4_RA1"
const is360Format = Object.keys(formats_360).includes(preferredBitrate)
let formats
if (!shouldFallback){
formats = {...formats_360, ...formats_non_360}
}else if (is360Format){
formats = {...formats_360}
formats = {...formats_non_360}
// Check and renew trackToken before starting the check
await track.checkAndRenewTrackToken(dz)
for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(formats).length; i++){
// Check bitrates
let formatNumber = Object.keys(formats).reverse()[i]
let formatName = formats[formatNumber]
// Current bitrate is higher than preferred bitrate; skip
if (formatNumber > preferredBitrate) { continue }
let currentTrack = track
let url = await getCorrectURL(currentTrack, formatName, formatNumber, feelingLucky)
let newTrack
do {
if (!url && hasAlternative){
newTrack = await dz.gw.get_track_with_fallback(currentTrack.fallbackID)
newTrack = map_track(newTrack)
currentTrack = new Track()
hasAlternative = currentTrack.fallbackID != 0
if (!url) url = await getCorrectURL(currentTrack, formatName, formatNumber, feelingLucky)
} while (!url && hasAlternative)
if (url) {
if (newTrack) track.parseEssentialData(newTrack)
track.urls[formatName] = url
return formatNumber
if (!shouldFallback){
if (wrongLicense) throw new WrongLicense(formatName)
if (isGeolocked) throw new WrongGeolocation(dz.current_user.country)
throw new PreferredBitrateNotFound
} else if (!falledBack){
falledBack = true
if (listener && uuid){
listener.send("downloadInfo", {
state: "bitrateFallback",
id: track.id,
title: track.title,
artist: track.mainArtist.name
if (is360Format) throw new TrackNot360
let url = await getCorrectURL(track, "MP3_MISC", TrackFormats.DEFAULT, feelingLucky)
track.urls["MP3_MISC"] = url
return TrackFormats.DEFAULT
class Downloader {
constructor(dz, downloadObject, settings, listener){
this.dz = dz
this.downloadObject = downloadObject
this.settings = settings || DEFAULTS
this.bitrate = downloadObject.bitrate
this.listener = listener
this.playlistCovername = null
this.playlistURLs = []
this.coverQueue = {}
log(data, state){
if (this.listener)
this.listener.send('downloadInfo', { uuid: this.downloadObject.uuid, data, state })
warn(data, state, solution){
if (this.listener)
this.listener.send('downloadWarn', { uuid: this.downloadObject.uuid, data, state , solution })
async start(){
if (!this.downloadObject.isCanceled){
if (this.downloadObject.__type__ === "Single"){
let track = await this.downloadWrapper({
trackAPI: this.downloadObject.single.trackAPI,
albumAPI: this.downloadObject.single.albumAPI
if (track) await this.afterDownloadSingle(track)
} else if (this.downloadObject.__type__ === "Collection") {
let tracks = []
let q = queue(async (data) => {
let {track, pos} = data
tracks[pos] = await this.downloadWrapper({
trackAPI: track,
albumAPI: this.downloadObject.collection.albumAPI,
playlistAPI: this.downloadObject.collection.playlistAPI
}, this.settings.queueConcurrency)
if (this.downloadObject.collection.tracks.length){
this.downloadObject.collection.tracks.forEach((track, pos) => {
q.push({track, pos})
await q.drain()
await this.afterDownloadCollection(tracks)
if (this.listener){
if (this.downloadObject.isCanceled){
this.listener.send('currentItemCancelled', this.downloadObject.uuid)
this.listener.send("removedFromQueue", this.downloadObject.uuid)
} else {
this.listener.send("finishDownload", this.downloadObject.uuid)
async download(extraData, track){
let returnData = {}
const { trackAPI, albumAPI, playlistAPI } = extraData
trackAPI.size = this.downloadObject.size
if (this.downloadObject.isCanceled) throw new DownloadCanceled
if (parseInt(trackAPI.id) == 0) throw new DownloadFailed("notOnDeezer")
let itemData = {
id: trackAPI.id,
title: trackAPI.title,
