for sake of privacy, we use [plausible's anonymous traffic analytics](https://plausible.io/) to get an approximate number of active cobalt users. no identifiable information about you or your requests is ever stored. all data is anonymized and aggregated. the plausible instance we use is hosted & managed by us.
plausible doesn't use cookies and is fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and PECR.
[learn more about plausible's dedication to privacy.](https://plausible.io/privacy-focused-web-analytics)
if you wish to opt out of anonymous analytics, you can do it in [privacy settings](/settings/privacy#analytics).
we use cloudflare services for ddos & bot protection. we also use cloudflare pages for deploying & hosting the static web app. all of these are required to provide the best experience for everyone. it's the most private & reliable provider that we know of.
cloudflare is fully compliant with GDPR and HIPAA.
[learn more about cloudflare's dedication to privacy.](https://www.cloudflare.com/trust-hub/privacy-and-data-protection/)