using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Decoders; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions.InstEmitHelper; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Instructions { static partial class InstEmit { public static void Bra(EmitterContext context) { InstBra op = context.GetOp<InstBra>(); EmitBranch(context, context.CurrBlock.Successors[^1].Address); } public static void Brk(EmitterContext context) { InstBrk op = context.GetOp<InstBrk>(); EmitBrkOrSync(context); } public static void Brx(EmitterContext context) { InstBrx op = context.GetOp<InstBrx>(); InstOp currOp = context.CurrOp; int startIndex = context.CurrBlock.HasNext() ? 1 : 0; if (context.CurrBlock.Successors.Count <= startIndex) { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log($"Failed to find targets for BRX instruction at 0x{currOp.Address:X}."); return; } int offset = (int)currOp.GetAbsoluteAddress(); Operand address = context.IAdd(Register(op.SrcA, RegisterType.Gpr), Const(offset)); // Sorting the target addresses in descending order improves the code, // since it will always check the most distant targets first, then the // near ones. This can be easily transformed into if/else statements. var sortedTargets = context.CurrBlock.Successors.Skip(startIndex).OrderByDescending(x => x.Address); Block lastTarget = sortedTargets.LastOrDefault(); foreach (Block possibleTarget in sortedTargets) { Operand label = context.GetLabel(possibleTarget.Address); if (possibleTarget != lastTarget) { context.BranchIfTrue(label, context.ICompareEqual(address, Const((int)possibleTarget.Address))); } else { context.Branch(label); } } } public static void Cal(EmitterContext context) { InstCal op = context.GetOp<InstCal>(); context.Call(context.GetFunctionId(context.CurrOp.GetAbsoluteAddress()), false); } public static void Exit(EmitterContext context) { InstExit op = context.GetOp<InstExit>(); if (context.IsNonMain) { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log("Invalid exit on non-main function."); return; } // TODO: Figure out how this is supposed to work in the // presence of other condition codes. if (op.Ccc == Ccc.T) { context.Return(); } } public static void Kil(EmitterContext context) { InstKil op = context.GetOp<InstKil>(); context.Discard(); } public static void Pbk(EmitterContext context) { InstPbk op = context.GetOp<InstPbk>(); EmitPbkOrSsy(context); } public static void Ret(EmitterContext context) { InstRet op = context.GetOp<InstRet>(); if (context.IsNonMain) { context.Return(); } else { context.Config.GpuAccessor.Log("Invalid return on main function."); } } public static void Ssy(EmitterContext context) { InstSsy op = context.GetOp<InstSsy>(); EmitPbkOrSsy(context); } public static void Sync(EmitterContext context) { InstSync op = context.GetOp<InstSync>(); EmitBrkOrSync(context); } private static void EmitPbkOrSsy(EmitterContext context) { var consumers = context.CurrBlock.PushOpCodes.First(x => x.Op.Address == context.CurrOp.Address).Consumers; foreach (KeyValuePair<Block, Operand> kv in consumers) { Block consumerBlock = kv.Key; Operand local = kv.Value; int id = consumerBlock.SyncTargets[context.CurrOp.Address].PushOpId; context.Copy(local, Const(id)); } } private static void EmitBrkOrSync(EmitterContext context) { var targets = context.CurrBlock.SyncTargets; if (targets.Count == 1) { // If we have only one target, then the SSY/PBK is basically // a branch, we can produce better codegen for this case. EmitBranch(context, targets.Values.First().PushOpInfo.Op.GetAbsoluteAddress()); } else { // TODO: Support CC here aswell (condition). foreach (SyncTarget target in targets.Values) { PushOpInfo pushOpInfo = target.PushOpInfo; Operand label = context.GetLabel(pushOpInfo.Op.GetAbsoluteAddress()); Operand local = pushOpInfo.Consumers[context.CurrBlock]; context.BranchIfTrue(label, context.ICompareEqual(local, Const(target.PushOpId))); } } } private static void EmitBranch(EmitterContext context, ulong address) { InstOp op = context.CurrOp; InstConditional opCond = new InstConditional(op.RawOpCode); // If we're branching to the next instruction, then the branch // is useless and we can ignore it. if (address == op.Address + 8) { return; } Operand label = context.GetLabel(address); Operand pred = Register(opCond.Pred, RegisterType.Predicate); if (opCond.Ccc != Ccc.T) { Operand cond = GetCondition(context, opCond.Ccc); if (opCond.Pred == RegisterConsts.PredicateTrueIndex) { pred = cond; } else if (opCond.PredInv) { pred = context.BitwiseAnd(context.BitwiseNot(pred), cond); } else { pred = context.BitwiseAnd(pred, cond); } context.BranchIfTrue(label, pred); } else if (opCond.Pred == RegisterConsts.PredicateTrueIndex) { context.Branch(label); } else if (opCond.PredInv) { context.BranchIfFalse(label, pred); } else { context.BranchIfTrue(label, pred); } } private static Operand GetCondition(EmitterContext context, Ccc cond) { // TODO: More condition codes, figure out how they work. switch (cond) { case Ccc.Eq: case Ccc.Equ: return GetZF(); case Ccc.Ne: case Ccc.Neu: return context.BitwiseNot(GetZF()); } return Const(IrConsts.True); } } }