artist: trackAPI.artist.name
// Generate track object
if (!track){
track = new Track()
this.log(itemData, "getTags")
await track.parseData(
} catch (e){
if (e.name === "AlbumDoesntExists") { throw new DownloadFailed('albumDoesntExists') }
if (e.name === "MD5NotFound") { throw new DownloadFailed('notLoggedIn') }
throw e
this.log(itemData, "gotTags")
if (this.downloadObject.isCanceled) throw new DownloadCanceled
itemData = {
id: track.id,
title: track.title,
artist: track.mainArtist.name
// Check if the track is encoded
if (track.MD5 === "") throw new DownloadFailed("notEncoded", track)
// Check the target bitrate
this.log(itemData, "getBitrate")
let selectedFormat
selectedFormat = await getPreferredBitrate(
this.settings.fallbackBitrate, this.settings.feelingLucky,
this.downloadObject.uuid, this.listener
}catch (e){
if (e.name === "WrongLicense") { throw new DownloadFailed("wrongLicense")}
if (e.name === "WrongGeolocation") { throw new DownloadFailed("wrongGeolocation", track)}
if (e.name === "PreferredBitrateNotFound") { throw new DownloadFailed("wrongBitrate", track) }
if (e.name === "TrackNot360") { throw new DownloadFailed("no360RA") }
throw e
track.bitrate = selectedFormat
track.album.bitrate = selectedFormat
this.log(itemData, "gotBitrate")
// Apply Settings
// Generate filename and filepath from metadata
let {
} = generatePath(track, this.downloadObject, this.settings)
if (this.downloadObject.isCanceled) throw new DownloadCanceled
// Make sure the filepath exsists
fs.mkdirSync(filepath, { recursive: true })
let extension = extensions[track.bitrate]
let writepath = `${filepath}/${filename}${extension}`
// Save extrasPath
if (extrasPath && !this.downloadObject.extrasPath) {
this.downloadObject.extrasPath = extrasPath
// Generate covers URLs
let embeddedImageFormat = `jpg-${this.settings.jpegImageQuality}`
if (this.settings.embeddedArtworkPNG) embeddedImageFormat = 'png'
track.album.embeddedCoverURL = track.album.pic.getURL(this.settings.embeddedArtworkSize, embeddedImageFormat)
let ext = track.album.embeddedCoverURL.slice(-4)
if (ext.charAt(0) != '.') ext = '.jpg'
track.album.embeddedCoverPath = `${TEMPDIR}/${track.album.isPlaylist ? 'pl'+track.playlist.id : 'alb'+track.album.id}_${this.settings.embeddedArtworkSize}${ext}`
// Download and cache the coverart
this.log(itemData, "getAlbumArt")
if (!this.coverQueue[track.album.embeddedCoverPath])
this.coverQueue[track.album.embeddedCoverPath] = downloadImage(track.album.embeddedCoverURL, track.album.embeddedCoverPath)
track.album.embeddedCoverPath = await this.coverQueue[track.album.embeddedCoverPath]
if (this.coverQueue[track.album.embeddedCoverPath]) delete this.coverQueue[track.album.embeddedCoverPath]
this.log(itemData, "gotAlbumArt")
// Save local album art
if (coverPath){
returnData.albumURLs = []
this.settings.localArtworkFormat.split(',').forEach((picFormat) => {
if (['png', 'jpg'].includes(picFormat)){
let extendedFormat = picFormat
if (extendedFormat == 'jpg') extendedFormat += `-${this.settings.jpegImageQuality}`
let url = track.album.pic.getURL(this.settings.localArtworkSize, extendedFormat)
// Skip non deezer pictures at the wrong format
if (track.album.pic instanceof StaticPicture && picFormat != 'jpg') return
returnData.albumURLs.push({url, ext: picFormat})
returnData.albumPath = coverPath
returnData.albumFilename = generateAlbumName(this.settings.coverImageTemplate, track.album, this.settings, track.playlist)
// Save artist art
if (artistPath){
returnData.artistURLs = []
this.settings.localArtworkFormat.split(',').forEach((picFormat) => {
// Deezer doesn't support png artist images
if (picFormat === 'jpg'){
let extendedFormat = `${picFormat}-${this.settings.jpegImageQuality}`
