#!/bin/bash -ex . .travis/common/pre-upload.sh REV_NAME="citra-osx-${GITDATE}-${GITREV}" ARCHIVE_NAME="${REV_NAME}.tar.gz" COMPRESSION_FLAGS="-czvf" mkdir "$REV_NAME" cp build/bin/citra "$REV_NAME" cp -r build/bin/citra-qt.app "$REV_NAME" cp build/bin/citra-room "$REV_NAME" # move libs into folder for deployment macpack "${REV_NAME}/citra-qt.app/Contents/MacOS/citra-qt" -d "../Frameworks" # move qt frameworks into app bundle for deployment $(brew --prefix)/opt/qt5/bin/macdeployqt "${REV_NAME}/citra-qt.app" -executable="${REV_NAME}/citra-qt.app/Contents/MacOS/citra-qt" # move libs into folder for deployment macpack "${REV_NAME}/citra" -d "libs" # Make the citra-qt.app application launch a debugging terminal. # Store away the actual binary mv ${REV_NAME}/citra-qt.app/Contents/MacOS/citra-qt ${REV_NAME}/citra-qt.app/Contents/MacOS/citra-qt-bin cat > ${REV_NAME}/citra-qt.app/Contents/MacOS/citra-qt <<EOL #!/usr/bin/env bash cd "\`dirname "\$0"\`" chmod +x citra-qt-bin open citra-qt-bin --args "\$@" EOL # Content that will serve as the launching script for citra (within the .app folder) # Make the launching script executable chmod +x ${REV_NAME}/citra-qt.app/Contents/MacOS/citra-qt # Verify loader instructions find "$REV_NAME" -exec otool -L {} \; . .travis/common/post-upload.sh