using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Hid;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Tamper;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS
    public class TamperMachine
        // Atmosphere specifies a delay of 83 milliseconds between the execution of the last
        // cheat and the re-execution of the first one.
        private const int TamperMachineSleepMs = 1000 / 12;

        private Thread _tamperThread = null;
        private ConcurrentQueue<ITamperProgram> _programs = new ConcurrentQueue<ITamperProgram>();
        private long _pressedKeys = 0;
        private Dictionary<string, ITamperProgram> _programDictionary = new Dictionary<string, ITamperProgram>();

        private void Activate()
            if (_tamperThread == null || !_tamperThread.IsAlive)
                _tamperThread = new Thread(this.TamperRunner);
                _tamperThread.Name = "HLE.TamperMachine";

        internal void InstallAtmosphereCheat(string name, string buildId, IEnumerable<string> rawInstructions, ProcessTamperInfo info, ulong exeAddress)
            if (!CanInstallOnPid(info.Process.Pid))

            ITamperedProcess tamperedProcess = new TamperedKProcess(info.Process);
            AtmosphereCompiler compiler = new AtmosphereCompiler(exeAddress, info.HeapAddress, info.AliasAddress, info.AslrAddress, tamperedProcess);
            ITamperProgram program = compiler.Compile(name, rawInstructions);

            if (program != null)
                program.TampersCodeMemory = false;

                _programDictionary.TryAdd($"{buildId}-{name}", program);


        private bool CanInstallOnPid(ulong pid)
            // Do not allow tampering of kernel processes.
            if (pid < KernelConstants.InitialProcessId)
                Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.TamperMachine, $"Refusing to tamper kernel process {pid}");

                return false;

            return true;

        public void EnableCheats(string[] enabledCheats)
            foreach (var program in _programDictionary.Values)
                program.IsEnabled = false;

            foreach (var cheat in enabledCheats)
                if (_programDictionary.TryGetValue(cheat, out var program))
                    program.IsEnabled = true;

        private bool IsProcessValid(ITamperedProcess process)
            return process.State != ProcessState.Crashed && process.State != ProcessState.Exiting && process.State != ProcessState.Exited;

        private void TamperRunner()
            Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.TamperMachine, "TamperMachine thread running");

            int sleepCounter = 0;

            while (true)
                // Sleep to not consume too much CPU.
                if (sleepCounter == 0)
                    sleepCounter = _programs.Count;

                if (!AdvanceTamperingsQueue())
                    // No more work to be done.

                    Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.TamperMachine, "TamperMachine thread exiting");


        private bool AdvanceTamperingsQueue()
            if (!_programs.TryDequeue(out ITamperProgram program))
                // No more programs in the queue.

                return false;

            // Check if the process is still suitable for running the tamper program.
            if (!IsProcessValid(program.Process))
                // Exit without re-enqueuing the program because the process is no longer valid.
                return true;

            // Re-enqueue the tampering program because the process is still valid.

            Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.TamperMachine, $"Running tampering program {program.Name}");

                ControllerKeys pressedKeys = (ControllerKeys)Thread.VolatileRead(ref _pressedKeys);
                program.Process.TamperedCodeMemory = false;

                // Detect the first attempt to tamper memory and log it.
                if (!program.TampersCodeMemory && program.Process.TamperedCodeMemory)
                    program.TampersCodeMemory = true;

                    Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.TamperMachine, $"Tampering program {program.Name} modifies code memory so it may not work properly");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.TamperMachine, $"The tampering program {program.Name} crashed, this can happen while the game is starting");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Message))
                    Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.TamperMachine, ex.Message);

            return true;

        public void UpdateInput(List<GamepadInput> gamepadInputs)
            // Look for the input of the player one or the handheld.
            foreach (GamepadInput input in gamepadInputs)
                if (input.PlayerId == PlayerIndex.Player1 || input.PlayerId == PlayerIndex.Handheld)
                    Thread.VolatileWrite(ref _pressedKeys, (long)input.Buttons);


            // Clear the input because player one is not conected.
            Thread.VolatileWrite(ref _pressedKeys, 0);