mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 09:18:24 +00:00
174 lines
5.9 KiB
174 lines
5.9 KiB
const stream = require('stream')
const {promisify} = require('util')
const pipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline)
const { accessSync, constants } = require('fs')
const { ErrorMessages } = require('../errors.js')
const USER_AGENT_HEADER = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"
function canWrite(path){
accessSync(path, constants.R_OK | constants.W_OK)
return false
return true
function generateReplayGainString(trackGain){
return `${Math.round((parseFloat(trackGain) + 18.4)*-100)/100} dB`
function changeCase(txt, type){
switch (type) {
case 'lower': return txt.toLowerCase()
case 'upper': return txt.toUpperCase()
case 'start':
txt = txt.trim().split(" ")
for (let i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) {
if (['(', '{', '[', "'", '"'].some(bracket => ( txt[i].length > 1 && txt[i].startsWith(bracket) ) )) {
txt[i] = txt[i][0] + txt[i][1].toUpperCase() + txt[i].substr(2).toLowerCase()
} else if (txt[i].length > 1) {
txt[i] = txt[i][0].toUpperCase() + txt[i].substr(1).toLowerCase()
} else {
txt[i] = txt[i][0].toUpperCase()
return txt.join(" ")
case 'sentence': return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.slice(1).toLowerCase()
default: return txt
function removeFeatures(title){
let clean = title
let found = false
let pos
if (clean.search(/[\s(]\(?\s?feat\.?\s/gi) != -1){
pos = clean.search(/[\s(]\(?\s?feat\.?\s/gi)
found = true
if (clean.search(/[\s(]\(?\s?ft\.?\s/gi) != -1){
pos = clean.search(/[\s(]\(?\s?ft\.?\s/gi)
found = true
const openBracket = clean[pos] == '(' || clean[pos+1] == '('
const otherBracket = clean.indexOf('(', pos+2)
if (found) {
let tempTrack = clean.slice(0, pos)
if (clean.includes(')') && openBracket)
tempTrack += clean.slice(clean.indexOf(')', pos+2)+1)
if (!openBracket && otherBracket != -1)
tempTrack += ` ${clean.slice(otherBracket)}`
clean = tempTrack.trim()
clean = clean.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ') // remove extra spaces
return clean
function andCommaConcat(lst){
const tot = lst.length
let result = ""
lst.forEach((art, i) => {
result += art
if (tot != i+1){
if (tot - 1 == i+1){
result += " & "
} else {
result += ", "
return result
function uniqueArray(arr){
arr.forEach((namePrinc, iPrinc) => {
arr.forEach((nameRest, iRest) => {
if (iPrinc != iRest && nameRest.toLowerCase().includes(namePrinc.toLowerCase())){
arr.splice(iRest, 1)
return arr
function shellEscape(s){
if (typeof s !== 'string') return ''
if (!(/[^\w@%+=:,./-]/g.test(s))) return s
return "'" + s.replaceAll("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'"
function removeDuplicateArtists(artist, artists){
artists = uniqueArray(artists)
Object.keys(artist).forEach((role) => {
artist[role] = uniqueArray(artist[role])
return [artist, artists]
function formatListener(key, data){
let message = ""
switch (key) {
case "startAddingArtist": return `Started gathering ${data.name}'s albums (${data.id})`
case "finishAddingArtist": return `Finished gathering ${data.name}'s albums (${data.id})`
case "updateQueue":
message = `[${data['uuid']}]`
if (data.downloaded) message += ` Completed download of ${data.downloadPath.slice(data.extrasPath.length+1)}`
if (data.failed) message += ` ${data.data.artist} - ${data.data.title} :: ${data.error}`
if (data.progress) message += ` Download at ${data.progress}%`
if (data.conversion) message += ` Conversion at ${data.conversion}%`
return message
case "downloadInfo":
message = data.state
switch (data.state) {
case "getTags": message = "Getting tags."; break;
case "gotTags": message = "Tags got."; break;
case "getBitrate": message = "Getting download URL."; break;
case "bitrateFallback": message = "Desired bitrate not found, falling back to lower bitrate."; break;
case "searchFallback": message = "This track has been searched for, result might not be 100% exact."; break;
case "gotBitrate": message = "Download URL got."; break;
case "getAlbumArt": message = "Downloading album art."; break;
case "gotAlbumArt": message = "Album art downloaded."; break;
case "downloading":
message = "Downloading track.";
if (data.alreadyStarted) message += ` Recovering download from ${data.value}.`
else message += ` Downloading ${data.value} bytes.`
case "downloadTimeout": message = "Deezer timedout when downloading track, retrying..."; break;
case "downloaded": message = "Track downloaded."; break;
case "alreadyDownloaded": message = "Track already downloaded."; break;
case "tagging": message = "Tagging track."; break;
case "tagged": message = "Track tagged."; break;
return `[${data.uuid}] ${data.data.artist} - ${data.data.title} :: ${message}`
case "downloadWarn":
message = `[${data.uuid}] ${data.data.artist} - ${data.data.title} :: ${ErrorMessages[data.state]} `
switch (data.solution) {
case 'fallback': message += "Using fallback id."; break;
case 'search': message += "Searching for alternative."; break;
return message
case "currentItemCancelled": return `Current item cancelled (${data})`
case "removedFromQueue": return `[${data}] Removed from the queue`
case "finishDownload": return `[${data}] Finished downloading`
case "startConversion": return `[${data}] Started converting`
case "finishConversion": return `[${data.uuid}] Finished converting`
default: return message
module.exports = {