let url = track.album.mainArtist.pic.getURL(this.settings.localArtworkSize, extendedFormat)
// Skip non deezer pictures at the wrong format
if (track.album.mainArtist.pic.md5 == "") return
returnData.artistURLs.push({url, ext: picFormat})
returnData.artistPath = artistPath
returnData.artistFilename = generateArtistName(this.settings.artistImageTemplate, track.album.mainArtist, this.settings, track.album.rootArtist)
// Save playlist art
if (track.playlist){
if (this.playlistURLs.length == 0){
this.settings.localArtworkFormat.split(',').forEach((picFormat) => {
if (['png', 'jpg'].includes(picFormat)){
let extendedFormat = picFormat
if (extendedFormat == 'jpg') extendedFormat += `-${this.settings.jpegImageQuality}`
let url = track.playlist.pic.getURL(this.settings.localArtworkSize, extendedFormat)
// Skip non deezer pictures at the wrong format
if (track.playlist.pic instanceof StaticPicture && picFormat != 'jpg') return
this.playlistURLs.push({url, ext: picFormat})
if (!this.playlistCovername){
track.playlist.bitrate = track.bitrate
track.playlist.dateString = track.playlist.date.format(this.settings.dateFormat)
this.playlistCovername = generateAlbumName(this.settings.coverImageTemplate, track.playlist, this.settings, track.playlist)
// Save lyrics in lrc file
if (this.settings.syncedLyrics && track.lyrics.sync){
if (!fs.existsSync(`${filepath}/${filename}.lrc`) || [OverwriteOption.OVERWRITE, OverwriteOption.ONLY_TAGS].includes(this.settings.overwriteFile))
fs.writeFileSync(`${filepath}/${filename}.lrc`, track.lyrics.sync)
// Check for overwrite settings
let trackAlreadyDownloaded = fs.existsSync(writepath)
// Don't overwrite and don't mind extension
if (!trackAlreadyDownloaded && this.settings.overwriteFile == OverwriteOption.DONT_CHECK_EXT){
let extensions = ['.mp3', '.flac', '.opus', '.m4a']
let baseFilename = `${filepath}/${filename}`
for (let i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++){
let ext = extensions[i]
trackAlreadyDownloaded = fs.existsSync(baseFilename+ext)
if (trackAlreadyDownloaded) break
// Don't overwrite and keep both files
if (trackAlreadyDownloaded && this.settings.overwriteFile == OverwriteOption.KEEP_BOTH){
let baseFilename = `${filepath}/${filename}`
let currentFilename
let c = 0
do {
currentFilename = `${baseFilename} (${c})${extension}`
} while (fs.existsSync(currentFilename))
trackAlreadyDownloaded = false
writepath = currentFilename
// Download the track
if (!trackAlreadyDownloaded || this.settings.overwriteFile == OverwriteOption.OVERWRITE){
track.downloadURL = track.urls[formatsName[track.bitrate]]
if (!track.downloadURL) throw new DownloadFailed('notAvailable', track)
try {
await streamTrack(writepath, track, this.downloadObject, this.listener)
} catch (e){
if (e instanceof got.HTTPError) throw new DownloadFailed('notAvailable', track)
throw e
this.log(itemData, "downloaded")
} else {
this.log(itemData, "alreadyDownloaded")
// Adding tags
if (!trackAlreadyDownloaded || [OverwriteOption.ONLY_TAGS, OverwriteOption.OVERWRITE].includes(this.settings.overwriteFile) && !track.local){
this.log(itemData, "tagging")
if (extension == '.mp3'){
tagID3(writepath, track, this.settings.tags)
} else if (extension == '.flac'){
tagFLAC(writepath, track, this.settings.tags)
this.log(itemData, "tagged")
if (track.searched) returnData.searched = true
this.downloadObject.downloaded += 1
if (this.listener)
this.listener.send('updateQueue', {
uuid: this.downloadObject.uuid,
downloaded: true,
downloadPath: String(writepath),
extrasPath: String(this.downloadObject.extrasPath)
returnData.filename = writepath.slice(extrasPath.length+1)
returnData.data = itemData
returnData.path = String(writepath)
return returnData
async downloadWrapper(extraData, track){
const { trackAPI } = extraData
