using ARMeilleure.Decoders;
using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation;
using ARMeilleure.State;
using ARMeilleure.Translation;
using ARMeilleure.Translation.Cache;
using ARMeilleure.Translation.PTC;

using static ARMeilleure.Instructions.InstEmitHelper;
using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.OperandHelper;

namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions
    static class InstEmitFlowHelper
        public static void EmitCondBranch(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand target, Condition cond)
            if (cond != Condition.Al)
                context.BranchIfTrue(target, GetCondTrue(context, cond));

        public static Operand GetCondTrue(ArmEmitterContext context, Condition condition)
            Operand cmpResult = context.TryGetComparisonResult(condition);

            if (cmpResult != null)
                return cmpResult;

            Operand value = Const(1);

            Operand Inverse(Operand val)
                return context.BitwiseExclusiveOr(val, Const(1));

            switch (condition)
                case Condition.Eq:
                    value = GetFlag(PState.ZFlag);

                case Condition.Ne:
                    value = Inverse(GetFlag(PState.ZFlag));

                case Condition.GeUn:
                    value = GetFlag(PState.CFlag);

                case Condition.LtUn:
                    value = Inverse(GetFlag(PState.CFlag));

                case Condition.Mi:
                    value = GetFlag(PState.NFlag);

                case Condition.Pl:
                    value = Inverse(GetFlag(PState.NFlag));

                case Condition.Vs:
                    value = GetFlag(PState.VFlag);

                case Condition.Vc:
                    value = Inverse(GetFlag(PState.VFlag));

                case Condition.GtUn:
                    Operand c = GetFlag(PState.CFlag);
                    Operand z = GetFlag(PState.ZFlag);

                    value = context.BitwiseAnd(c, Inverse(z));


                case Condition.LeUn:
                    Operand c = GetFlag(PState.CFlag);
                    Operand z = GetFlag(PState.ZFlag);

                    value = context.BitwiseOr(Inverse(c), z);


                case Condition.Ge:
                    Operand n = GetFlag(PState.NFlag);
                    Operand v = GetFlag(PState.VFlag);

                    value = context.ICompareEqual(n, v);


                case Condition.Lt:
                    Operand n = GetFlag(PState.NFlag);
                    Operand v = GetFlag(PState.VFlag);

                    value = context.ICompareNotEqual(n, v);


                case Condition.Gt:
                    Operand n = GetFlag(PState.NFlag);
                    Operand z = GetFlag(PState.ZFlag);
                    Operand v = GetFlag(PState.VFlag);

                    value = context.BitwiseAnd(Inverse(z), context.ICompareEqual(n, v));


                case Condition.Le:
                    Operand n = GetFlag(PState.NFlag);
                    Operand z = GetFlag(PState.ZFlag);
                    Operand v = GetFlag(PState.VFlag);

                    value = context.BitwiseOr(z, context.ICompareNotEqual(n, v));


            return value;

        public static void EmitCall(ArmEmitterContext context, ulong immediate)
            bool isRecursive = immediate == context.EntryAddress;

            EmitJumpTableBranch(context, Const(immediate), isRecursive);

        private static void EmitNativeCall(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand nativeContextPtr, Operand funcAddr, bool isJump)
            if (isJump)
                context.Tailcall(funcAddr, nativeContextPtr);
                OpCode op = context.CurrOp;

                Operand returnAddress = context.Call(funcAddr, OperandType.I64, nativeContextPtr);


                // Note: The return value of a translated function is always an Int64 with the address execution has
                // returned to. We expect this address to be immediately after the current instruction, if it isn't we
                // keep returning until we reach the dispatcher.
                Operand nextAddr = Const((long)op.Address + op.OpCodeSizeInBytes);

                // Try to continue within this block.
                // If the return address isn't to our next instruction, we need to return so the JIT can figure out
                // what to do.
                Operand lblContinue = context.GetLabel(nextAddr.Value);

                // We need to clear out the call flag for the return address before comparing it.
                context.BranchIf(lblContinue, returnAddress, nextAddr, Comparison.Equal, BasicBlockFrequency.Cold);


        private static void EmitNativeCall(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand funcAddr, bool isJump)
            EmitNativeCall(context, context.LoadArgument(OperandType.I64, 0), funcAddr, isJump);

        public static void EmitVirtualCall(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand target)
            EmitJumpTableBranch(context, target, isJump: false);

        public static void EmitVirtualJump(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand target, bool isReturn)
            if (isReturn)
                EmitJumpTableBranch(context, target, isJump: true);

        public static void EmitTailContinue(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address)
            // Left option here as it may be useful if we need to return to managed rather than tail call in future.
            // (eg. for debug)
            bool useTailContinue = true;

            if (useTailContinue)
                if (context.HighCq)
                    // If we're doing a tail continue in HighCq, reserve a space in the jump table to avoid calling back
                    // to the translator. This will always try to get a HighCq version of our continue target as well.
                    EmitJumpTableBranch(context, address, isJump: true);

