using ChocolArm64.Memory; using Ryujinx.Core.OsHle.Ipc; using Ryujinx.Core.OsHle.Utilities; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Ryujinx.Core.OsHle.IpcServices.Bsd { //bsd_errno == (SocketException.ErrorCode - 10000) // public enum BsdError { ENOTSOCK = 38, /* Socket operation on non-socket */ EDESTADDRREQ = 39, /* Destination address required */ EMSGSIZE = 40, /* Message too long */ EPROTOTYPE = 41, /* Protocol wrong type for socket */ ENOPROTOOPT = 42, /* Protocol not available */ EPROTONOSUPPORT = 43, /* Protocol not supported */ ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 44, /* Socket type not supported */ EOPNOTSUPP = 45, /* Operation not supported */ EPFNOSUPPORT = 46, /* Protocol family not supported */ EAFNOSUPPORT = 47, /* Address family not supported by protocol family */ EADDRINUSE = 48, /* Address already in use */ EADDRNOTAVAIL = 49, /* Can't assign requested address */ ENETDOWN = 50, /* Network is down */ ENETUNREACH = 51, /* Network is unreachable */ ENETRESET = 52, /* Network dropped connection on reset */ ECONNABORTED = 53, /* Software caused connection abort */ ECONNRESET = 54, /* Connection reset by peer */ ENOBUFS = 55, /* No buffer space available */ EISCONN = 56, /* Socket is already connected */ ENOTCONN = 57, /* Socket is not connected */ ESHUTDOWN = 58, /* Can't send after socket shutdown */ ETOOMANYREFS = 59, /* Too many references: can't splice */ ETIMEDOUT = 60, /* Operation timed out */ ECONNREFUSED = 61 /* Connection refused */ } class SocketBsd { public int Family; public int Type; public int Protocol; public IPAddress IpAddress; public IPEndPoint RemoteEP; public Socket Handle; } class ServiceBsd : IIpcService { private Dictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest> m_Commands; public IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest> Commands => m_Commands; private List<SocketBsd> Sockets = new List<SocketBsd>(); public ServiceBsd() { m_Commands = new Dictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest>() { { 0, Initialize }, { 1, StartMonitoring }, { 2, Socket }, { 6, Poll }, { 8, Recv }, { 10, Send }, { 11, SendTo }, { 12, Accept }, { 13, Bind }, { 14, Connect }, { 18, Listen }, { 21, SetSockOpt }, { 26, Close } }; } //(u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u64 pid, u64 transferMemorySize, pid, KObject) -> u32 bsd_errno public long Initialize(ServiceCtx Context) { /* typedef struct { u32 version; // Observed 1 on 2.0 LibAppletWeb, 2 on 3.0. u32 tcp_tx_buf_size; // Size of the TCP transfer (send) buffer (initial or fixed). u32 tcp_rx_buf_size; // Size of the TCP recieve buffer (initial or fixed). u32 tcp_tx_buf_max_size; // Maximum size of the TCP transfer (send) buffer. If it is 0, the size of the buffer is fixed to its initial value. u32 tcp_rx_buf_max_size; // Maximum size of the TCP receive buffer. If it is 0, the size of the buffer is fixed to its initial value. u32 udp_tx_buf_size; // Size of the UDP transfer (send) buffer (typically 0x2400 bytes). u32 udp_rx_buf_size; // Size of the UDP receive buffer (typically 0xA500 bytes). u32 sb_efficiency; // Number of buffers for each socket (standard values range from 1 to 8). } BsdBufferConfig; */ long Pid = Context.RequestData.ReadInt64(); long TransferMemorySize = Context.RequestData.ReadInt64(); // Two other args are unknown! Context.ResponseData.Write(0); //Todo: Stub return 0; } //(u64, pid) public long StartMonitoring(ServiceCtx Context) { //Todo: Stub return 0; } //(u32 domain, u32 type, u32 protocol) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public long Socket(ServiceCtx Context) { SocketBsd NewBSDSocket = new SocketBsd { Family = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(), Type = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(), Protocol = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32() }; Sockets.Add(NewBSDSocket); Sockets[Sockets.Count - 1].Handle = new Socket((AddressFamily)Sockets[Sockets.Count - 1].Family, (SocketType)Sockets[Sockets.Count - 1].Type, (ProtocolType)Sockets[Sockets.Count - 1].Protocol); Context.ResponseData.Write(Sockets.Count - 1); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); return 0; } //(u32, u32, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, buffer<unknown, 0x22, 0>) public long Poll(ServiceCtx Context) { int PollCount = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int TimeOut = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); // // // // // byte[] SentBuffer = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Position, (int)Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Size); int SocketId = Get32(SentBuffer, 0); short RequestedEvents = (short)Get16(SentBuffer, 4); short ReturnedEvents = (short)Get16(SentBuffer, 6); //Todo: Stub - Need to implemented the Type-22 buffer. Context.ResponseData.Write(1); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); return 0; } //(u32 socket, u32 flags) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, buffer<i8, 0x22, 0> message) public long Recv(ServiceCtx Context) { try { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int SocketFlags = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); byte[] ReceivedBuffer = new byte[Context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Size]; int ReadedBytes = Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Receive(ReceivedBuffer); //Logging.Debug("Received Buffer:" + Environment.NewLine + Logging.HexDump(ReceivedBuffer)); AMemoryHelper.WriteBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position, ReceivedBuffer); Context.ResponseData.Write(ReadedBytes); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } return 0; } //(u32 socket, u32 flags, buffer<i8, 0x21, 0>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public long Send(ServiceCtx Context) { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int SocketFlags = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); byte[] SentBuffer = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Position, (int)Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Size); try { //Logging.Debug("Sended Buffer:" + Environment.NewLine + Logging.HexDump(SendedBuffer)); int BytesSent = Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Send(SentBuffer); Context.ResponseData.Write(BytesSent); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } return 0; } //(u32 socket, u32 flags, buffer<i8, 0x21, 0>, buffer<sockaddr, 0x21, 0>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public long SendTo(ServiceCtx Context) { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int SocketFlags = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); byte[] SentBuffer = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Position, (int)Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Size); byte[] AddressBuffer = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.SendBuff[1].Position, (int)Context.Request.SendBuff[1].Size); if (!Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Connected) { try { ParseAddrBuffer(SocketId, AddressBuffer); Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Connect(Sockets[SocketId].RemoteEP); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } } try { //Logging.Debug("Sended Buffer:" + Environment.NewLine + Logging.HexDump(SendedBuffer)); int BytesSent = Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Send(SentBuffer); Context.ResponseData.Write(BytesSent); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } return 0; } //(u32 socket) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, u32 addrlen, buffer<sockaddr, 0x22, 0> addr) public long Accept(ServiceCtx Context) { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); long AddrBufferPtr = Context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position; Socket HandleAccept = null; var TimeOut = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { HandleAccept = Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Accept(); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } }); TimeOut.Wait(10000); if (HandleAccept != null) { SocketBsd NewBSDSocket = new SocketBsd { IpAddress = ((IPEndPoint)Sockets[SocketId].Handle.LocalEndPoint).Address, RemoteEP = ((IPEndPoint)Sockets[SocketId].Handle.LocalEndPoint), Handle = HandleAccept }; Sockets.Add(NewBSDSocket); using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream()) { BinaryWriter Writer = new BinaryWriter(MS); Writer.Write((byte)0); Writer.Write((byte)Sockets[Sockets.Count - 1].Handle.AddressFamily); Writer.Write((Int16)((IPEndPoint)Sockets[Sockets.Count - 1].Handle.LocalEndPoint).Port); string[] IpAdress = Sockets[Sockets.Count - 1].IpAddress.ToString().Split('.'); Writer.Write(byte.Parse(IpAdress[0])); Writer.Write(byte.Parse(IpAdress[1])); Writer.Write(byte.Parse(IpAdress[2])); Writer.Write(byte.Parse(IpAdress[3])); AMemoryHelper.WriteBytes(Context.Memory, AddrBufferPtr, MS.ToArray()); Context.ResponseData.Write(Sockets.Count - 1); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); Context.ResponseData.Write(MS.Length); } } else { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write((int)BsdError.ETIMEDOUT); } return 0; } //(u32 socket, buffer<sockaddr, 0x21, 0>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public long Bind(ServiceCtx Context) { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); byte[] AddressBuffer = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Position, (int)Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Size); try { ParseAddrBuffer(SocketId, AddressBuffer); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } return 0; } //(u32 socket, buffer<sockaddr, 0x21, 0>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public long Connect(ServiceCtx Context) { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); byte[] AddressBuffer = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Position, (int)Context.Request.SendBuff[0].Size); try { ParseAddrBuffer(SocketId, AddressBuffer); Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Connect(Sockets[SocketId].RemoteEP); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } return 0; } //(u32 socket, u32 backlog) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public long Listen(ServiceCtx Context) { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int BackLog = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); try { Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Bind(Sockets[SocketId].RemoteEP); Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Listen(BackLog); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } return 0; } //(u32 socket, u32 level, u32 option_name, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public long SetSockOpt(ServiceCtx Context) { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int SocketLevel = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int SocketOptionName = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); byte[] SocketOptionValue = AMemoryHelper.ReadBytes(Context.Memory, Context.Request.PtrBuff[0].Position, Context.Request.PtrBuff[0].Size); try { Sockets[SocketId].Handle.SetSocketOption((SocketOptionLevel)SocketLevel, (SocketOptionName)SocketOptionName, Get32(SocketOptionValue, 0)); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } return 0; } //(u32 socket) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public long Close(ServiceCtx Context) { int SocketId = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); try { Sockets[SocketId].Handle.Close(); Sockets[SocketId] = null; Context.ResponseData.Write(0); Context.ResponseData.Write(0); } catch (SocketException Ex) { Context.ResponseData.Write(-1); Context.ResponseData.Write(Ex.ErrorCode - 10000); } return 0; } public void ParseAddrBuffer(int SocketId, byte[] AddrBuffer) { using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream(AddrBuffer)) { BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(MS); int Size = Reader.ReadByte(); int Family = Reader.ReadByte(); int Port = EndianSwap.Swap16(Reader.ReadInt16()); string IpAddress = Reader.ReadByte().ToString() + "." + Reader.ReadByte().ToString() + "." + Reader.ReadByte().ToString() + "." + Reader.ReadByte().ToString(); Logging.Debug($"Try to connect to {IpAddress}:{Port}"); Sockets[SocketId].IpAddress = IPAddress.Parse(IpAddress); Sockets[SocketId].RemoteEP = new IPEndPoint(Sockets[SocketId].IpAddress, Port); } } private int Get16(byte[] Data, int Address) { return Data[Address + 0] << 0 | Data[Address + 1] << 8; } private int Get32(byte[] Data, int Address) { return Data[Address + 0] << 0 | Data[Address + 1] << 8 | Data[Address + 2] << 16 | Data[Address + 3] << 24; } } }