const { Track, AlbumDoesntExists } = require('./types/Track.js') const { streamTrack, generateStreamURL } = require('./decryption.js') const { TrackFormats } = require('deezer-js') const { USER_AGENT_HEADER } = require('./utils/index.js') const got = require('got') const fs = require('fs-sync') async function getPreferredBitrate(track, bitrate, shouldFallback, uuid, listener){ bitrate = parseInt(bitrate) if (track.localTrack) { return TrackFormats.LOCAL } let falledBack = false const formats_non_360 = { "FLAC": TrackFormats.FLAC, "MP3_320": TrackFormats.MP3_320, "MP3_128": TrackFormats.MP3_128 } const formats_360 = { "MP4_RA3": TrackFormats.MP4_RA3, "MP4_RA2": TrackFormats.MP4_RA2, "MP4_RA1": TrackFormats.MP4_RA1 } const is360Format = Object.values(formats_360).indexOf(bitrate) != -1 let formats if (!shouldFallback){ formats = {...formats_360, ...formats_non_360} }else if (is360Format){ formats = {...formats_360} }else{ formats = {...formats_non_360} } for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(formats).length; i++){ let formatName = Object.keys(formats)[i] let formatNumber = formats[formatName] if (formatNumber > bitrate) { continue } if (Object.keys(track.filesizes).indexOf(`FILESIZE_${formatName}`) != -1){ if (parseInt(track.filesizes[`FILESIZE_${formatName}`]) != 0) return formatNumber if (!track.filesizes[`FILESIZE_${formatName}_TESTED`]){ let request try { request = got.get( generateStreamURL(, track.MD5, track.mediaVersion, formatNumber), { headers: {'User-Agent': USER_AGENT_HEADER}, timeout: 30000 } ).on("response", (response)=>{ track.filesizes[`FILESIZE_${formatName}`] = response.headers["content-length"] track.filesizes[`FILESIZE_${formatName}_TESTED`] = true request.cancel() }).on("error", (e)=>{ throw e }) await request } catch (e){ if (e.isCanceled) { return formatNumber } console.error(e) throw e } } } if (!shouldFallback){ throw new PreferredBitrateNotFound }else if (!falledBack){ falledBack = true if (listener && uuid){ listener.send("queueUpdate", { uuid, bitrateFallback: true, data:{ id:, title: track.title, artist: } }) } } } if (is360Format) throw new TrackNot360 return TrackFormats.DEFAULT } class Downloader { constructor(dz, downloadObject, settings, listener){ = dz this.downloadObject = downloadObject this.settings = settings this.bitrate = downloadObject.bitrate this.listener = listener this.extrasPath = null this.playlistCoverName = null this.playlistURLs = [] } async start(){ if (this.downloadObject.__type__ === "Single"){ await{ trackAPI_gw: this.downloadObject.single.trackAPI_gw, trackAPI: this.downloadObject.single.trackAPI, albumAPI: this.downloadObject.single.albumAPI }) } else if (this.downloadObject.__type__ === "Collection") { let tracks = [] this.downloadObject.collection.tracks_gw.forEach(async (track, pos) => { tracks[pos] = await{ trackAPI_gw: track, albumAPI: this.downloadObject.collection.albumAPI, playlistAPI: this.downloadObject.collection.playlistAPI }) }) } if (this.listener) this.listener.send("finishedDownload", this.downloadObject.uuid) } async download(extraData, track){ const { trackAPI_gw, trackAPI, albumAPI, playlistAPI } = extraData if (trackAPI_gw.SNG_ID == "0") throw new DownloadFailed("notOnDeezer") // Generate track object if (!track){ track = new Track() console.log("Getting tags") try{ await track.parseData(, trackAPI_gw.SNG_ID, trackAPI_gw, trackAPI, albumAPI, playlistAPI ) } catch (e){ if (e instanceof AlbumDoesntExists) { throw new DownloadError('albumDoesntExists') } console.error(e) throw e } } // Check if the track is encoded if (track.MD5 === "") throw new DownloadFailed("notEncoded", track) // Check the target bitrate console.log("Getting bitrate") let selectedFormat try{ selectedFormat = await getPreferredBitrate( track, this.bitrate, true, // fallbackBitrate this.downloadObject.uuid, this.listener ) }catch (e){ if (e instanceof PreferredBitrateNotFound) { throw new DownloadFailed("wrongBitrate", track) } if (e instanceof TrackNot360) { throw new DownloadFailed("no360RA") } console.error(e) throw e } track.bitrate = selectedFormat track.album.bitrate = selectedFormat // Generate covers URLs // Apply Settings // Generate filename and filepath from metadata // Remove Subfolders from filename and add it to filepath // Make sure the filepath exsists // Save extrasPath // Download and cache the coverart // Save local album art // Save artist art // Save playlist art // Save lyrics in lrc file // Check for overwrite settings // Download the track console.log("Downloading") track.downloadURL = generateStreamURL(, track.MD5, track.mediaVersion, track.bitrate) let stream ='./writepath', 'wb') streamTrack(stream, track, 0, this.downloadObject, this.listener) stream.close() // Adding tags } } class DownloadError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = "DownloadError" } } class DownloadFailed extends DownloadError { constructor(errid, track) { super(errid); = "ISRCnotOnDeezer" this.track = track } } class TrackNot360 extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = "TrackNot360" } } class PreferredBitrateNotFound extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = "PreferredBitrateNotFound" } } module.exports = { Downloader, DownloadError, DownloadFailed, getPreferredBitrate, TrackNot360, PreferredBitrateNotFound }