// Temp metadata to generate logs
let itemData = {
id: trackAPI.id,
title: trackAPI.title,
artist: trackAPI.artist.name
let result
try {
result = await this.download(extraData, track)
} catch (e){
if (e instanceof DownloadFailed){
if (e.track){
let track = e.track
if (track.fallbackID != 0){
this.warn(itemData, e.errid, 'fallback')
let newTrack = await this.dz.gw.get_track_with_fallback(track.fallbackID)
newTrack = map_track(newTrack)
return await this.downloadWrapper(extraData, track)
if (track.albumsFallback.length && this.settings.fallbackISRC){
let newAlbumID = track.albumsFallback.pop()
let newAlbum = await this.dz.gw.get_album_page(newAlbumID)
let fallbackID = 0
for (let newTrack of newAlbum.SONGS.data) {
if (newTrack.ISRC === track.ISRC) {
fallbackID = newTrack.SNG_ID
if (fallbackID != 0){
this.warn(itemData, e.errid, 'fallback')
let newTrack = await this.dz.gw.get_track_with_fallback(fallbackID)
newTrack = map_track(newTrack)
return await this.downloadWrapper(extraData, track)
if (!track.searched && this.settings.fallbackSearch){
this.warn(itemData, e.errid, 'search')
let searchedID = await this.dz.api.get_track_id_from_metadata(track.mainArtist.name, track.title, track.album.title)
if (searchedID != "0"){
let newTrack = await this.dz.gw.get_track_with_fallback(searchedID)
newTrack = map_track(newTrack)
track.searched = true
this.log(itemData, "searchFallback")
return await this.downloadWrapper(extraData, track)
e.errid += "NoAlternative"
e.message = ErrorMessages[e.errid]
result = {error:{
message: e.message,
errid: e.errid,
data: itemData,
type: "track"
} else if (e instanceof DownloadCanceled){
} else {
result = {error:{
message: e.message,
data: itemData,
stack: String(e.stack),
type: "track"
if (result.error){
this.downloadObject.failed += 1
if (this.listener){
let error = result.error
this.listener.send("updateQueue", {
uuid: this.downloadObject.uuid,
failed: true,
data: error.data,
error: error.message,
errid: error.errid || null,
stack: error.stack || null,
type: error.type
return result
afterDownloadErrorReport(position, error, itemData = {}){
message: error.message,
stack: String(error.stack),
data: { position, ...itemData },
type: "post"
if (this.listener){
this.listener.send("updateQueue", {
uuid: this.downloadObject.uuid,
postFailed: true,
error: error.message,
data: { position, ...itemData },
stack: error.stack,
type: "post"
async afterDownloadSingle(track){
if (!track) return
if (!this.downloadObject.extrasPath) {
this.downloadObject.extrasPath = this.settings.downloadLocation
// Save local album artwork
try {
if (this.settings.saveArtwork && track.albumPath)
await each(track.albumURLs, async (image) => {
await downloadImage(image.url, `${track.albumPath}/${track.albumFilename}.${image.ext}`, this.settings.overwriteFile)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("SaveLocalAlbumArt", e)
// Save local artist artwork
try {
if (this.settings.saveArtworkArtist && track.artistPath)
await each(track.artistURLs, async (image) => {
await downloadImage(image.url, `${track.artistPath}/${track.artistFilename}.${image.ext}`, this.settings.overwriteFile)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("SaveLocalArtistArt", e)
// Create searched logfile
try {
if (this.settings.logSearched && track.searched){
let filename = `${track.data.artist} - ${track.data.title}`
let searchedFile
try {
searchedFile = fs.readFileSync(`${this.downloadObject.extrasPath}/searched.txt`).toString()
} catch { searchedFile = "" }
if (searchedFile.indexOf(filename) == -1){
if (searchedFile != "") searchedFile += "\r\n"
searchedFile += filename + "\r\n"
fs.writeFileSync(`${this.downloadObject.extrasPath}/searched.txt`, searchedFile)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("CreateSearchedLog", e)
