using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Shader { class ShaderCache { private const int MaxProgramSize = 0x100000; private GpuContext _context; private ShaderDumper _dumper; private Dictionary> _cpPrograms; private Dictionary> _gpPrograms; public ShaderCache(GpuContext context) { _context = context; _dumper = new ShaderDumper(context); _cpPrograms = new Dictionary>(); _gpPrograms = new Dictionary>(); } public ComputeShader GetComputeShader(ulong gpuVa, int sharedMemorySize, int localSizeX, int localSizeY, int localSizeZ) { bool isCached = _cpPrograms.TryGetValue(gpuVa, out List list); if (isCached) { foreach (ComputeShader cachedCpShader in list) { if (!IsShaderDifferent(cachedCpShader, gpuVa)) { return cachedCpShader; } } } CachedShader shader = TranslateComputeShader(gpuVa, sharedMemorySize, localSizeX, localSizeY, localSizeZ); IShader hostShader = _context.Renderer.CompileShader(shader.Program); IProgram hostProgram = _context.Renderer.CreateProgram(new IShader[] { hostShader }); ulong address = _context.MemoryManager.Translate(gpuVa); ComputeShader cpShader = new ComputeShader(hostProgram, shader); if (!isCached) { list = new List(); _cpPrograms.Add(gpuVa, list); } list.Add(cpShader); return cpShader; } public GraphicsShader GetGraphicsShader(ShaderAddresses addresses, bool dividePosXY) { bool isCached = _gpPrograms.TryGetValue(addresses, out List list); if (isCached) { foreach (GraphicsShader cachedGpShaders in list) { if (!IsShaderDifferent(cachedGpShaders, addresses)) { return cachedGpShaders; } } } GraphicsShader gpShaders = new GraphicsShader(); TranslationFlags flags = TranslationFlags.DebugMode | TranslationFlags.Unspecialized; if (dividePosXY) { flags |= TranslationFlags.DividePosXY; } if (addresses.VertexA != 0) { gpShaders.Shader[0] = TranslateGraphicsShader(flags, addresses.Vertex, addresses.VertexA); } else { gpShaders.Shader[0] = TranslateGraphicsShader(flags, addresses.Vertex); } gpShaders.Shader[1] = TranslateGraphicsShader(flags, addresses.TessControl); gpShaders.Shader[2] = TranslateGraphicsShader(flags, addresses.TessEvaluation); gpShaders.Shader[3] = TranslateGraphicsShader(flags, addresses.Geometry); gpShaders.Shader[4] = TranslateGraphicsShader(flags, addresses.Fragment); BackpropQualifiers(gpShaders); List hostShaders = new List(); for (int stage = 0; stage < gpShaders.Shader.Length; stage++) { ShaderProgram program = gpShaders.Shader[stage].Program; if (program == null) { continue; } IShader hostShader = _context.Renderer.CompileShader(program); gpShaders.Shader[stage].Shader = hostShader; hostShaders.Add(hostShader); } gpShaders.HostProgram = _context.Renderer.CreateProgram(hostShaders.ToArray()); if (!isCached) { list = new List(); _gpPrograms.Add(addresses, list); } list.Add(gpShaders); return gpShaders; } private bool IsShaderDifferent(ComputeShader cpShader, ulong gpuVa) { return IsShaderDifferent(cpShader.Shader, gpuVa); } private bool IsShaderDifferent(GraphicsShader gpShaders, ShaderAddresses addresses) { for (int stage = 0; stage < gpShaders.Shader.Length; stage++) { CachedShader shader = gpShaders.Shader[stage]; if (shader.Code == null) { continue; } ulong gpuVa = 0; switch (stage) { case 0: gpuVa = addresses.Vertex; break; case 1: gpuVa = addresses.TessControl; break; case 2: gpuVa = addresses.TessEvaluation; break; case 3: gpuVa = addresses.Geometry; break; case 4: gpuVa = addresses.Fragment; break; } if (IsShaderDifferent(shader, gpuVa)) { return true; } } return false; } private bool IsShaderDifferent(CachedShader shader, ulong gpuVa) { for (int index = 0; index < shader.Code.Length; index++) { if (_context.MemoryAccessor.ReadInt32(gpuVa + (ulong)index * 4) != shader.Code[index]) { return true; } } return false; } private CachedShader TranslateComputeShader(ulong gpuVa, int sharedMemorySize, int localSizeX, int localSizeY, int localSizeZ) { if (gpuVa == 0) { return null; } ShaderProgram program; const TranslationFlags flags = TranslationFlags.Compute | TranslationFlags.DebugMode | TranslationFlags.Unspecialized; Span code = _context.MemoryAccessor.Read(gpuVa, MaxProgramSize); program = Translator.Translate(code, GetShaderCapabilities(), flags); int[] codeCached = MemoryMarshal.Cast(code.Slice(0, program.Size)).ToArray(); program.Replace(DefineNames.SharedMemorySize, sharedMemorySize.