                    Operand fallbackAddr = context.Call(typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.GetFunctionAddress)), address);

                    EmitNativeCall(context, fallbackAddr, isJump: true);

        private static void EmitNativeCallWithGuestAddress(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand funcAddr, Operand guestAddress, bool isJump)
            Operand nativeContextPtr = context.LoadArgument(OperandType.I64, 0);
            context.Store(context.Add(nativeContextPtr, Const((long)NativeContext.GetCallAddressOffset())), guestAddress);

            EmitNativeCall(context, nativeContextPtr, funcAddr, isJump);

        private static void EmitBranchFallback(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, bool isJump)
            Operand fallbackAddr = context.Call(typeof(NativeInterface).GetMethod(nameof(NativeInterface.GetFunctionAddress)), address);

            EmitNativeCall(context, fallbackAddr, isJump);

        private static void EmitDynamicTableCall(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand tableAddress, Operand address, bool isJump)
            // Loop over elements of the dynamic table. Unrolled loop.

            Operand endLabel = Label();
            Operand fallbackLabel = Label();

            void EmitTableEntry(Operand entrySkipLabel)
                // Try to take this entry in the table if its guest address equals 0.
                Operand gotResult = context.CompareAndSwap(tableAddress, Const(0L), address);

                // Is the address ours? (either taken via CompareAndSwap (0), or what was already here)
                        context.ICompareEqual(gotResult, address),
                        context.ICompareEqual(gotResult, Const(0L)))

                // It's ours, so what function is it pointing to?
                Operand targetFunctionPtr = context.Add(tableAddress, Const(8L));
                Operand targetFunction = context.Load(OperandType.I64, targetFunctionPtr);

                // Call the function.
                // We pass in the entry address as the guest address, as the entry may need to be updated by the
                // indirect call stub.
                EmitNativeCallWithGuestAddress(context, targetFunction, tableAddress, isJump);


            // Currently this uses a size of 1, as higher values inflate code size for no real benefit.
            for (int i = 0; i < JumpTable.DynamicTableElems; i++)
                if (i == JumpTable.DynamicTableElems - 1)
                    // If this is the last entry, avoid emitting the additional label and add.
                    Operand nextLabel = Label();



                    // Move to the next table entry.
                    tableAddress = context.Add(tableAddress, Const((long)JumpTable.JumpTableStride));


            EmitBranchFallback(context, address, isJump);


        private static void EmitJumpTableBranch(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand address, bool isJump)
            if (address.Type == OperandType.I32)
                address = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, address);


            // TODO: Constant folding. Indirect calls are slower in the best case and emit more code so we want to
            // avoid them when possible.
            bool isConst = address.Kind == OperandKind.Constant;
            ulong constAddr = address.Value;

            if (!context.HighCq)
                // Don't emit indirect calls or jumps if we're compiling in lowCq mode. This avoids wasting space on the
                // jump and indirect tables. Just ask the translator for the function address.
                EmitBranchFallback(context, address, isJump);
            else if (!isConst)
                // Virtual branch/call - store first used addresses on a small table for fast lookup.
                int entry = context.JumpTable.ReserveDynamicEntry(context.EntryAddress, isJump);

                int jumpOffset = entry * JumpTable.JumpTableStride * JumpTable.DynamicTableElems;

                Operand dynTablePtr;

                if (Ptc.State == PtcState.Disabled)
                    dynTablePtr = Const(context.JumpTable.DynamicPointer.ToInt64() + jumpOffset);
                    dynTablePtr = Const(context.JumpTable.DynamicPointer.ToInt64(), true, Ptc.DynamicPointerIndex);
                    dynTablePtr = context.Add(dynTablePtr, Const((long)jumpOffset));

                EmitDynamicTableCall(context, dynTablePtr, address, isJump);
                int entry = context.JumpTable.ReserveTableEntry(context.EntryAddress, constAddr, isJump);

                int jumpOffset = entry * JumpTable.JumpTableStride + 8; // Offset directly to the host address.

                Operand tableEntryPtr;

                if (Ptc.State == PtcState.Disabled)
                    tableEntryPtr = Const(context.JumpTable.JumpPointer.ToInt64() + jumpOffset);
                    tableEntryPtr = Const(context.JumpTable.JumpPointer.ToInt64(), true, Ptc.JumpPointerIndex);
                    tableEntryPtr = context.Add(tableEntryPtr, Const((long)jumpOffset));

                Operand funcAddr = context.Load(OperandType.I64, tableEntryPtr);

                // Call the function directly. If it's not present yet, this will call the direct call stub.
                EmitNativeCallWithGuestAddress(context, funcAddr, address, isJump);