using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation { class ShaderConfig { public ShaderStage Stage { get; } public bool GpPassthrough { get; } public OutputTopology OutputTopology { get; } public int MaxOutputVertices { get; } public int LocalMemorySize { get; } public ImapPixelType[] ImapTypes { get; } public OmapTarget[] OmapTargets { get; } public bool OmapSampleMask { get; } public bool OmapDepth { get; } public IGpuAccessor GpuAccessor { get; } public TranslationFlags Flags { get; } public TranslationCounts Counts { get; } public int Size { get; private set; } public FeatureFlags UsedFeatures { get; private set; } public HashSet<int> TextureHandlesForCache { get; } public ShaderConfig(IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, TranslationFlags flags, TranslationCounts counts) { Stage = ShaderStage.Compute; GpPassthrough = false; OutputTopology = OutputTopology.PointList; MaxOutputVertices = 0; LocalMemorySize = 0; ImapTypes = null; OmapTargets = null; OmapSampleMask = false; OmapDepth = false; GpuAccessor = gpuAccessor; Flags = flags; Size = 0; UsedFeatures = FeatureFlags.None; Counts = counts; TextureHandlesForCache = new HashSet<int>(); } public ShaderConfig(ShaderHeader header, IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, TranslationFlags flags, TranslationCounts counts) { Stage = header.Stage; GpPassthrough = header.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry && header.GpPassthrough; OutputTopology = header.OutputTopology; MaxOutputVertices = header.MaxOutputVertexCount; LocalMemorySize = header.ShaderLocalMemoryLowSize + header.ShaderLocalMemoryHighSize; ImapTypes = header.ImapTypes; OmapTargets = header.OmapTargets; OmapSampleMask = header.OmapSampleMask; OmapDepth = header.OmapDepth; GpuAccessor = gpuAccessor; Flags = flags; Size = 0; UsedFeatures = FeatureFlags.None; Counts = counts; TextureHandlesForCache = new HashSet<int>(); } public int GetDepthRegister() { int count = 0; for (int index = 0; index < OmapTargets.Length; index++) { for (int component = 0; component < 4; component++) { if (OmapTargets[index].ComponentEnabled(component)) { count++; } } } // The depth register is always two registers after the last color output. return count + 1; } public TextureFormat GetTextureFormat(int handle) { // When the formatted load extension is supported, we don't need to // specify a format, we can just declare it without a format and the GPU will handle it. if (GpuAccessor.QuerySupportsImageLoadFormatted()) { return TextureFormat.Unknown; } var format = GpuAccessor.QueryTextureFormat(handle); if (format == TextureFormat.Unknown) { GpuAccessor.Log($"Unknown format for texture {handle}."); format = TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8Unorm; } return format; } public void SizeAdd(int size) { Size += size; } public void SetUsedFeature(FeatureFlags flags) { UsedFeatures |= flags; } } }