{ "paste": "paste", "paste.long": "paste and download", "auto": "auto", "audio": "audio", "mute": "mute", "input.placeholder": "paste the link here", "terms.note.agreement": "by continuing, you agree to", "terms.note.link": "terms and ethics of use", "services.title": "supported services", "services.title_show": "show supported services", "services.title_hide": "hide supported services", "services.disclaimer": "cobalt is not affiliated with any of the services listed above.", "tutorial.title": "how to save on ios?", "tutorial.intro": "to save media conveniently on ios, you'll need to use a companion siri shortcut from the share sheet.", "tutorial.step.1": "add companion siri shortcuts:", "tutorial.step.2": "press the \"share\" button in cobalt's saving dialog.", "tutorial.step.3": "select the respective shortcut in the share sheet.", "tutorial.outro": "these shortcuts will work only from the cobalt app, sharing links from other apps will not work.", "tutorial.shortcut.photos": "to photos", "tutorial.shortcut.files": "to files", "label.community_instance": "community instance" }