const Plugin = require('./index.js') const { getConfigFolder } = require('../utils/localpaths.js') const { generateTrackItem, generateAlbumItem, TrackNotOnDeezer, AlbumNotOnDeezer, InvalidID } = require('../itemgen.js') const { Convertable, Collection } = require('../types/DownloadObjects.js') const { sep } = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const SpotifyWebApi = require('spotify-web-api-node') const got = require('got') const { queue } = require('async') class Spotify extends Plugin { constructor(configFolder = undefined){ super() this.credentials = {clientId: "", clientSecret: ""} this.settings = { fallbackSearch: false } this.enabled = false this.sp this.configFolder = configFolder || getConfigFolder() this.configFolder += `spotify${sep}` return this } setup(){ fs.mkdirSync(this.configFolder, { recursive: true }) this.loadSettings() return this } async parseLink(link){ if (link.includes('')){ link = await got.get(link, {https: {rejectUnauthorized: false}}) // Resolve URL shortner link = link.url } // Remove extra stuff if (link.includes('?')) link = link.slice(0, link.indexOf('?')) if (link.includes('&')) link = link.slice(0, link.indexOf('&')) if (link.endsWith('/')) link = link.slice(0, -1) // Remove last slash if present let link_type, link_id if (!link.includes('spotify')) return [link, link_type, link_id] // return if not a spotify link if ([/:]track[/:](.+)/g) != -1){ link_type = 'track' link_id = /[/:]track[/:](.+)/g.exec(link)[1] }else if ([/:]album[/:](.+)/g) != -1){ link_type = 'album' link_id = /[/:]album[/:](.+)/g.exec(link)[1] }else if ([/:]playlist[/:](\d+)/g) != -1){ link_type = 'playlist' link_id = /[/:]playlist[/:](.+)/g.exec(link)[1] } return [link, link_type, link_id] } async generateDownloadObject(dz, link, bitrate){ let link_type, link_id [link, link_type, link_id] = await this.parseLink(link) if (link_type == null || link_id == null) return null switch (link_type) { case 'track': return this.generateTrackItem(dz, link_id, bitrate) case 'album': return this.generateAlbumItem(dz, link_id, bitrate) case 'playlist': return this.generatePlaylistItem(dz, link_id, bitrate) } } async generateTrackItem(dz, link_id, bitrate){ let cache = this.loadCache() let cachedTrack if (cache.tracks[link_id]){ cachedTrack = cache.tracks[link_id] } else { cachedTrack = await this.getTrack(link_id) cache.tracks[link_id] = cachedTrack this.saveCache(cache) } if (cachedTrack.isrc){ try { return generateTrackItem(dz, `isrc:${cachedTrack.isrc}`, bitrate) } catch (e){ /* empty */ } } if (this.settings.fallbackSearch){ if (! || === "0"){ let trackID = await dz.api.get_track_id_from_metadata(,, ) if (trackID !== "0"){ = trackID cache.tracks[link_id] = cachedTrack this.saveCache(cache) } } if ( !== "0") return generateTrackItem(dz,, bitrate) } throw new TrackNotOnDeezer(`${link_id}`) } async generateAlbumItem(dz, link_id, bitrate){ let cache = this.loadCache() let cachedAlbum if (cache.albums[link_id]){ cachedAlbum = cache.albums[link_id] } else { cachedAlbum = await this.getAlbum(link_id) cache.albums[link_id] = cachedAlbum this.saveCache(cache) } try { return generateAlbumItem(dz, `upc:${cachedAlbum.upc}`, bitrate) } catch (e){ throw new AlbumNotOnDeezer(`${link_id}`) } } async generatePlaylistItem(dz, link_id, bitrate){ if (!this.enabled) throw new Error("Spotify plugin not enabled") let spotifyPlaylist = await this.sp.getPlaylist(link_id) spotifyPlaylist = spotifyPlaylist.body let playlistAPI = this._convertPlaylistStructure(spotifyPlaylist) playlistAPI.various_artist = await