using ARMeilleure.Memory; using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Nv.NvHostCtrl { class NvHostCtrlIoctl { private static ConcurrentDictionary<KProcess, NvHostCtrlUserCtx> _userCtxs; private static bool _isProductionMode = true; static NvHostCtrlIoctl() { _userCtxs = new ConcurrentDictionary<KProcess, NvHostCtrlUserCtx>(); if (Set.NxSettings.Settings.TryGetValue("nv!rmos_set_production_mode", out object productionModeSetting)) { _isProductionMode = ((string)productionModeSetting) != "0"; // Default value is "" } } public static int ProcessIoctl(ServiceCtx context, int cmd) { switch (cmd & 0xffff) { case 0x0014: return SyncptRead (context); case 0x0015: return SyncptIncr (context); case 0x0016: return SyncptWait (context); case 0x0019: return SyncptWaitEx (context); case 0x001a: return SyncptReadMax (context); case 0x001b: return GetConfig (context); case 0x001d: return EventWait (context); case 0x001e: return EventWaitAsync(context); case 0x001f: return EventRegister (context); } throw new NotImplementedException(cmd.ToString("x8")); } private static int SyncptRead(ServiceCtx context) { return SyncptReadMinOrMax(context, max: false); } private static int SyncptIncr(ServiceCtx context) { long inputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21().Position; int id = context.Memory.ReadInt32(inputPosition); if ((uint)id >= NvHostSyncpt.SyncptsCount) { return NvResult.InvalidInput; } GetUserCtx(context).Syncpt.Increment(id); return NvResult.Success; } private static int SyncptWait(ServiceCtx context) { return SyncptWait(context, extended: false); } private static int SyncptWaitEx(ServiceCtx context) { return SyncptWait(context, extended: true); } private static int SyncptReadMax(ServiceCtx context) { return SyncptReadMinOrMax(context, max: true); } private static int GetConfig(ServiceCtx context) { if (!_isProductionMode) { long inputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21().Position; long outputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22().Position; string domain = MemoryHelper.ReadAsciiString(context.Memory, inputPosition + 0, 0x41); string name = MemoryHelper.ReadAsciiString(context.Memory, inputPosition + 0x41, 0x41); if (Set.NxSettings.Settings.TryGetValue($"{domain}!{name}", out object nvSetting)) { byte[] settingBuffer = new byte[0x101]; if (nvSetting is string stringValue) { if (stringValue.Length > 0x100) { Logger.PrintError(LogClass.ServiceNv, $"{domain}!{name} String value size is too big!"); } else { settingBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stringValue + "\0"); } } if (nvSetting is int intValue) { settingBuffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(intValue); } else if (nvSetting is bool boolValue) { settingBuffer[0] = boolValue ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(nvSetting.GetType().Name); } context.Memory.WriteBytes(outputPosition + 0x82, settingBuffer); Logger.PrintDebug(LogClass.ServiceNv, $"Got setting {domain}!{name}"); } return NvResult.Success; } return NvResult.NotAvailableInProduction; } private static int EventWait(ServiceCtx context) { return EventWait(context, async: false); } private static int EventWaitAsync(ServiceCtx context) { return EventWait(context, async: true); } private static int EventRegister(ServiceCtx context) { long inputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21().Position; long outputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22().Position; int eventId = context.Memory.ReadInt32(inputPosition); Logger.