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); program.Replace(DefineNames.LocalSizeX, localSizeX.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); program.Replace(DefineNames.LocalSizeY, localSizeY.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); program.Replace(DefineNames.LocalSizeZ, localSizeZ.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); _dumper.Dump(code, compute: true, out string fullPath, out string codePath); if (fullPath != null && codePath != null) { program.Prepend("// " + codePath); program.Prepend("// " + fullPath); } return new CachedShader(program, codeCached); } private CachedShader TranslateGraphicsShader(TranslationFlags flags, ulong gpuVa, ulong gpuVaA = 0) { if (gpuVa == 0) { return new CachedShader(null, null); } ShaderProgram program; int[] codeCached = null; if (gpuVaA != 0) { Span codeA = _context.MemoryAccessor.Read(gpuVaA, MaxProgramSize); Span codeB = _context.MemoryAccessor.Read(gpuVa, MaxProgramSize); program = Translator.Translate(codeA, codeB, GetShaderCapabilities(), flags); // TODO: We should also check "codeA" into account. codeCached = MemoryMarshal.Cast(codeB.Slice(0, program.Size)).ToArray(); _dumper.Dump(codeA, compute: false, out string fullPathA, out string codePathA); _dumper.Dump(codeB, compute: false, out string fullPathB, out string codePathB); if (fullPathA != null && fullPathB != null && codePathA != null && codePathB != null) { program.Prepend("// " + codePathB); program.Prepend("// " + fullPathB); program.Prepend("// " + codePathA); program.Prepend("// " + fullPathA); } } else { Span code = _context.MemoryAccessor.Read(gpuVa, MaxProgramSize); program = Translator.Translate(code, GetShaderCapabilities(), flags); codeCached = MemoryMarshal.Cast(code.Slice(0, program.Size)).ToArray(); _dumper.Dump(code, compute: false, out string fullPath, out string codePath); if (fullPath != null && codePath != null) { program.Prepend("// " + codePath); program.Prepend("// " + fullPath); } } if (program.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry) { PrimitiveType primitiveType = _context.Methods.PrimitiveType; string inPrimitive = "points"; switch (primitiveType) { case PrimitiveType.Points: inPrimitive = "points"; break; case PrimitiveType.Lines: case PrimitiveType.LineLoop: case PrimitiveType.LineStrip: inPrimitive = "lines"; break; case PrimitiveType.LinesAdjacency: case PrimitiveType.LineStripAdjacency: inPrimitive = "lines_adjacency"; break; case PrimitiveType.Triangles: case PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip: case PrimitiveType.TriangleFan: inPrimitive = "triangles"; break; case PrimitiveType.TrianglesAdjacency: case PrimitiveType.TriangleStripAdjacency: inPrimitive = "triangles_adjacency"; break; } program.Replace(DefineNames.InputTopologyName, inPrimitive); } ulong address = _context.MemoryManager.Translate(gpuVa); return new CachedShader(program, codeCached); } private void BackpropQualifiers(GraphicsShader program) { ShaderProgram fragmentShader = program.Shader[4].Program; bool isFirst = true; for (int stage = 3; stage >= 0; stage--) { if (program.Shader[stage].Program == null) { continue; } // We need to iterate backwards, since we do name replacement, // and it would otherwise replace a subset of the longer names. for (int attr = 31; attr >= 0; attr--) { string iq = fragmentShader?.Info.InterpolationQualifiers[attr].ToGlslQualifier() ?? string.Empty; if (isFirst && iq != string.Empty) { program.Shader[stage].Program.Replace($"{DefineNames.OutQualifierPrefixName}{attr}", iq); } else { program.Shader[stage].Program.Replace($"{DefineNames.OutQualifierPrefixName}{attr} ", string.Empty); } } isFirst = false; } } private ShaderCapabilities GetShaderCapabilities() { return new ShaderCapabilities( _context.Capabilities.MaximumViewportDimensions, _context.Capabilities.MaximumComputeSharedMemorySize, _context.Capabilities.StorageBufferOffsetAlignment); } } }