dz.api.get_artist(5080) // Useful for save as compilation let tracklistTemp = spotifyPlaylist.tracks.items while ( { let regExec = /offset=(\d+)&limit=(\d+)/g.exec( let offset = regExec[1] let limit = regExec[2] let playlistTracks = await this.sp.getPlaylistTracks(link_id, { offset, limit }) spotifyPlaylist.tracks = playlistTracks.body tracklistTemp = tracklistTemp.concat(spotifyPlaylist.tracks.items) } let tracklist = [] tracklistTemp.forEach((item) => { if (!item.track) return // Skip everything that isn't a track if (item.track.explicit && !playlistAPI.explicit) playlistAPI.explicit = true tracklist.push(item.track) }) if (!playlistAPI.explicit) playlistAPI.explicit = false return new Convertable({ type: 'spotify_playlist', id: link_id, bitrate, title:, artist: spotifyPlaylist.owner.display_name, cover: playlistAPI.picture_thumbnail, explicit: playlistAPI.explicit, size: tracklist.length, collection: { tracks: [], playlistAPI: playlistAPI }, plugin: 'spotify', conversion_data: tracklist }) } async getTrack(track_id, spotifyTrack=null){ if (!this.enabled) throw new Error("Spotify plugin not enabled") let cachedTrack = { isrc: null, data: null } if (!spotifyTrack){ try{ spotifyTrack = await this.sp.getTrack(track_id) } catch (e){ if (e.body.error.message === "invalid id") throw new InvalidID(`${track_id}`) throw e } spotifyTrack = spotifyTrack.body } if (spotifyTrack.external_ids && spotifyTrack.external_ids.isrc) cachedTrack.isrc = spotifyTrack.external_ids.isrc = { title:, artist: spotifyTrack.artists[0].name, album: } return cachedTrack } async getAlbum(album_id, spotifyAlbum=null){ if (!this.enabled) throw new Error("Spotify plugin not enabled") let cachedAlbum = { upc: null, data: null } if (!spotifyAlbum){ try{ spotifyAlbum = await this.sp.getAlbum(album_id) } catch (e){ if (e.body.error.message === "invalid id") throw new InvalidID(`${album_id}`) throw e } spotifyAlbum = spotifyAlbum.body } if (spotifyAlbum.external_ids && spotifyAlbum.external_ids.upc) cachedAlbum.upc = spotifyAlbum.external_ids.upc = { title:, artist: spotifyAlbum.artists[0].name } return cachedAlbum } async convert(dz, downloadObject, settings, listener = null){ let cache = this.loadCache() let conversion = 0 let conversionNext = 0 let collection = [] if (listener) listener.send("startConversion", downloadObject.uuid) let q = queue(async (data) => { let {track, pos} = data if (downloadObject.isCanceled) return let cachedTrack, trackAPI if (cache.tracks[]){ cachedTrack = cache.tracks[] } else { cachedTrack = await this.getTrack(, track) cache.tracks[] = cachedTrack this.saveCache(cache) } if (cachedTrack.isrc){ try { trackAPI = await dz.api.get_track_by_ISRC(cachedTrack.isrc) if (! || !trackAPI.title) trackAPI = null } catch { /* Empty */ } } if (this.settings.fallbackSearch && !trackAPI){ if (! || === "0"){ let trackID = await dz.api.get_track_id_from_metadata(,, ) if (trackID !== "0"){ = trackID cache.tracks[] = cachedTrack this.saveCache(cache) } } if ( !== "0") trackAPI = await dz.api.get_track( } if (!trackAPI){ trackAPI = { id: "0", title:, duration: 0, md5_origin: 0, media_version: 0, filesizes: {}, album: { title:, md5_image: "" }, artist: { id: 0, name: track.artists[0].name, md5_image: "" } } } trackAPI.position = pos+1 collection[pos] = trackAPI conversionNext += (1 / downloadObject.size) * 100 if (Math.round(conversionNext) != conversion && Math.round(conversionNext) % 2 == 0){ conversion = Math.round(conversionNext) if (listener) listener.send('updateQueue', {uuid: downloadObject.uuid, conversion}) } }, settings.queueConcurrency) downloadObject.conversion_data.forEach((track, pos) => { q.push({track, pos: pos}) }); await q.drain() downloadObject.collection.tracks = collection downloadObject.size = collection.length downloadObject = new Collection(downloadObject.toDict()) if (listener) listener.send("finishConversion", downloadObject.getSlimmedDict()) fs.writeFileSync(this.configFolder+'cache.json', JSON.stringify(cache)) return downloadObject } _convertPlaylistStructure(spotifyPlaylist){ let cover = null if (spotifyPlaylist.images.length) cover = spotifyPlaylist.images[0].url let deezerPlaylist = { checksum: spotifyPlaylist.snapshot_id, collaborative: spotifyPlaylist.collaborative, creation_date: "XXXX-00-00", creator: { id:, name: spotifyPlaylist.owner.display_name, tracklist: spotifyPlaylist.owner.href, type: "user" }, description: spotifyPlaylist.description, duration: 0, fans: spotifyPlaylist.followers ? : 0, id:, is_loved_track: false, link: spotifyPlaylist.external_urls.spotify, nb_tracks:, picture: cover, picture_small: cover || "", picture_medium: cover || "", picture_big: cover || "", picture_xl: cover || "", picture_thumbnail: cover || "", public: spotifyPlaylist.public, share: spotifyPlaylist.external_urls.spotify, title:, tracklist: spotifyPlaylist.tracks.href, type: "playlist" } return deezerPlaylist } loadSettings(){ if (!fs.existsSync(this.configFolder+'config.json')) fs.writeFileSync(this.configFolder+'config.json', JSON.stringify({ ...this.credentials, ...this.settings }, null, 2)) let settings try { settings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.configFolder+'config.json')) } catch (e){ if ( === "SyntaxError"){ fs.writeFileSync(this.configFolder+'config.json', JSON.stringify({ ...this.credentials, ...this.settings }, null, 2)) } settings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({ ...this.credentials, ...this.settings })) } this.setSettings(settings) this.checkCredentials() } saveSettings(newSettings){ if (newSettings) this.setSettings(newSettings) this.checkCredentials() fs.writeFileSync(this.configFolder+'config.json', JSON.stringify({ ...this.credentials, ...this.settings }, null, 2)) } getSettings(){ return { ...this.credentials, ...this.settings } } setSettings(newSettings){ this.credentials = { clientId: newSettings.clientId, clientSecret: newSettings.clientSecret } let settings = {...newSettings} delete settings.clientId delete settings.clientSecret this.settings = settings } loadCache(){ let cache try { cache = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.configFolder+'cache.json')) } catch (e){ if ( === "SyntaxError"){ fs.writeFileSync(this.configFolder+'cache.json', JSON.stringify( {tracks: {}, albums: {}}, null, 2 )) } cache = {tracks: {}, albums: {}} } return cache } saveCache(newCache){ fs.writeFileSync(this.configFolder+'cache.json', JSON.stringify(newCache)) } checkCredentials(){ if (this.credentials.clientId === "" || this.credentials.clientSecret === ""){ this.enabled = false return } this.sp = new SpotifyWebApi(this.credentials) this.sp.clientCredentialsGrant().then( (creds)=>{ this.sp.setAccessToken(creds.body.access_token) // Need to get a new access_token when it expires setTimeout(()=>{ this.checkCredentials() }, creds.body.expires_in*1000-10) this.enabled = true }, ()=>{ this.enabled = false this.sp = undefined } ) } getCredentials(){ return this.credentials } setCredentials(clientId, clientSecret){ clientId = clientId.trim() clientSecret = clientSecret.trim() this.credentials = {clientId, clientSecret} this.saveSettings() } } module.exports = Spotify