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceNv); return NvResult.Success; } private static int SyncptReadMinOrMax(ServiceCtx context, bool max) { long inputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21().Position; long outputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22().Position; NvHostCtrlSyncptRead args = MemoryHelper.Read<NvHostCtrlSyncptRead>(context.Memory, inputPosition); if ((uint)args.Id >= NvHostSyncpt.SyncptsCount) { return NvResult.InvalidInput; } if (max) { args.Value = GetUserCtx(context).Syncpt.GetMax(args.Id); } else { args.Value = GetUserCtx(context).Syncpt.GetMin(args.Id); } MemoryHelper.Write(context.Memory, outputPosition, args); return NvResult.Success; } private static int SyncptWait(ServiceCtx context, bool extended) { long inputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21().Position; long outputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22().Position; NvHostCtrlSyncptWait args = MemoryHelper.Read<NvHostCtrlSyncptWait>(context.Memory, inputPosition); NvHostSyncpt syncpt = GetUserCtx(context).Syncpt; if ((uint)args.Id >= NvHostSyncpt.SyncptsCount) { return NvResult.InvalidInput; } int result; if (syncpt.MinCompare(args.Id, args.Thresh)) { result = NvResult.Success; } else if (args.Timeout == 0) { result = NvResult.TryAgain; } else { Logger.PrintDebug(LogClass.ServiceNv, "Waiting syncpt with timeout of " + args.Timeout + "ms..."); using (ManualResetEvent waitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false)) { syncpt.AddWaiter(args.Thresh, waitEvent); // Note: Negative (> INT_MAX) timeouts aren't valid on .NET, // in this case we just use the maximum timeout possible. int timeout = args.Timeout; if (timeout < -1) { timeout = int.MaxValue; } if (timeout == -1) { waitEvent.WaitOne(); result = NvResult.Success; } else if (waitEvent.WaitOne(timeout)) { result = NvResult.Success; } else { result = NvResult.TimedOut; } } Logger.PrintDebug(LogClass.ServiceNv, "Resuming..."); } if (extended) { context.Memory.WriteInt32(outputPosition + 0xc, syncpt.GetMin(args.Id)); } return result; } private static int EventWait(ServiceCtx context, bool async) { long inputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21().Position; long outputPosition = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22().Position; NvHostCtrlSyncptWaitEx args = MemoryHelper.Read<NvHostCtrlSyncptWaitEx>(context.Memory, inputPosition); if ((uint)args.Id >= NvHostSyncpt.SyncptsCount) { return NvResult.InvalidInput; } void WriteArgs() { MemoryHelper.Write(context.Memory, outputPosition, args); } NvHostSyncpt syncpt = GetUserCtx(context).Syncpt; if (syncpt.MinCompare(args.Id, args.Thresh)) { args.Value = syncpt.GetMin(args.Id); WriteArgs(); return NvResult.Success; } if (!async) { args.Value = 0; } if (args.Timeout == 0) { WriteArgs(); return NvResult.TryAgain; } NvHostEvent Event; int result, eventIndex; if (async) { eventIndex = args.Value; if ((uint)eventIndex >= NvHostCtrlUserCtx.EventsCount) { return NvResult.InvalidInput; } Event = GetUserCtx(context).Events[eventIndex]; } else { Event = GetFreeEvent(context, syncpt, args.Id, out eventIndex); } if (Event != null && (Event.State == NvHostEventState.Registered || Event.State == NvHostEventState.Free)) { Event.Id = args.Id; Event.Thresh = args.Thresh; Event.State = NvHostEventState.Waiting; if (!async) { args.Value = ((args.Id & 0xfff) << 16) | 0x10000000; } else { args.Value = args.Id << 4; } args.Value |= eventIndex; result = NvResult.TryAgain; } else { result = NvResult.InvalidInput; } WriteArgs(); return result; } private static NvHostEvent GetFreeEvent( ServiceCtx context, NvHostSyncpt syncpt, int id, out int eventIndex) { NvHostEvent[] events = GetUserCtx(context).Events; eventIndex = NvHostCtrlUserCtx.EventsCount; int nullIndex = NvHostCtrlUserCtx.EventsCount; for (int index = 0; index < NvHostCtrlUserCtx.EventsCount; index++) { NvHostEvent Event = events[index]; if (Event != null) { if (Event.State == NvHostEventState.Registered || Event.State == NvHostEventState.Free) { eventIndex = index; if (Event.Id == id) { return Event; } } } else if (nullIndex == NvHostCtrlUserCtx.EventsCount) { nullIndex = index; } } if (nullIndex < NvHostCtrlUserCtx.EventsCount) { eventIndex = nullIndex; return events[nullIndex] = new NvHostEvent(); } if (eventIndex < NvHostCtrlUserCtx.EventsCount) { return events[eventIndex]; } return null; } public static NvHostCtrlUserCtx GetUserCtx(ServiceCtx context) { return _userCtxs.GetOrAdd(context.Process, (key) => new NvHostCtrlUserCtx()); } public static void UnloadProcess(KProcess process) { _userCtxs.TryRemove(process, out _); } } }