// Execute command after download
try {
if (this.settings.executeCommand !== "") {
const child = exec(this.settings.executeCommand.replaceAll("%folder%", shellEscape(this.downloadObject.extrasPath)).replaceAll("%filename%", shellEscape(track.filename)),
(error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("ExecuteCommand", error)
const itemData = { stderr, stdout };
if (stderr) {
this.log(itemData, "stderr")
if (stdout) {
this.log(itemData, "stdout")
await new Promise((resolve) => {
child.on('close', resolve)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("ExecuteCommand", e)
async afterDownloadCollection(tracks){
if (!this.downloadObject.extrasPath) {
this.downloadObject.extrasPath = this.settings.downloadLocation
let playlist = []
let errors = ""
let searched = ""
for (let i=0; i < tracks.length; i++){
let track = tracks[i]
if (!track) return
if (track.error){
if (!track.error.data) track.error.data = {id: "0", title: 'Unknown', artist: 'Unknown'}
errors += `${track.error.data.id} | ${track.error.data.artist} - ${track.error.data.title} | ${track.error.message}\r\n`
if (track.searched) searched += `${track.data.artist} - ${track.data.title}\r\n`
// Save local album artwork
if (this.settings.saveArtwork && track.albumPath)
await each(track.albumURLs, async (image) => {
await downloadImage(image.url, `${track.albumPath}/${track.albumFilename}.${image.ext}`, this.settings.overwriteFile)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("SaveLocalAlbumArt", e, track.data)
// Save local artist artwork
if (this.settings.saveArtworkArtist && track.artistPath)
await each(track.artistURLs, async (image) => {
await downloadImage(image.url, `${track.artistPath}/${track.artistFilename}.${image.ext}`, this.settings.overwriteFile)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("SaveLocalArtistArt", e, track.data)
// Save filename for playlist file
playlist[i] = track.filename || ""
// Create errors logfile
if (this.settings.logErrors && errors != "")
fs.writeFileSync(`${this.downloadObject.extrasPath}/errors.txt`, errors)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("CreateErrorLog", e)
// Create searched logfile
if (this.settings.logSearched && searched != "")
fs.writeFileSync(`${this.downloadObject.extrasPath}/searched.txt`, searched)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("CreateSearchedLog", e)
// Save Playlist Artwork
if (this.settings.saveArtwork && this.playlistCovername && !this.settings.tags.savePlaylistAsCompilation)
await each(this.playlistURLs, async (image) => {
await downloadImage(image.url, `${this.downloadObject.extrasPath}/${this.playlistCovername}.${image.ext}`, this.settings.overwriteFile)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("SavePlaylistArt", e)
// Create M3U8 File
if (this.settings.createM3U8File){
let filename = generateDownloadObjectName(this.settings.playlistFilenameTemplate, this.downloadObject, this.settings) || "playlist"
fs.writeFileSync(`${this.downloadObject.extrasPath}/${filename}.m3u8`, playlist.join('\n'))
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("CreatePlaylistFile", e)
// Execute command after download
if (this.settings.executeCommand !== "") {
const child = exec(this.settings.executeCommand.replaceAll("%folder%", shellEscape(this.downloadObject.extrasPath)).replaceAll("%filename%", ''),
(error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("ExecuteCommand", error)
const itemData = { stderr, stdout };
if (stderr) {
this.log(itemData, "stderr")
if (stdout) {
this.log(itemData, "stdout")
await new Promise((resolve) => {
child.on('close', resolve)
} catch (e){
this.afterDownloadErrorReport("ExecuteCommand", e)
module.exports = {